%************************************************************************ %* * \section{Overview of the Glasgow Haskell compiler} %* * %************************************************************************ Figure~\ref{fig:overview} shows a schematic overview of the Glasgow Haskell compiler (GHC), including all the major datatypes and most existing passes. \begin{figure} \centering \input{overview-fig} %\psfig{figure=closure.ps} \caption{Compiler overview} \label{fig:overview} \end{figure} The compiler is itself written in Haskell. As of now, the compiler is made up of about 200?~modules, with roughly 40,000?~lines of Haskell code, excluding comments and blank lines. The compiler divides unsurprisingly into a {\em front end} and a {\em back end}, corresponding to the left and right columns of Figure~\ref{fig:overview}, respectively. The front end, discussed further in Section~\ref{sec:front-end}, is the part that may report errors back to the user. The two main pieces are a {\em renamer},\srcloc{renamer/} which handles naming issues, including support of the Haskell module system, and the {\em typechecker}.\srcloc{typecheck/} The front end operates on a collection of data types that we call ``abstract syntax.''\srcloc{abstractSyn/} These types match the Haskell language, construct for construct. For example, if you write @... [ x | x <- [1..n] ] ...@, the typechecker will actually see something like: \begin{verbatim} ListComp (Var x) (GeneratorQual (VarPatIn x) (ArithSeq (FromTo (Lit (IntLit 1)) (Var n)))) \end{verbatim} So, the renamer and typechecker work on unrestructured Haskell source rather than its desugared equivalent. The compiler should be {\em quicker} to find errors (because the source is much smaller and time hasn't been taken desugaring), and it should report errors more lucidly, in terms of the original program text. A conventional desugaring pass\srcloc{deSugar/} (basically Wadler's Chapter~5 of Peyton Jones's 1987 implementation book \cite{peyton-jones87b}) converts the typechecker's abstract-syntax output (with types attached) into the ``CoreSyntax''\srcloc{coreSyn/} data type. This data type is little more than the second-order polymorphic lambda calculus and is intended to be the {\em lingua franca} of the compiler's back end, including almost all of the optimisation passes. Core syntax is explained at length in Section~\ref{sec:core-syntax}. The back end of the compiler, discussed further in Section~\ref{sec:back-end}, takes a successfully-typechecked module and produces executable code for it. The back end consists of zero or more Core-to-Core transformation passes, followed by conversion to STG syntax\srcloc{stgSyn/} (a very low-level functional language, named after the intended Spineless Tagless G-machine\footnote{Oops! Make that ``shared term graph'' language! (Who's fooling who here, Simon?)} target architecture), then some STG-to-STG transformations, and finally out of the functional world\srcloc{codeGen/} into ``Abstract~C,''\srcloc{absCSyn/} a datatype intended as an adequate launching pad into both portable C and into get-your-hands-{\em really}-dirty native-code generation for a particular instruction-set architecture. We can generate C, or native-code for SPARCs and DEC Alphas.