X-Git-Url: http://git.megacz.com/?p=coq-hetmet.git;a=blobdiff_plain;f=src%2FHaskProofToLatex.v;h=61b358f0c738252ff3047ac66923d965fc6ca7ae;hp=55496dc9411a478646f18565963d6b54d3c29d44;hb=f6ee1ec88c9b94c62eccbd4119082ae11073a886;hpb=ee7da23597402df671f18320edff6604f5f6de7c diff --git a/src/HaskProofToLatex.v b/src/HaskProofToLatex.v index 55496dc..61b358f 100644 --- a/src/HaskProofToLatex.v +++ b/src/HaskProofToLatex.v @@ -6,211 +6,225 @@ Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import NaturalDeduction. -Require Import NaturalDeductionToLatex. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. -Require Import HaskGeneral. +Require Import HaskKinds. +Require Import HaskWeakVars. +Require Import HaskWeakTypes. Require Import HaskLiterals. +Require Import HaskTyCons. Require Import HaskStrongTypes. Require Import HaskStrong. Require Import HaskProof. - -(* escapifies any characters which might cause trouble for LaTeX *) -Variable sanitizeForLatex : string -> string. Extract Inlined Constant sanitizeForLatex => "sanitizeForLatex". -Variable nat2string : nat -> string. Extract Inlined Constant nat2string => "nat2string". - -Open Scope string_scope. -Section ToLatex. - - Fixpoint kind2latex (k:Kind) : string := - match k with - | KindType => "\star" - | KindTypeFunction KindType k2 => "\star\Rightarrow "+++kind2latex k2 - | KindTypeFunction k1 k2 => "("+++kind2latex k1+++")\Rightarrow "+++kind2latex k2 - | KindUnliftedType => "\text{\tt{\#}}" - | KindUnboxedTuple => "\text{\tt{(\#)}}" - | KindArgType => "\text{\tt{?}}" - | KindOpenType => "\text{\tt{?}}" - end. - - Open Scope nat_scope. - Definition var2string (n:nat) := - match n with - | 0 => "x" - | 1 => "y" - | 2 => "z" - | 3 => "a" - | 4 => "b" - | 5 => "c" - | 6 => "d" - | 7 => "e" - | 8 => "f" - | 9 => "g" - | 10 => "h" - | S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S x)))))))))) => "z_{"+++(nat2string x)+++"}" - end. - Close Scope nat_scope. - - Definition tyvar2greek (n:nat) := - match n with - | O => "\alpha" - | S O => "\beta" - | S (S O) => "\xi" - | S (S (S n)) => "\alpha_{"+++nat2string n+++"}" - end. - - Definition covar2greek (n:nat) := - "{\gamma_{"+++(nat2string n)+++"}}". - - Fixpoint count (n:nat) : vec nat n := - match n with - | O => vec_nil - | S n' => n':::(count n') +Require Import HaskCoreTypes. + + + +Inductive VarNameStore := + varNameStore : nat -> nat -> nat -> VarNameStore. +Inductive VarNameStoreM {T} := + varNameStoreM : (VarNameStore -> (T * VarNameStore)) -> VarNameStoreM. +Implicit Arguments VarNameStoreM [ ]. + +Open Scope nat_scope. +Instance VarNameMonad : Monad VarNameStoreM := +{ returnM := fun _ x => varNameStoreM (fun v => (x,v)) +; bindM := fun _ _ x f => + match x with + varNameStoreM xf => + varNameStoreM (fun vns => + match xf vns with + (x',vns') => match f x' with + varNameStoreM fx' => fx' vns' + end + end) end }. + +Definition freshTyVarName : Kind -> VarNameStoreM LatexMath := + fun κ => varNameStoreM (fun vns => + match vns with + varNameStore n1 n2 n3 => + let name := (rawLatexMath "\alpha_{")+++toLatexMath (toString n1)+++(rawLatexMath "}") + in (name,(varNameStore (S n1) n2 n3)) + end). +Definition freshCoVarName : VarNameStoreM LatexMath := + varNameStoreM (fun vns => + match vns with + varNameStore n1 n2 n3 => + let name := (rawLatexMath "\gamma_{")+++toLatexMath (toString n2)+++(rawLatexMath "}") + in (name,(varNameStore n1 (S n2) n3)) + end). +Definition freshValVarName : VarNameStoreM LatexMath := + varNameStoreM (fun vns => + match vns with + varNameStore n1 n2 n3 => + let vn := match n3 with + | 0 => "x" + | 1 => "y" + | 2 => "z" + | 3 => "a" + | 4 => "b" + | 5 => "c" + | 6 => "d" + | 7 => "e" + | 8 => "f" + | 9 => "g" + | 10 => "h" + | S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S x)))))))))) => "z_{"+++toString x+++"}" + end + in let name := rawLatexMath ("x_{"+++vn+++"}") + in (name,(varNameStore n1 n2 (S n3))) + end). + +Fixpoint typeToLatexMath (needparens:bool){κ}(t:RawHaskType (fun _ => LatexMath) κ) {struct t} : VarNameStoreM LatexMath := + match t return VarNameStoreM LatexMath with + | TVar _ v => return toLatexMath v + | TCon tc => return ((rawLatexMath "\text{\tt{")+++toLatexMath (toString tc)+++(rawLatexMath "}}")) + | TArrow => return rawLatexMath "\text{\tt{(->)}}" + | TCoerc _ t1 t2 t => bind t1' = typeToLatexMath false t1 + ; bind t2' = typeToLatexMath false t2 + ; bind t' = typeToLatexMath needparens t + ; return ((rawLatexMath "{(")+++t1'+++(rawLatexMath "{\sim}")+++ + t2'+++(rawLatexMath ")}\Rightarrow{")+++t'+++(rawLatexMath "}")) + | TCode ec t => bind ec' = typeToLatexMath true ec + ; bind t' = typeToLatexMath false t + ; return (rawLatexMath "\code{")+++ec'+++(rawLatexMath "}{")+++t'+++(rawLatexMath "}") + | TAll k f => bind alpha = freshTyVarName k + ; bind t' = typeToLatexMath false (f alpha) + ; return (rawLatexMath "(\forall ")+++alpha+++(rawLatexMath "{:}")+++ + (kindToLatexMath k)+++(rawLatexMath ")")+++t' + | TApp _ _ t1 t2 => match t1 return VarNameStoreM LatexMath with + | TApp _ _ TArrow tx => bind t1' = typeToLatexMath true tx + ; bind t2' = typeToLatexMath true t2 + ; let body := t1'+++(rawLatexMath "{\rightarrow}")+++t2' + in return (if needparens then (rawLatexMath "(")+++body+++(rawLatexMath ")") else body) + | _ => bind t1' = typeToLatexMath true t1 + ; bind t2' = typeToLatexMath true t2 + ; let body := t1'+++(rawLatexMath " ")+++t2' + in return (if needparens then (rawLatexMath "(")+++body+++(rawLatexMath ")") else body) + end + | TyFunApp tfc _ _ lt => bind rest = typeListToRawLatexMath false lt + ; return (rawLatexMath "{\text{\tt{")+++(toLatexMath (toString tfc))+++(rawLatexMath "}}}")+++ + (rawLatexMath "_{")+++(rawLatexMath (toString (length (fst (tyFunKind tfc)))))+++ + (rawLatexMath "}")+++ + (fold_left (fun x y => (rawLatexMath " \ ")+++x+++y) + rest (rawLatexMath "")) +end +with typeListToRawLatexMath (needparens:bool){κ}(t:RawHaskTypeList κ) {struct t} : VarNameStoreM (list LatexMath) := +match t return VarNameStoreM (list LatexMath) with +| TyFunApp_nil => return nil +| TyFunApp_cons κ kl rhk rhkl => bind r = typeToLatexMath needparens rhk + ; bind rl = typeListToRawLatexMath needparens rhkl + ; return (r::rl) +end. + +Definition ltypeToLatexMath {Γ:TypeEnv}{κ}(t:LeveledHaskType Γ κ) : VarNameStoreM LatexMath. + refine ( + match t with + t' @@ lev => + bind ite = _ ; + bind t'' = typeToLatexMath false (t' (fun _ => LatexMath) ite) ; + return match lev with + | nil => t'' + | lv => (rawLatexMath " ")+++t''+++(rawLatexMath " @ ")+++ + (fold_left (fun x y => x+++(rawLatexMath ":")+++y) + (map (fun l:HaskTyVar Γ _ => l (fun _ => LatexMath) ite) lv) (rawLatexMath "")) + end + end); try apply ConcatenableLatexMath. + try apply VarNameMonad. + clear t t' lev κ. + induction Γ. + apply (return INil). + refine (bind tv' = freshTyVarName a ; _). + apply VarNameMonad. + refine (bind IHΓ' = IHΓ ; return _). + apply VarNameMonad. + apply ICons. + apply tv'. + apply IHΓ'. + apply VarNameMonad. + Defined. + +Definition judgmentToRawLatexMath (j:Judg) : LatexMath := + match match j return VarNameStoreM LatexMath with + | mkJudg Γ Δ Σ₁ Σ₂ => + bind Σ₁' = treeM (mapOptionTree ltypeToLatexMath Σ₁) + ; bind Σ₂' = treeM (mapOptionTree ltypeToLatexMath Σ₂) + ; return treeToLatexMath Σ₁' +++ (rawLatexMath "\vdash") +++ treeToLatexMath Σ₂' + end with + varNameStoreM f => fst (f (varNameStore 0 0 0)) end. - Fixpoint type2latex (needparens:bool)(n:nat)(t:RawHaskType nat) {struct t} : string := - match t with - | TVar v => tyvar2greek v - | TCon _ tc => "\text{\tt{"+++sanitizeForLatex (tyConToString _ tc) +++"}}" - | TCoerc κ => "{\text{\tt{(+>)}}}_{"+++ kind2latex κ +++"}" - | TApp t1 t2 => - match (match t1 with - | TApp (TCon 2 tc) t1' => - if (tyCon_eq tc ArrowTyCon) - then inl _ (if needparens - then "("+++(type2latex true n t1')+++"{\rightarrow}"+++(type2latex true n t2)+++")" - else (type2latex true n t1')+++"{\rightarrow}"+++(type2latex true n t2)) - else inr _ tt - | _ => inr _ tt - end) with - | inl x => x - | _ => if needparens - then "("+++(type2latex true n t1)+++" "+++(type2latex false n t2)+++")" - else (type2latex true n t1)+++" "+++(type2latex false n t2) - end - | TFCApp n tfc lt => "{\text{\tt{"+++sanitizeForLatex (tyFunToString _ tfc) +++"}}}"+++ - "_{"+++(nat2string n)+++"}"+++ - fold_left (fun x y => " \ "+++x+++y) - ((fix type2latex_vec (needparens:bool)(n:nat){m}(lt:vec (RawHaskType nat) m) - : list string := - match lt with - | vec_nil => nil - | a:::b => (type2latex needparens n a)::(type2latex_vec needparens n _ b) - end ) - false n _ lt) "" - | TAll k f => let alpha := tyvar2greek n - in "(\forall "+++ alpha +++ "{:}"+++ kind2latex k +++")"+++ - type2latex false (S n) (f n) - | TCode ec t => "\code{"+++(type2latex true n ec)+++"}{"+++(type2latex false n t)+++"}" - end. - - Definition ltype2latex {Γ:TypeEnv}(t:RawHaskType nat)(lev:list nat) : string := - match lev with - | nil => type2latex false O t - | lv => "{"+++type2latex true O t+++"}^{"+++(fold_left (fun x y => x+++":"+++y) (map tyvar2greek lv) "")+++"}" - end. - - Fixpoint enumerate' (n:nat){T:Type}(l:list T) : list (nat * T) := - match l with - | nil => nil - | (a::b) => (n,a)::(enumerate' (S n) b) - end. - - Definition enumerate {T:Type}(l:list T) := enumerate' O l. - - Definition InstantiatedTypeEnvString Γ : @InstantiatedTypeEnv nat Γ := count (length Γ). - Definition InstantiatedCoercionEnvString Γ Δ : @InstantiatedCoercionEnv nat nat Γ Δ := count (length Δ). - Definition judgment2latex (j:Judg) : string := - match j with - | mkJudg Γ Δ a b => - let Γ' := InstantiatedTypeEnvString Γ in - let Δ' := InstantiatedCoercionEnvString Γ Δ in - let lt2l := fun nt:nat*(LeveledHaskType Γ) => - let (n,lt) := nt in - match lt with - t @@ l => - (var2string n)+++"{:}"+++(@ltype2latex Γ (t nat Γ') (map (fun x:HaskTyVar Γ => x nat Γ') l)) - end in - let lt2l' := fun lt:(LeveledHaskType Γ) => - match lt with - t @@ l => - "e{:}"+++(@ltype2latex Γ (t nat Γ') (map (fun x:HaskTyVar Γ => x nat Γ') l)) - end in - (list2latex "" lt2l "\ ,\ " (enumerate (leaves a))) - +++" \ \vdash_e\ "(*+++"e{:}"*) - +++(list2latex "" lt2l' "\ ,\ " (leaves b)) - end. - - Definition j2l (j2j:Judg -> Judg) jt := - @judgments2latex Judg judgment2latex (mapOptionTree j2j jt). - - Fixpoint nd_urule2latex {Γ}{Δ}{h}{c}(r:@URule Γ Δ h c) : string := - match r with - | (RLeft _ _ c r ) => nd_urule2latex r - | (RRight _ _ c r ) => nd_urule2latex r - | (RCanL t a ) => "CanL" - | (RCanR t a ) => "CanR" - | (RuCanL t a ) => "uCanL" - | (RuCanR t a ) => "uCanR" - | (RAssoc t a b c ) => "Assoc" - | (RCossa t a b c ) => "Cossa" - | (RExch t a b ) => "Exch" - | (RWeak t a ) => "Weak" - | (RCont t a ) => "Cont" - end. - - Fixpoint nd_rule2latex {h}{c}(r:Rule h c) : string := - match r with - | RURule _ _ _ _ r => nd_urule2latex r - | RNote x n z => "Note" - | RLit Γ _ l _ => "Lit" - | RVar Γ _ σ p => "Var" - | RLam Γ _ Σ tx te p x => "Abs" - | RCast Γ _ Σ σ τ γ p x => "Cast" - | RAbsT Γ Σ κ σ a p => "AbsT" - | RAppT Γ _ Σ κ σ τ p y => "AppT" - | RAppCo Γ _ Σ κ _ σ₁ σ₂ σ γ p => "AppCo" - | RAbsCo Γ Σ κ σ cc σ₁ σ₂ p y q => "AbsCo" - | RApp Γ _ Σ₁ Σ₂ tx te p => "App" - | RLet Γ _ Σ₁ Σ₂ σ₁ σ₂ p => "Let" - | REmptyGroup _ a => "REmptyGroup" - | RBindingGroup _ a b c d e => "RBindingGroup" - | RLetRec Γ _ p lri q => "LetRec" - | RCase Σ Γ T κlen κ ldcd τ _ _ => "Case" - | RBrak Σ _ a b c _ => "Brak" - | REsc Σ _ a b c _ => "Esc" +Instance ToLatexMathJudgment : ToLatexMath Judg := + { toLatexMath := judgmentToRawLatexMath }. + +Fixpoint nd_uruleToRawLatexMath {T}{h}{c}(r:@Arrange T h c) : string := + match r with + | RLeft _ _ _ r => nd_uruleToRawLatexMath r + | RRight _ _ _ r => nd_uruleToRawLatexMath r + | RId _ => "Id" + | RCanL _ => "CanL" + | RCanR _ => "CanR" + | RuCanL _ => "uCanL" + | RuCanR _ => "uCanR" + | RAssoc _ _ _ => "Assoc" + | RCossa _ _ _ => "Cossa" + | RExch _ _ => "Exch" + | RWeak _ => "Weak" + | RCont _ => "Cont" + | RComp _ _ _ _ _ => "Comp" (* FIXME: do a better job here *) end. - Fixpoint nd_hideURule {Γ}{Δ}{h}{c}(r:@URule Γ Δ h c) : bool := - match r with - | RLeft h c ctx r => nd_hideURule r - | RRight h c ctx r => nd_hideURule r - | RCanL t a => true - | RCanR t a => true - | RuCanL t a => true - | RuCanR t a => true - | RAssoc t a b c => true - | RCossa t a b c => true - | RExch t (T_Leaf None) b => true - | RExch t a (T_Leaf None) => true - | RWeak t (T_Leaf None) => true - | RCont t (T_Leaf None) => true - | _ => false - end. - Fixpoint nd_hideRule {h}{c}(r:Rule h c) : bool := - match r with - | RURule _ _ _ _ r => nd_hideURule r - | REmptyGroup a _ => true - | RBindingGroup _ _ _ _ _ _ => true - | _ => false - end. -End ToLatex. +Fixpoint nd_ruleToRawLatexMath {h}{c}(r:Rule h c) : string := + match r with + | RArrange _ _ _ _ _ r => nd_uruleToRawLatexMath r + | RNote _ _ _ _ _ _ => "Note" + | RLit _ _ _ _ => "Lit" + | RVar _ _ _ _ => "Var" + | RGlobal _ _ _ _ _ => "Global" + | RLam _ _ _ _ _ _ => "Abs" + | RCast _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => "Cast" + | RAbsT _ _ _ _ _ _ => "AbsT" + | RAppT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => "AppT" + | RAppCo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => "AppCo" + | RAbsCo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => "AbsCo" + | RApp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => "App" + | RLet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => "Let" + | RJoin _ _ _ _ _ _ => "RJoin" + | RLetRec _ _ _ _ _ _ => "LetRec" + | RCase _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => "Case" + | RBrak _ _ _ _ _ _ => "Brak" + | REsc _ _ _ _ _ _ => "Esc" + | RVoid _ _ => "RVoid" +end. + +Fixpoint nd_hideURule {T}{h}{c}(r:@Arrange T h c) : bool := + match r with + | RLeft _ _ _ r => nd_hideURule r + | RRight _ _ _ r => nd_hideURule r + | RCanL _ => true + | RCanR _ => true + | RuCanL _ => true + | RuCanR _ => true + | RAssoc _ _ _ => true + | RCossa _ _ _ => true + | RExch (T_Leaf None) b => true + | RExch a (T_Leaf None) => true + | RWeak (T_Leaf None) => true + | RCont (T_Leaf None) => true + | RComp _ _ _ _ _ => false (* FIXME: do better *) + | _ => false + end. +Fixpoint nd_hideRule {h}{c}(r:Rule h c) : bool := + match r with + | RArrange _ _ _ _ _ r => nd_hideURule r + | RVoid _ _ => true + | RJoin _ _ _ _ _ _ => true + | _ => false + end. -Axiom systemfc_all_rules_one_conclusion : forall h c1 c2 (r:Rule h (c1,,c2)), False. +Instance ToLatexMathRule h c : ToLatexMath (Rule h c) := + { toLatexMath := fun r => rawLatexMath (@nd_ruleToRawLatexMath h c r) }. -Definition nd_ml_toLatex {c}(pf:@ND _ Rule [] c) := - @SCND_toLatex _ _ - judgment2latex - (fun h c r => @nd_rule2latex h c r) - (fun h c r => @nd_hideRule h c r) - _ _ (mkSCND (systemfc_all_rules_one_conclusion) _ _ _ pf (scnd_weak [])). +Definition nd_ml_toLatexMath {c}(pf:@ND _ Rule [] c) := +@SIND_toLatexMath _ _ ToLatexMathJudgment ToLatexMathRule (@nd_hideRule) _ _ + (mkSIND (systemfc_all_rules_one_conclusion) _ _ _ pf (scnd_weak [])).