(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* NaturalDeductionToLatex: rendering natural deduction proofs as LaTeX code *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import NaturalDeduction. Section ToLatex. Context {Judgment : Type}. Context {Rule : forall (hypotheses:Tree ??Judgment)(conclusion:Tree ??Judgment), Type}. Context {JudgmentToLatexMath : ToLatexMath Judgment}. Context {RuleToLatexMath : forall h c, ToLatexMath (Rule h c)}. Open Scope string_scope. Definition judgments2latex (j:Tree ??Judgment) := treeToLatexMath (mapOptionTree toLatexMath j). Definition eolL : LatexMath := rawLatexMath eol. (* invariant: each proof shall emit its hypotheses visibly, except nd_id0 *) Section SCND_toLatex. (* indicates which rules should be hidden (omitted) from the rendered proof; useful for structural operations *) Context (hideRule : forall h c (r:Rule h c), bool). Fixpoint SCND_toLatexMath {h}{c}(pns:SCND(Rule:=Rule) h c) : LatexMath := match pns with | scnd_branch ht c1 c2 pns1 pns2 => SCND_toLatexMath pns1 +++ rawLatexMath " \hspace{1cm} " +++ SCND_toLatexMath pns2 | scnd_weak c => rawLatexMath "" | scnd_comp ht ct c pns rule => if hideRule _ _ rule then SCND_toLatexMath pns else rawLatexMath "\trfrac["+++ toLatexMath rule +++ rawLatexMath "]{" +++ eolL +++ SCND_toLatexMath pns +++ rawLatexMath "}{" +++ eolL +++ toLatexMath c +++ rawLatexMath "}" +++ eolL end. End SCND_toLatex. (* this is a work-in-progress; please use SCND_toLatexMath for now *) Fixpoint nd_toLatexMath {h}{c}(nd:@ND _ Rule h c)(indent:string) := match nd with | nd_id0 => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd_id0 " +++ eolL | nd_id1 h' => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd_id1 "+++ judgments2latex h +++ eolL | nd_weak h' => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\inferrule*[Left=ndWeak]{" +++ toLatexMath h' +++ rawLatexMath "}{ }" +++ eolL | nd_copy h' => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\inferrule*[Left=ndCopy]{"+++judgments2latex h+++ rawLatexMath "}{"+++judgments2latex c+++rawLatexMath "}" +++ eolL | nd_prod h1 h2 c1 c2 pf1 pf2 => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% prod " +++ eolL +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\begin{array}{c c}" +++ eolL +++ (nd_toLatexMath pf1 (" "+++indent)) +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath " & " +++ eolL +++ (nd_toLatexMath pf2 (" "+++indent)) +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\end{array}" | nd_comp h m c pf1 pf2 => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% comp " +++ eolL +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\begin{array}{c}" +++ eolL +++ (nd_toLatexMath pf1 (" "+++indent)) +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath " \\ " +++ eolL +++ (nd_toLatexMath pf2 (" "+++indent)) +++ rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "\end{array}" | nd_cancell a => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd-cancell " +++ (judgments2latex a) +++ eolL | nd_cancelr a => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd-cancelr " +++ (judgments2latex a) +++ eolL | nd_llecnac a => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd-llecnac " +++ (judgments2latex a) +++ eolL | nd_rlecnac a => rawLatexMath indent +++ rawLatexMath "% nd-rlecnac " +++ (judgments2latex a) +++ eolL | nd_assoc a b c => rawLatexMath "" | nd_cossa a b c => rawLatexMath "" | nd_rule h c r => toLatexMath r end. End ToLatex.