(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* HaskWeak: a non-dependently-typed but Coq-friendly version of HaskCore *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import HaskGeneral. Require Import HaskLiterals. Require Import HaskCoreVars. Require Import HaskCoreTypes. Require Import HaskCoreTypes. Require Import HaskWeakVars. Inductive WeakExpr := | WEVar : WeakExprVar -> WeakExpr | WELit : HaskLiteral -> WeakExpr | WELet : WeakExprVar -> WeakExpr -> WeakExpr -> WeakExpr | WELetRec : Tree ??(WeakExprVar * WeakExpr) -> WeakExpr -> WeakExpr | WECast : WeakExpr -> WeakCoercion -> WeakExpr | WENote : Note -> WeakExpr -> WeakExpr | WEApp : WeakExpr -> WeakExpr -> WeakExpr | WETyApp : WeakExpr -> CoreType -> WeakExpr | WECoApp : WeakExpr -> WeakCoercion -> WeakExpr | WELam : WeakExprVar -> WeakExpr -> WeakExpr | WETyLam : WeakTypeVar -> WeakExpr -> WeakExpr | WECoLam : WeakCoerVar -> WeakExpr -> WeakExpr (* the CoreType argument is used only when going back from Weak to Core; it lets us dodge a possibly-failing type calculation *) | WEBrak : WeakTypeVar -> WeakExpr -> CoreType -> WeakExpr | WEEsc : WeakTypeVar -> WeakExpr -> CoreType -> WeakExpr (* note that HaskWeak "Case" does not bind a variable; coreExprToWeakExpr adds a let-binder *) | WECase : forall (scrutinee:WeakExpr) (tbranches:CoreType) {n:nat}(tc:TyCon n) (type_params:vec CoreType n) (alts : Tree ??(AltCon*list WeakTypeVar*list WeakCoerVar*list WeakExprVar*WeakExpr)), WeakExpr. (* calculate the free WeakVar's in a WeakExpr *) Fixpoint getWeakExprFreeVars (me:WeakExpr) : list WeakExprVar := match me with | WELit _ => nil | WEVar cv => cv::nil | WECast e co => getWeakExprFreeVars e | WENote n e => getWeakExprFreeVars e | WETyApp e t => getWeakExprFreeVars e | WECoApp e co => getWeakExprFreeVars e | WEBrak ec e _ => getWeakExprFreeVars e | WEEsc ec e _ => getWeakExprFreeVars e | WELet cv e1 e2 => mergeDistinctLists (getWeakExprFreeVars e1) (removeFromDistinctList cv (getWeakExprFreeVars e2)) | WEApp e1 e2 => mergeDistinctLists (getWeakExprFreeVars e1) (getWeakExprFreeVars e2) | WELam cv e => @removeFromDistinctList _ WeakExprVarEqDecidable cv (getWeakExprFreeVars e) | WETyLam cv e => getWeakExprFreeVars e | WECoLam cv e => getWeakExprFreeVars e (* the messy fixpoints below are required by Coq's termination conditions *) | WECase scrutinee tbranches n tc type_params alts => mergeDistinctLists (getWeakExprFreeVars scrutinee) ( ((fix getWeakExprFreeVarsAlts (alts:Tree ??(AltCon*list WeakTypeVar*list WeakCoerVar*list WeakExprVar*WeakExpr)) {struct alts} : list WeakExprVar := match alts with | T_Leaf None => nil | T_Leaf (Some (DEFAULT,_,_,_,e)) => getWeakExprFreeVars e | T_Leaf (Some (LitAlt lit,_,_,_,e)) => getWeakExprFreeVars e | T_Leaf (Some ((DataAlt _ _ _ _ _ dc), tvars, cvars, evars,e)) => removeFromDistinctList' evars (getWeakExprFreeVars e) | T_Branch b1 b2 => mergeDistinctLists (getWeakExprFreeVarsAlts b1) (getWeakExprFreeVarsAlts b2) end) alts)) | WELetRec mlr e => (fix removeVarsLetRec (mlr:Tree ??(WeakExprVar * WeakExpr))(cvl:list WeakExprVar) := match mlr with | T_Leaf None => cvl | T_Leaf (Some (cv,e)) => removeFromDistinctList cv cvl | T_Branch b1 b2 => removeVarsLetRec b1 (removeVarsLetRec b2 cvl) end) mlr (mergeDistinctLists (getWeakExprFreeVars e) ((fix getWeakExprFreeVarsLetRec (mlr:Tree ??(WeakExprVar * WeakExpr)) := match mlr with | T_Leaf None => nil | T_Leaf (Some (cv,e)) => getWeakExprFreeVars e | T_Branch b1 b2 => mergeDistinctLists (getWeakExprFreeVarsLetRec b1) (getWeakExprFreeVarsLetRec b2) end) mlr)) end. (* wrap lambdas around an expression until it has no free expression variables *) Definition makeClosedExpression : WeakExpr -> WeakExpr := fun me => (fix closeExpression (me:WeakExpr)(cvl:list WeakExprVar) := match cvl with | nil => me | cv::cvl' => WELam cv (closeExpression me cvl') end) me (getWeakExprFreeVars me). (* messy first-order capture-avoiding substitution on CoreType's *) Fixpoint replaceCoreVar (te:CoreType)(tv:CoreVar)(tsubst:CoreType) : CoreType := match te with | TyVarTy tv' => if eqd_dec tv tv' then tsubst else te | AppTy t1 t2 => AppTy (replaceCoreVar t1 tv tsubst) (replaceCoreVar t2 tv tsubst) | FunTy t1 t2 => FunTy (replaceCoreVar t1 tv tsubst) (replaceCoreVar t2 tv tsubst) | ForAllTy tv' t => if eqd_dec tv tv' then te else ForAllTy tv' (replaceCoreVar t tv tsubst) | PredTy (EqPred t1 t2) => PredTy (EqPred (replaceCoreVar t1 tv tsubst) (replaceCoreVar t2 tv tsubst)) | PredTy (IParam ip ty) => PredTy (IParam ip (replaceCoreVar ty tv tsubst)) | PredTy (ClassP _ c lt) => PredTy (ClassP c ((fix replaceCoreDistinctList (lt:list CoreType) := match lt with | nil => nil | h::t => (replaceCoreVar h tv tsubst)::(replaceCoreDistinctList t) end) lt)) | TyConApp _ tc lt => TyConApp tc ((fix replaceCoreDistinctList (lt:list CoreType) := match lt with | nil => nil | h::t => (replaceCoreVar h tv tsubst)::(replaceCoreDistinctList t) end) lt) end. (* calculate the CoreType of a WeakExpr *) Fixpoint coreTypeOfWeakExpr (ce:WeakExpr) : ???CoreType := match ce with | WEVar (weakExprVar v t) => OK t | WELit lit => OK (haskLiteralToCoreType lit) | WEApp e1 e2 => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e1 >>= fun t' => match t' with | (TyConApp 2 tc (t1::t2::nil)) => if (tyCon_eq tc ArrowTyCon) then OK t2 else Error ("found non-function type "+++(weakTypeToString t')+++" in EApp") | _ => Error ("found non-function type "+++(weakTypeToString t')+++" in EApp") end | WETyApp e t => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e >>= fun te => match te with | ForAllTy v ct => OK (replaceCoreVar ct v t) | _ => Error ("found non-forall type "+++(weakTypeToString te)+++" in ETyApp") end | WECoApp e co => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e >>= fun te => match te with | TyConApp 2 tc ((PredTy (EqPred t1 t2))::t3::nil) => if (tyCon_eq tc ArrowTyCon) then OK t3 else Error ("found non-coercion type "+++(weakTypeToString te)+++" in ETyApp") | _ => Error ("found non-coercion type "+++(weakTypeToString te)+++" in ETyApp") end | WELam (weakExprVar ev vt) e => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e >>= fun t' => OK (TyConApp ArrowTyCon (vt::t'::nil)) | WETyLam tv e => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e >>= fun t' => match tv with weakTypeVar tvc _ => OK (ForAllTy tvc t') end | WECoLam (weakCoerVar cv φ₁ φ₂) e => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e >>= fun t' => OK (TyConApp ArrowTyCon ((PredTy (EqPred φ₁ φ₂))::t'::nil)) | WELet ev ve e => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e | WELetRec rb e => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e | WENote n e => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e | WECast e (weakCoercion t1 t2 _) => OK t2 | WECase scrutinee tbranches n tc type_params alts => OK tbranches (* note that we willfully ignore the type stashed in WEBrak/WEEsc here *) | WEBrak ec e _ => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e >>= fun t' => match ec with weakTypeVar ecc _ => OK (TyConApp hetMetCodeTypeTyCon ((TyVarTy ecc)::t'::nil)) end | WEEsc ec e _ => coreTypeOfWeakExpr e >>= fun t' => match ec with weakTypeVar ecc _ => match t' with | (TyConApp 2 tc ((TyVarTy ec')::t''::nil)) => if (tyCon_eq tc hetMetCodeTypeTyCon) then if eqd_dec ecc ec' then OK t'' else Error "level mismatch in escapification" else Error "ill-typed escapification" | _ => Error "ill-typed escapification" end end end.