all: extcorelibs Check.hs Core.hs Driver.hs Env.hs Interp.hs ParsecParser.hs ParseGlue.hs Prep.hs PrimCoercions.hs Prims.hs Printer.hs ghc -O2 --make -fglasgow-exts -o Driver Driver.hs extcorelibs: $(MAKE) -C lib/GHC_ExtCore # Run this when the primops.txt file changes prims: ../../compiler/prelude/primops.txt ../genprimopcode/genprimopcode --make-ext-core-source < ../../compiler/prelude/primops.txt > PrimEnv.hs #Parser.hs: Parser.y # happy -ad -ihappy.debug -o Parser.hs Parser.y # The following assumes that you've built all the GHC libs with -fext-core... libtest: all ./Driver -n `find ../../libraries -print | grep .hcr$$ | grep -v bootstrapping` # ...or built all the nofib programs with -fext-core. nofibtest: all ./Driver `find ../../nofib -print | grep .hcr$$` clean: rm -f Driver *.hi *.o reallyclean: clean rm PrimEnv.hs