(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* HaskWeakTypes: types HaskWeak *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import HaskKinds. Require Import HaskLiterals. Require Import HaskTyCons. Require Import HaskCoreVars. (* a WeakTypeVar merely wraps a CoreVar and includes its Kind *) Inductive WeakTypeVar := weakTypeVar : CoreVar -> Kind -> WeakTypeVar. (* * WeakType is much like CoreType, but: * 1. avoids mutually-inductive definitions * 2. gives special cases for the tycons which have their own typing rules so we can pattern-match on them * 3. separates type functions from type constructors, and uses a normal "AppTy" for applying the latter *) Inductive WeakType := | WTyVarTy : WeakTypeVar -> WeakType | WAppTy : WeakType -> WeakType -> WeakType | WTyFunApp : TyFun -> list WeakType -> WeakType | WTyCon : TyCon -> WeakType | WFunTyCon : WeakType (* never use (WTyCon ArrowCon); always use this! *) | WCodeTy : WeakTypeVar -> WeakType -> WeakType (* never use the raw tycon *) | WCoFunTy : WeakType -> WeakType -> WeakType -> WeakType | WForAllTy : WeakTypeVar -> WeakType -> WeakType | WClassP : Class_ -> list WeakType -> WeakType | WIParam : CoreIPName CoreName -> WeakType -> WeakType. (* EqDecidable instances for WeakType *) Instance WeakTypeVarEqDecidable : EqDecidable WeakTypeVar. apply Build_EqDecidable. intros. destruct v1 as [cv1 k1]. destruct v2 as [cv2 k2]. destruct (eqd_dec cv1 cv2); subst. destruct (eqd_dec k1 k2); subst. left; auto. right; intro; apply n; inversion H; subst; auto. right; intro; apply n; inversion H; subst; auto. Defined. (* a WeakCoerVar just wraps a CoreVar and tags it with the pair of types amongst which it coerces *) Inductive WeakCoerVar := weakCoerVar : CoreVar -> Kind -> WeakType -> WeakType -> WeakCoerVar. Inductive WeakCoercion : Type := | WCoVar : WeakCoerVar -> WeakCoercion (* g *) | WCoType : WeakType -> WeakCoercion (* τ *) | WCoApp : WeakCoercion -> WeakCoercion -> WeakCoercion (* γ γ *) | WCoAppT : WeakCoercion -> WeakType -> WeakCoercion (* γ@v *) | WCoAll : Kind -> (WeakTypeVar -> WeakCoercion) -> WeakCoercion (* ∀a:κ.γ *) | WCoSym : WeakCoercion -> WeakCoercion (* sym *) | WCoComp : WeakCoercion -> WeakCoercion -> WeakCoercion (* ◯ *) | WCoLeft : WeakCoercion -> WeakCoercion (* left *) | WCoRight : WeakCoercion -> WeakCoercion (* right *) | WCoUnsafe : WeakType -> WeakType -> WeakCoercion (* unsafe *) (*| WCoCFApp : ∀ n, CoFunConst n -> vec WeakCoercion n -> WeakCoercion (* C γⁿ *)*) (*| WCoTFApp : ∀ n, TyFunConst n -> vec WeakCoercion n -> WeakCoercion (* S_n γⁿ *)*) . Fixpoint weakCoercionTypes (wc:WeakCoercion) : WeakType * WeakType := match wc with | WCoVar (weakCoerVar _ _ t1 t2) => (t1,t2) | WCoType t => (WFunTyCon,WFunTyCon) (* FIXME!!! *) | WCoApp c1 c2 => (WFunTyCon,WFunTyCon) (* FIXME!!! *) | WCoAppT c t => (WFunTyCon,WFunTyCon) (* FIXME!!! *) | WCoAll k f => (WFunTyCon,WFunTyCon) (* FIXME!!! *) | WCoSym c => let (t2,t1) := weakCoercionTypes c in (t1,t2) | WCoComp c1 c2 => (WFunTyCon,WFunTyCon) (* FIXME!!! *) | WCoLeft c => (WFunTyCon,WFunTyCon) (* FIXME!!! *) | WCoRight c => (WFunTyCon,WFunTyCon) (* FIXME!!! *) | WCoUnsafe t1 t2 => (t1,t2) end. (* this is a trick to allow circular definitions, post-extraction *) Variable weakTypeToString : WeakType -> string. Extract Inlined Constant weakTypeToString => "(coreTypeToString . weakTypeToCoreType)". Instance WeakTypeToString : ToString WeakType := { toString := weakTypeToString }. Variable tyConToCoreTyCon : TyCon -> CoreTyCon. Extract Inlined Constant tyConToCoreTyCon => "(\x -> x)". Variable tyFunToCoreTyCon : TyFun -> CoreTyCon. Extract Inlined Constant tyFunToCoreTyCon => "(\x -> x)". Coercion tyConToCoreTyCon : TyCon >-> CoreTyCon. Coercion tyFunToCoreTyCon : TyFun >-> CoreTyCon.