(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* HaskWeakToCore: convert HaskWeak to HaskCore *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import HaskKinds. Require Import HaskLiteralsAndTyCons. Require Import HaskCoreVars. Require Import HaskCoreTypes. Require Import HaskCore. Require Import HaskWeakVars. Require Import HaskWeakTypes. Require Import HaskWeak. Require Import HaskCoreToWeak. Variable mkCoreLet : @CoreBind CoreVar -> @CoreExpr CoreVar -> @CoreExpr CoreVar. Extract Inlined Constant mkCoreLet => "MkCore.mkCoreLet". Variable sortAlts : forall {a}{b}, list (@triple CoreAltCon a b) -> list (@triple CoreAltCon a b). Extract Inlined Constant sortAlts => "sortAlts". Implicit Arguments sortAlts [[a][b]]. Variable mkUnsafeCoercion : CoreType -> CoreType -> CoreCoercion. Extract Inlined Constant mkUnsafeCoercion => "Coercion.mkUnsafeCoercion". (* Coercion and Type are actually the same thing in GHC, but we don't tell Coq about that. This lets us get around it. *) Variable coreCoercionsAreReallyTypes : CoreCoercion -> CoreType. Extract Inlined Constant coreCoercionsAreReallyTypes => "(\x -> x)". Variable ModalBoxTyCon : TyCon. Extract Inlined Constant ModalBoxTyCon => "TysWiredIn.hetMetCodeTypeTyCon". Variable ArrowTyCon : TyCon. Extract Constant ArrowTyCon => "Type.funTyCon". Definition weakAltConToCoreAltCon (wa:WeakAltCon) : CoreAltCon := match wa with | WeakDataAlt cdc => DataAlt cdc | WeakLitAlt lit => LitAlt lit | WeakDEFAULT => DEFAULT end. Fixpoint weakTypeToCoreType (wt:WeakType) : CoreType := match wt with | WTyVarTy (weakTypeVar v _) => TyVarTy v | WAppTy (WAppTy WFunTyCon t1) t2 => FunTy (weakTypeToCoreType t1) (weakTypeToCoreType t2) | WAppTy t1 t2 => match (weakTypeToCoreType t1) with | TyConApp tc tys => TyConApp tc (app tys ((weakTypeToCoreType t2)::nil)) | t1' => AppTy t1' (weakTypeToCoreType t2) end | WTyCon tc => TyConApp tc nil | WTyFunApp tf lt => TyConApp tf (map weakTypeToCoreType lt) | WClassP c lt => PredTy (ClassP c (map weakTypeToCoreType lt)) | WIParam n ty => PredTy (IParam n (weakTypeToCoreType ty)) | WForAllTy (weakTypeVar wtv _) t => ForAllTy wtv (weakTypeToCoreType t) | WFunTyCon => TyConApp ArrowTyCon nil | WCodeTy (weakTypeVar ec _) t => TyConApp ModalBoxTyCon ((TyVarTy ec)::(weakTypeToCoreType t)::nil) | WCoFunTy t1 t2 t3 => FunTy (PredTy (EqPred (weakTypeToCoreType t1) (weakTypeToCoreType t2))) (weakTypeToCoreType t3) end. Definition weakCoercionToCoreCoercion (wc:WeakCoercion) : CoreCoercion := mkUnsafeCoercion (weakTypeToCoreType (fst (weakCoercionTypes wc))) (weakTypeToCoreType (snd (weakCoercionTypes wc))). Fixpoint weakExprToCoreExpr (me:WeakExpr) : @CoreExpr CoreVar := match me with | WEVar (weakExprVar v _) => CoreEVar v | WELit lit => CoreELit lit | WEApp e1 e2 => CoreEApp (weakExprToCoreExpr e1) (weakExprToCoreExpr e2) | WETyApp e t => CoreEApp (weakExprToCoreExpr e ) (CoreEType (weakTypeToCoreType t)) | WECoApp e co => CoreEApp (weakExprToCoreExpr e ) (CoreEType (coreCoercionsAreReallyTypes (weakCoercionToCoreCoercion co))) | WENote n e => CoreENote n (weakExprToCoreExpr e ) | WELam (weakExprVar ev _ ) e => CoreELam ev (weakExprToCoreExpr e ) | WETyLam (weakTypeVar tv _ ) e => CoreELam tv (weakExprToCoreExpr e ) | WECoLam (weakCoerVar cv _ _ _) e => CoreELam cv (weakExprToCoreExpr e ) | WECast e co => CoreECast (weakExprToCoreExpr e ) (weakCoercionToCoreCoercion co) | WEBrak v (weakTypeVar ec _) e t => fold_left CoreEApp ((CoreEType (TyVarTy ec)):: (CoreEType (weakTypeToCoreType t)):: (weakExprToCoreExpr e):: nil) (CoreEVar v) | WEEsc v (weakTypeVar ec _) e t => fold_left CoreEApp ((CoreEType (TyVarTy ec)):: (CoreEType (weakTypeToCoreType t)):: (weakExprToCoreExpr e):: nil) (CoreEVar v) | WECSP v (weakTypeVar ec _) e t => fold_left CoreEApp ((CoreEType (TyVarTy ec)):: (CoreEType (weakTypeToCoreType t)):: (weakExprToCoreExpr e):: nil) (CoreEVar v) | WELet (weakExprVar v _) ve e => mkCoreLet (CoreNonRec v (weakExprToCoreExpr ve)) (weakExprToCoreExpr e) | WECase vscrut e tbranches tc types alts => CoreECase (weakExprToCoreExpr e) vscrut (weakTypeToCoreType tbranches) (sortAlts (( fix mkCaseBranches (alts:Tree ??(WeakAltCon*list WeakTypeVar*list WeakCoerVar*list WeakExprVar*WeakExpr)) := match alts with | T_Leaf None => nil | T_Branch b1 b2 => app (mkCaseBranches b1) (mkCaseBranches b2) | T_Leaf (Some (ac,tvars,cvars,evars,e)) => (mkTriple (weakAltConToCoreAltCon ac) (app (app (map (fun v:WeakTypeVar => weakVarToCoreVar v) tvars) (map (fun v:WeakCoerVar => weakVarToCoreVar v) cvars)) (map (fun v:WeakExprVar => weakVarToCoreVar v) evars)) (weakExprToCoreExpr e))::nil end ) alts)) | WELetRec mlr e => CoreELet (CoreRec ((fix mkLetBindings (mlr:Tree ??(WeakExprVar * WeakExpr)) := match mlr with | T_Leaf None => nil | T_Leaf (Some (weakExprVar cv _,e)) => (cv,(weakExprToCoreExpr e))::nil | T_Branch b1 b2 => app (mkLetBindings b1) (mkLetBindings b2) end) mlr)) (weakExprToCoreExpr e) end. Definition weakTypeOfWeakExpr (we:WeakExpr) : ???WeakType := coreTypeToWeakType (coreTypeOfCoreExpr (weakExprToCoreExpr we)). Instance weakExprToString : ToString WeakExpr := { toString := fun we => toString (weakExprToCoreExpr we) }.