(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* HaskStrongTypes: representation of types and coercions for HaskStrong *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import HaskGeneral. Require Import HaskLiterals. (* types prefixed with "Raw" are NOT binder-polymorphic; they have had their PHOAS parameter instantiated already *) Section Raw. (* TV is the PHOAS type which stands for type variables of System FC *) Context {TV:Type}. (* Figure 7: ρ, σ, τ, ν *) Inductive RawHaskType : Type := | TVar : TV -> RawHaskType (* a *) | TCon : ∀n, TyCon n -> RawHaskType (* T *) | TCoerc : Kind -> RawHaskType (* (+>) *) | TApp : RawHaskType -> RawHaskType -> RawHaskType (* φ φ *) | TFCApp : ∀n, TyFunConst n -> vec RawHaskType n -> RawHaskType (* S_n *) | TAll : Kind -> (TV -> RawHaskType) -> RawHaskType (* ∀a:κ.φ *) | TCode : RawHaskType -> RawHaskType -> RawHaskType (* from λ^α *). (* the "kind" of a coercion is a pair of types *) Inductive RawCoercionKind : Type := mkRawCoercionKind : RawHaskType -> RawHaskType -> RawCoercionKind. Section CV. (* the PHOAS type which stands for coercion variables of System FC *) Context {CV:Type}. (* Figure 7: γ, δ *) Inductive RawHaskCoer : Prop := | CoVar : CV -> RawHaskCoer (* g *) | CoType : RawHaskType -> RawHaskCoer (* τ *) | CoApp : RawHaskCoer -> RawHaskCoer -> RawHaskCoer (* γ γ *) | CoAppT : RawHaskCoer -> RawHaskType -> RawHaskCoer (* γ@v *) | CoCFApp : ∀n, CoFunConst n -> vec RawHaskCoer n -> RawHaskCoer (* C γⁿ *) | CoTFApp : ∀n, TyFunConst n -> vec RawHaskCoer n -> RawHaskCoer (* S_n γⁿ *) | CoAll : Kind -> (TV -> RawHaskCoer) -> RawHaskCoer (* ∀a:κ.γ *) | CoSym : RawHaskCoer -> RawHaskCoer (* sym *) | CoComp : RawHaskCoer -> RawHaskCoer -> RawHaskCoer (* ◯ *) | CoLeft : RawHaskCoer -> RawHaskCoer (* left *) | CoRight : RawHaskCoer -> RawHaskCoer (* right *). End CV. End Raw. Implicit Arguments TCon [ [TV] [n]]. Implicit Arguments TFCApp [ [TV] [n]]. Implicit Arguments RawHaskType [ ]. Implicit Arguments RawHaskCoer [ ]. Implicit Arguments RawCoercionKind [ ]. Notation "t1 ---> t2" := (fun TV env => (@TApp _ (@TApp _ (@TCon TV _ ArrowTyCon) (t1 TV env)) (t2 TV env))). Notation "φ₁ ∼∼ φ₂ : κ ⇒ φ₃" := (fun TV env => @TApp _ (@TApp _ (@TCon _ _ ArrowTyCon) (@TApp _ (@TApp _ (@TCoerc _ κ) (φ₁ TV env)) (φ₂ TV env))) (φ₃ TV env)). (* Kind and Coercion Environments *) (* * In System FC, the environment consists of three components, each of * whose well-formedness depends on all of those prior to it: * * 1. (TypeEnv) The list of free type variables and their kinds * 2. (CoercionEnv) The list of free coercion variables and the pair of types between which it witnesses coercibility * 3. (Tree ??CoreVar) The list of free value variables and the type of each one *) Definition TypeEnv := list Kind. Definition InstantiatedTypeEnv (TV:Type) (Γ:TypeEnv) := vec TV (length Γ). Definition HaskCoercionKind (Γ:TypeEnv) := ∀ TV, InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ -> @RawCoercionKind TV. Definition CoercionEnv (Γ:TypeEnv) := list (HaskCoercionKind Γ). Definition InstantiatedCoercionEnv (TV CV:Type)(Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ):= vec CV (length Δ). (* A (HaskXX Γ) is an XX which is valid in environments of shape Γ; they are always PHOAS-uninstantiated *) Definition HaskTyVar (Γ:TypeEnv) := forall TV (env:@InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ), TV. Definition HaskCoVar Γ Δ := forall TV CV (env:@InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ)(cenv:@InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ), CV. Definition HaskLevel (Γ:TypeEnv) := list (HaskTyVar Γ). Definition HaskType (Γ:TypeEnv) := ∀ TV, @InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ -> RawHaskType TV. Definition HaskCoercion Γ Δ := ∀ TV CV, @InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ -> @InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ -> RawHaskCoer TV CV. Inductive LeveledHaskType (Γ:TypeEnv) := mkLeveledHaskType : HaskType Γ -> HaskLevel Γ -> LeveledHaskType Γ. Definition FreshHaskTyVar {Γ}(κ:Kind) : HaskTyVar (κ::Γ) := fun TV env => vec_head env. Definition HaskTAll {Γ}(κ:Kind)(σ:forall TV (env:@InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ), TV -> RawHaskType TV) : HaskType Γ := fun TV env => TAll κ (σ TV env). Definition HaskTApp {Γ}(σ:forall TV (env:@InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ), TV -> RawHaskType TV)(cv:HaskTyVar Γ) : HaskType Γ := fun TV env => σ TV env (cv TV env). Definition HaskBrak {Γ}(v:HaskTyVar Γ)(t:HaskType Γ) : HaskType Γ := fun TV env => @TCode TV (TVar (v TV env)) (t TV env). Definition HaskTCon {Γ}{n}(tc:TyCon n) : HaskType Γ := fun TV ite => TCon tc. Definition HaskAppT {Γ}(t1 t2:HaskType Γ) : HaskType Γ := fun TV ite => TApp (t1 TV ite) (t2 TV ite). Definition mkHaskCoercionKind {Γ}(t1 t2:HaskType Γ) : HaskCoercionKind Γ := fun TV ite => mkRawCoercionKind (t1 TV ite) (t2 TV ite). (* PHOAS substitution on types *) Definition substT {Γ}(exp:forall TV (env:@InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ), TV -> RawHaskType TV)(v:@HaskType Γ) : @HaskType Γ := fun TV env => (fix flattenT (exp: RawHaskType (RawHaskType TV)) : RawHaskType TV := match exp with | TVar x => x | TAll k y => TAll k (fun v => flattenT (y (TVar v))) | TApp x y => TApp (flattenT x) (flattenT y) | TCon n tc => TCon tc | TCoerc k => TCoerc k | TCode v e => TCode (flattenT v) (flattenT e) | TFCApp n tfc lt => TFCApp tfc ((fix flatten_vec n (expv:vec (RawHaskType (RawHaskType TV)) n) : vec (RawHaskType TV) n := match expv in vec _ N return vec (RawHaskType TV) N with | vec_nil => vec_nil | x:::y => (flattenT x):::(flatten_vec _ y) end) n lt) end) (exp (RawHaskType TV) (vec_map (fun tv => TVar tv) env) (v TV env)). Notation "t @@ l" := (@mkLeveledHaskType _ t l) (at level 20). Notation "t @@@ l" := (mapOptionTree (fun t' => t' @@ l) t) (at level 20). Notation "'<[' a '|-' t ']>'" := (@HaskBrak _ a t). (* like a GHC DataCon, but using PHOAS representation for types and coercions *) Record StrongAltConInfo {n}{tc:TyCon n} := { saci_numExTyVars : nat ; saci_numCoerVars : nat ; saci_numExprVars : nat ; saci_akinds : vec Kind n ; saci_ekinds : vec Kind saci_numExTyVars ; saci_kinds := app (vec2list saci_akinds) (vec2list saci_ekinds) ; saci_coercions : vec (HaskType saci_kinds * HaskType saci_kinds) saci_numCoerVars ; saci_types : vec (HaskType saci_kinds) saci_numExprVars }. Implicit Arguments StrongAltConInfo [[n]]. Definition caseType {Γ:TypeEnv}{n}(tc:TyCon n)(atypes:vec (HaskType Γ) n) := fold_left HaskAppT (vec2list atypes) (HaskTCon(Γ:=Γ) tc). (* FIXME: it's a mess below this point *) Definition unAddKindFromInstantiatedTypeEnv {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ:Kind}{TV:Type}(ite:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV (κ::Γ)) := vec_tail ite. Definition addKindToCoercionEnv (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ)(κ:Kind) : CoercionEnv (κ::Γ) := map (fun f => (fun TV ite => f TV (unAddKindFromInstantiatedTypeEnv ite))) Δ. Definition addKindToInstantiatedTypeEnv {Γ:TypeEnv}{TV:Type}(env:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ)(tv:TV)(κ:Kind) : InstantiatedTypeEnv TV (κ::Γ) := tv:::env. Definition addKindToInstantiatedCoercionEnv {Γ:TypeEnv}{Δ}{TV CV:Type}(env:InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ)(tv:TV)(κ:Kind) : InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV (κ::Γ) (addKindToCoercionEnv Γ Δ κ). simpl. unfold InstantiatedCoercionEnv. unfold addKindToCoercionEnv. simpl. rewrite <- map_preserves_length. apply env. Defined. Definition typeEnvContainsType {Γ}{TV:Type}(env:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ)(tv:TV)(κ:Kind) : Prop := @vec_In _ _ (tv,κ) (vec_zip env (list2vec Γ)). Definition coercionEnvContainsCoercion {Γ}{Δ}{TV CV:Type}(ite:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ) (ice:InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ)(cv:CV)(ck:RawCoercionKind TV) := @vec_In _ _ (cv,ck) (vec_zip ice (vec_map (fun f => f TV ite) (list2vec Δ))). Definition addCoercionToCoercionEnv {Γ}(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ)(κ:HaskCoercionKind Γ) : CoercionEnv Γ := κ::Δ. Definition addCoercionToInstantiatedCoercionEnv {Γ}{Δ}{κ}{TV CV}(ice:InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ)(cv:CV) : InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ (addCoercionToCoercionEnv Δ κ). simpl. unfold addCoercionToCoercionEnv; simpl. unfold InstantiatedCoercionEnv; simpl. apply vec_cons; auto. Defined. Notation "env ∋ tv : κ" := (@typeEnvContainsType _ _ env tv κ). Notation "env '+' tv : κ" := (@addKindToInstantiatedTypeEnv _ _ env tv κ). (* the various "weak" functions turn a HaskXX-in-Γ into a HaskXX-in-(κ::Γ) *) Definition weakITE {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}{TV}(ite:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV (κ::Γ)) : InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ := vec_tail ite. Definition weakITE' {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}{TV}(ite:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV (app κ Γ)) : InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ. induction κ; auto. apply IHκ. inversion ite; subst. apply X0. Defined. Definition weakCE {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) : CoercionEnv (κ::Γ) := map (fun x => (fun tv ite => x tv (weakITE ite))) Δ. Definition weakV {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}(cv':HaskTyVar Γ) : HaskTyVar (κ::Γ) := fun TV ite => (cv' TV (weakITE ite)). Definition weakV' {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}(cv':HaskTyVar Γ) : HaskTyVar (app κ Γ). induction κ; auto. apply weakV; auto. Defined. Definition weakT {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ:Kind}(lt:HaskType Γ) : HaskType (κ::Γ) := fun TV ite => lt TV (weakITE ite). Definition weakL {Γ}{κ}(lt:HaskLevel Γ) : HaskLevel (κ::Γ) := map weakV lt. Definition weakT' {Γ}{κ}(lt:HaskType Γ) : HaskType (app κ Γ). induction κ; auto. apply weakT; auto. Defined. Definition weakT'' {Γ}{κ}(lt:HaskType Γ) : HaskType (app Γ κ). unfold HaskType in *. unfold InstantiatedTypeEnv in *. intros. apply vec_chop in X. apply lt. apply X. Defined. Definition lamer {a}{b}{c}(lt:HaskType (app (app a b) c)) : HaskType (app a (app b c)). rewrite <- ass_app in lt. exact lt. Defined. Definition weakL' {Γ}{κ}(lev:HaskLevel Γ) : HaskLevel (app κ Γ). induction κ; auto. apply weakL; auto. Defined. Definition weakLT {Γ}{κ}(lt:LeveledHaskType Γ) : LeveledHaskType (κ::Γ) := match lt with t @@ l => weakT t @@ weakL l end. Definition weakLT' {Γ}{κ}(lt:LeveledHaskType Γ) : LeveledHaskType (app κ Γ) := match lt with t @@ l => weakT' t @@ weakL' l end. Definition weakCE' {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) : CoercionEnv (app κ Γ). induction κ; auto. apply weakCE; auto. Defined. Definition weakICE {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}{Δ:CoercionEnv Γ}{TV}{CV}(ice:InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV (κ::Γ) (weakCE Δ)) : InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ. intros. unfold InstantiatedCoercionEnv; intros. unfold InstantiatedCoercionEnv in ice. unfold weakCE in ice. simpl in ice. rewrite <- map_preserves_length in ice. apply ice. Defined. Definition weakICE' {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}{Δ:CoercionEnv Γ}{TV}{CV}(ice:InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV (app κ Γ) (weakCE' Δ)) : InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ. induction κ; auto. apply IHκ. eapply weakICE. apply ice. Defined. Definition weakCV {Γ}{Δ}{κ}(cv':HaskCoVar Γ Δ) : HaskCoVar (κ::Γ) (weakCE Δ) := fun TV CV ite ice => (cv' TV CV (weakITE ite) (weakICE ice)). Definition weakC {Γ}{κ}{Δ}(c:HaskCoercion Γ Δ) : HaskCoercion (κ::Γ) (weakCE Δ) := fun TV CV ite ice => c TV CV (weakITE ite) (weakICE ice). Definition weakF {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ:Kind}(f:forall TV (env:@InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ), TV -> RawHaskType TV) : forall TV (env:@InstantiatedTypeEnv TV (κ::Γ)), TV -> RawHaskType TV := fun TV ite tv => (f TV (weakITE ite) tv). (***************************************************************************************************) (* Well-Formedness of Types and Coercions *) (* also represents production "S_n:κ" of Γ because these can only wind up in Γ via rule (Type) *) Inductive TypeFunctionDecl (n:nat)(tfc:TyFunConst n)(vk:vec Kind n) : Type := mkTFD : Kind -> TypeFunctionDecl n tfc vk. (* Figure 8, upper half *) Inductive WellKinded_RawHaskType (TV:Type) : forall Γ:TypeEnv, InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ -> RawHaskType TV -> Kind -> Prop := | WFTyVar : forall Γ env κ d, env∋d:κ -> WellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ env (TVar d) κ | WFTyApp : forall Γ env κ₁ κ₂ σ₁ σ₂, WellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ env σ₁ (κ₁ ⇛ κ₂) -> WellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ env σ₂ κ₂ -> WellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ env (TApp σ₁ σ₂) κ₂ | WFTyAll : forall Γ (env:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ) κ σ , (∀ a, WellKinded_RawHaskType TV _ (@addKindToInstantiatedTypeEnv _ TV env a κ) (σ a) ★ ) -> WellKinded_RawHaskType TV _ env (TAll κ σ) ★ | TySCon : forall Γ env n tfc lt vk ι , @TypeFunctionDecl n tfc vk -> ListWellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ _ env lt vk -> WellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ env (TFCApp tfc lt) ι with ListWellKinded_RawHaskType (TV:Type) : forall (Γ:TypeEnv) n, InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ -> vec (RawHaskType TV) n -> vec Kind n -> Prop := | ListWFRawHaskTypenil : forall Γ env, ListWellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ 0 env vec_nil vec_nil | ListWFRawHaskTypecons : forall Γ env n t k lt lk, WellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ env t k -> ListWellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ n env lt lk -> ListWellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ (S n) env (t:::lt) (k:::lk). (* Fixpoint kindOfRawHaskType {TV}(rht:RawHaskType Kind) : Kind := match rht with | TVar k => k | TCon n tc => ̱★ (* FIXME: use the StrongAltConInfo *) | TCoerc k => k ⇛ (k ⇛ (★ ⇛ ★ )) | TApp ht1 ht2 : RawHaskType -> RawHaskType -> RawHaskType (* φ φ *) | TFCApp : ∀n, TyFunConst n -> vec RawHaskType n -> RawHaskType (* S_n *) | TAll : Kind -> (TV -> RawHaskType) -> RawHaskType (* ∀a:κ.φ *) | TCode : RawHaskType -> RawHaskType -> RawHaskType (* from λ^α *). *) Definition WellKindedHaskType Γ (ht:HaskType Γ) κ := forall TV env, WellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ env (ht TV env) κ. Notation "Γ '⊢ᴛy' σ : κ" := (WellKindedHaskType Γ σ κ). (* "decl", production for "axiom" *) Structure AxiomDecl (n:nat)(ccon:CoFunConst n)(vk:vec Kind n){TV:Type} : Type := { axd_τ : vec TV n -> RawHaskType TV ; axd_σ : vec TV n -> RawHaskType TV }. Section WFCo. Context {TV:Type}. Context {CV:Type}. (* local notations *) Notation "ienv '⊢ᴛy' σ : κ" := (@WellKinded_RawHaskType TV _ ienv σ κ). Notation "env ∋ cv : t1 ∼ t2 : Γ : t" := (@coercionEnvContainsCoercion Γ _ TV CV t env cv (@mkRawCoercionKind _ t1 t2)) (at level 20, t1 at level 99, t2 at level 99, t at level 99). Reserved Notation "ice '⊢ᴄᴏ' γ : a '∼' b : Δ : Γ : ite" (at level 20, γ at level 99, b at level 99, Δ at level 99, ite at level 99, Γ at level 99). (* Figure 8, lower half *) Inductive WFCoercion:forall Γ (Δ:CoercionEnv Γ), @InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ -> @InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ -> @RawHaskCoer TV CV -> @RawCoercionKind TV -> Prop :=. (* | CoTVar':∀ Γ Δ t e c σ τ, (@coercionEnvContainsCoercion Γ _ TV CV t e c (@mkRawCoercionKind _ σ τ)) -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoVar c : σ ∼ τ : Δ : Γ : t | CoRefl :∀ Γ Δ t e τ κ, t ⊢ᴛy τ :κ -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoType τ : τ ∼ τ : Δ :Γ: t | Sym :∀ Γ Δ t e γ σ τ, (e⊢ᴄᴏ γ : σ ∼ τ : Δ : Γ:t) -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoSym γ : τ ∼ σ : Δ :Γ: t | Trans :∀ Γ Δ t e γ₁ γ₂ σ₁ σ₂ σ₃,(e⊢ᴄᴏ γ₁:σ₁∼σ₂:Δ:Γ:t) -> (e⊢ᴄᴏ γ₂:σ₂∼σ₃:Δ:Γ:t) -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoComp γ₁ γ₂: σ₁ ∼ σ₃ : Δ :Γ: t | Left :∀ Γ Δ t e γ σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂,(e⊢ᴄᴏ γ : TApp σ₁ σ₂ ∼ TApp τ₁ τ₂ :Δ:Γ:t ) -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoLeft γ : σ₁ ∼ τ₁ : Δ :Γ: t | Right :∀ Γ Δ t e γ σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂,(e⊢ᴄᴏ γ : TApp σ₁ σ₂ ∼ TApp τ₁ τ₂ :Δ:Γ:t ) -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoRight γ : σ₂ ∼ τ₂ : Δ :Γ: t | SComp :∀ Γ Δ t e γ n S σ τ κ, ListWFCo Γ Δ t e γ σ τ -> t ⊢ᴛy TFCApp(n:=n) S σ : κ -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoTFApp S γ : TFCApp S σ∼TFCApp S τ : Δ : Γ : t | CoAx :∀ Γ Δ t e n C κ γ, forall (σ₁:vec TV n) (σ₂:vec TV n), forall (ax:@AxiomDecl n C κ TV), ListWFCo Γ Δ t e γ (map TVar (vec2list σ₁)) (map TVar (vec2list σ₂)) -> ListWellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ t (map TVar (vec2list σ₁)) (vec2list κ) -> ListWellKinded_RawHaskType TV Γ t (map TVar (vec2list σ₂)) (vec2list κ) -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoCFApp C γ : axd_σ _ _ _ ax σ₁ ∼ axd_τ _ _ _ ax σ₂ : Δ : Γ : t | WFCoAll : forall Γ Δ κ (t:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ) (e:InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV (κ::Γ) (weakCE Δ)) γ σ τ , (∀ a, e ⊢ᴄᴏ ( γ a) : ( σ a) ∼ ( τ a) : _ : _ : (t + a : κ)) -> weakICE e ⊢ᴄᴏ (CoAll κ γ ) : (TAll κ σ ) ∼ (TAll κ τ ) : Δ : Γ : t | Comp :forall Γ Δ t e γ₁ γ₂ σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂ κ, (t ⊢ᴛy TApp σ₁ σ₂:κ)-> (e⊢ᴄᴏ γ₁:σ₁∼τ₁:Δ:Γ:t)-> (e⊢ᴄᴏ γ₂:σ₂∼τ₂:Δ:Γ:t) -> e⊢ᴄᴏ (CoApp γ₁ γ₂) : (TApp σ₁ σ₂) ∼ (TApp τ₁ τ₂) : Δ:Γ:t | CoInst :forall Γ Δ t e σ τ κ γ (v:∀ TV, InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ -> RawHaskType TV), t ⊢ᴛy v TV t : κ -> (e⊢ᴄᴏ γ:HaskTAll κ σ _ t ∼ HaskTAll κ τ _ t:Δ:Γ:t) -> e⊢ᴄᴏ CoAppT γ (v TV t) : substT σ v TV t ∼substT τ v TV t : Δ : Γ : t with ListWFCo : forall Γ (Δ:CoercionEnv Γ), @InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ -> InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ -> list (RawHaskCoer TV CV) -> list (RawHaskType TV) -> list (RawHaskType TV) -> Prop := | LWFCo_nil : ∀ Γ Δ t e , ListWFCo Γ Δ t e nil nil nil | LWFCo_cons : ∀ Γ Δ t e a b c la lb lc, (e⊢ᴄᴏ a : b∼c : Δ : Γ : t )-> ListWFCo Γ Δ t e la lb lc -> ListWFCo Γ Δ t e (a::la) (b::lb) (c::lc) where "ice '⊢ᴄᴏ' γ : a '∼' b : Δ : Γ : ite" := (@WFCoercion Γ Δ ite ice γ (@mkRawCoercionKind _ a b)). *) End WFCo. Definition WFCCo (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ)(γ:HaskCoercion Γ Δ)(a b:HaskType Γ) := forall {TV CV:Type}(env:@InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ)(cenv:InstantiatedCoercionEnv TV CV Γ Δ), @WFCoercion _ _ Γ Δ env cenv (γ TV CV env cenv) (@mkRawCoercionKind _ (a TV env) (b TV env)). Notation "Δ '⊢ᴄᴏ' γ : a '∼' b" := (@WFCCo _ Δ γ a b). Definition literalType (lit:HaskLiteral){Γ} : HaskType Γ := fun TV ite => (TCon (haskLiteralToTyCon lit)). Notation "a ∼∼∼ b" := (mkHaskCoercionKind a b) (at level 18). Fixpoint update_ξ `{EQD_VV:EqDecidable VV}{Γ}(ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ)(vt:list (VV * LeveledHaskType Γ)) : VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ := match vt with | nil => ξ | (v,τ)::tl => fun v' => if eqd_dec v v' then τ else (update_ξ ξ tl) v' end. (* just like GHC's AltCon, but using PHOAS types and coercions *) Record StrongCaseBranch {n}{tc:TyCon n}{Γ}{atypes:vec (HaskType Γ) n} := { scb_saci : @StrongAltConInfo _ tc ; scb_Γ : TypeEnv := app (vec2list (saci_ekinds scb_saci)) Γ ; scb_Δ : CoercionEnv scb_Γ ; scb_types : vec (LeveledHaskType (app (vec2list (saci_ekinds scb_saci)) Γ)) (saci_numExprVars scb_saci) }. Coercion scb_saci : StrongCaseBranch >-> StrongAltConInfo. Implicit Arguments StrongCaseBranch [[n][Γ]].