============================================================================== XWT README ______________________________________________________________________________ Documentation If you're new to XWT, you should read the documentation in the order presented below: - README [this file] Start here. Includes a map of all other documentation and a description of the directory strucure - The XWT home page [http://www.xwt.org/] - The XWT tutorials [http://www.xwt.org/tutorials.html] Gentle introduction to what XWT is, and how to write .xwt's. Good for anybody who wants to write XWT applications. - The XWT reference [http://www.xwt.org/reference.html] Precise, technical spec of exactly how XWT works. Assumes familiarity with XWT (ie, you've read the tutorial). This is the authoritative source for how an XWT engine should behave. ______________________________________________________________________________ Directory Structure / AUTHORS - people involved in developing XWT README - this file COPYING - copyright information for all files in this distro CHANGES - the changelot TM - trademark information for XWT Makefile - build file for gcc 3.3 next.build - the build id of the next build to be generated build/ - anything generated by the build process winds up here h/ - header files generated by gcjh java/ - auto-generated .java source files class/ - java .class files xwar/ - generated xwars (mainly builtin.xwar) mips/ - mips binaries (interpreted on all platforms) JVM/ - java Jar archives Linux/ - Linux binaries Win32/ - Win32 binaries Darwin/ - Darwin binaries Solaris/ - Solaris binaries Makefile.upstream - build/download/install instructions for upstream packages upstream/ - download, build, and install area for upstream packages install/ - this is the --prefix for all configure invocations gcc-3.3/ - build/download area for gcc jpeg-6b/ - build/download area for libjpeg freetype-2.1.4/ - build/download area for freetype newlib-1.11.0/ - build/download area for newlib darwin-linker/ - build/download area for a hacked version of Apple's binutils lib/ - any third-party binary stuff needed during the build process javago - a copy of the javago post-compilation bytecode inliner jump.jar - the jump2 bytecode-to-palmos translator libgcj-minimal.jar - a tiny portion of libgcj.jar; allows java->bytecode compilation without gcj src/ - all java source files and xwt sources go here edu/stanford/ejalbr - source code for BrowserLauncher gnu/regexp/ - source code for the GNU regexp library for Java org/ bouncycastle/ - the BouncyCastle Crypto Library xwt/ translators/ - .xwt's and .png's that are essential to bootstrapping the engine plat/ - platform-specific code util/ - misc utilities js/ - the XWT JavaScript Interpreter mips/ - the XWT MIPS interpreter/recompiler builtin/ - content for the core builtin resource ______________________________________________________________________________ Build Requirements There are pre-built, digitally signed binaries on http://dist.xwt.org/ for every supported platform. Please consider using those unless you're absolutely certain you need to go through the trouble of trying to get XWT to build. Requirements: - jdk 1.3+ - the standard set of POSIX utilities (wc, grep, find, make, etc) Build Targets: - compile: compiles all .java files into build/class/ - JVM: Any true Java JVM (ie not GCJ) - Win32: Win95 OSR2 or later - Linux: Linux 2.2 or later - Darwin: Any Darwin-based OS (Mac OS X, OpenDarwin) - Solaris: Solaris 2.7+ - clean: always run this after doing a 'cvs update'