############################################################################# # # The XWT Makefile # all: JVM Linux Win32 Darwin #Solaris clean: rm -rf .jikes .configure* .install* build .compile .build* find upstream -name config.cache -exec rm {} \; JVM: build/JVM/xwt.jar Linux: ; make gcj platform=Linux target=i686-pc-linux-gnu link_flags="-lX11 -lXext --static" Solaris: ; make gcj platform=Solaris target=sparc-sun-solaris2.7 link_flags="-lX11 -lXext" Win32: ; make gcj platform=Win32 target=i686-pc-mingw32 link_flags="-Wl,--subsystem,windows -lcomdlg32" target_bin=xwt.exe Darwin: ; make gcj platform=Darwin target=powerpc-apple-darwin link_flags="$(darwin_linker_flags)" # default platform := JVM darwin_libdir := upstream/install/powerpc-apple-darwin/lib darwin_linker_flags := -Wl,-dylib_file,/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib:$(darwin_libdir)/libSystem.B.dylib darwin_linker_flags += -Wl,-dylib_file,/usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib:$(darwin_libdir)/libmathCommon.A.dylib darwin_linker_flags += -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:$(darwin_libdir)/libGL.dylib darwin_linker_flags += -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib:$(darwin_libdir)/libGLU.dylib darwin_linker_flags += -lSystem.B -lmathCommon.A -lGL -lGLU ############################################################################# # Configurables: # target_bin := xwt.$(shell echo $(platform) | tr A-Z a-z) jikes_flags := -nowarn -sourcepath src/ gcc_optimizations := -O2 #gcc_optimizations := -O9 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -foptimize-sibling-calls #gcc_optimizations += -finline-functions -funroll-loops -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections gcc_flags := -nostdinc $(gcc_optimizations) -Ibuild/h -Iupstream/jpeg-6b/src/ -Iupstream/jpeg-6b/build-$(target)/ gcj_flags := -fCLASSPATH=build/java gcj := upstream/install/bin/$(target)-gcj $(gcc_flags) $(gcj_flags) gcjh := $(shell test -e `pwd`/upstream/install/bin/$(target)-gcjh && echo `pwd`/upstream/install/bin/$(target)-gcjh || echo `pwd`/upstream/install/bin/gcjh) g++ := upstream/install/bin/$(target)-gcj $(gcc_flags) gcc := upstream/install/bin/$(target)-gcc $(gcc_flags) jar := $(shell ((type fastjar &>/dev/null) && echo fastjar) || echo jar) include Makefile.upstream # figure out what stuff in org.xwt.plat.* this platform requires (its superclasses) java_sources := $(patsubst src/%.java, build/java/%.java, $(shell find src -name '*.java' \! -path 'src/org/xwt/mips/*')) java_sources += build/java/org/xwt/translators/FreetypeVM.java all_java_sources := $(java_sources) nonplat_java_sources := $(filter-out build/java/org/xwt/plat/%, $(java_sources)) plat_java_sources := $(filter build/java/org/xwt/plat/%, $(java_sources)) build/java/org/xwt/translators/FreetypeVM.java: build/res/freetype.mips build/class/org/xwt/mips/Compiler.class mkdir -p build/java/org/xwt/translators (echo -e 'package org.xwt.translators;\nimport org.xwt.mips.*;\n'; \ java -Xint -cp build/class org.xwt.mips.Compiler FreetypeVM build/res/freetype.mips)\ > $@ build/java/org/xwt/%.java: src/org/xwt/%.java make build/class/org/xwt/util/Preprocessor.class @echo -e "\n\033[1mpreprocessing .java -> .java: $<\033[0m" mkdir -p `dirname $@`; java -cp build/class org.xwt.util.Preprocessor < $< > $@ build/java/%.java: src/%.java ; @echo linking $@; mkdir -p $(@D); ln -fs `echo $(@D)/ | sed 's_[^/]*//*_../_g'`/$< $@ build/cc/%.cc: src/%.c ; @echo linking $@; mkdir -p $(@D); ln -fs `echo $(@D)/ | sed 's_[^/]*//*_../_g'`/$< $@ build/c/jpeg/%.c: upstream/jpeg-6b/src/%.c @echo linking $@; mkdir -p $(@D); ln -fs `echo $(@D)/ | sed 's_[^/]*//*_../_g'`/$< $@ build/res/%: src/% ; @echo linking $@; mkdir -p $(@D); ln -fs `echo $(@D)/ | sed 's_[^/]*//*_../_g'`/$< $@ build/class/org/xwt/util/Preprocessor.class: src/org/xwt/util/Preprocessor.java .jikes @echo -e "\n\033[1mcompiling .java -> .class: $<\033[0m" mkdir -p build/class/org/xwt/util/ ./.jikes $< build/class/org/xwt/mips/Compiler.class: src/org/xwt/mips/*.java make .jikes @echo -e "\n\033[1mcompiling .java -> .class: $<\033[0m" mkdir -p build/class/org/xwt/mips/ ./.jikes $< # this forces a clean build every time because jikes is so damn buggy preprocess: $(java_sources) compile: .compile .compile: $(java_sources) .jikes @echo -e "\n\033[1mcompiling .java -> .class: src/**/*.java\033[0m" @rm -f $(java_sources:build/java/%.java=build/class/%.class) mkdir -p build/class @./.jikes $(java_sources) touch .compile # PHASE 4: gcj-generated headers java_headers := $(all_java_sources:build/java/%.java=build/h/%.h) build/h/edu/stanford/ejalbert/BrowserLauncher.h:; mkdir -p $(@D); touch $@ build/h/%.h: build/class/%.class @echo -e "\n\033[1mextracting .class -> .h: $<\033[0m" mkdir -p `dirname $@` ls `echo $< | sed s/.class\$$//`*.class |\ sed s_build/class/__ | sed s/.class\$$//g | sed s_/_._g | (cd build/class; xargs $(gcjh) -d ../h --classpath .) # a hack since we've disabled gcj's awt implementation build/$(platform)/org/xwt/plat/Java2.java.o: touch .empty.c; mkdir -p $(@D); $(gcc) -c .empty.c -o $@; build/$(platform)/org/xwt/plat/AWT.java.o: touch .empty.c; mkdir -p $(@D); $(gcc) -c .empty.c -o $@; build/$(platform)/%.java.o: build/java/%.java @echo -e "\n\033[1mcompiling .java -> .o: $<\033[0m" mkdir -p `dirname $@` $(gcj) -c $< -o $@ headers: $(java_headers) build/$(platform)/org/xwt/plat/$(platform).cc.o: src/org/xwt/plat/$(platform).cc src/org/xwt/plat/*.cc .configure_jpeg-6b_$(target) @make headers @echo -e "\n\033[1mcompiling .cc -> .o: $<\033[0m" mkdir -p `dirname $@` $(g++) -Iupstream/install/lib/gcc-lib/$(target)/3.3/include/ -Iupstream/install/$(target)/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/ -Ibuild/h -Wno-multichar -Iupstream/install/include -c $< -o $@ build/$(platform)/jpeg-6b/%.c.o: upstream/jpeg-6b/src/%.c @echo -e "\n\033[1mcompiling .c -> .o: $<\033[0m" mkdir -p `dirname $@` $(gcc) -Ibuild/h -c $< -o $@ # PHASE 5: linking # FIXME use libjpeg jpeg_sources := jdapimin.c jdapistd.c jcomapi.c jcparam.c jdmaster.c jdinput.c jdmainct.c jdcoefct.c jdpostct.c jdmarker.c jpeg_sources += jdhuff.c jdphuff.c jddctmgr.c jidctint.c jidctfst.c jidctflt.c jidctred.c jdsample.c jdcolor.c jdmerge.c jpeg_sources += jquant1.c jquant2.c jerror.c jutils.c jmemnobs.c jmemmgr.c upstream/jpeg-6b/build-$(target)/libjpeg.a: .install_jpeg-6b_$(target) java_objects := $(nonplat_java_sources:build/java/%.java=build/$(platform)/%.java.o) build/$(platform)/$(platform).ar: $(java_objects) $(plat_java_sources:build/java/%.java=build/$(platform)/%.java.o) @echo -e "\n\033[1marchiving .o -> .a\033[0m" mkdir -p build/$(platform) upstream/install/$(target)/bin/ar rc $@ $? upstream/install/$(target)/bin/ranlib $@ $(target_bin): build/$(platform)/org/xwt/plat/$(platform).cc.o upstream/jpeg-6b/build-$(target)/libjpeg.a build/$(platform)/builtin.o build/$(platform)/$(platform).ar @echo -e "\n\033[1mlinking .o -> $(target_bin)\033[0m" mkdir -p build/$(platform) PATH=upstream/install/bin:$$PATH $(gcj) -v --main=org.xwt.Main -o build/$(platform)/$(target_bin) -Lupstream/install/$(target)/lib build/$(platform)/org/xwt/plat/$(platform).java.o $^ $(link_flags) ############################################################################## # Special treatment: # builtin_src := $(shell find src/org/xwt/builtin -name '*.*' \! -name '*.xcf') build/res/fonts/vera: .download_vera-1.10 mkdir -p build/res/fonts/vera cd build/res/fonts/vera; ln -s ../../../../upstream/vera-1.10/ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10/Vera.ttf cd build/res/fonts/vera; ln -s ../../../../upstream/vera-1.10/ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10/VeraMono.ttf cd build/res/fonts/vera; ln -s ../../../../upstream/vera-1.10/ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10/VeraSe.ttf build/res/builtin.jar: $(builtin_src:src/%=build/res/%) build/res/freetype.mips build/res/libmspack.mips build/res/fonts/vera @echo -e "\n\033[1mzipping res/* -> .jar: builtin.jar\033[0m" cd build/res; $(jar) cf builtin.jar $(^:build/res/%=%) build/$(platform)/builtin.o: build/res/builtin.jar @echo -e "\n\033[1mwrapping .jar -> .o: resources.o\033[0m" @(echo "unsigned int builtin_length = "; \ (wc -c build/res/builtin.jar | sed "s_build.*__"); \ echo \;; \ echo "unsigned char builtin_bytes[] = {"; \ hexdump -ve '"0x" 1/1 "%x,\n"' build/res/builtin.jar; \ echo "};") > .builtin.c $(gcc) -c .builtin.c -o build/$(platform)/builtin.o # compile is here to force compilation of the .class files (they get used via -Ibuild) without # having the individual .o's depend on the .java's (otherwise every .o gets recompiled when one .java changes) gcj: .vendor .compile .install_gcc-3.3_$(target) $(target_bin) build/JVM/xwt.jar: .compile build/res/builtin.jar @echo -e "\n\033[1marchiving .class -> .jar: build/JVM/xwt.jar\033[0m" mkdir -p build/JVM echo -e "Manifest-Version: 1.0\nMain-Class: org.xwt.Main\n" > build/JVM/.manifest cd build/class/org/xwt; ln -sf ../../../res/builtin.jar cd build/class; $(jar) cfm ../JVM/xwt.jar ../JVM/.manifest `find . \! -type d`; ############################################################################## # Freetype # build/mips/%.c.o: src/%.c make .install_freetype-2.1.4_mips-unknown-elf target=mips-unknown-elf mkdir -p $(@D) echo -e "\n\033[1mcompiling $< -> $@ (mips)\033[0m" upstream/install/bin/mips-unknown-elf-gcc -march=r3000 \ -Iupstream/freetype-2.1.4/src/include \ -Iupstream/libmspack-20030726/src/mspack \ -c -o $@ $< build/res/freetype.mips: build/mips/org/xwt/translators/Freetype.c.o build/mips/org/xwt/mips/crt0.c.o build/mips/org/xwt/mips/syscalls.c.o make .install_freetype-2.1.4_mips-unknown-elf target=mips-unknown-elf @echo -e "\n\033[1mlinking .o -> .mips: $@\033[0m" mkdir -p build/mips build/res upstream/install/bin/mips-unknown-elf-gcc \ -nostdlib \ --static \ -march=mips1 \ -T src/org/xwt/mips/linker.ld \ -Lbuild/mips \ -Lupstream/freetype-2.1.4/src/objs \ -o $@ \ $^ \ -lfreetype .install_libmspack-20030726: make .install_libmspack-20030726_mips-unknown-elf target=mips-unknown-elf && touch .install_libmspack-20030726 build/mips/org/xwt/translators/MSPack.c.o: .install_libmspack-20030726 build/res/libmspack.mips: build/mips/org/xwt/translators/MSPack.c.o build/mips/org/xwt/mips/crt0.c.o build/mips/org/xwt/mips/syscalls.c.o @echo -e "\n\033[1mlinking .o -> .mips: $@\033[0m" mkdir -p build/mips build/res upstream/install/bin/mips-unknown-elf-gcc \ -nostdlib \ --static \ -march=mips1 \ -T src/org/xwt/mips/linker.ld \ -Lbuild/mips \ -Lupstream/libmspack-20030726/src/mspack \ -Lupstream/libmspack-20030726/build-mips-unknown-elf \ -o $@ \ $^ \ -lmspack ############################################################################## # Maintainer stuff: generating numbered builds, proposing patches # update-build: cvs tag -F xwt-$(current_build) (echo -n 0000; (echo "10k16o16i"; cat next.build | tr a-z A-Z; echo "1+f") | dc) | tail --bytes=5 > next.build- mv next.build- next.build echo -n "Next build will be " cat next.build cvs update CHANGES echo "" >> CHANGES echo `date +%d-%b`" =========== build $(current_build) ================================================" >> CHANGES echo committing... cvs commit -m 'this comment should not appear in CHANGES' next.build CHANGES echo committed. propose-patch: @echo -n "Please type a one-line description of this bug: "; \ read A; \ echo; \ echo "Please type any additional comments that explain this patch."; \ echo "If this patch fixes a bug, include a link to bugs.xwt.org."; \ echo "When you are done, press control-d on a new line."; \ echo; \ ( echo -e "HELO patcher"; \ echo -e "MAIL FROM:$(USER)@xwt.org"; \ echo -e "RCPT TO: patches@xwt.org"; \ echo -e "DATA"; \ echo -e "From: $(USER)@xwt.org"; \ echo -e "To: patches@xwt.org"; \ echo -e "Subject: proposed patch to $(this_branch): $$A"; \ echo -e ""; \ cat; \ echo; \ cvs diff -Bud; \ echo .; \ ) > .message bash -c "cat .message > /dev/tcp/mail.xwt.org/25" # /dev/tcp is faked by bash; not part of the os current_build := $(shell cat next.build) this_branch := $(shell tail -c +2 CVS/Tag 2>/dev/null || echo HEAD) this_branch_flag := $(shell test $(this_branch) = HEAD && echo || echo -r $(this_branch)) # pre-depend on compile as a sanity check dist: compile echo "***********************************************************" echo "* This build is $(current_build)" echo "***********************************************************" ifeq ($(shell uname -n),megacz.com) (make $(silent) dist-private 2>&1) >> .make-dist.out || \ (tail -n 200 .make-dist.out | mail -s "Build $(current_build) FAILED" cvs@xwt.org; false) tail -n 200 .make-dist.out | \ mail -s "Unsigned binaries of $(current_build) are now available" cvs@xwt.org else # this will fail if we haven't checked-in since the comment is null; we want this. cvs commit -m '' > /dev/null cvs tag -F xwt-$(current_build) # echo -e 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.4\n cd /home/xwt\n date=`date +%d-%b-%H%M`\n mkdir xwt-$$date\n cd xwt-$$date\n /usr/bin/cvs -d /cvs co $(this_branch_flag) xwt\n mv xwt/* .\n mv xwt/.* .\n rmdir xwt\n touch .make-dist.out\n nohup make dist &\n echo\n cat .make-dist.out' | ssh xwt@xwt.org | grep -v "make...:.\(Entering\|Leaving\).directory" echo -e 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.4\n cd /home/xwt/dist\n/usr/bin/cvs update $(this_branch_flag)\ntouch .make-dist.out\n make clean\n nohup make dist &\n' | ssh xwt@xwt.org | grep -v "make...:.\(Entering\|Leaving\).directory" endif dist-private: make $(silent) update-build # build it nice -n 19 make all echo echo === master.dist.xwt.org ================================== echo "copying xwt.jar to distribution area..." cp build/JVM/xwt.jar /var/www/master.dist.xwt.org/xwt-$(current_build).jar.unsigned echo "stripping xwt.exe and copying it to the distribution area..." upstream/install/i686-pc-mingw32/bin/strip build/Win32/xwt.exe \ -o /var/www/master.dist.xwt.org/xwt-$(current_build).exe.unsigned echo "copying xwt.linux to distribution area..." upstream/install/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/strip build/Linux/xwt.linux \ -o /var/www/master.dist.xwt.org/xwt-$(current_build).linux.unsigned # echo "copying xwt.solaris to distribution area..." # upstream/install/sparc-sun-solaris2.7/bin/strip build/Solaris/xwt.solaris \ # -o /var/www/master.dist.xwt.org/xwt-$(current_build).solaris.unsigned echo "copying xwt.darwin to distribution area..." upstream/install/powerpc-apple-darwin/bin/strip build/Darwin/xwt.darwin \ -o /var/www/master.dist.xwt.org/xwt-$(current_build).darwin.unsigned echo "creating source tarball in distribution area..." CVSROOT=/cvs cvs export -r xwt-$(current_build) xwt mv xwt xwt-$(current_build) tar cvzf /var/www/master.dist.xwt.org/xwt-$(current_build).tgz xwt-$(current_build) echo echo "*** DONE ******************************************" # this is for Adam; don't mess with it #test: JVM; /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Commands/java -jar build/JVM/xwt.jar http://localhost/demo.xwar test: JVM; java -jar build/JVM/xwt.jar http://localhost/demo.xwar oldcompile: preprocess; CLASSPATH=$$CLASSPATH:lib/libgcj-minimal.jar javac -d build/class `find build/java/ src/org/xwt/mips -name \*.java`