Handle hierarchical module names in External Core tools
[ghc-hetmet.git] / utils / ext-core / Driver.hs
1 {- A simple driver that loads, typechecks, prepares, re-typechecks, and interprets the 
2     GHC standard Prelude modules and an application module called Main. 
4    Note that, if compiled under GHC, this requires a very large heap to run!
5 -}
7 import Monad
8 import System.Environment
10 import Core
11 import Printer
12 import Parser
13 import Lex
14 import ParseGlue
15 import Env
16 import Prims
17 import Check
18 import Prep
19 import Interp
21 process (senv,modules) f = 
22        do putStrLn ("Processing " ++ f)
23           s <- readFile f
24           case parse s 1 of
25             OkP m -> do putStrLn "Parse succeeded"
26                         {- writeFile (f ++ ".parsed") (show m) -}
27                         case checkModule senv m of
28                           OkC senv' -> 
29                             do putStrLn "Check succeeded"
30                                let m' = prepModule senv' m
31                                {- writeFile (f ++ ".prepped") (show m') -}
32                                case checkModule senv m' of
33                                  OkC senv'' ->
34                                    do putStrLn "Recheck succeeded"
35                                       return (senv'',modules ++ [m'])
36                                  FailC s -> 
37                                    do putStrLn ("Recheck failed: " ++ s)
38                                       error "quit"
39                           FailC s -> 
40                             do putStrLn ("Check failed: " ++ s)
41                                error "quit"
42             FailP s -> do putStrLn ("Parse failed: " ++ s)
43                           error "quit"
45 main = do fname <- getSingleArg
46           (_,modules) <- foldM process (initialEnv,[]) [fname] -- flist
47           let result = evalProgram modules
48           putStrLn ("Result = " ++ show result)
49           putStrLn "All done"
50 -- TODO
51 -- see what breaks
52        where flist = ["Main.hcr"]
53              getSingleArg = getArgs >>= (\ a ->
54                                            case a of
55                                              (f:_) -> return f
56                                              _ -> error $ "usage: ./Driver [filename]")
57 {-
58          ["PrelBase.hcr",
59                           "PrelMaybe.hcr",
60                           "PrelTup.hcr",
61                           "PrelList.hcr", 
62                           "PrelShow.hcr",
63                           "PrelEnum.hcr",
64                           "PrelNum.hcr",
65                           "PrelST.hcr",
66                           "PrelArr.hcr",
67                           "PrelDynamic.hcr",
68                           "PrelReal.hcr",
69                           "PrelFloat.hcr",
70                           "PrelRead.hcr",
71                           "PrelIOBase.hcr",
72                           "PrelException.hcr",
73                           "PrelErr.hcr",
74                           "PrelConc.hcr",
75                           "PrelPtr.hcr",
76                           "PrelByteArr.hcr",
77                           "PrelPack.hcr",
78                           "PrelBits.hcr",
79                           "PrelWord.hcr",
80                           "PrelInt.hcr",
81                           "PrelCTypes.hcr",
82                           "PrelStable.hcr",
83                           "PrelCTypesISO.hcr",
84                           "Monad.hcr",
85                           "PrelStorable.hcr",
86                           "PrelMarshalAlloc.hcr",
87                           "PrelMarshalUtils.hcr",
88                           "PrelMarshalArray.hcr",
89                           "PrelCString.hcr",
90                           "PrelMarshalError.hcr",
91                           "PrelCError.hcr",
92                           "PrelPosix.hcr",
93                           "PrelHandle.hcr",
94                           "PrelIO.hcr",
95                           "Prelude.hcr",
96                           "Main.hcr" ] 
98 -}