-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XModalTypes -XMultiParamTypeClasses -ddump-types -XNoMonoPatBinds #-}
-module GArrowVerilog
-import Prelude hiding ( id, (.) )
--- Please ignore this; I didn't manage to finish it
--- A verilog module is an SDoc (chunk of text) giving the module's
--- definition. The UniqueSupply avoids name clashes.
-data VerilogModule =
- VerilogModule
- [VerilogModule] -- dependencies
- String -> -- module name
- (Tree String -> -- input port names
- Tree String -> -- output port names
- SDoc) -- raw verilog code for the body
-instance Show VerilogModule where
- show VerilogModule dep name body =
- "module "++name++"(FIXME)"++(body FIXME FIXME)
-data VerilogWrappedType a =
- { vwt_rep :: String }
--- A "verilog garrow" from A to B is, concretely, the source code for a
--- verilog module having input ports of type A and output ports of type B;
--- the UniqueSupply lets us generate names.
-data GArrowVerilog a b =
- UniqueSupply ->
- VerilogWrappedType a ->
- VerilogWrappedType b ->
- GArrowVerilog SDoc
-instance GArrow GArrowVerilog (,) where
- ga_id = VerilogModule [] "ga_id" (\ inp outp -> zipTree ... "assign "++outp++" = "++inp)
- ga_comp f g = VerilogModule [] "ga_comp"
- ga_first :: g x y -> g (x ** z) (y ** z)
- ga_second f = ga_comp (ga_comp ga_swap (ga_first f)) ga_swap
- ga_cancell f = VerilogModule [] "ga_cancell" (\ [in1,in2] [outp] -> "assign "++outp++" = "++in2)
- ga_cancelr f = VerilogModule [] "ga_cancelr" (\ [in1,in2] [outp] -> "assign "++outp++" = "++in1)
- ga_uncancell f = VerilogModule [] "ga_cancelr" (\ [in1] [out1,out2] -> "assign "++out1++"=1'b0;\n assign"++out2++"="++in1)
- ga_uncancelr f = VerilogModule [] "ga_cancelr" (\ [in1] [out1,out2] -> "assign "++out2++"=1'b0;\n assign"++out1++"="++in1)
- ga_assoc f =
- ga_unassoc :: g (x**(y**z)) ((x**y)**z)
-instance GArrowDrop GArrowVerilog (,) where
- ga_drop =
-instance GArrowCopy GArrowVerilog (,) where
- ga_copy =
-instance GArrowSwap GArrowVerilog (,) where
- ga_swap =
-instance GArrowLoop GArrowVerilog (,) where
- ga_loop =
-instance GArrowLiteral GArrowVerilog (,) where
- ga_literal =
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators, FunctionalDependencies, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
+-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
+module GArrowVerilog where
+import Control.GArrow
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Control.Category
+import Control.Monad ((>=>), (<=<))
+import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
+import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
+import BitSerialHardware
+import GArrowPretty
+-- Declaration Types (basically (Tree ()))
+data DeclType t where
+ DeclTypeUnit :: DeclType ()
+ DeclTypeWire :: DeclType Wire
+ DeclTypePair :: DeclType x -> DeclType y -> DeclType (x,y)
+instance Show (DeclType t) where
+ show DeclTypeUnit = "()"
+ show DeclTypeWire = "Wire"
+ show (DeclTypePair x y) = case x of
+ DeclTypePair _ _ -> "(" ++ show x ++ ")*" ++ show y
+ _ -> show x ++ "*" ++ show y
+-- Identifiers
+data Id t where
+ IdUnit :: Id ()
+ IdWire :: String -> Id Wire
+ IdPair :: Id x -> Id y -> Id (x,y)
+instance Show (Id t) where
+ show IdUnit = "()"
+ show (IdWire n) = n
+ show (IdPair x y) = (show x) ++ "," ++ (show y)
+id2shape :: Id t -> DeclType t
+id2shape IdUnit = DeclTypeUnit
+id2shape (IdWire _) = DeclTypeWire
+id2shape (IdPair x y) = DeclTypePair (id2shape x) (id2shape y)
+-- Verilog Writer
+class Monad vw => VerilogWriter vw where
+ declareWire :: DeclType t -> vw (Id t)
+ gate :: String -> [Id Wire] -> vw ()
+instance MonadState VState m => VerilogWriter m where
+ declareWire DeclTypeUnit = return IdUnit
+ declareWire (DeclTypePair x y) = do ix <- declareWire x ; iy <- declareWire y ; return $ IdPair ix iy
+ declareWire DeclTypeWire = do (VState x decls out) <- get
+ let ids = "wire"++(show x)
+ put $ VState (x+1) ((text "wire" <+> text ids <> semi):decls) out
+ return $ IdWire $ ids
+ gate name inputs = let output = text name <+> (parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (text . show) inputs) <> semi
+ in do (VState x decls out) <- get
+ put $ VState x decls (output:out)
+-- Instance of Verilog Writer
+data VState = VState Int [Doc] [Doc]
+data V vw x y = V
+ { infer :: DeclType x -> DeclType y
+ , write :: Id x -> vw (Id y)
+ }
+instance VerilogWriter vw => Category (V vw) where
+ id = V { infer = id
+ , write = return }
+ g . f = V { infer = infer g . infer f
+ , write = write g <=< write f }
+-- GArrow implementation
+instance VerilogWriter vw => GArrow (V vw) (,) () where
+ ga_cancell = V { infer = \(DeclTypePair DeclTypeUnit sx) -> sx
+ , write = \(IdPair IdUnit x) -> return x }
+ ga_cancelr = V { infer = \(DeclTypePair sx DeclTypeUnit) -> sx
+ , write = \(IdPair x IdUnit) -> return x }
+ ga_uncancell = V { infer = \s -> DeclTypePair DeclTypeUnit s
+ , write = \x -> return (IdPair IdUnit x) }
+ ga_uncancelr = V { infer = \s -> DeclTypePair s DeclTypeUnit
+ , write = \x -> return (IdPair x IdUnit) }
+ ga_assoc = V { infer = \(DeclTypePair (DeclTypePair sx sy) sz) -> DeclTypePair sx (DeclTypePair sy sz)
+ , write = \(IdPair (IdPair x y) z) -> return $ IdPair x (IdPair y z) }
+ ga_unassoc = V { infer = \(DeclTypePair sx (DeclTypePair sy sz)) -> (DeclTypePair (DeclTypePair sx sy) sz)
+ , write = \(IdPair x (IdPair y z)) -> return $ IdPair (IdPair x y) z }
+ ga_first f = V { infer = \(DeclTypePair sx sz) -> DeclTypePair (infer f sx) sz
+ , write = \(IdPair x z) -> do idy <- write f x ; return $ IdPair idy z }
+ ga_second f = V { infer = \(DeclTypePair sz sx) -> DeclTypePair sz (infer f sx)
+ , write = \(IdPair z x) -> do idy <- write f x ; return $ IdPair z idy }
+instance VerilogWriter vw => GArrowDrop (V vw) (,) () where
+ ga_drop = V { infer = \_ -> DeclTypeUnit
+ , write = \_ -> return IdUnit }
+instance VerilogWriter vw => GArrowCopy (V vw) (,) () where
+ ga_copy = V { infer = \s -> DeclTypePair s s
+ , write = \x -> return $ IdPair x x }
+instance VerilogWriter vw => GArrowSwap (V vw) (,) () where
+ ga_swap = V { infer = \(DeclTypePair x y) -> DeclTypePair y x
+ , write = \(IdPair x y) -> return $ IdPair y x }
+instance VerilogWriter vw => GArrowLoop (V vw) (,) () where
+ ga_loopl f = ga_loopr $ ga_swap >>> f >>> ga_swap
+ ga_loopr f = V { infer = \x -> let yz = infer f (DeclTypePair x (case yz of (DeclTypePair y z) -> z))
+ in (case yz of (DeclTypePair y z) -> y)
+ , write = \idx -> let yz = infer f (DeclTypePair (id2shape idx) (case yz of (DeclTypePair y z) -> z))
+ in case yz of (DeclTypePair y z) -> do idz <- declareWire z
+ idyz <- write f (IdPair idx idz)
+ return (case idyz of (IdPair y z) -> y)
+ }
+gate1 :: VerilogWriter vw => String -> Id Wire -> vw (Id Wire)
+gate1 name x =
+ do out <- declareWire DeclTypeWire
+ gate name [out,x]
+ return out
+gate2 :: VerilogWriter vw => String -> Id (Wire,Wire) -> vw (Id Wire)
+gate2 name (IdPair x y) =
+ do out <- declareWire DeclTypeWire
+ gate name [out,x,y]
+ return out
+gate3 :: VerilogWriter vw => String -> Id (Wire,(Wire,Wire)) -> vw (Id Wire)
+gate3 name (IdPair x (IdPair y z)) =
+ do out <- declareWire DeclTypeWire
+ gate name [out,x,y,z]
+ return out
+instance VerilogWriter vw => BitSerialHardwarePrimitives (V vw) where
+ high = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = const $ return $ IdWire "1'b1" }
+ low = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = const $ return $ IdWire "1'b0" }
+ not = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = gate1 "not" }
+ xor = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = gate2 "xor" }
+ or = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = gate2 "or" }
+ and = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = gate2 "and" }
+ mux2 = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = gate3 "mux2" }
+ maj3 = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = gate3 "maj3" }
+ reg = V { infer = const DeclTypeWire , write = gate1 "reg" }
+ loop vals = undefined
+ fifo len = undefined
+ probe id = undefined
+ oracle id = undefined
+-- Examples
+oscillator :: BitSerialHardwarePrimitives v => v Wire Wire
+oscillator = ga_loopl $ ga_first reg >>> xor >>> ga_copy
+sample2 :: MonadState VState m => V m Wire Wire
+sample2 = oscillator
+sample3 :: V (StateT VState IO) Wire Wire
+sample3 = sample2
+writeModule moduleName verilog =
+ do (VState _ decls out) <- execStateT (write verilog (IdWire "inputWire")) (VState 0 [] [])
+ let portNames = [ "inputWire" ]
+ let ports = map text portNames
+ let out' = vcat [ text "module" <+> text moduleName <> (parens $ sep $ punctuate comma ports)
+ , nest 2 (vcat $ reverse decls)
+ , text ""
+ , nest 2 (vcat $ reverse out)
+ , text "endmodule"
+ ]
+ return out'
+main :: IO ()
+main = do putStrLn $ renderStyle (style{mode=PageMode, ribbonsPerLine=0.1}) $ pprGArrow oscillator
+ putStrLn ""
+ out' <- writeModule "foo" sample3
+ putStrLn $ renderStyle (style{mode=PageMode, ribbonsPerLine=0.1}) out'
+submodule :: V vw inputs outputs -> V vw inputs outputs
+submodule = undefined
+--main = do putStrLn $ show (DeclTypePair (DeclTypePair DeclTypeWire DeclTypeUnit) (DeclTypePair DeclTypeUnit DeclTypeWire))