\begin{onlystandalone} \documentstyle[11pt,literate]{article} \begin{document} \title{GRIP Runtime Support} \author{Kevin Hammond, \\ Department of Computing Science, \\ University of Glasgow, \\ Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK. \\ \\ Email: glasgow-haskell-\{request,bugs\}\@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk} \maketitle \begin{rawlatex} \tableofcontents \end{rawlatex} \clearpage \end{onlystandalone} This document describes the runtime support code for the GRIP Multiprocessor. Most of the code described here is in fact generic, and could be ported to many parallel architectures with some changes (notably to the message-passing primitives). \input{grip/Macros.lh} \input{grip/Flush.lc} \input{grip/Fetch.lc} \input{grip/MipOp.lc} \input{threadroot.lit} \input{grip/GlobalGc.lc} \input{grip/RTS_Stats.lc} \input{grip/Comms.lc} \section[GRIP_misc]{GRIP Emulation} \downsection The routines in this section emulate the operating system or hardware on a sequential system. They should not be required in the final GRIP runtime system. \input{grip/BIP_Sim.lc} \input{grip/IMU_Sim.lc} \input{grip/GRIP_Debug.lc} \input{grip/Name.lc} \input{grip/OpNames.lc} \input{grip/PEOp.lc} \upsection \input{grip/Statistics.lc} \begin{onlystandalone} \printindex \end{document} \end{onlystandalone}