# Local GHC-build-tree customization for Cabal makefiles. We want to build # libraries using flags that the user has put in build.mk/validate.mk and # appropriate flags for Mac OS X deployment targets. # Careful here: including boilerplate.mk breaks things, because paths.mk and # opts.mk overrides some of the variable settings in the Cabal Makefile, so # we just include config.mk and custom-settings.mk. TOP=.. SAVE_GHC := $(GHC) SAVE_AR := $(AR) SAVE_LD := $(LD) include $(TOP)/mk/config.mk include $(TOP)/mk/custom-settings.mk GHC := $(SAVE_GHC) AR := $(SAVE_AR) LD := $(SAVE_LD) # Now add flags from the GHC build system to the Cabal build: GHC_CC_OPTS += $(addprefix -optc, $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_CC_OPTS)) GHC_OPTS += $(SRC_HC_OPTS) GHC_OPTS += $(GhcHcOpts) GHC_OPTS += $(GhcStage$(stage)HcOpts) GHC_OPTS += $(addprefix -optc, $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_CC_OPTS)) LIB_LD_OPTS += $(addprefix -optl, $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_LD_OPTS)) # Work around a bug "splitTyConApp e1{tv a2iZ}" in 6.4.2: ifeq "$(ghc_ge_605)" "NO" dist-stage1/build/IOEnv.o: GHC_OPTS += -O0 endif # XXX These didn't work in the old build system, according to the # comment at least. We should actually handle them properly at some # point: # Some .hs files #include other source files, but since ghc -M doesn't spit out # these dependencies we have to include them manually. # We don't add dependencies on HsVersions.h, ghcautoconf.h, or ghc_boot_platform.h, # because then modifying one of these files would force recompilation of everything, # which is probably not what you want. However, it does mean you have to be # careful to recompile stuff you need if you reconfigure or change HsVersions.h. # Aargh, these don't work properly anyway, because GHC's recompilation checker # just reports "compilation NOT required". Do we have to add -fforce-recomp for each # of these .hs files? I haven't done anything about this yet. # $(odir)/codeGen/Bitmap.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(odir)/codeGen/CgCallConv.$(way_)o : ../includes/StgFun.h # $(odir)/codeGen/CgProf.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(odir)/codeGen/CgProf.$(way_)o : ../includes/Constants.h # $(odir)/codeGen/CgProf.$(way_)o : ../includes/DerivedConstants.h # $(odir)/codeGen/CgTicky.$(way_)o : ../includes/DerivedConstants.h # $(odir)/codeGen/ClosureInfo.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(odir)/codeGen/SMRep.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(odir)/codeGen/SMRep.$(way_)o : ../includes/ClosureTypes.h # $(odir)/ghci/ByteCodeAsm.$(way_)o : ../includes/Bytecodes.h # $(odir)/ghci/ByteCodeFFI.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/ghci/ByteCodeInstr.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(odir)/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.$(way_)o : ../includes/ClosureTypes.h # $(odir)/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/main/Constants.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachRegs.h # $(odir)/main/Constants.$(way_)o : ../includes/Constants.h # $(odir)/main/Constants.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(odir)/main/Constants.$(way_)o : ../includes/DerivedConstants.h # $(odir)/main/Constants.$(way_)o : ../includes/GHCConstants.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/MachInstrs.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/MachRegs.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/MachRegs.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachRegs.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/PositionIndependentCode.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/PprMach.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/nativeGen/RegAllocInfo.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/typecheck/TcForeign.$(way_)o : nativeGen/NCG.h # $(odir)/utils/Binary.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(odir)/utils/FastMutInt.$(way_)o : ../includes/MachDeps.h # $(PRIMOP_BITS) is defined in Makefile # $(odir)/prelude/PrimOp.o: $(PRIMOP_BITS)