(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* ProgrammingLanguage *) (* *) (* Basic assumptions about programming languages. *) (* *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Categories_ch1_3. Require Import InitialTerminal_ch2_2. Require Import Functors_ch1_4. Require Import Isomorphisms_ch1_5. Require Import ProductCategories_ch1_6_1. Require Import OppositeCategories_ch1_6_2. Require Import Enrichment_ch2_8. Require Import Subcategories_ch7_1. Require Import NaturalTransformations_ch7_4. Require Import NaturalIsomorphisms_ch7_5. Require Import BinoidalCategories. Require Import PreMonoidalCategories. Require Import MonoidalCategories_ch7_8. Require Import Coherence_ch7_8. Require Import Enrichment_ch2_8. Require Import RepresentableStructure_ch7_2. Require Import FunctorCategories_ch7_7. Require Import Enrichments. Require Import NaturalDeduction. Require Import NaturalDeductionCategory. Section Programming_Language. Context {T : Type}. (* types of the language *) Definition PLJudg := (Tree ??T) * (Tree ??T). Definition sequent := @pair (Tree ??T) (Tree ??T). Notation "cs |= ss" := (sequent cs ss) : pl_scope. Context {Rule : Tree ??PLJudg -> Tree ??PLJudg -> Type}. Notation "H /⋯⋯/ C" := (ND Rule H C) : pl_scope. Open Scope pf_scope. Open Scope nd_scope. Open Scope pl_scope. Class ProgrammingLanguage := { pl_eqv0 : @ND_Relation PLJudg Rule ; pl_snd :> @SequentND PLJudg Rule _ sequent ; pl_cnd :> @ContextND PLJudg Rule T sequent pl_snd ; pl_eqv1 :> @SequentND_Relation PLJudg Rule _ sequent pl_snd pl_eqv0 ; pl_eqv :> @ContextND_Relation PLJudg Rule _ sequent pl_snd pl_cnd pl_eqv0 pl_eqv1 }. Notation "pf1 === pf2" := (@ndr_eqv _ _ pl_eqv _ _ pf1 pf2) : temporary_scope3. Section LanguageCategory. Context (PL:ProgrammingLanguage). (* category of judgments in a fixed type/coercion context *) Definition Judgments_cartesian := @Judgments_Category_CartesianCat _ Rule pl_eqv. Definition JudgmentsL := Judgments_cartesian. Definition identityProof t : [] ~~{JudgmentsL}~~> [t |= t]. unfold hom; simpl. apply snd_initial. Defined. Definition cutProof a b c : [a |= b],,[b |= c] ~~{JudgmentsL}~~> [a |= c]. unfold hom; simpl. apply snd_cut. Defined. Existing Instance pl_eqv. Definition TypesL : ECategory JudgmentsL (Tree ??T) (fun x y => [x|=y]). refine {| eid := identityProof ; ecomp := cutProof |}; intros. apply (mon_commutative(MonoidalCat:=JudgmentsL)). apply (mon_commutative(MonoidalCat:=JudgmentsL)). unfold identityProof; unfold cutProof; simpl; eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. auto. unfold identityProof; unfold cutProof; simpl; eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. auto. unfold identityProof; unfold cutProof; simpl; eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Defined. Instance Types_first c : EFunctor TypesL TypesL (fun x => x,,c ) := { efunc := fun x y => cnd_expand_right(ContextND:=pl_cnd) x y c }. intros; apply (mon_commutative(MonoidalCat:=JudgmentsL)). intros. unfold ehom. unfold hom. unfold identityProof. unfold eid. simpl. unfold identityProof. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. intros. unfold ehom. unfold comp. simpl. unfold cutProof. rewrite <- (@ndr_prod_preserves_comp _ _ pl_eqv _ _ (cnd_expand_right _ _ c) _ _ (nd_id1 (b|=c0)) _ (nd_id1 (a,,c |= b,,c)) _ (cnd_expand_right _ _ c)). setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_right_identity _ _ pl_eqv _ [a,, c |= b,, c]). setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_left_identity _ _ pl_eqv [b |= c0]). simpl; eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. auto. Defined. Instance Types_second c : EFunctor TypesL TypesL (fun x => c,,x) := { efunc := fun x y => ((@cnd_expand_left _ _ _ _ _ _ x y c)) }. intros; apply (mon_commutative(MonoidalCat:=JudgmentsL)). intros. unfold ehom. unfold hom. unfold identityProof. unfold eid. simpl. unfold identityProof. eapply cndr_inert; auto. apply pl_eqv. intros. unfold ehom. unfold comp. simpl. unfold cutProof. rewrite <- (@ndr_prod_preserves_comp _ _ pl_eqv _ _ (cnd_expand_left _ _ c) _ _ (nd_id1 (b|=c0)) _ (nd_id1 (c,,a |= c,,b)) _ (cnd_expand_left _ _ c)). setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_right_identity _ _ pl_eqv _ [c,,a |= c,,b]). setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_left_identity _ _ pl_eqv [b |= c0]). simpl; eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. auto. Defined. Definition Types_binoidal : EBinoidalCat TypesL (@T_Branch _). refine {| ebc_first := Types_first ; ebc_second := Types_second |}. Defined. Instance Types_assoc_iso a b c : Isomorphic(C:=TypesL) ((a,,b),,c) (a,,(b,,c)) := { iso_forward := snd_initial _ ;; cnd_ant_cossa _ a b c ; iso_backward := snd_initial _ ;; cnd_ant_assoc _ a b c }. simpl; eapply cndr_inert. unfold identityProof; apply pl_eqv. auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. auto. simpl; eapply cndr_inert. unfold identityProof; apply pl_eqv. auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. auto. Defined. Instance Types_cancelr_iso a : Isomorphic(C:=TypesL) (a,,[]) a := { iso_forward := snd_initial _ ;; cnd_ant_rlecnac _ a ; iso_backward := snd_initial _ ;; cnd_ant_cancelr _ a }. unfold eqv; unfold comp; simpl. eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. auto. unfold eqv; unfold comp; simpl. eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. auto. Defined. Instance Types_cancell_iso a : Isomorphic(C:=TypesL) ([],,a) a := { iso_forward := snd_initial _ ;; cnd_ant_llecnac _ a ; iso_backward := snd_initial _ ;; cnd_ant_cancell _ a }. unfold eqv; unfold comp; simpl. eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. auto. unfold eqv; unfold comp; simpl. eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. auto. Defined. (* this tactical searches the environment; setoid_rewrite doesn't seem to be able to do that properly sometimes *) Ltac nd_swap_ltac P EQV := match goal with [ |- context [ (?F ** nd_id _) ;; (nd_id _ ** ?G) ] ] => set (@nd_swap _ _ EQV _ _ _ _ F G) as P end. Instance Types_assoc a b : Types_second a >>>> Types_first b <~~~> Types_first b >>>> Types_second a := { ni_iso := fun c => Types_assoc_iso a c b }. intros. Opaque nd_id. simpl. Transparent nd_id. rename A into X. rename B into Y. unfold ehom. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) f) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) f) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects; try reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Defined. Instance Types_assoc_ll a b : Types_second (a,,b) <~~~> Types_second b >>>> Types_second a := { ni_iso := fun c => Types_assoc_iso a b c }. intros. Opaque nd_id. simpl. Transparent nd_id. rename A into X. rename B into Y. unfold ehom. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) f) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) f) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects; try reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Defined. Instance Types_assoc_rr a b : Types_first (a,,b) <~~~> Types_first a >>>> Types_first b := { ni_iso := fun c => iso_inv _ _ (Types_assoc_iso c a b) }. intros. Opaque nd_id. simpl. Transparent nd_id. rename A into X. rename B into Y. unfold ehom. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) f) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) f) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects; try reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Defined. Instance Types_cancelr : Types_first [] <~~~> functor_id _ := { ni_iso := Types_cancelr_iso }. intros. Opaque nd_id. simpl. unfold ehom. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) f) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) f) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects; try reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. simpl. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Defined. Instance Types_cancell : Types_second [] <~~~> functor_id _ := { ni_iso := Types_cancell_iso }. intros. Opaque nd_id. simpl. unfold ehom. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) f) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) f) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects; try reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. simpl. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Defined. Lemma TypesL_assoc_central a b c : CentralMorphism(H:=Types_binoidal) #((Types_assoc a b) c). intros. apply Build_CentralMorphism. Opaque nd_id. intros. unfold bin_obj. unfold ebc_bobj. simpl. unfold ehom. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) g) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) g) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects. reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Opaque nd_id. intros. unfold bin_obj. unfold ebc_bobj. simpl. unfold ehom. symmetry. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) g) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) g) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects. reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Qed. Lemma TypesL_cancell_central a : CentralMorphism(H:=Types_binoidal) #(Types_cancell a). intros. apply Build_CentralMorphism. Opaque nd_id. intros. unfold bin_obj. unfold ebc_bobj. simpl. unfold ehom. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) g) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) g) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects. reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Opaque nd_id. intros. unfold bin_obj. unfold ebc_bobj. simpl. unfold ehom. symmetry. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) g) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) g) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects. reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Qed. Lemma TypesL_cancelr_central a : CentralMorphism(H:=Types_binoidal) #(Types_cancelr a). intros. apply Build_CentralMorphism. Opaque nd_id. intros. unfold bin_obj. unfold ebc_bobj. simpl. unfold ehom. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) g) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) g) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects. reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Opaque nd_id. intros. unfold bin_obj. unfold ebc_bobj. simpl. unfold ehom. symmetry. nd_swap_ltac p pl_eqv. setoid_rewrite p. clear p. setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_left _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). setoid_rewrite (@nd_prod_split_right _ Rule pl_eqv _ _ _ []). repeat setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). setoid_rewrite <- (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancelr pl_eqv) g) as q. Opaque nd_id. simpl in q. setoid_rewrite <- q. clear q. set (ni_commutes' (jud_mon_cancell pl_eqv) g) as q. simpl in q. set (coincide (pmon_triangle(PreMonoidalCat:=(Judgments_Category_premonoidal pl_eqv)))) as q'. set (isos_forward_equal_then_backward_equal _ _ q') as qq. simpl in qq. setoid_rewrite qq in q. clear q' qq. setoid_rewrite <- q. setoid_rewrite (@ndr_comp_associativity _ Rule pl_eqv). apply ndr_comp_respects. reflexivity. Transparent nd_id. apply (cndr_inert pl_cnd); auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. apply ndpc_comp; auto. Qed. Instance TypesL_PreMonoidal : PreMonoidalCat Types_binoidal [] := { pmon_assoc := Types_assoc ; pmon_cancell := Types_cancell ; pmon_cancelr := Types_cancelr ; pmon_assoc_rr := Types_assoc_rr ; pmon_assoc_ll := Types_assoc_ll }. apply Build_Pentagon. intros; simpl. eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. apply ndpc_comp. apply ndpc_comp. auto. apply ndpc_comp. apply ndpc_prod. apply ndpc_comp. apply ndpc_comp. auto. apply ndpc_comp. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. apply ndpc_comp. apply ndpc_comp. auto. apply ndpc_comp. auto. auto. auto. apply Build_Triangle; intros; simpl. eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. apply ndpc_comp. apply ndpc_comp. auto. apply ndpc_comp. auto. auto. auto. eapply cndr_inert. apply pl_eqv. auto. auto. intros; simpl; reflexivity. intros; simpl; reflexivity. apply TypesL_assoc_central. apply TypesL_cancelr_central. apply TypesL_cancell_central. Defined. Definition TypesEnrichedInJudgments : SurjectiveEnrichment. refine {| senr_c_pm := TypesL_PreMonoidal ; senr_v := JudgmentsL ; senr_v_bin := Judgments_Category_binoidal _ ; senr_v_pmon := Judgments_Category_premonoidal _ ; senr_v_mon := Judgments_Category_monoidal _ ; senr_c_bin := Types_binoidal ; senr_c := TypesL |}. Defined. End LanguageCategory. End Programming_Language. Implicit Arguments ND [ Judgment ].