-- Extend the envt right away with all
-- the Ids declared with type signatures
+ ; gla_exts <- doptM Opt_GlasgowExts
; (binds', thing) <- tcExtendIdEnv poly_ids $
- tc_val_binds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn
+ tc_val_binds gla_exts top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn
binds thing_inside
; return (ValBindsOut binds' sigs, thing) }
-tc_val_binds :: TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragFun
+tc_val_binds :: Bool -> TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragFun
-> [(RecFlag, LHsBinds Name)] -> TcM thing
-> TcM ([(RecFlag, LHsBinds TcId)], thing)
-- Typecheck a whole lot of value bindings,
-- one strongly-connected component at a time
-tc_val_binds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn [] thing_inside
+tc_val_binds gla_exts top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn [] thing_inside
= do { thing <- thing_inside
; return ([], thing) }
-tc_val_binds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (group : groups) thing_inside
+tc_val_binds gla_exts top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (group : groups) thing_inside
= do { (group', (groups', thing))
- <- tc_group top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn group $
- tc_val_binds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn groups thing_inside
+ <- tc_group gla_exts top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn group $
+ tc_val_binds gla_exts top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn groups thing_inside
; return (group' ++ groups', thing) }
-tc_group :: TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragFun
+tc_group :: Bool -> TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragFun
-> (RecFlag, LHsBinds Name) -> TcM thing
-> TcM ([(RecFlag, LHsBinds TcId)], thing)
-- We get a list of groups back, because there may
-- be specialisations etc as well
-tc_group top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (NonRecursive, binds) thing_inside
- = -- A single non-recursive binding
+tc_group gla_exts top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (NonRecursive, binds) thing_inside
+ -- A single non-recursive binding
-- We want to keep non-recursive things non-recursive
-- so that we desugar unlifted bindings correctly
- do { (binds, thing) <- tcPolyBinds top_lvl NonRecursive NonRecursive
- sig_fn prag_fn binds thing_inside
+ = do { (binds, thing) <- tc_haskell98 top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn NonRecursive binds thing_inside
; return ([(NonRecursive, b) | b <- binds], thing) }
-tc_group top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (Recursive, binds) thing_inside
- = -- A recursive strongly-connected component
- -- To maximise polymorphism (with -fglasgow-exts), we do a new
+tc_group gla_exts top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (Recursive, binds) thing_inside
+ | not gla_exts -- Recursive group, normal Haskell 98 route
+ = do { (binds1, thing) <- tc_haskell98 top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn Recursive binds thing_inside
+ ; return ([(Recursive, unionManyBags binds1)], thing) }
+ | otherwise -- Recursive group, with gla-exts
+ = -- To maximise polymorphism (with -fglasgow-exts), we do a new
-- strongly-connected-component analysis, this time omitting
-- any references to variables with type signatures.
- -- Then we bring into scope all the variables with type signatures
+ -- Notice that the bindInsts thing covers *all* the bindings in the original
+ -- group at once; an earlier one may use a later one!
do { traceTc (text "tc_group rec" <+> pprLHsBinds binds)
- ; gla_exts <- doptM Opt_GlasgowExts
- ; (binds,thing) <- if gla_exts
- then go new_sccs
- else tc_binds Recursive binds thing_inside
- ; return ([(Recursive, unionManyBags binds)], thing) }
+ ; (binds1,thing) <- bindLocalInsts top_lvl $
+ go (stronglyConnComp (mkEdges sig_fn binds))
+ ; return ([(Recursive, unionManyBags binds1)], thing) }
-- Rec them all together
- new_sccs :: [SCC (LHsBind Name)]
- new_sccs = stronglyConnComp (mkEdges sig_fn binds)
+-- go :: SCC (LHsBind Name) -> TcM ([LHsBind TcId], [TcId], thing)
+ go (scc:sccs) = do { (binds1, ids1) <- tc_scc scc
+ ; (binds2, ids2, thing) <- tcExtendIdEnv ids1 $ go sccs
+ ; return (binds1 ++ binds2, ids1 ++ ids2, thing) }
+ go [] = do { thing <- thing_inside; return ([], [], thing) }
--- go :: SCC (LHsBind Name) -> TcM ([LHsBind TcId], thing)
- go (scc:sccs) = do { (binds1, (binds2, thing)) <- go1 scc (go sccs)
- ; return (binds1 ++ binds2, thing) }
- go [] = do { thing <- thing_inside; return ([], thing) }
+ tc_scc (AcyclicSCC bind) = tc_sub_group NonRecursive (unitBag bind)
+ tc_scc (CyclicSCC binds) = tc_sub_group Recursive (listToBag binds)
- go1 (AcyclicSCC bind) = tc_binds NonRecursive (unitBag bind)
- go1 (CyclicSCC binds) = tc_binds Recursive (listToBag binds)
+ tc_sub_group = tcPolyBinds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn Recursive
- tc_binds rec_tc binds = tcPolyBinds top_lvl Recursive rec_tc sig_fn prag_fn binds
+tc_haskell98 top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn rec_flag binds thing_inside
+ = bindLocalInsts top_lvl $ do
+ { (binds1, ids) <- tcPolyBinds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn rec_flag rec_flag binds
+ ; thing <- tcExtendIdEnv ids thing_inside
+ ; return (binds1, ids, thing) }
+bindLocalInsts :: TopLevelFlag -> TcM ([LHsBinds TcId], [TcId], a) -> TcM ([LHsBinds TcId], a)
+bindLocalInsts top_lvl thing_inside
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl = do { (binds, ids, thing) <- thing_inside; return (binds, thing) }
+ -- For the top level don't bother will all this bindInstsOfLocalFuns stuff.
+ -- All the top level things are rec'd together anyway, so it's fine to
+ -- leave them to the tcSimplifyTop, and quite a bit faster too
+ | otherwise -- Nested case
+ = do { ((binds, ids, thing), lie) <- getLIE thing_inside
+ ; lie_binds <- bindInstsOfLocalFuns lie ids
+ ; return (binds ++ [lie_binds], thing) }
mkEdges :: TcSigFun -> LHsBinds Name
bindersOfHsBind (FunBind { fun_id = L _ f }) = [f]
-tcPolyBinds :: TopLevelFlag
+tcPolyBinds :: TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragFun
-> RecFlag -- Whether the group is really recursive
- -> RecFlag -- Whether it's recursive for typechecking purposes
- -> TcSigFun -> TcPragFun
+ -> RecFlag -- Whether it's recursive after breaking
+ -- dependencies based on type signatures
-> LHsBinds Name
- -> TcM thing
- -> TcM ([LHsBinds TcId], thing)
+ -> TcM ([LHsBinds TcId], [TcId])
-- Typechecks a single bunch of bindings all together,
-- and generalises them. The bunch may be only part of a recursive
-- group, because we use type signatures to maximise polymorphism
--- Deals with the bindInstsOfLocalFuns thing too
-- Returns a list because the input may be a single non-recursive binding,
-- in which case the dependency order of the resulting bindings is
-- important.
-tcPolyBinds top_lvl rec_group rec_tc sig_fn prag_fn scc thing_inside
- = -- NB: polymorphic recursion means that a function
- -- may use an instance of itself, we must look at the LIE arising
- -- from the function's own right hand side. Hence the getLIE
- -- encloses the tc_poly_binds.
- do { traceTc (text "tcPolyBinds" <+> ppr scc)
- ; ((binds1, poly_ids, thing), lie) <- getLIE $
- do { (binds1, poly_ids) <- tc_poly_binds top_lvl rec_group rec_tc
- sig_fn prag_fn scc
- ; thing <- tcExtendIdEnv poly_ids thing_inside
- ; return (binds1, poly_ids, thing) }
- ; if isTopLevel top_lvl
- then -- For the top level don't bother will all this
- -- bindInstsOfLocalFuns stuff. All the top level
- -- things are rec'd together anyway, so it's fine to
- -- leave them to the tcSimplifyTop,
- -- and quite a bit faster too
- do { extendLIEs lie; return (binds1, thing) }
- else do -- Nested case
- { lie_binds <- bindInstsOfLocalFuns lie poly_ids
- ; return (binds1 ++ [lie_binds], thing) }}
-tc_poly_binds :: TopLevelFlag -- See comments on tcPolyBinds
- -> RecFlag -> RecFlag
- -> TcSigFun -> TcPragFun
- -> LHsBinds Name
- -> TcM ([LHsBinds TcId], [TcId])
--- Typechecks the bindings themselves
-- Knows nothing about the scope of the bindings
-tc_poly_binds top_lvl rec_group rec_tc sig_fn prag_fn binds
+tcPolyBinds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn rec_group rec_tc binds
= let
- binder_names = collectHsBindBinders binds
bind_list = bagToList binds
- loc = getLoc (head bind_list)
+ binder_names = collectHsBindBinders binds
+ loc = getLoc (head bind_list)
-- TODO: location a bit awkward, but the mbinds have been
-- dependency analysed and may no longer be adjacent