_____________________________________________________________________________ Immediately - clean up util package - currently we GC the doomed stack when the parent dies... but [ideally] we should also GC the parent when the doomed stack dies if it was a positive conjunct. - single-tree-return assumption - have a way to let question marks not be tagged? - "flat" sequences (no subtrees contain "::"s?) -- stringifiable - make it so that we can have multi-result nonterminals so long as they always appear under double-colons? auto-insert the unwrap? - get rid of Sequence.Singleton if possible - use 'a'-'z' or 'a-z' instead of [a-z]? - de-genericize? - foo.add(x) foo.add(y.andnot(x)) ==> this is broken - distinguish Conjunct from Sequence? => !(Conjunct instanceof Reducible) - avoid building the parts of the tree that end up getting dropped - is it worth adding an additional class of states for these? - or perhaps just a runtime node marker (hasNonDroppedParent) - "ambiguity modulo dropped fragments"? - this may conceal highly inefficient grammars... - double-check all the region logic - automatically collect time statistics and display ______________________________________________________________________________ v1.1 - MUST HAVE BETTER ERROR MESSAGES - use for developing java15.g - better ambiguity reporting - colorized tree-diffs? - graphviz? - better toString() methods all around... - Treewalker code compiler? - detect and reject circular gramars - skeleton generator? - precedes restrictions ("<-") - More topology untangling [later] - grammar highlighting? - Forest needs a "manual access" API (lifting makes this hard) - rewriting language? multiple passes? - write some grammars - Java grammar (java15.g) - TeX (math?) - RFC2822 (email message/headers) - Wikipedia grammar (needs to be both lexerless and boolean) ______________________________________________________________________________ Features - try harder to "fuse" states together along two dimensions: - identical (equivalent) states, or states that subsume each other - unnecessary intermediate states ("short cut" GLR) - substring parsing - better error messages - Rekers & Koorn note that this can do really elegant and generalized "autocompletion". - Parameterized LR - "Regular Right Part" grammars (NP Chapman, etc) - Attribute unification - Partly-Linear-PATR? (O(n^6) unification grammar) - optional "prefer whitespace higher up" disambiguation heuristic - Incremental parse table construction - "lazy GLR" and "lazy trees" -> language with first-class CF matching - perhaps linear boolean grammars instead? (linear time, quad space) - Followed-by and not-followed-by predicates of arbitrary length - expands the grammar beyond Boolean LR... - requires *very* smart garbage collection ______________________________________________________________________________ Optimizations - understand and implement the RNGLR "kernel state" optimization. The _Practical Early Parsing_ paper may help. - implement Johnstone's algorithm for "reduced, resolved LR tables" to eliminate superfluous reductions on epsilon-transitions. - Implement a k-token peek buffer (for each state, see if it "dead ends" during the next k Phases based solely on state -- ignoring result SPPF) - Is there any way we can avoid creating a GSS.Node instance for nodes which are transient in the sense that they have only one eligible reduction? - Re-read Rekers, particularly the stuff on optimal sharing - bring back in parse-table phase resolution of precedence (just like associativity). This can be inferred from the use of ">" when the rules are in one of these special forms: E ::= E _ > _ E E ::= _ E > E _ E E ::= E _ E > E _ E where "_" is anything and "E" is the defining nonterminal. Essentially what we're looking for is the situation where the leftmost portion of one rule produces another rule, and the rightmost portion of the latter produces the former. I'm not 100% certain that this is as "strong" as the prefer/avoid form (try to prove this, you probably can), but it's "what people intend" most of the time.