[project @ 1996-01-08 20:28:12 by partain]
[ghc-hetmet.git] / ghc / compiler / tests / deSugar / ds016.stderr
1 Desugared:
2 Tests.f :: for all a, d, e. [a] -> d -> [e] -> [e]
3 Tests.f =
4     /\ a o86 t97 -> \ x.119 y.120 z.121 ->
5         let
6           ds.122 =
7               (++ a) x.119 ((++ a) x.119 ((++ a) x.119 ((++ a) x.119 x.119))) in
8         let
9           fail.123 =
10               (error [t97])
11                   "\"ds016.hs\", line 17: pattern-matching failed in case\n"S
12         in 
13           case ds.122 of {
14             Nil -> Nil! t97
15             (:) a.124 ds.125 ->
16                 let
17                   fail.128 =
18                       let bs.126 = ds.125 in
19                       let a.127 = a.124 in  (error [t97]) "4"S
20                 in 
21                   case ds.125 of {
22                     Nil -> (error [t97]) "2"S
23                     (:) b.129 ds.130 ->
24                         case ds.130 of {
25                           (:) c.131 ds.132 ->
26                               case ds.132 of {
27                                 Nil ->
28                                     let a.133 = a.124 in
29                                     let
30                                       ds.134 =
31                                           MkTuple4!
32                                               o86
33                                               [t97]
34                                               o86
35                                               [t97]
36                                               y.120
37                                               z.121
38                                               y.120
39                                               z.121
40                                     in  z.121
41                                 _ ->  fail.128
42                               }
43                           _ ->  fail.128
44                         }
45                   }
46           }