dcolon <+> pprKind kind
typeMaybeIso = if iso
- then ptext SLIT("type iso")
- else ptext SLIT("type")
+ then ptext SLIT("type family iso")
+ else ptext SLIT("type family")
ppr (TySynonym {tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdTyPats = typats,
tcdSynRhs = mono_ty})
- = hang (ptext SLIT("type") <+> pp_decl_head [] ltycon tyvars typats <+>
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("type") <+>
+ (if isJust typats then ptext SLIT("instance") else empty) <+>
+ pp_decl_head [] ltycon tyvars typats <+>
4 (ppr mono_ty)
ppr (TyData {tcdND = new_or_data, tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = ltycon,
tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdTyPats = typats, tcdKindSig = mb_sig,
tcdCons = condecls, tcdDerivs = derivings})
- = pp_tydecl (ppr new_or_data <+>
+ = pp_tydecl (null condecls && isJust mb_sig)
+ (ppr new_or_data <+>
+ (if isJust typats then ptext SLIT("instance") else empty) <+>
pp_decl_head (unLoc context) ltycon tyvars typats <+>
ppr_sig mb_sig)
(pp_condecls condecls)
pp_condecls cs -- In H98 syntax
= equals <+> sep (punctuate (ptext SLIT(" |")) (map ppr cs))
-pp_tydecl pp_head pp_decl_rhs derivings
+pp_tydecl True pp_head pp_decl_rhs derivings
+ = pp_head
+pp_tydecl False pp_head pp_decl_rhs derivings
= hang pp_head 4 (sep [
- pp_decl_rhs,
- case derivings of
- Nothing -> empty
- Just ds -> hsep [ptext SLIT("deriving"), parens (interpp'SP ds)]
+ pp_decl_rhs,
+ case derivings of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just ds -> hsep [ptext SLIT("deriving"), parens (interpp'SP ds)]
instance Outputable NewOrData where