Desugared: {- plain CoRec -} :: for all d, e. (d -> e) -> [d] -> [e] = /\ t88 t84 -> \ f.100 ds.101 -> let fail.102 = (error [t84]) "\"ds028.hs\", line 7: pattern-matching failure [function binding]\n"S in case ds.101 of { Nil -> Nil! t84 (:) x.103 xs.104 -> let f.105 = f.100 in (: t84) (f.105 x.103) ((( t88) t84) f.105 xs.104) } {- end plain CoRec -} Main.|| :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool Main.|| = \ ds.109 ds.110 -> let fail.111 = (error Bool) "\"ds028.hs\", line 10: pattern-matching failure [function binding]\n"S in case ds.109 of { True -> True False -> let x.112 = ds.110 in x.112 }