The GHC Commentary - Primitives

Most user-level Haskell types and functions provided by GHC (in particular those from the Prelude and GHC's Prelude extensions) are internally constructed from even more elementary types and functions. Most notably, GHC understands a notion of unboxed types, which are the Haskell representation of primitive bit-level integer, float, etc. types (as opposed to their boxed, heap allocated counterparts) - cf. "Unboxed Values as First Class Citizens."

The Ultimate Source of Primitives

The hardwired types of GHC are brought into scope by the module PrelGHC. This modules only exists in the form of a handwritten interface file PrelGHC.hi-boot, which lists the type and function names, as well as instance declarations. The actually types of these names as well as their implementation is hardwired into GHC. Note that the names in this file are z-encoded, and in particular, identifiers ending on zh denote user-level identifiers ending in a hash mark (#), which is used to flag unboxed values or functions operating on unboxed values. For example, we have Char#, ord#, and so on.

The New Primitive Definition Scheme

As of (about) the development version 4.11, the types and various properties of primitive operations are defined in the file primops.txt (Personally, I don't think that the .txt suffix is really appropriate, as the file is used for automatic code generation).

The utility genprimopcode generates a series of Haskell files from primops.txt, which encode the types and various properties of the primitive operations as compiler internal data structures. These Haskell files are not complete modules, but program fragments, which are included into compiler modules during the GHC build process. The generated include files can be found in the directory fptools/ghc/compiler/ and carry names matching the pattern primop-*.hs-incl. They are generate during the execution of the boot target in the fptools/ghc/ directory. This scheme significantly simplifies the maintenance of primitive operations.

Last modified: Wed Aug 8 19:29:12 EST 2001