(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* HaskStrongToProof: convert HaskStrong to HaskProof *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import NaturalDeduction. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Coq.Init.Specif. Require Import HaskKinds. Require Import HaskStrongTypes. Require Import HaskStrong. Require Import HaskProof. Axiom fail : forall {A}, string -> A. Extract Inlined Constant fail => "Prelude.error". Section HaskStrongToProof. (* Whereas RLeft/RRight perform left and right context expansion on a single uniform rule, these functions perform * expansion on an entire uniform proof *) Definition ext_left {Γ}{Δ}(ctx:Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ ★)) := @nd_map' _ _ _ _ (ext_tree_left ctx) (fun h c r => nd_rule (@RLeft Γ Δ h c ctx r)). Definition ext_right {Γ}{Δ}(ctx:Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ ★)) := @nd_map' _ _ _ _ (ext_tree_right ctx) (fun h c r => nd_rule (@RRight Γ Δ h c ctx r)). Definition pivotContext {Γ}{Δ} a b c τ : @ND _ (@URule Γ Δ) [ Γ >> Δ > (a,,b),,c |- τ] [ Γ >> Δ > (a,,c),,b |- τ]. set (ext_left a _ _ (nd_rule (@RExch Γ Δ τ c b))) as q. simpl in *. eapply nd_comp ; [ eapply nd_rule; apply RCossa | idtac ]. eapply nd_comp ; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAssoc ]. apply q. Defined. Definition copyAndPivotContext {Γ}{Δ} a b c τ : @ND _ (@URule Γ Δ) [ Γ >> Δ > (a,,b),,(c,,b) |- τ] [ Γ >> Δ > (a,,c),,b |- τ]. set (ext_left (a,,c) _ _ (nd_rule (@RCont Γ Δ τ b))) as q. simpl in *. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply q ]. clear q. eapply nd_comp ; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RCossa ]. set (ext_right b _ _ (@pivotContext _ Δ a b c τ)) as q. simpl in *. eapply nd_comp ; [ idtac | apply q ]. clear q. apply nd_rule. apply RAssoc. Defined. Context {VV:Type}{eqd_vv:EqDecidable VV}. (* maintenance of Xi *) Definition dropVar (lv:list VV)(v:VV) : ??VV := if fold_left (fun a b:bool => if a then true else if b then true else false) (map (fun lvv => if eqd_dec lvv v then true else false) lv) false then None else Some v. (* later: use mapOptionTreeAndFlatten *) Definition stripOutVars (lv:list VV) : Tree ??VV -> Tree ??VV := mapTree (fun x => match x with None => None | Some vt => dropVar lv vt end). Fixpoint expr2antecedent {Γ'}{Δ'}{ξ'}{τ'}(exp:Expr Γ' Δ' ξ' τ') : Tree ??VV := match exp as E in Expr Γ Δ ξ τ with | EVar Γ Δ ξ ev => [ev] | ELit Γ Δ ξ lit lev => [] | EApp Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev e1 e2 => (expr2antecedent e1),,(expr2antecedent e2) | ELam Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev v e => stripOutVars (v::nil) (expr2antecedent e) | ELet Γ Δ ξ tv t lev v ev ebody => ((stripOutVars (v::nil) (expr2antecedent ebody)),,(expr2antecedent ev)) | EEsc Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => expr2antecedent e | EBrak Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => expr2antecedent e | ECast Γ Δ ξ γ t1 t2 lev e => expr2antecedent e | ENote Γ Δ ξ t n e => expr2antecedent e | ETyLam Γ Δ ξ κ σ l e => expr2antecedent e | ECoLam Γ Δ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e | ECoApp Γ Δ κ γ σ₁ σ₂ σ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e | ETyApp Γ Δ κ σ τ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ l τ vars branches body => let branch_context := eLetRecContext branches in let all_contexts := (expr2antecedent body),,branch_context in stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _ ) vars)) all_contexts | ECase Γ Δ ξ l tc tbranches sac atypes e' alts => ((fix varsfromalts (alts: Tree ??{ scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs _ _ tc sac atypes & Expr (sac_Γ scb Γ) (sac_Δ scb Γ atypes (weakCK'' Δ)) (scbwv_ξ scb ξ l) (weakLT' (tbranches@@l)) } ): Tree ??VV := match alts with | T_Leaf None => [] | T_Leaf (Some h) => stripOutVars (vec2list (scbwv_exprvars (projT1 h))) (expr2antecedent (projT2 h)) | T_Branch b1 b2 => (varsfromalts b1),,(varsfromalts b2) end) alts),,(expr2antecedent e') end with eLetRecContext {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{tree}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev tree) : Tree ??VV := match elrb with | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => [] | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t lev v e => expr2antecedent e | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => (eLetRecContext b1),,(eLetRecContext b2) end. (* Definition caseBranchRuleInfoFromEStrongAltCon `(ecb:EStrongAltCon Γ Δ ξ lev n tc avars tbranches) : @StrongAltConRuleInfo n tc Γ lev tbranches. set (ecase2antecedent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ecb) as Σ. destruct ecb. apply Build_StrongAltConRuleInfo with (pcb_scb := alt)(pcb_Σ := mapOptionTree ξ Σ). Defined. Definition judgFromEStrongAltCon `(ecb:EStrongAltCon Γ Δ ξ lev n tc avars tbranches) : Judg. apply caseBranchRuleInfoFromEStrongAltCon in ecb. destruct ecb. eapply pcb_judg. Defined. Implicit Arguments caseBranchRuleInfoFromEStrongAltCon [ [Γ] [Δ] [ξ] [lev] [tc] [avars] [tbranches] ]. *) Definition unlev {Γ:TypeEnv}(lht:LeveledHaskType Γ ★) : HaskType Γ ★ := match lht with t @@ l => t end. Fixpoint eLetRecTypes {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{τ}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev τ) : Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ ★) := match elrb with | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => [] | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t lev v e => [unlev (ξ v) @@ lev] | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => (eLetRecTypes b1),,(eLetRecTypes b2) end. Fixpoint eLetRecVars {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{τ}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev τ) : Tree ??VV := match elrb with | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => [] | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t lev v e => [v] | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => (eLetRecVars b1),,(eLetRecVars b2) end. Fixpoint eLetRecTypesVars {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{τ}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev τ) : Tree ??(VV * LeveledHaskType Γ ★):= match elrb with | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => [] | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t lev v e => [(v, ξ v)] | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => (eLetRecTypesVars b1),,(eLetRecTypesVars b2) end. Lemma stripping_nothing_is_inert {Γ:TypeEnv} (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) tree : stripOutVars nil tree = tree. induction tree. simpl; destruct a; reflexivity. unfold stripOutVars. fold stripOutVars. simpl. fold (stripOutVars nil). rewrite IHtree1. rewrite IHtree2. reflexivity. Qed. Definition arrangeContext (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) v (* variable to be pivoted, if found *) ctx (* initial context *) τ (* type of succedent *) (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) : (* a proof concluding in a context where that variable does not appear *) sum (ND (@URule Γ Δ) [Γ >> Δ > mapOptionTree ξ ctx |- τ] [Γ >> Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[] |- τ]) (* or a proof concluding in a context where that variable appears exactly once in the left branch *) (ND (@URule Γ Δ) [Γ >> Δ > mapOptionTree ξ ctx |- τ] [Γ >> Δ > mapOptionTree ξ ((stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[v]) |- τ]). induction ctx; simpl in *. refine (match a with None => let case_None := tt in _ | Some v' => let case_Some := tt in _ end); simpl in *. (* nonempty leaf *) destruct case_Some. unfold stripOutVars in *; simpl. unfold dropVar. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. destruct (eqd_dec v v'); simpl in *. (* where the leaf is v *) apply inr. subst. apply nd_rule. apply RuCanL. (* where the leaf is NOT v *) apply inl. apply nd_rule. apply RuCanR. (* empty leaf *) destruct case_None. apply inl; simpl in *. apply nd_rule. apply RuCanR. (* branch *) refine ( match IHctx1 with | inr lpf => match IHctx2 with | inr rpf => let case_Both := tt in _ | inl rpf => let case_Left := tt in _ end | inl lpf => match IHctx2 with | inr rpf => let case_Right := tt in _ | inl rpf => let case_Neither := tt in _ end end); clear IHctx1; clear IHctx2. destruct case_Neither. apply inl. eapply nd_comp; [idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RuCanR ]. exact (nd_comp (* order will not matter because these are central as morphisms *) (ext_right _ _ _ (nd_comp lpf (nd_rule (@RCanR _ _ _ _)))) (ext_left _ _ _ (nd_comp rpf (nd_rule (@RCanR _ _ _ _))))). destruct case_Right. apply inr. fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). set (ext_right (mapOptionTree ξ ctx2) _ _ (nd_comp lpf (nd_rule (@RCanR _ _ _ _)))) as q. simpl in *. eapply nd_comp. apply q. clear q. clear lpf. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAssoc ]. set (ext_left (mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx1)) [Γ >> Δ>mapOptionTree ξ ctx2 |- τ] [Γ >> Δ> (mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx2),,[ξ v]) |- τ]) as qq. apply qq. clear qq. apply rpf. destruct case_Left. apply inr. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply pivotContext ]. set (nd_comp rpf (nd_rule (@RCanR _ _ _ _ ) ) ) as rpf'. set (ext_left ((mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx1),, [ξ v])) _ _ rpf') as qq. simpl in *. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply qq ]. clear qq rpf' rpf. set (ext_right (mapOptionTree ξ ctx2) [Γ >>Δ> mapOptionTree ξ ctx1 |- τ] [Γ >>Δ> (mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx1),, [ξ v]) |- τ]) as q. apply q. clear q. apply lpf. destruct case_Both. apply inr. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply copyAndPivotContext ]. exact (nd_comp (* order will not matter because these are central as morphisms *) (ext_right _ _ _ lpf) (ext_left _ _ _ rpf)). Defined. (* same as before, but use RWeak if necessary *) Definition arrangeContextAndWeaken v ctx Γ Δ τ ξ : ND (@URule Γ Δ) [Γ >> Δ>mapOptionTree ξ ctx |- τ] [Γ >> Δ>mapOptionTree ξ ((stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[v]) |- τ]. set (arrangeContext Γ Δ v ctx τ ξ) as q. destruct q; auto. eapply nd_comp; [ apply n | idtac ]. clear n. refine (ext_left _ _ _ (nd_rule (RWeak _ _))). Defined. Definition arrangeContextAndWeaken'' Γ Δ ξ v : forall ctx z, ND (@URule Γ Δ) [Γ >> Δ>(mapOptionTree ξ ctx) |- z] [Γ >> Δ>(mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (leaves v) ctx)),,(mapOptionTree ξ v) |- z]. induction v. destruct a. unfold mapOptionTree in *. simpl in *. fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. intros. apply arrangeContextAndWeaken. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl in *. intros. rewrite (@stripping_nothing_is_inert Γ); auto. apply nd_rule. apply RuCanR. intros. unfold mapOptionTree in *. simpl in *. fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. set (mapOptionTree ξ) as X in *. set (IHv2 ((stripOutVars (leaves v1) ctx),, v1) z) as IHv2'. unfold stripOutVars in IHv2'. simpl in IHv2'. fold (stripOutVars (leaves v2)) in IHv2'. fold (stripOutVars (leaves v1)) in IHv2'. unfold X in IHv2'. unfold mapOptionTree in IHv2'. simpl in IHv2'. fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in IHv2'. fold X in IHv2'. set (nd_comp (IHv1 _ _) IHv2') as qq. eapply nd_comp. apply qq. clear qq IHv2' IHv2 IHv1. assert ((stripOutVars (leaves v2) (stripOutVars (leaves v1) ctx))=(stripOutVars (app (leaves v1) (leaves v2)) ctx)). admit. rewrite H. clear H. (* FIXME TOTAL BOGOSITY *) assert ((stripOutVars (leaves v2) v1) = v1). admit. rewrite H. clear H. apply nd_rule. apply RCossa. Defined. Definition update_ξ'' {Γ} ξ tree lev := (update_ξ ξ (map (fun x : VV * HaskType Γ ★ => ⟨fst x, snd x @@ lev ⟩) (leaves tree))). Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert {Γ} (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) v tree lev : mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ ((v,lev)::nil)) (stripOutVars (v :: nil) tree) = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) tree). induction tree; simpl in *; try reflexivity; auto. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *; fold (mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ ((v,lev)::nil))) in *. destruct a; simpl; try reflexivity. unfold update_ξ. simpl. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. unfold update_ξ. unfold dropVar. simpl. set (eqd_dec v v0) as q. assert (q=eqd_dec v v0). reflexivity. destruct q. reflexivity. rewrite <- H. reflexivity. auto. unfold mapOptionTree. unfold mapOptionTree in IHtree1. unfold mapOptionTree in IHtree2. simpl in *. simpl in IHtree1. fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). rewrite <- IHtree1. rewrite <- IHtree2. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert' {Γ} lev (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) tree tree2 : mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) (stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) tree2) = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) tree2). admit. Qed. Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert'' {Γ} (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) v tree lev : mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ (unleaves v) lev) (stripOutVars (map (@fst _ _) v) tree) = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (map (@fst _ _) v) tree). admit. Qed. (* Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert''' {Γ} (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ) {T} (idx:Tree ??T) (types:ShapedTree (LeveledHaskType Γ) idx)(vars:ShapedTree VV idx) tree : mapOptionTree (update_ξ''' ξ types vars) (stripOutVars (leaves (unshape vars)) tree) = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (leaves (unshape vars)) tree). admit. Qed. *) (* IDEA: use multi-conclusion proofs instead *) Inductive LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev : forall tree, ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev tree -> Type := | lrsp_nil : LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev [] (ELR_nil _ _ _ _) | lrsp_leaf : forall v e, (ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e) |- [((unlev (ξ v) @@ lev))]]) -> LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev [(v, (unlev (ξ v)))] (ELR_leaf _ _ _ _ _ _ e) | lrsp_cons : forall t1 t2 b1 b2, LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev t1 b1 -> LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev t2 b2 -> LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev (t1,,t2) (ELR_branch _ _ _ _ _ _ b1 b2). Lemma dork : forall Γ Δ ξ lev tree (branches:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev tree), eLetRecTypes branches = mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree). intros. induction branches. reflexivity. simpl. unfold update_ξ. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl. admit. admit. Qed. Lemma letRecSubproofsToND Γ Δ ξ lev tree branches : LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev tree branches -> ND Rule [] [ Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (eLetRecContext branches) |- eLetRecTypes branches ]. intro X. induction X; intros; simpl in *. apply nd_rule. apply REmptyGroup. unfold mapOptionTree. simpl. apply n. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RBindingGroup ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply nd_prod; auto. Defined. Lemma update_twice_useless : forall Γ (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) tree z lev, mapOptionTree (@update_ξ'' Γ ξ tree lev) z = mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) tree lev) z. admit. Qed. Lemma letRecSubproofsToND' Γ Δ ξ lev τ tree : forall branches body, ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) (expr2antecedent body) |- [τ @@ lev]] -> LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) lev tree branches -> ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent (@ELetRec VV _ Γ Δ ξ lev τ tree branches body)) |- [τ @@ lev]]. (* NOTE: how we interpret stuff here affects the order-of-side-effects *) simpl. intro branches. intro body. intro pf. intro lrsp. set ((update_ξ ξ (map (fun x : VV * HaskType Γ ★ => ⟨fst x, snd x @@ lev ⟩) (leaves tree)))) as ξ' in *. set ((stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) (eLetRecContext branches))) as ctx. set (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree) as pctx. set (mapOptionTree ξ' pctx) as passback. set (fun a b => @RLetRec Γ Δ a b passback) as z. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply z ]. clear z. set (@arrangeContextAndWeaken'' Γ Δ ξ' pctx (expr2antecedent body,,eLetRecContext branches)) as q'. unfold passback in *; clear passback. unfold pctx in *; clear pctx. eapply UND_to_ND in q'. unfold ξ' in *. set (@updating_stripped_tree_is_inert') as zz. unfold update_ξ'' in *. rewrite zz in q'. clear zz. clear ξ'. simpl in q'. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply q' ]. clear q'. unfold mapOptionTree. simpl. fold (mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev)). simpl. set (letRecSubproofsToND _ _ _ _ _ branches lrsp) as q. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RBindingGroup ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply nd_prod; auto. rewrite dork in q. set (@update_twice_useless Γ ξ tree ((mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) lev) as zz. unfold update_ξ'' in *. rewrite <- zz in q. apply q. Defined. (* Lemma update_ξ_and_reapply : forall Γ ξ {T}(idx:Tree ??T)(types:ShapedTree (LeveledHaskType Γ) idx)(vars:ShapedTree VV idx), unshape types = mapOptionTree (update_ξ''' ξ types vars) (unshape vars). admit. Qed. *) Lemma cheat : forall {T} (a b:T), a=b. admit. Defined. Definition expr2proof : forall Γ Δ ξ τ (e:Expr Γ Δ ξ τ), ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e) |- [τ]]. refine (fix expr2proof Γ' Δ' ξ' τ' (exp:Expr Γ' Δ' ξ' τ') {struct exp} : ND Rule [] [Γ' > Δ' > mapOptionTree ξ' (expr2antecedent exp) |- [τ']] := match exp as E in Expr Γ Δ ξ τ with | EVar Γ Δ ξ ev => let case_EVar := tt in _ | ELit Γ Δ ξ lit lev => let case_ELit := tt in _ | EApp Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev e1 e2 => let case_EApp := tt in let e1' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e1 in let e2' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e2 in _ | ELam Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev v e => let case_ELam := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | ELet Γ Δ ξ tv t v lev ev ebody => let case_ELet := tt in let pf_let := (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ev) in let pf_body := (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ebody) in _ | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ lev t tree branches ebody => let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ ebody in let ξ' := update_ξ'' ξ tree lev in let subproofs := ((fix subproofs Γ'' Δ'' ξ'' lev'' (tree':Tree ??(VV * HaskType Γ'' ★)) (branches':ELetRecBindings Γ'' Δ'' ξ'' lev'' tree') : LetRecSubproofs Γ'' Δ'' ξ'' lev'' tree' branches' := match branches' as B in ELetRecBindings G D X L T return LetRecSubproofs G D X L T B with | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => lrsp_nil _ _ _ _ | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t l v e => (fun e' => let case_elr_leaf := tt in _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => lrsp_cons _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (subproofs _ _ _ _ _ b1) (subproofs _ _ _ _ _ b2) end ) _ _ _ _ tree branches) in let case_ELetRec := tt in _ | EEsc Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => let case_EEsc := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | EBrak Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => let case_EBrak := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | ECast Γ Δ ξ γ t1 t2 lev e => let case_ECast := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | ENote Γ Δ ξ t n e => let case_ENote := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | ETyLam Γ Δ ξ κ σ l e => let case_ETyLam := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | ECoLam Γ Δ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ ξ l e => let case_ECoLam := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | ECoApp Γ Δ κ σ₁ σ₂ σ γ ξ l e => let case_ECoApp := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | ETyApp Γ Δ κ σ τ ξ l e => let case_ETyApp := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ | ECase Γ Δ ξ l tc tbranches sac atypes e alts => (* let dcsp := ((fix mkdcsp (alts: Tree ??{ scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs tc avars & Expr (sac_Γ scb Γ) (sac_Δ scb Γ avars (weakCK'' Δ)) (scbwv_ξ scb ξ lev) (weakLT' (tbranches@@lev)) }) : ND Rule [] (mapOptionTree judgFromEStrongAltCon alts) := match alts as ALTS return ND Rule [] (mapOptionTree judgFromEStrongAltCon ALTS) with | T_Leaf None => let case_nil := tt in _ | T_Leaf (Some x) => (fun ecb' => let case_leaf := tt in _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ (projT2 x)) | T_Branch b1 b2 => let case_branch := tt in _ end) alts) in *) let case_ECase := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) end ); clear exp ξ' τ' Γ' Δ'; simpl in *. destruct case_EVar. apply nd_rule. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl. destruct (ξ ev). apply RVar. destruct case_ELit. apply nd_rule. apply RLit. destruct case_EApp. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ). eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RApp ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply nd_prod; auto. destruct case_ELam; intros. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ). eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RLam ]. set (update_ξ ξ ((v,t1@@lev)::nil)) as ξ'. set (arrangeContextAndWeaken v (expr2antecedent e) Γ Δ [t2 @@ lev] ξ') as pfx. apply UND_to_ND in pfx. unfold mapOptionTree in pfx; simpl in pfx; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in pfx. unfold ξ' in pfx. fold (mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ ((v,(t1@@lev))::nil))) in pfx. rewrite updating_stripped_tree_is_inert in pfx. unfold update_ξ in pfx. destruct (eqd_dec v v). eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply pfx ]. clear pfx. apply e'. assert False. apply n. auto. inversion H. destruct case_ELet; intros. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; eapply RLet ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply nd_prod; [ idtac | apply pf_let]. clear pf_let. eapply nd_comp; [ apply pf_body | idtac ]. clear pf_body. fold (@mapOptionTree VV). fold (mapOptionTree ξ). set (update_ξ ξ ((lev,(tv @@ v))::nil)) as ξ'. set (arrangeContextAndWeaken lev (expr2antecedent ebody) Γ Δ [t@@v] ξ') as n. unfold mapOptionTree in n; simpl in n; fold (mapOptionTree ξ') in n. unfold ξ' in n. rewrite updating_stripped_tree_is_inert in n. unfold update_ξ in n. destruct (eqd_dec lev lev). unfold ξ'. unfold update_ξ. apply UND_to_ND in n. apply n. assert False. apply n0; auto. inversion H. destruct case_EEsc. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply REsc ]. apply e'. destruct case_EBrak; intros. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RBrak ]. apply e'. destruct case_ECast. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; eapply RCast ]. apply e'. auto. destruct case_ENote. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RNote ]. apply e'. auto. destruct case_ETyApp; intros. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAppT ]. apply e'. auto. destruct case_ECoLam; intros. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAbsCo with (κ:=κ) ]. apply e'. destruct case_ECoApp; intros. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (@RAppCo _ _ (mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e)) _ σ₁ σ₂ σ γ l) ]. apply e'. auto. destruct case_ETyLam; intros. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAbsT ]. unfold mapOptionTree in e'. rewrite mapOptionTree_compose in e'. unfold mapOptionTree. apply e'. destruct case_ECase. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ). apply (fail "ECase not implemented"). (* eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; eapply RCase ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]; apply nd_prod. rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose. apply dcsp. apply e'. *) destruct case_elr_leaf; intros. assert (unlev (ξ0 v) = t0). apply cheat. set (@lrsp_leaf Γ0 Δ0 ξ0 l v) as q. rewrite H in q. apply q. apply e'0. destruct case_ELetRec; intros. set (@letRecSubproofsToND') as q. simpl in q. apply q. clear q. apply e'. apply subproofs. (* destruct case_leaf. unfold pcb_judg. simpl. clear mkdcsp alts0 o ecb Γ Δ ξ lev tc avars e alts u. repeat rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose in *. set (nd_comp ecb' (UND_to_ND _ _ _ _ (@arrangeContextAndWeaken'' _ _ _ (unshape corevars) _ _))) as q. idtac. assert (unshape (scb_types alt) = (mapOptionTree (update_ξ''' (weakenX' ξ0) (scb_types alt) corevars) (unshape corevars))). apply update_ξ_and_reapply. rewrite H. simpl in q. unfold mapOptionTree in q; simpl in q. set (@updating_stripped_tree_is_inert''') as u. unfold mapOptionTree in u. rewrite u in q. clear u H. unfold weakenX' in *. admit. unfold mapOptionTree in *. replace (@weakenT' _ (sac_ekinds alt) (coreTypeToType φ tbranches0)) with (coreTypeToType (updatePhi φ (sac_evars alt)) tbranches0). apply q. apply cheat. destruct case_branch. simpl; eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply nd_prod. apply (mkdcsp b1). apply (mkdcsp b2). *) Defined. End HaskStrongToProof. (* (* Figure 7, production "decl"; actually not used in this formalization *) Inductive Decl :=. | DeclDataType : forall tc:TyCon, (forall dc:DataCon tc, DataConDecl dc) -> Decl | DeclTypeFunction : forall n t l, TypeFunctionDecl n t l -> Decl | DeclAxiom : forall n ccon vk TV, @AxiomDecl n ccon vk TV -> Decl. (* Figure 1, production "pgm" *) Inductive Pgm Γ Δ := mkPgm : forall (τ:HaskType Γ), list Decl -> ND Rule [] [Γ>Δ> [] |- [τ @@nil]] -> Pgm Γ Δ. *)