(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* NaturalDeduction: *) (* *) (* Structurally explicit natural deduction proofs. *) (* *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. (* * Unlike most formalizations, this library offers two different ways * to represent a natural deduction proof. To demonstrate this, * consider the signature of the propositional calculus: * * Variable PropositionalVariable : Type. * * Inductive Formula : Prop := * | formula_var : PropositionalVariable -> Formula (* every propositional variable is a formula *) * | formula_and : Formula -> Formula -> Formula (* the conjunction of any two formulae is a formula *) * | formula_or : Formula -> Formula -> Formula (* the disjunction of any two formulae is a formula *) * * And couple this with the theory of conjunction and disjunction: * φ\/ψ is true if either φ is true or ψ is true, and φ/\ψ is true * if both φ and ψ are true. * * 1) Structurally implicit proofs * * This is what you would call the "usual" representation –- it's * what most people learn when they first start programming in Coq: * * Inductive IsTrue : Formula -> Prop := * | IsTrue_or1 : forall f1 f2, IsTrue f1 -> IsTrue (formula_or f1 f2) * | IsTrue_or2 : forall f1 f2, IsTrue f2 -> IsTrue (formula_or f1 f2) * | IsTrue_and : forall f1 f2, IsTrue f2 -> IsTrue f2 -> IsTrue (formula_and f1 f2) * * Here each judgment (such as "φ is true") is represented by a Coq * type; furthermore: * * 1. A proof of a judgment is any inhabitant of that Coq type. * * 2. A proof of a judgment "J2" from hypothesis judgment "J1" * is any Coq function from the Coq type for J1 to the Coq * type for J2; Composition of (hypothetical) proofs is * represented by composition of Coq functions. * * 3. A pair of judgments is represented by their product (Coq * type [prod]) in Coq; a pair of proofs is represented by * their pair (Coq function [pair]) in Coq. * * 4. Duplication of hypotheses is represented by the Coq * function (fun x => (x,x)). Dereliction of hypotheses is * represented by the coq function (fun (x,y) => x) or (fun * (x,y) => y). Exchange of the order of hypotheses is * represented by the Coq function (fun (x,y) => (y,x)). * * The above can be done using lists instead of tuples. * * The advantage of this approach is that it requires a minimum * amount of syntax, and takes maximum advantage of Coq's * automation facilities. * * The disadvantage is that one cannot reason about proof-theoretic * properties *generically* across different signatures and * theories. Each signature has its own type of judgments, and * each theory has its own type of proofs. In the present * development we will want to prove –– in this generic manner -- * that various classes of natural deduction calculi form various * kinds of categories. So we will need this ability to reason * about proofs independently of the type used to represent * judgments and (more importantly) of the set of basic inference * rules. * * 2) Structurally explicit proofs * * Structurally explicit proofs are formalized in this file * (NaturalDeduction.v) and are designed specifically in order to * circumvent the problem in the previous paragraph. * * These proofs are actually structurally explicit on (potentially) * two different levels. The beginning of this file formalizes * natural deduction proofs with explicit structural operations for * manipulating lists of judgments – for example, the open * hypotheses of an incomplete proof. The class * TreeStructuralRules further down in the file instantiates ND * such that Judgments is actually a pair of trees of propositions, * and there will be a whole *other* set of rules for manipulating * the structure of a tree of propositions *within* a single * judgment. * * The flattening functor ends up mapping the first kind of * structural operation (moving around judgments) onto the second * kind (moving around propositions/types). That's why everything * is so laboriously explicit - there's important information in * those structural operations. *) (* * REGARDING LISTS versus TREES: * * You'll notice that this formalization uses (Tree (option A)) in a * lot of places where you might find (list A) more natural. If this * bothers you, see the end of the file for the technical reasons why. * In short, it lets us avoid having to mess about with JMEq or EqDep, * which are not as well-supported by the Coq core as the theory of * CiC proper. *) Section Natural_Deduction. (* any Coq Type may be used as the set of judgments *) Context {Judgment : Type}. (* any Coq Type –- indexed by the hypothesis and conclusion judgments -- may be used as the set of basic inference rules *) Context {Rule : forall (hypotheses:Tree ??Judgment)(conclusion:Tree ??Judgment), Type}. (* * This type represents a valid Natural Deduction proof from a list * (tree) of hypotheses; the notation H/⋯⋯/C is meant to look like * a proof tree with the middle missing if you tilt your head to * the left (yeah, I know it's a stretch). Note also that this * type is capable of representing proofs with multiple * conclusions, whereas a Rule may have only one conclusion. *) Inductive ND : forall hypotheses:Tree ??Judgment, forall conclusions:Tree ??Judgment, Type := (* natural deduction: you may infer nothing from nothing *) | nd_id0 : [ ] /⋯⋯/ [ ] (* natural deduction: you may infer anything from itself -- "identity proof" *) | nd_id1 : forall h, [ h ] /⋯⋯/ [ h ] (* natural deduction: you may discard conclusions *) | nd_weak1 : forall h, [ h ] /⋯⋯/ [ ] (* natural deduction: you may duplicate conclusions *) | nd_copy : forall h, h /⋯⋯/ (h,,h) (* natural deduction: you may write two proof trees side by side on a piece of paper -- "proof product" *) | nd_prod : forall {h1 h2 c1 c2} (pf1: h1 /⋯⋯/ c1 ) (pf2: h2 /⋯⋯/ c2), ( h1 ,, h2 /⋯⋯/ c1 ,, c2) (* natural deduction: given a proof of every hypothesis, you may discharge them -- "proof composition" *) | nd_comp : forall {h x c} `(pf1: h /⋯⋯/ x) `(pf2: x /⋯⋯/ c), ( h /⋯⋯/ c) (* Structural rules on lists of judgments - note that this is completely separate from the structural * rules for *contexts* within a sequent. The rules below manipulate lists of *judgments* rather than * lists of *propositions*. *) | nd_cancell : forall {a}, [] ,, a /⋯⋯/ a | nd_cancelr : forall {a}, a ,, [] /⋯⋯/ a | nd_llecnac : forall {a}, a /⋯⋯/ [] ,, a | nd_rlecnac : forall {a}, a /⋯⋯/ a ,, [] | nd_assoc : forall {a b c}, (a,,b),,c /⋯⋯/ a,,(b,,c) | nd_cossa : forall {a b c}, a,,(b,,c) /⋯⋯/ (a,,b),,c (* any Rule by itself counts as a proof *) | nd_rule : forall {h c} (r:Rule h c), h /⋯⋯/ c where "H /⋯⋯/ C" := (ND H C). Notation "H /⋯⋯/ C" := (ND H C) : pf_scope. Notation "a ;; b" := (nd_comp a b) : nd_scope. Notation "a ** b" := (nd_prod a b) : nd_scope. Open Scope nd_scope. Open Scope pf_scope. (* a predicate on proofs *) Definition NDPredicate := forall h c, h /⋯⋯/ c -> Prop. (* the structural inference rules are those which do not change, add, remove, or re-order the judgments *) Inductive Structural : forall {h c}, h /⋯⋯/ c -> Prop := | nd_structural_id0 : Structural nd_id0 | nd_structural_id1 : forall h, Structural (nd_id1 h) | nd_structural_cancell : forall {a}, Structural (@nd_cancell a) | nd_structural_cancelr : forall {a}, Structural (@nd_cancelr a) | nd_structural_llecnac : forall {a}, Structural (@nd_llecnac a) | nd_structural_rlecnac : forall {a}, Structural (@nd_rlecnac a) | nd_structural_assoc : forall {a b c}, Structural (@nd_assoc a b c) | nd_structural_cossa : forall {a b c}, Structural (@nd_cossa a b c) . (* the closure of an NDPredicate under nd_comp and nd_prod *) Inductive NDPredicateClosure (P:NDPredicate) : forall {h c}, h /⋯⋯/ c -> Prop := | ndpc_p : forall h c f, P h c f -> NDPredicateClosure P f | ndpc_prod : forall `(pf1:h1/⋯⋯/c1)`(pf2:h2/⋯⋯/c2), NDPredicateClosure P pf1 -> NDPredicateClosure P pf2 -> NDPredicateClosure P (pf1**pf2) | ndpc_comp : forall `(pf1:h1/⋯⋯/x) `(pf2: x/⋯⋯/c2), NDPredicateClosure P pf1 -> NDPredicateClosure P pf2 -> NDPredicateClosure P (pf1;;pf2). (* proofs built up from structural rules via comp and prod *) Definition StructuralND {h}{c} f := @NDPredicateClosure (@Structural) h c f. (* The Predicate (BuiltFrom f P h) asserts that "h" was built from a single occurrence of "f" and proofs which satisfy P *) Inductive BuiltFrom {h'}{c'}(f:h'/⋯⋯/c')(P:NDPredicate) : forall {h c}, h/⋯⋯/c -> Prop := | builtfrom_refl : BuiltFrom f P f | builtfrom_P : forall h c g, @P h c g -> BuiltFrom f P g | builtfrom_prod1 : forall h1 c1 f1 h2 c2 f2, P h1 c1 f1 -> @BuiltFrom _ _ f P h2 c2 f2 -> BuiltFrom f P (f1 ** f2) | builtfrom_prod2 : forall h1 c1 f1 h2 c2 f2, P h1 c1 f1 -> @BuiltFrom _ _ f P h2 c2 f2 -> BuiltFrom f P (f2 ** f1) | builtfrom_comp1 : forall h x c f1 f2, P h x f1 -> @BuiltFrom _ _ f P x c f2 -> BuiltFrom f P (f1 ;; f2) | builtfrom_comp2 : forall h x c f1 f2, P x c f1 -> @BuiltFrom _ _ f P h x f2 -> BuiltFrom f P (f2 ;; f1). (* multi-judgment generalization of nd_id0 and nd_id1; making nd_id0/nd_id1 primitive and deriving all other *) Fixpoint nd_id (sl:Tree ??Judgment) : sl /⋯⋯/ sl := match sl with | T_Leaf None => nd_id0 | T_Leaf (Some x) => nd_id1 x | T_Branch a b => nd_prod (nd_id a) (nd_id b) end. Fixpoint nd_weak (sl:Tree ??Judgment) : sl /⋯⋯/ [] := match sl as SL return SL /⋯⋯/ [] with | T_Leaf None => nd_id0 | T_Leaf (Some x) => nd_weak1 x | T_Branch a b => nd_prod (nd_weak a) (nd_weak b) ;; nd_cancelr end. Hint Constructors Structural. Hint Constructors BuiltFrom. Hint Constructors NDPredicateClosure. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_id0. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_id1. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_cancell. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_cancelr. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_llecnac. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_rlecnac. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_assoc. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_cossa. Hint Extern 1 => apply ndpc_p. Hint Extern 1 => apply ndpc_prod. Hint Extern 1 => apply ndpc_comp. Lemma nd_id_structural : forall sl, StructuralND (nd_id sl). intros. induction sl; simpl; auto. destruct a; auto. Defined. (* An equivalence relation on proofs which is sensitive only to the logical content of the proof -- insensitive to * structural variations *) Class ND_Relation := { ndr_eqv : forall {h c }, h /⋯⋯/ c -> h /⋯⋯/ c -> Prop where "pf1 === pf2" := (@ndr_eqv _ _ pf1 pf2) ; ndr_eqv_equivalence : forall h c, Equivalence (@ndr_eqv h c) (* the relation must respect composition, be associative wrt composition, and be left and right neutral wrt the identity proof *) ; ndr_comp_respects : forall {a b c}(f f':a/⋯⋯/b)(g g':b/⋯⋯/c), f === f' -> g === g' -> f;;g === f';;g' ; ndr_comp_associativity : forall `(f:a/⋯⋯/b)`(g:b/⋯⋯/c)`(h:c/⋯⋯/d), (f;;g);;h === f;;(g;;h) (* the relation must respect products, be associative wrt products, and be left and right neutral wrt the identity proof *) ; ndr_prod_respects : forall {a b c d}(f f':a/⋯⋯/b)(g g':c/⋯⋯/d), f===f' -> g===g' -> f**g === f'**g' ; ndr_prod_associativity : forall `(f:a/⋯⋯/a')`(g:b/⋯⋯/b')`(h:c/⋯⋯/c'), (f**g)**h === nd_assoc ;; f**(g**h) ;; nd_cossa (* products and composition must distribute over each other *) ; ndr_prod_preserves_comp : forall `(f:a/⋯⋯/b)`(f':a'/⋯⋯/b')`(g:b/⋯⋯/c)`(g':b'/⋯⋯/c'), (f;;g)**(f';;g') === (f**f');;(g**g') (* Given a proof f, any two proofs built from it using only structural rules are indistinguishable. Keep in mind that * nd_weak and nd_copy aren't considered structural, so the hypotheses and conclusions of such proofs will be an identical * list, differing only in the "parenthesization" and addition or removal of empty leaves. *) ; ndr_builtfrom_structural : forall `(f:a/⋯⋯/b){a' b'}(g1 g2:a'/⋯⋯/b'), BuiltFrom f (@StructuralND) g1 -> BuiltFrom f (@StructuralND) g2 -> g1 === g2 (* proofs of nothing are not distinguished from each other *) ; ndr_void_proofs_irrelevant : forall `(f:a/⋯⋯/[])(g:a/⋯⋯/[]), f === g (* products and duplication must distribute over each other *) ; ndr_prod_preserves_copy : forall `(f:a/⋯⋯/b), nd_copy a;; f**f === f ;; nd_copy b (* duplicating a hypothesis and discarding it is irrelevant *) ; ndr_copy_then_weak_left : forall a, nd_copy a;; (nd_weak _ ** nd_id _) ;; nd_cancell === nd_id _ ; ndr_copy_then_weak_right : forall a, nd_copy a;; (nd_id _ ** nd_weak _) ;; nd_cancelr === nd_id _ }. (* * Natural Deduction proofs which are Structurally Implicit on the * level of judgments. These proofs have poor compositionality * properties (vertically, they look more like lists than trees) but * are easier to do induction over. *) Inductive SIND : Tree ??Judgment -> Tree ??Judgment -> Type := | scnd_weak : forall c , SIND c [] | scnd_comp : forall ht ct c , SIND ht ct -> Rule ct [c] -> SIND ht [c] | scnd_branch : forall ht c1 c2, SIND ht c1 -> SIND ht c2 -> SIND ht (c1,,c2) . Hint Constructors SIND. (* Any ND whose primitive Rules have at most one conclusion (note that nd_prod is allowed!) can be turned into an SIND. *) Definition mkSIND (all_rules_one_conclusion : forall h c1 c2, Rule h (c1,,c2) -> False) : forall h x c, ND x c -> SIND h x -> SIND h c. intros h x c nd. induction nd; intro k. apply k. apply k. apply scnd_weak. eapply scnd_branch; apply k. inversion k; subst. apply (scnd_branch _ _ _ (IHnd1 X) (IHnd2 X0)). apply IHnd2. apply IHnd1. apply k. inversion k; subst; auto. inversion k; subst; auto. apply scnd_branch; auto. apply scnd_branch; auto. inversion k; subst; inversion X; subst; auto. inversion k; subst; inversion X0; subst; auto. destruct c. destruct o. eapply scnd_comp. apply k. apply r. apply scnd_weak. set (all_rules_one_conclusion _ _ _ r) as bogus. inversion bogus. Defined. (* a "ClosedSIND" is a proof with no open hypotheses and no multi-conclusion rules *) Inductive ClosedSIND : Tree ??Judgment -> Type := | cnd_weak : ClosedSIND [] | cnd_rule : forall h c , ClosedSIND h -> Rule h c -> ClosedSIND c | cnd_branch : forall c1 c2, ClosedSIND c1 -> ClosedSIND c2 -> ClosedSIND (c1,,c2) . (* we can turn an SIND without hypotheses into a ClosedSIND *) Definition closedFromSIND h c (pn2:SIND h c)(cnd:ClosedSIND h) : ClosedSIND c. refine ((fix closedFromPnodes h c (pn2:SIND h c)(cnd:ClosedSIND h) {struct pn2} := (match pn2 in SIND H C return H=h -> C=c -> _ with | scnd_weak c => let case_weak := tt in _ | scnd_comp ht ct c pn' rule => let case_comp := tt in let qq := closedFromPnodes _ _ pn' in _ | scnd_branch ht c1 c2 pn' pn'' => let case_branch := tt in let q1 := closedFromPnodes _ _ pn' in let q2 := closedFromPnodes _ _ pn'' in _ end (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _))) h c pn2 cnd). destruct case_weak. intros; subst. apply cnd_weak. destruct case_comp. intros. clear pn2. apply (cnd_rule ct). apply qq. subst. apply cnd0. apply rule. destruct case_branch. intros. apply cnd_branch. apply q1. subst. apply cnd0. apply q2. subst. apply cnd0. Defined. (* undo the above *) Fixpoint closedNDtoNormalND {c}(cnd:ClosedSIND c) : ND [] c := match cnd in ClosedSIND C return ND [] C with | cnd_weak => nd_id0 | cnd_rule h c cndh rhc => closedNDtoNormalND cndh ;; nd_rule rhc | cnd_branch c1 c2 cnd1 cnd2 => nd_llecnac ;; nd_prod (closedNDtoNormalND cnd1) (closedNDtoNormalND cnd2) end. (* Natural Deduction systems whose judgments happen to be pairs of the same type *) Section SequentND. Context {S:Type}. (* type of sequent components *) Context {sequent:S->S->Judgment}. (* pairing operation which forms a sequent from its halves *) Notation "a |= b" := (sequent a b). (* a SequentND is a natural deduction whose judgments are sequents, has initial sequents, and has a cut rule *) Class SequentND := { snd_initial : forall a, [ ] /⋯⋯/ [ a |= a ] ; snd_cut : forall a b c, [ a |= b ] ,, [ b |= c ] /⋯⋯/ [ a |= c ] }. Context (sequentND:SequentND). Context (ndr:ND_Relation). (* * A predicate singling out structural rules, initial sequents, * and cut rules. * * Proofs using only structural rules cannot add or remove * judgments - their hypothesis and conclusion judgment-trees will * differ only in "parenthesization" and the presence/absence of * empty leaves. This means that a proof involving only * structural rules, cut, and initial sequents can ADD new * non-empty judgment-leaves only via snd_initial, and can only * REMOVE non-empty judgment-leaves only via snd_cut. Since the * initial sequent is a left and right identity for cut, and cut * is associative, any two proofs (with the same hypotheses and * conclusions) using only structural rules, cut, and initial * sequents are logically indistinguishable - their differences * are logically insignificant. * * Note that it is important that nd_weak and nd_copy aren't * considered to be "structural". *) Inductive SequentND_Inert : forall h c, h/⋯⋯/c -> Prop := | snd_inert_initial : forall a, SequentND_Inert _ _ (snd_initial a) | snd_inert_cut : forall a b c, SequentND_Inert _ _ (snd_cut a b c) | snd_inert_structural: forall a b f, Structural f -> SequentND_Inert a b f . (* An ND_Relation for a sequent deduction should not distinguish between two proofs having the same hypotheses and conclusions * if those proofs use only initial sequents, cut, and structural rules (see comment above) *) Class SequentND_Relation := { sndr_ndr := ndr ; sndr_inert : forall a b (f g:a/⋯⋯/b), NDPredicateClosure SequentND_Inert f -> NDPredicateClosure SequentND_Inert g -> ndr_eqv f g }. End SequentND. (* Deductions on sequents whose antecedent is a tree of propositions (i.e. a context) *) Section ContextND. Context {P:Type}{sequent:Tree ??P -> Tree ??P -> Judgment}. Context {snd:SequentND(sequent:=sequent)}. Notation "a |= b" := (sequent a b). (* Note that these rules mirror nd_{cancell,cancelr,rlecnac,llecnac,assoc,cossa} but are completely separate from them *) Class ContextND := { cnd_ant_assoc : forall x a b c, ND [((a,,b),,c) |= x] [(a,,(b,,c)) |= x ] ; cnd_ant_cossa : forall x a b c, ND [(a,,(b,,c)) |= x] [((a,,b),,c) |= x ] ; cnd_ant_cancell : forall x a , ND [ [],,a |= x] [ a |= x ] ; cnd_ant_cancelr : forall x a , ND [a,,[] |= x] [ a |= x ] ; cnd_ant_llecnac : forall x a , ND [ a |= x] [ [],,a |= x ] ; cnd_ant_rlecnac : forall x a , ND [ a |= x] [ a,,[] |= x ] ; cnd_expand_left : forall a b c , ND [ a |= b] [ c,,a |= c,,b] ; cnd_expand_right : forall a b c , ND [ a |= b] [ a,,c |= b,,c] ; cnd_snd := snd }. Context `(ContextND). (* * A predicate singling out initial sequents, cuts, context expansion, * and structural rules. * * Any two proofs (with the same hypotheses and conclusions) whose * non-structural rules do nothing other than expand contexts, * re-arrange contexts, or introduce additional initial-sequent * conclusions are indistinguishable. One important consequence * is that asking for a small initial sequent and then expanding * it using cnd_expand_{right,left} is no different from simply * asking for the larger initial sequent in the first place. * *) Inductive ContextND_Inert : forall h c, h/⋯⋯/c -> Prop := | cnd_inert_initial : forall a, ContextND_Inert _ _ (snd_initial a) | cnd_inert_cut : forall a b c, ContextND_Inert _ _ (snd_cut a b c) | cnd_inert_structural : forall a b f, Structural f -> ContextND_Inert a b f | cnd_inert_cnd_ant_assoc : forall x a b c, ContextND_Inert _ _ (cnd_ant_assoc x a b c) | cnd_inert_cnd_ant_cossa : forall x a b c, ContextND_Inert _ _ (cnd_ant_cossa x a b c) | cnd_inert_cnd_ant_cancell : forall x a , ContextND_Inert _ _ (cnd_ant_cancell x a) | cnd_inert_cnd_ant_cancelr : forall x a , ContextND_Inert _ _ (cnd_ant_cancelr x a) | cnd_inert_cnd_ant_llecnac : forall x a , ContextND_Inert _ _ (cnd_ant_llecnac x a) | cnd_inert_cnd_ant_rlecnac : forall x a , ContextND_Inert _ _ (cnd_ant_rlecnac x a) | cnd_inert_se_expand_left : forall t g s , ContextND_Inert _ _ (@cnd_expand_left _ t g s) | cnd_inert_se_expand_right : forall t g s , ContextND_Inert _ _ (@cnd_expand_right _ t g s). Class ContextND_Relation {ndr}{sndr:SequentND_Relation _ ndr} := { cndr_inert : forall {a}{b}(f g:a/⋯⋯/b), NDPredicateClosure ContextND_Inert f -> NDPredicateClosure ContextND_Inert g -> ndr_eqv f g ; cndr_sndr := sndr }. (* a proof is Analytic if it does not use cut *) (* Definition Analytic_Rule : NDPredicate := fun h c f => forall c, not (snd_cut _ _ c = f). Definition AnalyticND := NDPredicateClosure Analytic_Rule. (* a proof system has cut elimination if, for every proof, there is an analytic proof with the same conclusion *) Class CutElimination := { ce_eliminate : forall h c, h/⋯⋯/c -> h/⋯⋯/c ; ce_analytic : forall h c f, AnalyticND (ce_eliminate h c f) }. (* cut elimination is strong if the analytic proof is furthermore equivalent to the original proof *) Class StrongCutElimination := { sce_ce <: CutElimination ; ce_strong : forall h c f, f === ce_eliminate h c f }. *) End ContextND. Close Scope nd_scope. Open Scope pf_scope. End Natural_Deduction. Coercion snd_cut : SequentND >-> Funclass. Coercion cnd_snd : ContextND >-> SequentND. Coercion sndr_ndr : SequentND_Relation >-> ND_Relation. Coercion cndr_sndr : ContextND_Relation >-> SequentND_Relation. Implicit Arguments ND [ Judgment ]. Hint Constructors Structural. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_id_structural. Hint Extern 1 => apply ndr_builtfrom_structural. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_id0. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_id1. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_cancell. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_cancelr. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_llecnac. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_rlecnac. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_assoc. Hint Extern 1 => apply nd_structural_cossa. Hint Extern 1 => apply ndpc_p. Hint Extern 1 => apply ndpc_prod. Hint Extern 1 => apply ndpc_comp. Hint Extern 1 => apply builtfrom_refl. Hint Extern 1 => apply builtfrom_prod1. Hint Extern 1 => apply builtfrom_prod2. Hint Extern 1 => apply builtfrom_comp1. Hint Extern 1 => apply builtfrom_comp2. Hint Extern 1 => apply builtfrom_P. Hint Extern 1 => apply snd_inert_initial. Hint Extern 1 => apply snd_inert_cut. Hint Extern 1 => apply snd_inert_structural. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_initial. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_cut. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_structural. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_cnd_ant_assoc. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_cnd_ant_cossa. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_cnd_ant_cancell. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_cnd_ant_cancelr. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_cnd_ant_llecnac. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_cnd_ant_rlecnac. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_se_expand_left. Hint Extern 1 => apply cnd_inert_se_expand_right. (* This first notation gets its own scope because it can be confusing when we're working with multiple different kinds * of proofs. When only one kind of proof is in use, it's quite helpful though. *) Notation "H /⋯⋯/ C" := (@ND _ _ H C) : pf_scope. Notation "a ;; b" := (nd_comp a b) : nd_scope. Notation "a ** b" := (nd_prod a b) : nd_scope. Notation "[# a #]" := (nd_rule a) : nd_scope. Notation "a === b" := (@ndr_eqv _ _ _ _ _ a b) : nd_scope. (* enable setoid rewriting *) Open Scope nd_scope. Open Scope pf_scope. Add Parametric Relation {jt rt ndr h c} : (h/⋯⋯/c) (@ndr_eqv jt rt ndr h c) reflexivity proved by (@Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ (ndr_eqv_equivalence h c)) symmetry proved by (@Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ (ndr_eqv_equivalence h c)) transitivity proved by (@Equivalence_Transitive _ _ (ndr_eqv_equivalence h c)) as parametric_relation_ndr_eqv. Add Parametric Morphism {jt rt ndr h x c} : (@nd_comp jt rt h x c) with signature ((ndr_eqv(ND_Relation:=ndr)) ==> (ndr_eqv(ND_Relation:=ndr)) ==> (ndr_eqv(ND_Relation:=ndr))) as parametric_morphism_nd_comp. intros; apply ndr_comp_respects; auto. Defined. Add Parametric Morphism {jt rt ndr a b c d} : (@nd_prod jt rt a b c d) with signature ((ndr_eqv(ND_Relation:=ndr)) ==> (ndr_eqv(ND_Relation:=ndr)) ==> (ndr_eqv(ND_Relation:=ndr))) as parametric_morphism_nd_prod. intros; apply ndr_prod_respects; auto. Defined. Section ND_Relation_Facts. Context `{ND_Relation}. (* useful *) Lemma ndr_comp_right_identity : forall h c (f:h/⋯⋯/c), ndr_eqv (f ;; nd_id c) f. intros; apply (ndr_builtfrom_structural f); auto. Defined. (* useful *) Lemma ndr_comp_left_identity : forall h c (f:h/⋯⋯/c), ndr_eqv (nd_id h ;; f) f. intros; apply (ndr_builtfrom_structural f); auto. Defined. Ltac nd_prod_preserves_comp_ltac P EQV := match goal with [ |- context [ (?A ** ?B) ;; (?C ** ?D) ] ] => set (@ndr_prod_preserves_comp _ _ EQV _ _ A _ _ B _ C _ D) as P end. Lemma nd_swap A B C D (f:ND _ A B) (g:ND _ C D) : (f ** nd_id C) ;; (nd_id B ** g) === (nd_id A ** g) ;; (f ** nd_id D). setoid_rewrite <- ndr_prod_preserves_comp. setoid_rewrite ndr_comp_left_identity. setoid_rewrite ndr_comp_right_identity. reflexivity. Qed. (* this tactical searches the environment; setoid_rewrite doesn't seem to be able to do that properly sometimes *) Ltac nd_swap_ltac P EQV := match goal with [ |- context [ (?F ** nd_id _) ;; (nd_id _ ** ?G) ] ] => set (@nd_swap _ _ EQV _ _ _ _ F G) as P end. Lemma nd_prod_split_left A B C D (f:ND _ A B) (g:ND _ B C) : nd_id D ** (f ;; g) === (nd_id D ** f) ;; (nd_id D ** g). setoid_rewrite <- ndr_prod_preserves_comp. setoid_rewrite ndr_comp_left_identity. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma nd_prod_split_right A B C D (f:ND _ A B) (g:ND _ B C) : (f ;; g) ** nd_id D === (f ** nd_id D) ;; (g ** nd_id D). setoid_rewrite <- ndr_prod_preserves_comp. setoid_rewrite ndr_comp_left_identity. reflexivity. Qed. End ND_Relation_Facts. (* a generalization of the procedure used to build (nd_id n) from nd_id0 and nd_id1 *) Definition nd_replicate : forall {Judgment}{Rule}{Ob} (h:Ob->Judgment) (c:Ob->Judgment) (j:Tree ??Ob), (forall (o:Ob), @ND Judgment Rule [h o] [c o]) -> @ND Judgment Rule (mapOptionTree h j) (mapOptionTree c j). intros. induction j; simpl. destruct a; simpl. apply X. apply nd_id0. apply nd_prod; auto. Defined. (* "map" over natural deduction proofs, where the result proof has the same judgments (but different rules) *) Definition nd_map : forall {Judgment}{Rule0}{Rule1} (r:forall h c, Rule0 h c -> @ND Judgment Rule1 h c) {h}{c} (pf:@ND Judgment Rule0 h c) , @ND Judgment Rule1 h c. intros Judgment Rule0 Rule1 r. refine ((fix nd_map h c pf {struct pf} := ((match pf in @ND _ _ H C return @ND Judgment Rule1 H C with | nd_id0 => let case_nd_id0 := tt in _ | nd_id1 h => let case_nd_id1 := tt in _ | nd_weak1 h => let case_nd_weak := tt in _ | nd_copy h => let case_nd_copy := tt in _ | nd_prod _ _ _ _ lpf rpf => let case_nd_prod := tt in _ | nd_comp _ _ _ top bot => let case_nd_comp := tt in _ | nd_rule _ _ rule => let case_nd_rule := tt in _ | nd_cancell _ => let case_nd_cancell := tt in _ | nd_cancelr _ => let case_nd_cancelr := tt in _ | nd_llecnac _ => let case_nd_llecnac := tt in _ | nd_rlecnac _ => let case_nd_rlecnac := tt in _ | nd_assoc _ _ _ => let case_nd_assoc := tt in _ | nd_cossa _ _ _ => let case_nd_cossa := tt in _ end))) ); simpl in *. destruct case_nd_id0. apply nd_id0. destruct case_nd_id1. apply nd_id1. destruct case_nd_weak. apply nd_weak. destruct case_nd_copy. apply nd_copy. destruct case_nd_prod. apply (nd_prod (nd_map _ _ lpf) (nd_map _ _ rpf)). destruct case_nd_comp. apply (nd_comp (nd_map _ _ top) (nd_map _ _ bot)). destruct case_nd_cancell. apply nd_cancell. destruct case_nd_cancelr. apply nd_cancelr. destruct case_nd_llecnac. apply nd_llecnac. destruct case_nd_rlecnac. apply nd_rlecnac. destruct case_nd_assoc. apply nd_assoc. destruct case_nd_cossa. apply nd_cossa. apply r. apply rule. Defined. (* "map" over natural deduction proofs, where the result proof has different judgments *) Definition nd_map' : forall {Judgment0}{Rule0}{Judgment1}{Rule1} (f:Judgment0->Judgment1) (r:forall h c, Rule0 h c -> @ND Judgment1 Rule1 (mapOptionTree f h) (mapOptionTree f c)) {h}{c} (pf:@ND Judgment0 Rule0 h c) , @ND Judgment1 Rule1 (mapOptionTree f h) (mapOptionTree f c). intros Judgment0 Rule0 Judgment1 Rule1 f r. refine ((fix nd_map' h c pf {struct pf} := ((match pf in @ND _ _ H C return @ND Judgment1 Rule1 (mapOptionTree f H) (mapOptionTree f C) with | nd_id0 => let case_nd_id0 := tt in _ | nd_id1 h => let case_nd_id1 := tt in _ | nd_weak1 h => let case_nd_weak := tt in _ | nd_copy h => let case_nd_copy := tt in _ | nd_prod _ _ _ _ lpf rpf => let case_nd_prod := tt in _ | nd_comp _ _ _ top bot => let case_nd_comp := tt in _ | nd_rule _ _ rule => let case_nd_rule := tt in _ | nd_cancell _ => let case_nd_cancell := tt in _ | nd_cancelr _ => let case_nd_cancelr := tt in _ | nd_llecnac _ => let case_nd_llecnac := tt in _ | nd_rlecnac _ => let case_nd_rlecnac := tt in _ | nd_assoc _ _ _ => let case_nd_assoc := tt in _ | nd_cossa _ _ _ => let case_nd_cossa := tt in _ end))) ); simpl in *. destruct case_nd_id0. apply nd_id0. destruct case_nd_id1. apply nd_id1. destruct case_nd_weak. apply nd_weak. destruct case_nd_copy. apply nd_copy. destruct case_nd_prod. apply (nd_prod (nd_map' _ _ lpf) (nd_map' _ _ rpf)). destruct case_nd_comp. apply (nd_comp (nd_map' _ _ top) (nd_map' _ _ bot)). destruct case_nd_cancell. apply nd_cancell. destruct case_nd_cancelr. apply nd_cancelr. destruct case_nd_llecnac. apply nd_llecnac. destruct case_nd_rlecnac. apply nd_rlecnac. destruct case_nd_assoc. apply nd_assoc. destruct case_nd_cossa. apply nd_cossa. apply r. apply rule. Defined. (* witnesses the fact that every Rule in a particular proof satisfies the given predicate *) Inductive nd_property {Judgment}{Rule}(P:forall h c, @Rule h c -> Prop) : forall {h}{c}, @ND Judgment Rule h c -> Prop := | nd_property_structural : forall h c pf, Structural pf -> @nd_property _ _ P h c pf | nd_property_prod : forall h0 c0 pf0 h1 c1 pf1, @nd_property _ _ P h0 c0 pf0 -> @nd_property _ _ P h1 c1 pf1 -> @nd_property _ _ P _ _ (nd_prod pf0 pf1) | nd_property_comp : forall h0 c0 pf0 c1 pf1, @nd_property _ _ P h0 c0 pf0 -> @nd_property _ _ P c0 c1 pf1 -> @nd_property _ _ P _ _ (nd_comp pf0 pf1) | nd_property_rule : forall h c r, P h c r -> @nd_property _ _ P h c (nd_rule r). Hint Constructors nd_property. (* witnesses the fact that every Rule in a particular proof satisfies the given predicate (for ClosedSIND) *) Inductive cnd_property {Judgment}{Rule}(P:forall h c, @Rule h c -> Prop) : forall {c}, @ClosedSIND Judgment Rule c -> Prop := | cnd_property_weak : @cnd_property _ _ P _ cnd_weak | cnd_property_rule : forall h c r cnd', P h c r -> @cnd_property _ _ P h cnd' -> @cnd_property _ _ P c (cnd_rule _ _ cnd' r) | cnd_property_branch : forall c1 c2 cnd1 cnd2, @cnd_property _ _ P c1 cnd1 -> @cnd_property _ _ P c2 cnd2 -> @cnd_property _ _ P _ (cnd_branch _ _ cnd1 cnd2). (* witnesses the fact that every Rule in a particular proof satisfies the given predicate (for SIND) *) Inductive scnd_property {Judgment}{Rule}(P:forall h c, @Rule h c -> Prop) : forall {h c}, @SIND Judgment Rule h c -> Prop := | scnd_property_weak : forall c, @scnd_property _ _ P _ _ (scnd_weak c) | scnd_property_comp : forall h x c r cnd', P x [c] r -> @scnd_property _ _ P h x cnd' -> @scnd_property _ _ P h _ (scnd_comp _ _ _ cnd' r) | scnd_property_branch : forall x c1 c2 cnd1 cnd2, @scnd_property _ _ P x c1 cnd1 -> @scnd_property _ _ P x c2 cnd2 -> @scnd_property _ _ P x _ (scnd_branch _ _ _ cnd1 cnd2). (* renders a proof as LaTeX code *) Section ToLatex. Context {Judgment : Type}. Context {Rule : forall (hypotheses:Tree ??Judgment)(conclusion:Tree ??Judgment), Type}. Context {JudgmentToLatexMath : ToLatexMath Judgment}. Context {RuleToLatexMath : forall h c, ToLatexMath (Rule h c)}. Open Scope string_scope. Definition judgments2latex (j:Tree ??Judgment) := treeToLatexMath (mapOptionTree toLatexMath j). Definition eolL : LatexMath := rawLatexMath eol. (* invariant: each proof shall emit its hypotheses visibly, except nd_id0 *) Section SIND_toLatex. (* indicates which rules should be hidden (omitted) from the rendered proof; useful for structural operations *) Context (hideRule : forall h c (r:Rule h c), bool). Fixpoint SIND_toLatexMath {h}{c}(pns:SIND(Rule:=Rule) h c) : LatexMath := match pns with | scnd_branch ht c1 c2 pns1 pns2 => SIND_toLatexMath pns1 +++ rawLatexMath " \hspace{1cm} " +++ SIND_toLatexMath pns2 | scnd_weak c => rawLatexMath "" | scnd_comp ht ct c pns rule => if hideRule _ _ rule then SIND_toLatexMath pns else rawLatexMath "\trfrac["+++ toLatexMath rule +++ rawLatexMath "]{" +++ eolL +++ SIND_toLatexMath pns +++ rawLatexMath "}{" +++ eolL +++ toLatexMath c +++ rawLatexMath "}" +++ eolL end. End SIND_toLatex. (* this is a work-in-progress; please use SIND_toLatexMath for now *) Fixpoint nd_toLatexMath {h}{c}(nd:@ND _ Rule h c)(indent:string) := match nd with | nd_id0 => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd_id0 " +++ eolL | nd_id1 h' => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd_id1 "+++ judgments2latex h +++ eolL | nd_weak1 h' => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\inferrule*[Left=ndWeak]{" +++ toLatexMath h' +++ rawLatexMath "}{ }" +++ eolL | nd_copy h' => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\inferrule*[Left=ndCopy]{"+++judgments2latex h+++ rawLatexMath "}{"+++judgments2latex c+++rawLatexMath "}" +++ eolL | nd_prod h1 h2 c1 c2 pf1 pf2 => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% prod " +++ eolL +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\begin{array}{c c}" +++ eolL +++ (nd_toLatexMath pf1 (" "+++indent)) +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath " & " +++ eolL +++ (nd_toLatexMath pf2 (" "+++indent)) +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\end{array}" | nd_comp h m c pf1 pf2 => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% comp " +++ eolL +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\begin{array}{c}" +++ eolL +++ (nd_toLatexMath pf1 (" "+++indent)) +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath " \\ " +++ eolL +++ (nd_toLatexMath pf2 (" "+++indent)) +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\end{array}" | nd_cancell a => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd-cancell " +++ (judgments2latex a) +++ eolL | nd_cancelr a => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd-cancelr " +++ (judgments2latex a) +++ eolL | nd_llecnac a => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd-llecnac " +++ (judgments2latex a) +++ eolL | nd_rlecnac a => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd-rlecnac " +++ (judgments2latex a) +++ eolL | nd_assoc a b c => rawLatexMath "" | nd_cossa a b c => rawLatexMath "" | nd_rule h c r => toLatexMath r end. End ToLatex. Close Scope pf_scope. Close Scope nd_scope.