import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils ( exprArity )
-import DataCon ( DataCon )
-import Id ( Id, mkUserLocal, idInfo, setIdInfo, idUnique,
- idType, setIdType )
+import Id ( Id, mkUserLocal, idInfo, setIdInfo, idUnique, idType )
import IdInfo ( setArityInfo, vanillaIdInfo,
newStrictnessInfo, setAllStrictnessInfo,
newDemandInfo, setNewDemandInfo )
-import Type ( Type, tidyType, tidyTyVarBndr, substTy, mkOpenTvSubst )
+import Type ( tidyType, tidyTyVarBndr, substTy )
import Var ( Var, TyVar, varName )
import VarEnv
import UniqFM ( lookupUFM )
left_id = HsVar (dataConWrapId left_con)
right_id = HsVar (dataConWrapId right_con)
- left_expr ty1 ty2 e = noLoc $ HsApp (noLoc $ HsCoerce (CoTyApps [ty1, ty2]) left_id ) e
- right_expr ty1 ty2 e = noLoc $ HsApp (noLoc $ HsCoerce (CoTyApps [ty1, ty2]) right_id) e
+ left_expr ty1 ty2 e = noLoc $ HsApp (noLoc $ HsCoerce (mkCoTyApps [ty1, ty2]) left_id ) e
+ right_expr ty1 ty2 e = noLoc $ HsApp (noLoc $ HsCoerce (mkCoTyApps [ty1, ty2]) right_id) e
-- Prefix each tuple with a distinct series of Left's and Right's,
-- in a balanced way, keeping track of the types.
dsCoercion (CoCompose c1 c2) thing_inside = dsCoercion c1 (dsCoercion c2 thing_inside)
dsCoercion (ExprCoFn co) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
; return (Cast expr co) }
-dsCoercion (CoLams ids) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
- ; return (mkLams ids expr) }
-dsCoercion (CoTyLams tvs) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
- ; return (mkLams tvs expr) }
-dsCoercion (CoApps ids) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
- ; return (mkVarApps expr ids) }
-dsCoercion (CoTyApps tys) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
- ; return (mkTyApps expr tys) }
+dsCoercion (CoLam id) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
+ ; return (Lam id expr) }
+dsCoercion (CoTyLam tv) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
+ ; return (Lam tv expr) }
+dsCoercion (CoApp id) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
+ ; return (App expr (Var id)) }
+dsCoercion (CoTyApp ty) thing_inside = do { expr <- thing_inside
+ ; return (App expr (Type ty)) }
dsCoercion (CoLet bs) thing_inside = do { prs <- dsLHsBinds bs
; expr <- thing_inside
; return (Let (Rec prs) expr) }
| ExprCoFn Coercion -- A cast: [] `cast` co
-- Guaranteedn not the identity coercion
- -- Non-empty list in all of these, so that the identity coercion
- -- is always exactly CoHole, not, say, (CoTyLams [])
- | CoApps [Var] -- [] x1 .. xn; the xi are dicts or coercions
- | CoTyApps [Type] -- [] t1 .. tn
- | CoLams [Id] -- \x1..xn. []; the xi are dicts or coercions
- | CoTyLams [TyVar] -- \ []
+ | CoApp Var -- [] x; the xi are dicts or coercions
+ | CoTyApp Type -- [] t
+ | CoLam Id -- \x. []; the xi are dicts or coercions
+ | CoTyLam TyVar -- \a. []
+ -- Non-empty bindings, so that the identity coercion
+ -- is always exactly CoHole
| CoLet (LHsBinds Id) -- let binds in []
-- (ould be nicer to be core bindings)
-instance Outputable ExprCoFn where
- ppr CoHole = ptext SLIT("<>")
- ppr (ExprCoFn co) = ppr co
- ppr (CoApps ids) = ppr CoHole <+> interppSP ids
- ppr (CoTyApps tys) = ppr CoHole <+> hsep (map pprParendType tys)
- ppr (CoTyLams tvs) = sep [ptext SLIT("/\\") <> hsep (map (pprBndr LambdaBind) tvs),
- ptext SLIT("->") <+> ppr CoHole]
- ppr (CoLams ids) = sep [ptext SLIT("\\") <> hsep (map (pprBndr LambdaBind) ids),
- ptext SLIT("->") <+> ppr CoHole]
- ppr (CoLet binds) = sep [ptext SLIT("let") <+> braces (ppr binds),
- ppr CoHole]
- ppr (CoCompose co1 co2) = sep [ppr co1, ptext SLIT("<.>"), ppr co2]
+instance Outputable ExprCoFn where
+ ppr co_fn = pprCoFn (ptext SLIT("<>")) co_fn
+pprCoFn it CoHole = it
+pprCoFn it (CoCompose f1 f2) = pprCoFn (pprCoFn it f2) f1
+pprCoFn it (ExprCoFn co) = it <+> ptext SLIT("`cast`") <+> pprParendType co
+pprCoFn it (CoApp id) = it <+> ppr id
+pprCoFn it (CoTyApp ty) = it <+> ptext SLIT("@") <+> pprParendType ty
+pprCoFn it (CoLam id) = ptext SLIT("\\") <> pprBndr LambdaBind id <> dot <+> it
+pprCoFn it (CoTyLam tv) = ptext SLIT("/\\") <> pprBndr LambdaBind tv <> dot <+> it
+pprCoFn it (CoLet binds) = sep [ptext SLIT("let") <+> braces (ppr binds), it]
(<.>) :: ExprCoFn -> ExprCoFn -> ExprCoFn
CoHole <.> c = c
c <.> CoHole = c
c1 <.> c2 = c1 `CoCompose` c2
+mkCoTyApps :: [Type] -> ExprCoFn
+mkCoTyApps tys = mk_co_fn CoTyApp (reverse tys)
+mkCoApps :: [Id] -> ExprCoFn
+mkCoApps ids = mk_co_fn CoApp (reverse ids)
+mkCoTyLams :: [TyVar] -> ExprCoFn
+mkCoTyLams ids = mk_co_fn CoTyLam ids
+mkCoLams :: [Id] -> ExprCoFn
+mkCoLams ids = mk_co_fn CoLam ids
+mk_co_fn :: (a -> ExprCoFn) -> [a] -> ExprCoFn
+mk_co_fn f as = foldr (CoCompose . f) CoHole as
idCoercion :: ExprCoFn
idCoercion = CoHole
import HsLit ( HsLit(..), HsOverLit )
import HsTypes ( LHsType, PostTcType )
import HsImpExp ( isOperator, pprHsVar )
-import HsBinds ( HsLocalBinds, DictBinds, ExprCoFn, isEmptyLocalBinds )
+import HsBinds ( HsLocalBinds, DictBinds, isEmptyLocalBinds,
+ ExprCoFn, pprCoFn )
-- others:
import Type ( Type, pprParendType )
ppr_expr (HsSCC lbl expr)
= sep [ ptext SLIT("_scc_") <+> doubleQuotes (ftext lbl), pprParendExpr expr ]
-ppr_expr (HsCoerce co_fn e)
- = ppr_expr e <+> ptext SLIT("`cast`") <+> ppr co_fn
-ppr_expr (HsType id) = ppr id
+ppr_expr (HsCoerce co_fn e) = pprCoFn (ppr_expr e) co_fn
+ppr_expr (HsType id) = ppr id
ppr_expr (HsSpliceE s) = pprSplice s
ppr_expr (HsBracket b) = pprHsBracket b
mkHsApp e1 e2 = addCLoc e1 e2 (HsApp e1 e2)
nlHsTyApp :: name -> [Type] -> LHsExpr name
-nlHsTyApp fun_id tys = noLoc (HsCoerce (CoTyApps tys) (HsVar fun_id))
+nlHsTyApp fun_id tys = noLoc (HsCoerce (mkCoTyApps tys) (HsVar fun_id))
mkLHsCoerce :: ExprCoFn -> LHsExpr id -> LHsExpr id
mkLHsCoerce co_fn (L loc e) = L loc (mkHsCoerce co_fn e)
import SimplMonad
import Id ( Id, idType, idOccInfo, idUnfolding, setIdUnfolding )
import IdInfo ( IdInfo, vanillaIdInfo, occInfo, setOccInfo, specInfo, setSpecInfo,
- arityInfo, setArityInfo, workerInfo, setWorkerInfo,
+ arityInfo, workerInfo, setWorkerInfo,
unfoldingInfo, setUnfoldingInfo, isEmptySpecInfo,
- unknownArity, workerExists
+ workerExists
import CoreSyn
import Rules ( RuleBase )
import qualified CoreSubst ( Subst, mkSubst, substExpr, substSpec, substWorker )
import qualified Type ( substTy, substTyVarBndr )
-import Type ( Type, TvSubst(..), TvSubstEnv, composeTvSubst,
+import Type ( Type, TvSubst(..), TvSubstEnv,
isUnLiftedType, seqType, tyVarsOfType )
import Coercion ( Coercion )
import BasicTypes ( OccInfo(..), isFragileOcc )
not (workerExists old_wrkr) &&
not (hasUnfolding (unfoldingInfo info))
- keep_occ = not (isFragileOcc old_occ)
- old_arity = arityInfo info
+ keep_occ = not (isFragileOcc old_occ)
old_occ = occInfo info
old_rules = specInfo info
old_wrkr = workerInfo info
tidyInsts, tidyMoreInsts,
- newDicts, newDictsAtLoc, cloneDict,
+ newDictBndr, newDictBndrs, newDictBndrsO,
+ instCall, instStupidTheta,
+ cloneDict,
shortCutFracLit, shortCutIntLit, newIPDict,
newMethod, newMethodFromName, newMethodWithGivenTy,
- tcInstClassOp, tcInstStupidTheta,
+ tcInstClassOp,
tcSyntaxName, isHsVar,
tyVarsOfInst, tyVarsOfInsts, tyVarsOfLIE,
ipNamesOfInst, ipNamesOfInsts, fdPredsOfInst, fdPredsOfInsts,
instLoc, getDictClassTys, dictPred,
- mkInstCoFn,
lookupInst, LookupInstResult(..), lookupPred,
tcExtendLocalInstEnv, tcGetInstEnvs, getOverlapFlag,
#include "HsVersions.h"
import {-# SOURCE #-} TcExpr( tcPolyExpr )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TcUnify( unifyType )
import HsSyn ( HsLit(..), HsOverLit(..), HsExpr(..), LHsExpr, mkHsApp,
- ExprCoFn(..), (<.>), nlHsLit, nlHsVar )
+ ExprCoFn(..), (<.>), mkCoTyApps, idCoercion,
+ nlHsLit, nlHsVar )
import TcHsSyn ( zonkId )
import TcRnMonad
import TcEnv ( tcLookupId, checkWellStaged, topIdLvl, tcMetaTy )
tidyType, tidyTypes, tidyFreeTyVars, tcSplitSigmaTy,
pprPred, pprParendType, pprTheta
-import Type ( TvSubst, substTy, substTyVar, substTyWith, substTheta, zipTopTvSubst,
+import Type ( TvSubst, substTy, substTyVar, substTyWith,
notElemTvSubst, extendTvSubstList )
import Unify ( tcMatchTys )
import Module ( modulePackageId )
import Coercion ( isEqPred )
import HscTypes ( ExternalPackageState(..), HscEnv(..) )
import CoreFVs ( idFreeTyVars )
-import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConStupidTheta, dataConName,
- dataConWrapId, dataConUnivTyVars )
+import DataCon ( dataConWrapId )
import Id ( Id, idName, idType, mkUserLocal, mkLocalId, isId )
import Name ( Name, mkMethodOcc, getOccName, getSrcLoc, nameModule,
isInternalName, setNameUnique )
import NameSet ( addOneToNameSet )
import Literal ( inIntRange )
-import Var ( Var, TyVar, tyVarKind, setIdType, mkTyVar )
+import Var ( Var, TyVar, tyVarKind, setIdType, isId, mkTyVar )
import VarEnv ( TidyEnv, emptyTidyEnv )
import VarSet ( elemVarSet, emptyVarSet, unionVarSet, mkVarSet )
import TysWiredIn ( floatDataCon, doubleDataCon )
import PrelNames ( integerTyConName, fromIntegerName, fromRationalName, rationalTyConName )
import BasicTypes( IPName(..), mapIPName, ipNameName )
-import UniqSupply( uniqsFromSupply )
import SrcLoc ( mkSrcSpan, noLoc, unLoc, Located(..) )
import DynFlags ( DynFlag(..), DynFlags(..), dopt )
import Maybes ( isJust )
-mkInstCoFn :: [TcType] -> [Inst] -> ExprCoFn
-mkInstCoFn tys dicts = CoApps (map instToId dicts) <.> CoTyApps tys
instName :: Inst -> Name
instName inst = idName (instToId inst)
%* *
-newDicts :: InstOrigin
- -> TcThetaType
- -> TcM [Inst]
-newDicts orig theta
- = getInstLoc orig `thenM` \ loc ->
- newDictsAtLoc loc theta
+-- newDictBndrs makes a dictionary at a binding site
+-- instCall makes a dictionary at an occurrence site
+-- and throws it into the LIE
-cloneDict :: Inst -> TcM Inst -- Only used for linear implicit params
-cloneDict (Dict nm ty loc) = newUnique `thenM` \ uniq ->
- returnM (Dict (setNameUnique nm uniq) ty loc)
+newDictBndrsO :: InstOrigin -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]
+newDictBndrsO orig theta = do { loc <- getInstLoc orig
+ ; newDictBndrs loc theta }
-newDictsAtLoc :: InstLoc -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]
-newDictsAtLoc inst_loc theta = mapM (newDictAtLoc inst_loc) theta
+newDictBndrs :: InstLoc -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]
+newDictBndrs inst_loc theta = mapM (newDictBndr inst_loc) theta
-newDictOcc :: InstLoc -> TcPredType -> TcM Inst
-newDictOcc inst_loc (EqPred ty1 ty2)
- = do { unifyType ty1 ty2 -- We insist that they unify right away
- ; return ty1 } -- And return the relexive coercion
-newDictAtLoc inst_loc pred
+newDictBndr :: InstLoc -> TcPredType -> TcM Inst
+newDictBndr inst_loc pred
= do { uniq <- newUnique
; let name = mkPredName uniq (instLocSrcLoc inst_loc) pred
; return (Dict name pred inst_loc) }
+instCall :: InstOrigin -> [TcType] -> TcThetaType -> TcM ExprCoFn
+-- Instantiate the constraints of a call
+-- (instCall o tys theta)
+-- (a) Makes fresh dictionaries as necessary for the constraints (theta)
+-- (b) Throws these dictionaries into the LIE
+-- (c) Eeturns an ExprCoFn ([.] tys dicts)
+instCall orig tys theta
+ = do { loc <- getInstLoc orig
+ ; (dicts, dict_app) <- instCallDicts loc theta
+ ; extendLIEs dicts
+ ; return (dict_app <.> mkCoTyApps tys) }
+instStupidTheta :: InstOrigin -> TcThetaType -> TcM ()
+-- Similar to instCall, but only emit the constraints in the LIE
+-- Used exclusively for the 'stupid theta' of a data constructor
+instStupidTheta orig theta
+ = do { loc <- getInstLoc orig
+ ; (dicts, _) <- instCallDicts loc theta
+ ; extendLIEs dicts }
+instCallDicts :: InstLoc -> TcThetaType -> TcM ([Inst], ExprCoFn)
+-- This is the key place where equality predicates
+-- are unleashed into the world
+instCallDicts loc [] = return ([], idCoercion)
+instCallDicts loc (EqPred ty1 ty2 : preds)
+ = do { unifyType ty1 ty2 -- For now, we insist that they unify right away
+ -- Later on, when we do associated types,
+ -- unifyType might return a coercion
+ ; (dicts, co_fn) <- instCallDicts loc preds
+ ; return (dicts, co_fn <.> CoTyApp ty1) }
+ -- We use type application to apply the function to the
+ -- coercion; here ty1 *is* the appropriate identity coercion
+instCallDicts loc (pred : preds)
+ = do { uniq <- newUnique
+ ; let name = mkPredName uniq (instLocSrcLoc loc) pred
+ dict = Dict name pred loc
+ ; (dicts, co_fn) <- instCallDicts loc preds
+ ; return (dict:dicts, co_fn <.> CoApp (instToId dict)) }
+cloneDict :: Inst -> TcM Inst -- Only used for linear implicit params
+cloneDict (Dict nm ty loc) = newUnique `thenM` \ uniq ->
+ returnM (Dict (setNameUnique nm uniq) ty loc)
-- For vanilla implicit parameters, there is only one in scope
-- at any time, so we used to use the name of the implicit parameter itself
-- But with splittable implicit parameters there may be many in
-tcInstStupidTheta :: DataCon -> [TcType] -> TcM ()
--- Instantiate the "stupid theta" of the data con, and throw
--- the constraints into the constraint set
-tcInstStupidTheta data_con inst_tys
- | null stupid_theta
- = return ()
- | otherwise
- = do { stupid_dicts <- newDicts (OccurrenceOf (dataConName data_con))
- (substTheta tenv stupid_theta)
- ; extendLIEs stupid_dicts }
- where
- stupid_theta = dataConStupidTheta data_con
- tenv = zipTopTvSubst (dataConUnivTyVars data_con) inst_tys
newMethodFromName :: InstOrigin -> BoxyRhoType -> Name -> TcM TcId
newMethodFromName origin ty name
= tcLookupId name `thenM` \ id ->
-- Methods
lookupInst inst@(Method _ id tys theta loc)
- = do { dicts <- newDictsAtLoc loc theta
- ; let co_fn = mkInstCoFn tys dicts
+ = do { (dicts, dict_app) <- instCallDicts loc theta
+ ; let co_fn = dict_app <.> mkCoTyApps tys
; return (GenInst dicts (L span $ HsCoerce co_fn (HsVar id))) }
span = instLocSrcSpan loc
dfun = HsVar dfun_id
tys = map (substTyVar tenv') tyvars
; if null theta then
- returnM (SimpleInst (L src_loc $ HsCoerce (CoTyApps tys) dfun))
+ returnM (SimpleInst (L src_loc $ HsCoerce (mkCoTyApps tys) dfun))
else do
- { dicts <- newDictsAtLoc loc theta
- ; let co_fn = mkInstCoFn tys dicts
+ { (dicts, dict_app) <- instCallDicts loc theta
+ ; let co_fn = dict_app <.> mkCoTyApps tys
; returnM (GenInst dicts (L src_loc $ HsCoerce co_fn dfun))
-- the and check each cmd
; cmds' <- mapM (tc_cmd w_tv) cmds_w_tys
- ; returnM (HsArrForm (noLoc $ HsCoerce (CoTyLams [w_tv])
+ ; returnM (HsArrForm (noLoc $ HsCoerce (CoTyLam w_tv)
(unLoc $ mkHsDictLet inst_binds expr'))
fixity cmds')
import TcHsSyn ( zonkId )
import TcRnMonad
-import Inst ( newDictsAtLoc, newIPDict, instToId )
+import Inst ( newDictBndrs, newIPDict, instToId )
import TcEnv ( tcExtendIdEnv, tcExtendIdEnv2, tcExtendTyVarEnv2,
pprBinders, tcLookupId,
tcGetGlobalTyVars )
unifyCtxts :: [TcSigInfo] -> TcM [Inst]
unifyCtxts (sig1 : sigs) -- Argument is always non-empty
= do { mapM unify_ctxt sigs
- ; newDictsAtLoc (sig_loc sig1) (sig_theta sig1) }
+ ; newDictBndrs (sig_loc sig1) (sig_theta sig1) }
theta1 = sig_theta sig1
unify_ctxt :: TcSigInfo -> TcM ()
import RnHsSyn ( maybeGenericMatch, extractHsTyVars )
import RnExpr ( rnLExpr )
import RnEnv ( lookupTopBndrRn, lookupImportedName )
-import Inst ( instToId, newDicts, newDictsAtLoc, newMethod, getOverlapFlag )
+import Inst ( instToId, newDictBndr, newDictBndrs, newMethod, getOverlapFlag )
import InstEnv ( mkLocalInstance )
import TcEnv ( tcLookupLocatedClass,
tcExtendTyVarEnv, tcExtendIdEnv,
-- default methods. Better to make separate AbsBinds for each
(tyvars, _, _, op_items) = classBigSig clas
+ rigid_info = ClsSkol clas
+ origin = SigOrigin rigid_info
prag_fn = mkPragFun sigs
sig_fn = mkTcSigFun sigs
- tc_dm = tcDefMeth clas tyvars default_binds sig_fn prag_fn
+ clas_tyvars = tcSkolSigTyVars rigid_info tyvars
+ tc_dm = tcDefMeth origin clas clas_tyvars
+ default_binds sig_fn prag_fn
dm_sel_ids = [sel_id | (sel_id, DefMeth) <- op_items]
-- Generate code for polymorphic default methods only
mapAndUnzipM tc_dm dm_sel_ids `thenM` \ (defm_binds, dm_ids_s) ->
returnM (listToBag defm_binds, concat dm_ids_s)
-tcDefMeth clas tyvars binds_in sig_fn prag_fn sel_id
+tcDefMeth origin clas tyvars binds_in sig_fn prag_fn sel_id
= do { dm_name <- lookupTopBndrRn (mkDefMethRdrName sel_id)
- ; let rigid_info = ClsSkol clas
- clas_tyvars = tcSkolSigTyVars rigid_info tyvars
- inst_tys = mkTyVarTys clas_tyvars
+ ; let inst_tys = mkTyVarTys tyvars
dm_ty = idType sel_id -- Same as dict selector!
- theta = [mkClassPred clas inst_tys]
+ cls_pred = mkClassPred clas inst_tys
local_dm_id = mkDefaultMethodId dm_name dm_ty
- origin = SigOrigin rigid_info
; (_, meth_info) <- mkMethodBind origin clas inst_tys binds_in (sel_id, DefMeth)
- ; [this_dict] <- newDicts origin theta
- ; (defm_bind, insts_needed) <- getLIE (tcMethodBind clas_tyvars theta [this_dict]
+ ; loc <- getInstLoc origin
+ ; this_dict <- newDictBndr loc cls_pred
+ ; (defm_bind, insts_needed) <- getLIE (tcMethodBind tyvars [cls_pred] [this_dict]
sig_fn prag_fn meth_info)
; addErrCtxt (defltMethCtxt clas) $ do
-- Check the context
{ dict_binds <- tcSimplifyCheck
(ptext SLIT("class") <+> ppr clas)
- clas_tyvars
+ tyvars
-- Simplification can do unification
- ; checkSigTyVars clas_tyvars
+ ; checkSigTyVars tyvars
-- Inline pragmas
-- We'll have an inline pragma on the local binding, made by tcMethodBind
inline_prags = filter isInlineLSig (prag_fn sel_name)
; prags <- tcPrags dm_inst_id inline_prags
- ; let full_bind = AbsBinds clas_tyvars
+ ; let full_bind = AbsBinds tyvars
[instToId this_dict]
- [(clas_tyvars, local_dm_id, dm_inst_id, prags)]
+ [(tyvars, local_dm_id, dm_inst_id, prags)]
(dict_binds `unionBags` defm_bind)
; returnM (noLoc full_bind, [local_dm_id]) }}
addErrCtxtM (sigCtxt sel_id inst_tyvars inst_theta (idType meth_id)) $
- newDictsAtLoc (sig_loc sig) (sig_theta sig) `thenM` \ meth_dicts ->
+ newDictBndrs (sig_loc sig) (sig_theta sig) `thenM` \ meth_dicts ->
meth_tvs = sig_tvs sig
all_tyvars = meth_tvs ++ inst_tyvars
import HsSyn ( LRuleDecl, LHsBinds, LSig,
LHsTyVarBndr, HsTyVarBndr(..), pprLHsBinds,
- ExprCoFn(..), idCoercion, (<.>) )
+ idCoercion, (<.>) )
import TcIface ( tcImportDecl )
import IfaceEnv ( newGlobalBinder )
import TcRnMonad
import TcMType ( zonkTcType, zonkTcTyVarsAndFV )
-import TcType ( Type, TcKind, TcTyVar, TcTyVarSet, TcType, TvSubst,
- substTy, substTyVar, tyVarsOfType, tcTyVarsOfTypes, mkTyConApp,
+import TcType ( Type, TcKind, TcTyVar, TcTyVarSet, TcType,
+ substTy, tyVarsOfType, tcTyVarsOfTypes, mkTyConApp,
getDFunTyKey, tcTyConAppTyCon, tcGetTyVar, mkTyVarTy,
tidyOpenType, isRefineableTy
import TcGadt ( Refinement, refineType )
import qualified Type ( getTyVar_maybe )
-import Id ( idName, isLocalId, setIdType )
+import Id ( idName, isLocalId )
import Var ( TyVar, Id, idType, tyVarName )
import VarSet
import VarEnv
boxySplitListTy, boxySplitTyConApp, wrapFunResCoercion, preSubType,
unBox )
import BasicTypes ( Arity, isMarkedStrict )
-import Inst ( newMethodFromName, newIPDict, mkInstCoFn,
- newDicts, newMethodWithGivenTy, tcInstStupidTheta )
+import Inst ( newMethodFromName, newIPDict, instCall,
+ newMethodWithGivenTy, instStupidTheta )
import TcBinds ( tcLocalBinds )
import TcEnv ( tcLookup, tcLookupDataCon, tcLookupField )
import TcArrows ( tcProc )
import TcMatches ( tcMatchesCase, tcMatchLambda, tcDoStmts, tcBody,
TcMatchCtxt(..) )
import TcHsType ( tcHsSigType, UserTypeCtxt(..) )
-import TcPat ( tcOverloadedLit, badFieldCon )
+import TcPat ( tcOverloadedLit, addDataConStupidTheta, badFieldCon )
import TcMType ( tcInstTyVars, newFlexiTyVarTy, newBoxyTyVars,
readFilledBox, zonkTcTypes )
import TcType ( TcType, TcSigmaType, TcRhoType, TvSubst,
-- dictionaries for the data type context, since we are going to
-- do pattern matching over the data cons.
- -- What dictionaries do we need?
- -- We just take the context of the first data constructor
- -- This isn't right, but I just can't bear to union up all the relevant ones
+ -- What dictionaries do we need? The tyConStupidTheta tells us.
theta' = substTheta inst_env (tyConStupidTheta tycon)
- newDicts RecordUpdOrigin theta' `thenM` \ dicts ->
- extendLIEs dicts `thenM_`
+ instStupidTheta RecordUpdOrigin theta' `thenM_`
-- Phew!
returnM (mkHsCoerce co_fn (RecordUpd record_expr' rbinds' record_ty result_record_ty))
= (map (substTyVar subst) tvs, substTheta subst theta)
inst_stupid (HsVar fun_id) ((tys,_):_)
- | Just con <- isDataConId_maybe fun_id = tcInstStupidTheta con tys
+ | Just con <- isDataConId_maybe fun_id
+ = addDataConStupidTheta orig con tys
inst_stupid _ _ = return ()
go _ fun [] = return fun
-- of newMethod: see Note [Multiple instantiation]
go _ fun ((tys, theta) : prs)
- = do { dicts <- newDicts orig theta
- ; extendLIEs dicts
- ; let co_fn = mkInstCoFn tys dicts
+ = do { co_fn <- instCall orig tys theta
; go False (HsCoerce co_fn fun) prs }
-- Hack Alert (want_method_inst)!
zonkCoFn env (CoCompose c1 c2) = do { (env1, c1') <- zonkCoFn env c1
; (env2, c2') <- zonkCoFn env1 c2
; return (env2, CoCompose c1' c2') }
-zonkCoFn env (CoLams ids) = do { ids' <- zonkIdBndrs env ids
- ; let env1 = extendZonkEnv env ids'
- ; return (env1, CoLams ids') }
-zonkCoFn env (CoTyLams tvs) = ASSERT( all isImmutableTyVar tvs )
- do { return (env, CoTyLams tvs) }
-zonkCoFn env (CoApps ids) = do { return (env, CoApps (zonkIdOccs env ids)) }
-zonkCoFn env (CoTyApps tys) = do { tys' <- zonkTcTypeToTypes env tys
- ; return (env, CoTyApps tys') }
+zonkCoFn env (CoLam id) = do { id' <- zonkIdBndr env id
+ ; let env1 = extendZonkEnv1 env id'
+ ; return (env1, CoLam id') }
+zonkCoFn env (CoTyLam tv) = ASSERT( isImmutableTyVar tv )
+ do { return (env, CoTyLam tv) }
+zonkCoFn env (CoApp id) = do { return (env, CoApp (zonkIdOcc env id)) }
+zonkCoFn env (CoTyApp ty) = do { ty' <- zonkTcTypeToType env ty
+ ; return (env, CoTyApp ty') }
zonkCoFn env (CoLet bs) = do { (env1, bs') <- zonkRecMonoBinds env bs
; return (env1, CoLet bs') }
tcClassDecl2, getGenericInstances )
import TcRnMonad
import TcMType ( tcSkolSigType, checkValidInstance, checkValidInstHead )
-import TcType ( mkClassPred, tcSplitSigmaTy, tcSplitDFunHead, mkTyVarTys,
+import TcType ( mkClassPred, tcSplitSigmaTy, tcSplitDFunHead,
SkolemInfo(InstSkol), tcSplitDFunTy, mkFunTy )
-import Inst ( tcInstClassOp, newDicts, instToId, showLIE,
+import Inst ( newDictBndr, newDictBndrs, instToId, showLIE,
getOverlapFlag, tcExtendLocalInstEnv )
import InstEnv ( mkLocalInstance, instanceDFunId )
import TcDeriv ( tcDeriving )
import TcHsType ( kcHsSigType, tcHsKindedType )
import TcUnify ( checkSigTyVars )
-import TcSimplify ( tcSimplifyCheck, tcSimplifySuperClasses )
-import Type ( zipOpenTvSubst, substTheta, substTys, mkTyConApp, mkTyVarTy )
+import TcSimplify ( tcSimplifySuperClasses )
+import Type ( zipOpenTvSubst, substTheta, mkTyConApp, mkTyVarTy )
import Coercion ( mkAppCoercion, mkAppsCoercion )
import TyCon ( TyCon, newTyConCo )
import DataCon ( classDataCon, dataConTyCon, dataConInstArgTys )
-import Class ( classBigSig, classMethods )
+import Class ( classBigSig )
import Var ( TyVar, Id, idName, idType )
import Id ( mkSysLocal )
import UniqSupply ( uniqsFromSupply, splitUniqSupply )
import MkId ( mkDictFunId )
import Name ( Name, getSrcLoc )
import Maybe ( catMaybes )
-import SrcLoc ( noSrcSpan, srcLocSpan, unLoc, noLoc, Located(..), srcSpanStart )
+import SrcLoc ( srcLocSpan, unLoc, noLoc, Located(..), srcSpanStart )
import ListSetOps ( minusList )
import Outputable
import Bag
tcInstDecl2 :: InstInfo -> TcM (LHsBinds Id)
-- Returns a binding for the dfun
-- Derived newtype instances
-- We need to make a copy of the dictionary we are deriving from
rigid_info = InstSkol dfun_id
origin = SigOrigin rigid_info
inst_ty = idType dfun_id
- maybe_co_con = newTyConCo tycon
+ ; inst_loc <- getInstLoc origin
; (tvs, theta, inst_head) <- tcSkolSigType rigid_info inst_ty
- ; dicts <- newDicts origin theta
+ ; dicts <- newDictBndrs inst_loc theta
; uniqs <- newUniqueSupply
; let (cls, cls_inst_tys) = tcSplitDFunHead inst_head
- ; [this_dict] <- newDicts origin [mkClassPred cls rep_tys]
- ; let (rep_dict_id:sc_dict_ids) =
- if null dicts then
- [instToId this_dict]
- else
- map instToId dicts
+ ; this_dict <- newDictBndr inst_loc (mkClassPred cls rep_tys)
+ ; let (rep_dict_id:sc_dict_ids)
+ | null dicts = [instToId this_dict]
+ | otherwise = map instToId dicts
-- (Here, we are relying on the order of dictionary
-- arguments built by NewTypeDerived in TcDeriv.)
- wrap_fn = CoTyLams tvs <.> CoLams (rep_dict_id:sc_dict_ids)
+ wrap_fn = mkCoTyLams tvs <.> mkCoLams (rep_dict_id:sc_dict_ids)
coerced_rep_dict = mkHsCoerce (co_fn tvs cls_tycon) (HsVar rep_dict_id)
MatchGroup [the_match] (mkFunTy in_dict_ty inst_head)
in_dict_ty = mkTyConApp cls_tycon cls_inst_tys
- the_match = mkSimpleMatch [the_pat] the_rhs
+ the_match = mkSimpleMatch [noLoc the_pat] the_rhs
+ the_rhs = mkHsConApp cls_data_con cls_inst_tys (map HsVar (sc_dict_ids ++ op_ids))
(uniqs1, uniqs2) = splitUniqSupply uniqs
dict_ids = zipWith (mkSysLocal FSLIT("dict"))
(uniqsFromSupply uniqs2) (map idType sc_dict_ids)
- the_pat = noLoc $
- ConPatOut { pat_con = noLoc cls_data_con, pat_tvs = [],
+ the_pat = ConPatOut { pat_con = noLoc cls_data_con, pat_tvs = [],
pat_dicts = dict_ids,
pat_binds = emptyLHsBinds,
pat_args = PrefixCon (map nlVarPat op_ids),
pat_ty = in_dict_ty}
cls_data_con = classDataCon cls
- cls_tycon = dataConTyCon cls_data_con
- cls_arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys cls_data_con cls_inst_tys
+ cls_tycon = dataConTyCon cls_data_con
+ cls_arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys cls_data_con cls_inst_tys
n_dict_args = if length dicts == 0 then 0 else length dicts - 1
op_tys = drop n_dict_args cls_arg_tys
- the_rhs = mkHsConApp cls_data_con cls_inst_tys (map HsVar (sc_dict_ids ++ op_ids))
- dict = (mkHsCoerce wrap_fn body)
- ; return (unitBag (noLoc $ VarBind (dfun_id) (noLoc dict))) }
+ dict = mkHsCoerce wrap_fn body
+ ; return (unitBag (noLoc $ VarBind dfun_id (noLoc dict))) }
co_fn :: [TyVar] -> TyCon -> ExprCoFn
co_fn tvs cls_tycon | Just co_con <- newTyConCo tycon
| otherwise
= idCoercion
+-- Ordinary instances
tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo { iSpec = ispec, iBinds = VanillaInst monobinds uprags })
= let
dfun_id = instanceDFunId ispec
origin = SigOrigin rigid_info
-- Create dictionary Ids from the specified instance contexts.
- newDicts InstScOrigin sc_theta' `thenM` \ sc_dicts ->
- newDicts origin dfun_theta' `thenM` \ dfun_arg_dicts ->
- newDicts origin [mkClassPred clas inst_tys'] `thenM` \ [this_dict] ->
+ getInstLoc InstScOrigin `thenM` \ sc_loc ->
+ newDictBndrs sc_loc sc_theta' `thenM` \ sc_dicts ->
+ getInstLoc origin `thenM` \ inst_loc ->
+ newDictBndrs inst_loc dfun_theta' `thenM` \ dfun_arg_dicts ->
+ newDictBndr inst_loc (mkClassPred clas inst_tys') `thenM` \ this_dict ->
-- Default-method Ids may be mentioned in synthesised RHSs,
-- but they'll already be in the environment.
module TcPat ( tcLetPat, tcLamPat, tcLamPats, tcOverloadedLit,
- badFieldCon, polyPatSig ) where
+ addDataConStupidTheta, badFieldCon, polyPatSig ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import TcHsSyn ( TcId, hsLitType )
import TcRnMonad
import Inst ( InstOrigin(..), shortCutFracLit, shortCutIntLit,
- newDicts, instToId, tcInstStupidTheta, isHsVar
+ newDictBndrs, instToId, instStupidTheta, isHsVar
import Id ( Id, idType, mkLocalId )
import CoreFVs ( idFreeTyVars )
import StaticFlags ( opt_IrrefutableTuples )
import TyCon ( TyCon, FieldLabel )
import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConTyCon, dataConFullSig, dataConName,
- dataConFieldLabels, dataConSourceArity )
+ dataConFieldLabels, dataConSourceArity,
+ dataConStupidTheta, dataConUnivTyVars )
import PrelNames ( integralClassName, fromIntegerName, integerTyConName,
fromRationalName, rationalTyConName )
import BasicTypes ( isBoxed )
-- The Report says that n+k patterns must be in Integral
-- We may not want this when using re-mappable syntax, though (ToDo?)
; icls <- tcLookupClass integralClassName
- ; dicts <- newDicts orig [mkClassPred icls [pat_ty']]
- ; extendLIEs dicts
+ ; instStupidTheta orig [mkClassPred icls [pat_ty']]
; res <- tcExtendIdEnv1 name bndr_id (thing_inside pstate)
; returnM (NPlusKPat (L nm_loc bndr_id) lit' ge' minus', [], res) }
= do { span <- getSrcSpanM -- Span for the whole pattern
; let (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys) = dataConFullSig data_con
skol_info = PatSkol data_con span
+ origin = SigOrigin skol_info
-- Instantiate the constructor type variables [a->ty]
; ctxt_res_tys <- boxySplitTyConApp tycon pat_ty
; ((arg_pats', inner_tvs, res), lie_req) <- getLIE $
tcConArgs data_con arg_tys' arg_pats pstate' thing_inside
- ; dicts <- newDicts (SigOrigin skol_info) theta'
+ ; loc <- getInstLoc origin
+ ; dicts <- newDictBndrs loc theta'
; dict_binds <- tcSimplifyCheck doc ex_tvs' dicts lie_req
- ; tcInstStupidTheta data_con ctxt_res_tys
+ ; addDataConStupidTheta origin data_con ctxt_res_tys
; return (ConPatOut { pat_con = L con_span data_con,
pat_tvs = ex_tvs' ++ co_vars,
-- refinements from peer argument patterns to the left
+addDataConStupidTheta :: InstOrigin -> DataCon -> [TcType] -> TcM ()
+-- Instantiate the "stupid theta" of the data con, and throw
+-- the constraints into the constraint set
+addDataConStupidTheta origin data_con inst_tys
+ | null stupid_theta = return ()
+ | otherwise = instStupidTheta origin inst_theta
+ where
+ stupid_theta = dataConStupidTheta data_con
+ tenv = zipTopTvSubst (dataConUnivTyVars data_con) inst_tys
+ inst_theta = substTheta tenv stupid_theta
%* *
#include "HsVersions.h"
import {-# SOURCE #-} TcUnify( unifyType )
-import HsSyn ( HsBind(..), HsExpr(..), LHsExpr,
+import HsSyn ( HsBind(..), HsExpr(..), LHsExpr, mkCoTyApps,
ExprCoFn(..), (<.>), nlHsTyApp, emptyLHsBinds )
import TcHsSyn ( mkHsApp )
import TcRnMonad
import Inst ( lookupInst, LookupInstResult(..),
- tyVarsOfInst, fdPredsOfInsts, newDicts,
+ tyVarsOfInst, fdPredsOfInsts,
isDict, isClassDict, isLinearInst, linearInstType,
isMethodFor, isMethod,
instToId, tyVarsOfInsts, cloneDict,
ipNamesOfInsts, ipNamesOfInst, dictPred,
- fdPredsOfInst, mkInstCoFn,
- newDictsAtLoc, tcInstClassOp,
+ fdPredsOfInst,
+ newDictBndrs, newDictBndrsO, tcInstClassOp,
getDictClassTys, isTyVarDict, instLoc,
zonkInst, tidyInsts, tidyMoreInsts,
pprInsts, pprDictsInFull, pprInstInFull, tcGetInstEnvs,
-- Invariant: the Inst is already in Avails.
addSCs is_loop avails dict
- = do { sc_dicts <- newDictsAtLoc (instLoc dict) sc_theta'
+ = do { sc_dicts <- newDictBndrs (instLoc dict) sc_theta'
; foldlM add_sc avails (zipEqual "add_scs" sc_dicts sc_sels) }
(clas, tys) = getDictClassTys dict
| otherwise = addSCs is_loop avails' sc_dict
sc_sel_rhs = L (instSpan dict) (HsCoerce co_fn (HsVar sc_sel))
- co_fn = mkInstCoFn tys [dict]
+ co_fn = CoApp (instToId dict) <.> mkCoTyApps tys
avails' = addToFM avails sc_dict (Rhs sc_sel_rhs [dict])
is_given :: Inst -> Bool
-- The main loop may do unification, and that may crash if
-- it doesn't see a TcTyVar, so we have to instantiate. Sigh
-- ToDo: what if two of them do get unified?
- newDicts DerivOrigin (substTheta tenv theta) `thenM` \ wanteds ->
+ newDictBndrsO DerivOrigin (substTheta tenv theta) `thenM` \ wanteds ->
simpleReduceLoop doc reduceMe wanteds `thenM` \ (frees, _, irreds) ->
ASSERT( null frees ) -- reduceMe never returns Free
-> TcM ()
tcSimplifyDefault theta
- = newDicts DefaultOrigin theta `thenM` \ wanteds ->
+ = newDictBndrsO DefaultOrigin theta `thenM` \ wanteds ->
simpleReduceLoop doc reduceMe wanteds `thenM` \ (frees, _, irreds) ->
ASSERT( null frees ) -- try_me never returns Free
addNoInstanceErrs Nothing [] irreds `thenM_`
import TysWiredIn ( unitTyCon, charTyCon, listTyCon )
import BasicTypes ( IPName(..), Arity, ipNameName )
import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc, SrcSpan )
-import Util ( snocView, equalLength )
+import Util ( equalLength )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool, expectJust, mapCatMaybes )
import ListSetOps ( hasNoDups )
import List ( nubBy )
tcTyVarsOfTypes tys = foldr (unionVarSet.tcTyVarsOfType) emptyVarSet tys
tcTyVarsOfPred :: PredType -> TyVarSet
-tcTyVarsOfPred (IParam _ ty) = tcTyVarsOfType ty
-tcTyVarsOfPred (ClassP _ tys) = tcTyVarsOfTypes tys
+tcTyVarsOfPred (IParam _ ty) = tcTyVarsOfType ty
+tcTyVarsOfPred (ClassP _ tys) = tcTyVarsOfTypes tys
+tcTyVarsOfPred (EqPred ty1 ty2) = tcTyVarsOfType ty1 `unionVarSet` tcTyVarsOfType ty2
Note [Silly type synonym]
go (AppTy fun arg) = go fun `unionVarSet` go arg
go (ForAllTy tyvar ty) = delVarSet (go ty) tyvar
- go_pred (IParam _ ty) = go ty
- go_pred (ClassP _ tys) = exactTyVarsOfTypes tys
+ go_pred (IParam _ ty) = go ty
+ go_pred (ClassP _ tys) = exactTyVarsOfTypes tys
+ go_pred (EqPred ty1 ty2) = go ty1 `unionVarSet` go ty2
exactTyVarsOfTypes :: [TcType] -> TyVarSet
exactTyVarsOfTypes tys = foldr (unionVarSet . exactTyVarsOfType) emptyVarSet tys
tyClsNamesOfType (NoteTy _ ty2) = tyClsNamesOfType ty2
tyClsNamesOfType (PredTy (IParam n ty)) = tyClsNamesOfType ty
tyClsNamesOfType (PredTy (ClassP cl tys)) = unitNameSet (getName cl) `unionNameSets` tyClsNamesOfTypes tys
+tyClsNamesOfType (PredTy (EqPred ty1 ty2)) = tyClsNamesOfType ty1 `unionNameSets` tyClsNamesOfType ty2
tyClsNamesOfType (FunTy arg res) = tyClsNamesOfType arg `unionNameSets` tyClsNamesOfType res
tyClsNamesOfType (AppTy fun arg) = tyClsNamesOfType fun `unionNameSets` tyClsNamesOfType arg
tyClsNamesOfType (ForAllTy tyvar ty) = tyClsNamesOfType ty
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import HsSyn ( ExprCoFn(..), idCoercion, isIdCoercion, (<.>) )
+import HsSyn ( ExprCoFn(..), idCoercion, isIdCoercion, (<.>),
+ mkCoLams, mkCoTyLams, mkCoApps )
import TypeRep ( Type(..), PredType(..) )
import TcMType ( lookupTcTyVar, LookupTyVarResult(..),
isSubKind, pprKind, splitKindFunTys, isSubKindCon,
isOpenTypeKind, isArgTypeKind )
import TysPrim ( alphaTy, betaTy )
-import Inst ( newDicts, instToId, mkInstCoFn )
+import Inst ( newDictBndrsO, instCall, instToId )
import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConArity, tyConTyVars, isSynTyCon )
import TysWiredIn ( listTyCon )
import Id ( Id, mkSysLocal )
; traceTc (text "tc_sub_spec" <+> vcat [ppr actual_ty,
ppr tyvars <+> ppr theta <+> ppr tau,
ppr tau'])
- ; co_fn <- tc_sub mb_fun tau' tau' exp_ib exp_sty expected_ty
+ ; co_fn2 <- tc_sub mb_fun tau tau exp_ib exp_sty expected_ty
-- Deal with the dictionaries
- ; dicts <- newDicts InstSigOrigin (substTheta subst' theta)
- ; extendLIEs dicts
- ; let inst_fn = mkInstCoFn inst_tys dicts
- ; return (co_fn <.> inst_fn) }
+ ; co_fn1 <- instCall InstSigOrigin (mkTyVarTys tyvars) theta
+ ; co_fn2 <- tc_sub False tau tau exp_sty expected_ty
+ ; return (co_fn2 <.> co_fn1) }
-- Function case (rule F1)
| otherwise
= do { us <- newUniqueSupply
; let arg_ids = zipWith (mkSysLocal FSLIT("sub")) (uniqsFromSupply us) arg_tys
- ; return (CoLams arg_ids <.> co_fn_res <.> CoApps arg_ids) }
+ ; return (mkCoLams arg_ids <.> co_fn_res <.> mkCoApps arg_ids) }
-- Conclusion: include the free vars of the expected_ty in the
-- list of "free vars" for the signature check.
- ; dicts <- newDicts (SigOrigin skol_info) theta
+ ; dicts <- newDictBndrsO (SigOrigin skol_info) theta
; inst_binds <- tcSimplifyCheck sig_msg forall_tvs dicts lie
; checkSigTyVarsWrt free_tvs forall_tvs
; let
-- The CoLet binds any Insts which came out of the simplification.
dict_ids = map instToId dicts
- co_fn = CoTyLams forall_tvs <.> CoLams dict_ids <.> CoLet inst_binds
+ co_fn = mkCoTyLams forall_tvs <.> mkCoLams dict_ids <.> CoLet inst_binds
; returnM (co_fn, result) }
free_tvs = tyVarsOfType expected_ty `unionVarSet` extra_tvs
go_pred (ClassP c tys) = do { tys' <- mapM go tys; return (ClassP c tys') }
go_pred (IParam n ty) = do { ty' <- go ty; return (IParam n ty') }
+ go_pred (EqPred t1 t2) = do { t1' <- go t1; t2' <- go t2; return (EqPred t1' t2') }
go_tyvar tv (SkolemTv _) = return (TyVarTy tv)
go_tyvar tv (MetaTv box ref)
-- friends:
import Var ( Var, TyVar, tyVarKind, tyVarName,
- setTyVarName, setTyVarKind, mkTyVar, isTyVar )
-import Name ( Name(..) )
-import Unique ( Unique )
+ setTyVarName, setTyVarKind )
import VarEnv
import VarSet
import OccName ( tidyOccName )
-import Name ( NamedThing(..), mkInternalName, tidyNameOcc )
+import Name ( NamedThing(..), tidyNameOcc )
import Class ( Class, classTyCon )
import PrelNames( openTypeKindTyConKey, unliftedTypeKindTyConKey,
- ubxTupleKindTyConKey, argTypeKindTyConKey,
- eqCoercionKindTyConKey )
+ ubxTupleKindTyConKey, argTypeKindTyConKey )
import TyCon ( TyCon, isRecursiveTyCon, isPrimTyCon,
isUnboxedTupleTyCon, isUnLiftedTyCon,
isFunTyCon, isNewTyCon, newTyConRep, newTyConRhs,
-- others
import StaticFlags ( opt_DictsStrict )
-import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
import Util ( mapAccumL, seqList, lengthIs, snocView, thenCmp, isEqual, all2 )
import Outputable
import UniqSet ( sizeUniqSet ) -- Should come via VarSet
tyVarsOfTypes tys = foldr (unionVarSet.tyVarsOfType) emptyVarSet tys
tyVarsOfPred :: PredType -> TyVarSet
-tyVarsOfPred (IParam _ ty) = tyVarsOfType ty
-tyVarsOfPred (ClassP _ tys) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
+tyVarsOfPred (IParam _ ty) = tyVarsOfType ty
+tyVarsOfPred (ClassP _ tys) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
+tyVarsOfPred (EqPred ty1 ty2) = tyVarsOfType ty1 `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty2
tyVarsOfTheta :: ThetaType -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfTheta = foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfPred) emptyVarSet
tidyPred :: TidyEnv -> PredType -> PredType
tidyPred env (IParam n ty) = IParam n (tidyType env ty)
tidyPred env (ClassP clas tys) = ClassP clas (tidyTypes env tys)
+tidyPred env (EqPred ty1 ty2) = EqPred (tidyType env ty1) (tidyType env ty2)
seqNote (FTVNote set) = sizeUniqSet set `seq` ()
seqPred :: PredType -> ()
-seqPred (ClassP c tys) = c `seq` seqTypes tys
-seqPred (IParam n ty) = n `seq` seqType ty
+seqPred (ClassP c tys) = c `seq` seqTypes tys
+seqPred (IParam n ty) = n `seq` seqType ty
+seqPred (EqPred ty1 ty2) = seqType ty1 `seq` seqType ty2
import Var ( Var, TyVar, tyVarKind )
import VarEnv
import VarSet
-import Type ( typeKind, tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes, tyVarsOfTheta, mkTyVarTys,
- TvSubstEnv, emptyTvSubstEnv, TvSubst(..), substTy, tcEqTypeX,
- mkOpenTvSubst, tcView, isSubKind, eqKind, repSplitAppTy_maybe )
-import TypeRep ( Type(..), PredType(..), funTyCon )
-import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConResTys )
-import Util ( snocView )
-import ErrUtils ( Message )
+import Type ( typeKind, tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes, tyVarsOfTheta,
+ TvSubstEnv, emptyTvSubstEnv, TvSubst(..), tcEqTypeX,
+ tcView, isSubKind, repSplitAppTy_maybe )
+import TypeRep ( Type(..), PredType(..) )
import Outputable
import Maybes