============================================================================== XWT README ______________________________________________________________________________ Documentation If you're new to XWT, you should read the documentation in the order presented below: - README [this file] Start here. Includes a map of all other documentation and a description of the directory strucure - The XWT home page [www/ or http://www.xwt.org/] A complete copy of all static and dynamic content for www.xwt.org is in the xwt/www/ directory. - The XWT tutorial [www/html/tutorial.html_]: Gentle introduction to what XWT is, and how to write .xwt's. Good for anybody who wants to write XWT applications. - The XWT reference [www/html/reference.html] Precise, technical spec of exactly how XWT works. Assumes familiarity with XWT (ie, you've read the tutorial). This is the authoritative source for how an XWT engine should behave. - Javadoc [www/html/javadoc/package-summary.html] The org.xwt.* packages are all documented with javadoc. If you've just checked out or downloaded a fresh copy of the XWT distribution, you can generate the javadoc by typing "./ant www" at the root directory of the distribution. You should start by reading the package summary for org.xwt.Main, and work your way around from there. - Javasrc [www/html/javasrc/index.html] Javasrc generates a syntax-colored and hyperlinked html copy of the XWT source code. To generate this documentation, type "./ant www" from the root directory of the distribution. ______________________________________________________________________________ Directory Structure / README - this file COPYING - copyright information for all files in this distro TM - trademark information for XWT ant - a unix shell script to launch ant bin/ - all binary stuff generated by ant builds build.xml - ANT build file doc/ - documentation www/ - a copy of all static and dynamic content on xwt.org etc/ - configuration files html/ - static content -- files ending with an underscore get prefix.html/suffix.html/tagline.html added to them launch/ - code for launch.xwt.org src/ - source code for servlets running on xwt.org lib/ - any third-party binary stuff needed during the build process javago - a copy of the javago post-compilation bytecode inliner ant.jar - the Jakarta project's ANT build tool, including Sun's XML parser netscape.jar - minimal set of classes required for compiling against Netcape's Applet interfaces msjvm.jar - minimal set of classes required for compiling against Microsoft's Applet interfaces signtool - the Netscape Object Signing tool, for signing applets signcode.exe - the Microsoft ActiveX Signing tool, for signing ActiveX controls guidgen.exe - the Microsoft GUID generator, for generating OLE clsid's cabarc.exe - the Microsoft CAB file generator, for creating .cab archives javasrc.jar - javasrc, a tool for generating hyperlinked, syntax-colored html from java code src/ - all java source files and xwt sources go here jazz/ - jazzlib, which XWT currently uses since libgcj's java.util.zip.* is broken org/ bouncycastle/ - the BouncyCastle Crypto Library gimp/tigert/ - some icons used in XWT Mail, by Tigert Labs mozilla/ - a copy of Rhino, the Mozilla JavaScript interpreter xwt/ - the source code for the XWT engine demo/ - the XWT widget sampler chess/ - XWT Chess fonts/ - some XWF fonts mail/ - XWT Mail plat/ - platform abstraction classes for XWT tasks/ - source code for some ANT tasks used in the XWT build process themes/ - some XWT themes util/ - some helper classes xwt/standard/ - the XWT standard library ______________________________________________________________________________ Build Targets To build, make sure your $JAVA_HOME points to jdk1.2 or later, and type ./ant -Dplat= The name of any class in org.xwt.plat is a valid ; here is a list as of 20-Mar-2002: Win32 - Windows 95 / NT4 or later Java2 - Any Java 1.2+ compliant JVM Valid s are: build - builds a binary for the selected platform dist - creates deployment materials for the selected platform in dist/ run - runs the binary for the selected platform The following targets do not require that you specify a platform: compile - compiles all .java's to .class'es clean - empties bin/ and compiled binaries in dist/ www - rebuild www/html/ push - push changes to the web server via ssh (RSA auth) ______________________________________________________________________________ Building a compiler - The Win32 native version of XWT can ONLY be built with the very latest pre-release of GCC 3.1. You can follow the steps below to create a cross-compiler from linux to Win32. If the steps below fail, try adding "-D 20-Mar-2002" to the cvs checkout line; 20-Mar-2002 was the last date on which the compiler was known to work. Please don't do this unless you have attempted without it, however, since it puts additional strain on the gcc cvs server. # create an install area export CLASSPATH= export PREFIX=/usr/local/gcc export CC=/usr/bin/gcc sudo rm -rf $PREFIX export PATH=$PATH:$PREFIX/bin sudo mkdir $PREFIX sudo mkdir $PREFIX/i686-pc-mingw32/ wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/MinGW-1.1.tar.gz sudo tar -C $PREFIX/i686-pc-mingw32/ -xvzf ~/mingw-gcj/MinGW-1.1.tar.gz wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils/binutils-2.11.2.tar.gz tar xzvf binutils-2.11.2.tar.gz cd binutils-2.11.2 ./configure --target=i686-pc-mingw32 --prefix=$PREFIX make sudo make install cd .. cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/gcc co -rgcc-3_1-branch gcc mkdir bin cd bin ../gcc/configure \ --prefix=$PREFIX \ --target=i686-pc-mingw32 \ --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu \ --enable-languages=c,c++,java \ --disable-nls \ --with-as=$PREFIX/i686-pc-mingw32/bin/as \ --with-ld=$PREFIX/i686-pc-mingw32/bin/ld \ --with-gnu-ld \ --with-gnu-as \ --enable-libgcj \ --enable-gc-type=boehm \ --disable-shared \ --enable-threads=win32 \ --disable-hash-synchronization \ --disable-interpreter \ --enable-sjlj-exceptions make sudo make install