#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Path 'rmtree'; use File::Basename; my @library_dirs = (); my @tarballs = glob("libraries/tarballs/*"); my $tarball; my $package; my $stamp; for $tarball (@tarballs) { $package = $tarball; $package =~ s#^libraries/tarballs/##; $package =~ s/-[0-9.]*(-snapshot)?\.tar\.gz$//; # Sanity check, so we don't rmtree the wrong thing below if (($package eq "") || ($package =~ m#[/.\\]#)) { die "Bad package name: $package"; } if (-d "libraries/$package/_darcs") { print "Ignoring libraries/$package as it looks like a darcs checkout\n" } else { $stamp = "libraries/stamp/$package"; if ((! -d "libraries/$package") || (! -f "$stamp") || ((-M "libraries/stamp/$package") > (-M $tarball))) { print "Unpacking $package\n"; if (-d "libraries/$package") { &rmtree("libraries/$package") or die "Can't remove libraries/$package: $!"; } mkdir "libraries/$package" or die "Can't create libraries/$package: $!"; system ("sh", "-c", "cd 'libraries/$package' && { cat ../../$tarball | gzip -d | tar xf - ; } && mv */* .") == 0 or die "Failed to unpack $package"; open STAMP, "> $stamp" or die "Failed to open stamp file: $!"; close STAMP or die "Failed to close stamp file: $!"; } } } for $package (glob "libraries/*/") { $package =~ s/\/$//; my $pkgs = "$package/ghc-packages"; if (-f $pkgs) { open PKGS, "< $pkgs" or die "Failed to open $pkgs: $!"; while () { chomp; if (/.+/) { push @library_dirs, "$package/$_"; } } } else { push @library_dirs, $package; } } for $package (@library_dirs) { my $dir = &basename($package); my @cabals = glob("$package/*.cabal"); if ($#cabals > 0) { die "Too many .cabal file in $package\n"; } if ($#cabals eq 0) { my $cabal = $cabals[0]; my $pkg; my $top; if (-f $cabal) { $pkg = $cabal; $pkg =~ s#.*/##; $pkg =~ s/\.cabal$//; $top = $package; $top =~ s#[^/]+#..#g; $dir = $package; $dir =~ s#^libraries/##g; print "Creating $package/ghc.mk\n"; open GHCMK, "> $package/ghc.mk" or die "Opening $package/ghc.mk failed: $!"; print GHCMK "${package}_PACKAGE = ${pkg}\n"; print GHCMK "${package}_dist-install_GROUP = libraries\n"; print GHCMK "\$(eval \$(call build-package,${package},dist-install,\$(if \$(filter ${dir},\$(STAGE2_PACKAGES)),2,1)))\n"; close GHCMK or die "Closing $package/ghc.mk failed: $!"; print "Creating $package/GNUmakefile\n"; open GNUMAKEFILE, "> $package/GNUmakefile" or die "Opening $package/GNUmakefile failed: $!"; print GNUMAKEFILE "dir = ${package}\n"; print GNUMAKEFILE "TOP = ${top}\n"; print GNUMAKEFILE "include \$(TOP)/mk/sub-makefile.mk\n"; print GNUMAKEFILE "FAST_MAKE_OPTS += stage=0\n"; close GNUMAKEFILE or die "Closing $package/GNUmakefile failed: $!"; } } }