#include "syscalls.h" #define zero $0 #define v0 $2 #define v1 $3 #define a0 $4 #define a1 $5 #define a2 $6 #define a3 $7 #define t0 $8 #define t1 $9 #define ra $31 /* We intentionally don't take advantage of delay slots because the compiler removes them anyway */ .set noreorder; #define SYSCALL(name) SYSCALL2(name,SYS_##name) #define SYSCALL2(name,number) \ .section .text.name,"ax",@progbits; \ .align 2; \ .globl name; \ .ent name; \ name: \ li v0, number; \ syscall; \ j ra; \ nop; \ .end name; #define SYSCALL_R(name) SYSCALL_R2(_##name##_r,SYS_##name) #define SYSCALL_R2(name,number) \ .section .text.name,"ax",@progbits; \ .align 2; \ .globl name; \ .ent name; \ name: \ li v0, number; \ move t0, a0; \ move a0, a1; \ move a1, a2; \ move a2, a3; \ syscall; \ addu t1,v0,255; \ sltu t1,t1,255; \ bne t1,zero,$L##name##_errno;\ nop; \ j ra; \ nop; \ $L##name##_errno: \ move a0, t0; \ move a1, v0; \ j _syscall_set_errno; \ nop; \ .end name; .align 2 .globl _call_helper .ent _call_helper _call_helper: subu $sp,$sp,32 /* addr */ move $2,$4 /* args 1-4 */ move $4,$5 move $5,$6 move $6,$7 move $7,$16 /* args 5 and 6 */ sw $17,16($sp) sw $18,20($sp) /* call the func */ jal $31,$2 nop move $3,$2 li $2,SYS_pause syscall /* shouldn't get here */ li $2,SYS_exit li $3,1 syscall .end _call_helper SYSCALL2(_exit,SYS_exit) SYSCALL2(_pause,SYS_pause) SYSCALL_R(open) SYSCALL_R(close) SYSCALL_R(read) SYSCALL_R(write) SYSCALL_R(sbrk) SYSCALL_R(fstat) SYSCALL_R(lseek) SYSCALL_R(kill) SYSCALL_R(getpid) SYSCALL2(_call_java,SYS_calljava) SYSCALL_R(stat) SYSCALL_R(gettimeofday) SYSCALL(sleep) SYSCALL_R(times) SYSCALL_R(mkdir) SYSCALL(getpagesize) SYSCALL_R(unlink) SYSCALL_R(utime) SYSCALL_R(chdir) SYSCALL_R(pipe) SYSCALL_R(dup2) SYSCALL_R(fork) SYSCALL_R(waitpid) SYSCALL_R2(__getcwd_r,SYS_getcwd) SYSCALL_R2(__execve_r,SYS_exec) SYSCALL_R(fcntl) SYSCALL_R(rmdir) SYSCALL_R(sysconf) SYSCALL_R(readlink) SYSCALL_R(lstat) SYSCALL_R(symlink) SYSCALL_R(link) SYSCALL_R(getdents) SYSCALL(memcpy) SYSCALL(memset) SYSCALL_R(dup) SYSCALL_R(vfork) SYSCALL_R(chroot) SYSCALL_R(mknod) SYSCALL_R(lchown) SYSCALL_R(ftruncate) SYSCALL_R(usleep) SYSCALL(getppid) SYSCALL_R(mkfifo)