(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* HaskWeakVars: types and variables for HaskWeak *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import HaskKinds. Require Import HaskCoreLiterals. Require Import HaskCoreVars. Require Import HaskCoreTypes. Require Import HaskWeakTypes. (* TO DO: finish this *) Inductive WeakCoercion : Type := weakCoercion : WeakType -> WeakType -> CoreCoercion -> WeakCoercion. (* a WeakCoerVar just wraps a CoreVar and tags it with the pair of types amongst which it coerces *) Inductive WeakCoerVar := weakCoerVar : CoreVar -> WeakType -> WeakType -> WeakCoerVar. (* a WeakExprVar just wraps a CoreVar and tags it with the type of its value *) Inductive WeakExprVar := weakExprVar : CoreVar -> WeakType -> WeakExprVar. (* a WeakVar is one of the three sorts *) Inductive WeakVar : Type := | WExprVar : WeakExprVar -> WeakVar | WTypeVar : WeakTypeVar -> WeakVar | WCoerVar : WeakCoerVar -> WeakVar. Coercion WExprVar : WeakExprVar >-> WeakVar. Coercion WTypeVar : WeakTypeVar >-> WeakVar. Coercion WCoerVar : WeakCoerVar >-> WeakVar. Definition weakTypeVarToKind (tv:WeakTypeVar) : Kind := match tv with weakTypeVar _ k => k end. Coercion weakTypeVarToKind : WeakTypeVar >-> Kind. Definition weakVarToCoreVar (wv:WeakVar) : CoreVar := match wv with | WExprVar (weakExprVar v _ ) => v | WTypeVar (weakTypeVar v _ ) => v | WCoerVar (weakCoerVar v _ _ ) => v end. Coercion weakVarToCoreVar : WeakVar >-> CoreVar. Definition haskLiteralToWeakType lit : WeakType := WTyCon (haskLiteralToTyCon lit). Coercion haskLiteralToWeakType : HaskLiteral >-> WeakType. Variable coreVarToWeakVar : CoreVar -> WeakVar. Extract Inlined Constant coreVarToWeakVar => "coreVarToWeakVar". Variable getTyConTyVars_ : CoreTyCon -> list CoreVar. Extract Inlined Constant getTyConTyVars_ => "getTyConTyVars". Definition tyConTyVars (tc:CoreTyCon) := General.filter (map (fun x => match coreVarToWeakVar x with WTypeVar v => Some v | _ => None end) (getTyConTyVars_ tc)). Opaque tyConTyVars. Definition tyConKind (tc:TyCon) : list Kind := map (fun (x:WeakTypeVar) => x:Kind) (tyConTyVars tc). Variable tyFunResultKind : CoreTyCon -> Kind. Extract Inlined Constant tyFunResultKind => "tyFunResultKind". Definition tyFunKind (tc:TyFun) : ((list Kind) * Kind) := ((map (fun (x:WeakTypeVar) => x:Kind) (tyConTyVars tc)) , (tyFunResultKind tc)). (* EqDecidable instances for all of the above *) Instance WeakCoerVarEqDecidable : EqDecidable WeakCoerVar. apply Build_EqDecidable. intros. destruct v1 as [cv1 t1a t1b]. destruct v2 as [cv2 t2a t2b]. destruct (eqd_dec cv1 cv2); subst. destruct (eqd_dec t1a t2a); subst. destruct (eqd_dec t1b t2b); subst. left; auto. right; intro; apply n; inversion H; subst; auto. right; intro; apply n; inversion H; subst; auto. right; intro; apply n; inversion H; subst; auto. Defined. Instance WeakExprVarEqDecidable : EqDecidable WeakExprVar. apply Build_EqDecidable. intros. destruct v1 as [cv1 k1]. destruct v2 as [cv2 k2]. destruct (eqd_dec cv1 cv2); subst. destruct (eqd_dec k1 k2); subst. left; auto. right; intro; apply n; inversion H; subst; auto. right; intro; apply n; inversion H; subst; auto. Defined. Instance WeakVarEqDecidable : EqDecidable WeakVar. apply Build_EqDecidable. induction v1; destruct v2; try (right; intro q; inversion q; fail) ; auto; destruct (eqd_dec w w0); subst. left; auto. right; intro X; apply n; inversion X; auto. left; auto. right; intro X; apply n; inversion X; auto. left; auto. right; intro X; apply n; inversion X; auto. Defined. Instance WeakVarToString : ToString WeakVar := { toString := fun x => toString (weakVarToCoreVar x) }.