{ module Parser ( parse ) where import Core import ParseGlue import Lex } %name parse %tokentype { Token } %token '%module' { TKmodule } '%data' { TKdata } '%newtype' { TKnewtype } '%forall' { TKforall } '%rec' { TKrec } '%let' { TKlet } '%in' { TKin } '%case' { TKcase } '%of' { TKof } '%cast' { TKcast } '%note' { TKnote } '%external' { TKexternal } '%_' { TKwild } '(' { TKoparen } ')' { TKcparen } '{' { TKobrace } '}' { TKcbrace } '#' { TKhash} '=' { TKeq } '::' { TKcoloncolon } '*' { TKstar } '->' { TKrarrow } '\\' { TKlambda} '@' { TKat } '.' { TKdot } ':' { TKcolon } '?' { TKquestion} ';' { TKsemicolon } NAME { TKname $$ } CNAME { TKcname $$ } INTEGER { TKinteger $$ } RATIONAL { TKrational $$ } STRING { TKstring $$ } CHAR { TKchar $$ } %monad { P } { thenP } { returnP } %lexer { lexer } { TKEOF } %% module :: { Module } : '%module' mname tdefs vdefgs { Module $2 $3 $4 } tdefs :: { [Tdef] } : {- empty -} {[]} | tdef ';' tdefs {$1:$3} tdef :: { Tdef } : '%data' qcname tbinds '=' '{' cons1 '}' { Data $2 $3 $6 } | '%newtype' qcname tbinds trep { Newtype $2 $3 $4 } trep :: { Maybe Ty } : {- empty -} {Nothing} | '=' ty { Just $2 } tbind :: { Tbind } : name { ($1,Klifted) } | '(' name '::' akind ')' { ($2,$4) } tbinds :: { [Tbind] } : {- empty -} { [] } | tbind tbinds { $1:$2 } vbind :: { Vbind } : '(' name '::' ty')' { ($2,$4) } vbinds :: { [Vbind] } : {-empty -} { [] } | vbind vbinds { $1:$2 } bind :: { Bind } : '@' tbind { Tb $2 } | vbind { Vb $1 } binds1 :: { [Bind] } : bind { [$1] } | bind binds1 { $1:$2 } attbinds :: { [Tbind] } : {- empty -} { [] } | '@' tbind attbinds { $2:$3 } akind :: { Kind } : '*' {Klifted} | '#' {Kunlifted} | '?' {Kopen} | '(' kind ')' { $2 } kind :: { Kind } : akind { $1 } | akind '->' kind { Karrow $1 $3 } cons1 :: { [Cdef] } : con { [$1] } | con ';' cons1 { $1:$3 } con :: { Cdef } : qcname attbinds atys { Constr $1 $2 $3 } atys :: { [Ty] } : {- empty -} { [] } | aty atys { $1:$2 } aty :: { Ty } : name { Tvar $1 } | qcname { Tcon $1 } | '(' ty ')' { $2 } bty :: { Ty } : aty { $1 } | bty aty { Tapp $1 $2 } ty :: { Ty } : bty {$1} | bty '->' ty { tArrow $1 $3 } | '%forall' tbinds '.' ty { foldr Tforall $4 $2 } vdefgs :: { [Vdefg] } : {- empty -} { [] } | vdefg ';' vdefgs {$1:$3 } vdefg :: { Vdefg } : '%rec' '{' vdefs1 '}' { Rec $3 } | vdef { Nonrec $1} vdefs1 :: { [Vdef] } : vdef { [$1] } | vdef ';' vdefs1 { $1:$3 } vdef :: { Vdef } : qname '::' ty '=' exp { Vdef ($1,$3,$5) } aexp :: { Exp } : qname { Var $1 } | qcname { Dcon $1 } | lit { Lit $1 } | '(' exp ')' { $2 } fexp :: { Exp } : fexp aexp { App $1 $2 } | fexp '@' aty { Appt $1 $3 } | aexp { $1 } exp :: { Exp } : fexp { $1 } | '\\' binds1 '->' exp { foldr Lam $4 $2 } | '%let' vdefg '%in' exp { Let $2 $4 } | '%case' '(' ty ')' aexp '%of' vbind '{' alts1 '}' { Case $5 $7 $3 $9 } -- Note: ty, not aty! You can cast something to a forall type -- Though now we have shift/reduce conflicts like woah | '%cast' exp ty { Cast $2 $3 } | '%note' STRING exp { Note $2 $3 } | '%external' STRING aty { External $2 $3 } alts1 :: { [Alt] } : alt { [$1] } | alt ';' alts1 { $1:$3 } alt :: { Alt } : qcname attbinds vbinds '->' exp { Acon $1 $2 $3 $5 } | lit '->' exp { Alit $1 $3 } | '%_' '->' exp { Adefault $3 } lit :: { Lit } : '(' INTEGER '::' aty ')' { Lint $2 $4 } | '(' RATIONAL '::' aty ')' { Lrational $2 $4 } | '(' CHAR '::' aty ')' { Lchar $2 $4 } | '(' STRING '::' aty ')' { Lstring $2 $4 } name :: { Id } : NAME { $1 } cname :: { Id } : CNAME { $1 } mname :: { AnMname } : pkgName ':' cname { let (parentNames, childName) = splitModuleName $3 in ($1, parentNames, childName) } pkgName :: { Id } : NAME { $1 } -- TODO: Clean this up. Now hierarchical names are z-encoded. -- note that a sequence of mnames is either: -- empty, or a series of cnames separated by -- dots, with a leading dot -- See the definition of mnames: the "name" part -- is required. mnames :: { [Id] } : {- empty -} {[]} | '.' cname mnames {$2:$3} -- it sucks to have to repeat the Maybe-checking twice, -- but otherwise we get reduce/reduce conflicts -- TODO: this is the ambiguity here. mname '.' name -- -- but by maximal-munch, in GHC.Base.Bool the entire -- thing gets counted as the module name. What to do, -- besides z-encoding the dots in the hierarchy again? -- (Or using syntax other than a dot to separate the -- module name from the variable name...) qname :: { (Mname,Id) } : name { (Nothing, $1) } | mname '.' name { (Just $1,$3) } qcname :: { (Mname,Id) } : cname { (Nothing, $1) } | mname '.' cname { (Just $1,$3) } { happyError :: P a happyError s l = failP (show l ++ ": Parse error\n") (take 100 s) l }