add DDR2 controller, generated via MIG
authormegacz <>
Sun, 1 Mar 2009 22:06:32 +0000 (14:06 -0800)
committermegacz <>
Sun, 1 Mar 2009 22:06:32 +0000 (14:06 -0800)
27 files changed:
ships/DDR2.ship- [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_chipscope.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_ctrl.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_idelay_ctrl.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_infrastructure.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_mem_if_top.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_calib.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_ctl_io.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dm_iob.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dq_iob.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dqs_iob.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_init.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_io.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_top.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_write.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_sdram.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_top.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_addr_fifo.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_rd.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_top.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_wr.v [new file with mode: 0644]
src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/main.ucf- [new file with mode: 0644]

index aa7638a..daa0c43 100644 (file)
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ effort = high
        cd build/fpga; ln -sf ../../src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/* .
        cd build/fpga; ln -sf ../../src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/mem/* .
-       cd build/fpga; ln -sf ../../src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/greg/* .
+       cd build/fpga; ln -sf ../../src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/* .
+       #cd build/fpga; ln -sf ../../src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/greg/* .
        rm -f build/fpga/main.lso
        echo work                        >> build/fpga/main.lso
        rm -f build/fpga/main.prj
index 1092f73..374866c 100644 (file)
@@ -7,26 +7,26 @@ data  in:    inDataWrite
 data  out:   out
-percolate up:    DDR2_CAS_B   1
-percolate up:    DDR2_CKE     2
-percolate up:    DDR2_RAS_B   1
-percolate up:    DDR2_WE_B    1
-percolate up:    DDR2_ODT     2
-percolate up:    DDR2_CS0_B   2
-percolate up:    DDR2_CLK_N   2
-percolate up:    DDR2_CLK_P   2
-percolate up:    DDR2_A       14
-percolate up:    DDR2_BA      3
-percolate inout: DDR2_DQ      64
-percolate up:    DDR2_DM      8
-percolate inout: DDR2_DQS_N   8
-percolate inout: DDR2_DQS_P   8
-percolate inout: I2C_DDR2_SCL 1
-percolate inout: I2C_DDR2_SDA 1
-percolate down:  CLKBUF_Q1_N  1
-percolate down:  CLKBUF_Q1_P  1
+percolate up:    gpio_led_0   1
+percolate up:    gpio_led_1   1
+percolate up:    gpio_led_2   1
+percolate up:    gpio_led_3   1
+percolate inout: ddr2_dq       64
+percolate up:    ddr2_a        13
+percolate up:    ddr2_ba       2
+percolate up:    ddr2_ras_n    1
+percolate up:    ddr2_cas_n    1
+percolate up:    ddr2_we_n     1
+percolate up:    ddr2_cs_n     1
+percolate up:    ddr2_odt      1
+percolate up:    ddr2_cke      1
+percolate up:    ddr2_dm       8
+percolate up:    phy_init_done 1
+percolate inout: ddr2_dqs      8
+percolate inout: ddr2_dqs_n    8
+percolate up:    ddr2_ck       2
+percolate up:    ddr2_ck_n     2
 == TeX ==============================================================
@@ -36,193 +36,173 @@ percolate down:  CLKBUF_Q1_P  1
 == FPGA ==============================================================
-// Nearly all of this was copied from Greg Gibeling's work; copyright shown below:
-// Everything here was copied from
-// GateLib/Firmware/DRAM/Hardware/DDR2SDRAM/Test/FPGA_TOP_ML505_DDR2SDRAMTest.v
-//      Section:        License
-//      Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Regents of the University of California
-//      All rights reserved.
-//      Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-//      are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-//              - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-//                      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//              - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-//                      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-//                      in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-//                      distribution.
-//              - Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the
-//                      names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
-//                      products derived from this software without specific prior
-//                      written permission.
-    ClockFreq  = 200000000,
-    BAWidth    = 2,
-    RAWidth    = 13,
-    CAWidth    = 10,                                                     
-    DWidth     = 128,       // 128b SDR internal transfers
-    UWidth     = 8,         // This will almost ALWAYS be 8
-    BurstLen   = 2,         // 256b total burst, 2 words DWidth words at SDR, or 4 external words at DDR
-    EnableMask = 1,
-    EnableECC  = 0,
-    Board      = 0;
-    UCount   =  DWidth / UWidth,
-    // 128b/8 = 16b per mask means per-byte masking
-    MWidth   =  (EnableECC || (EnableMask == 0)) ? 0 : UCount,
-    // Unused lower address bits, the -1 is to get a proper log2
-    UAWidth  =  `log2(UCount-1),
-    TAWidth  =  CAWidth + RAWidth + BAWidth,
-    // Note that the components are in order according to where in the
-    // address they appear, the -1 is to account for DDR
-    AWidth   =  TAWidth + UAWidth - 1,
-    ECheck   =  EnableECC ? 2 : 0,
-    ECorrect =  EnableECC ? 1 : 0,
-    CWidth   =  3,
-    EHWidth  =  `max(`log2(ECheck), 1),
-    ERWidth  =  `max(`log2(ECheck), 1);
-wire   Reset;
-assign Reset = !rst;
-reg     [AWidth-1:0]    CommandAddress;
-reg     [CWidth-1:0]    Command; 
-wire                    CommandReady;
-reg                     CommandValid;
-wire    [DWidth-1:0]    DataIn;
-wire    [MWidth-1:0]    DataInMask;
-reg                     DataInValid;
-wire                    DataInReady;
-wire    [DWidth-1:0]    DataOut;
-wire    [EHWidth-1:0]   DataOutErrorChecked;
-wire    [ERWidth-1:0]   DataOutErrorCorrected;
-wire                    DataOutValid;
-reg                     DataOutReady;
-wire                    Clock_IBUFG;
-wire                    Clock, ClockD2, ClockP90;
-wire                    Clock_DCM, ClockD2_DCM, ClockP90_DCM;
-wire                    Locked;
-reg  [`WORDWIDTH:0] out_d;
-assign out_d_ = out_d;
-assign  DDR2_BA[2]    = 1'b0;
-assign  DDR2_CS0_B[1] = 1'b1;
-assign  DDR2_ODT[1]   = 1'b0;
-assign  DDR2_CKE[1]   = 1'b0;
-  #( 
-     .CLKIN_PERIOD(5.0),
-     .CLKDV_DIVIDE(2.0),
-     .FACTORY_JF(16'hF0F0)
-   )
-  DCMBase(
-     .CLK0(Clock_DCM),
-     .CLK180( ),
-     .CLK270( ),
-     .CLK2X( ),
-     .CLK2X180( ),
-     .CLK90(ClockP90_DCM),
-     .CLKDV(ClockD2_DCM),
-     .CLKFX( ),
-     .CLKFX180( ),
-     .LOCKED(Locked),
-     .CLKFB(Clock),
-     .CLKIN(Clock_IBUFG),
-     .RST(Reset));
-  // synthesis attribute CLKIN_PERIOD          of DCMBase is "5.0"
-  // synthesis attribute CLKDV_DIVIDE          of DCMBase is "2.0"
-  // synthesis attribute DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE    of DCMBase is "HIGH"
-  // synthesis attribute DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION of DCMBase is "TRUE"
-  // synthesis attribute FACTORY_JF            of DCMBase is "16'hF0F0"
-  BUFG    ClockBufG(.I(Clock_DCM), .O(Clock));
-  BUFG    ClockP90BufG(.I(ClockP90_DCM), .O(ClockP90));
-  BUFG    ClockD2BufG(.I(ClockD2_DCM), .O(ClockD2));
-      .Clock(Clock),
-      .ClockD2(ClockD2),
-      .ClockP90(ClockP90),
-      .Reset(Reset),
-      .Locked(Locked),
-      .ClockF200(Clock),
-      .Initialized( ),
-      .PoweredUp( ),
-      .CommandClock(clk),
-      .DataInClock(clk),
-      .DataOutClock(clk),
-      .CommandReset(Reset),
-      .DataInReset(Reset),
-      .DataOutReset(Reset),
-      .CommandAddress(CommandAddress),
-      .Command(Command),
-      .CommandValid(CommandValid),
-      .CommandReady(CommandReady),
-      .DataIn(DataIn),
-      .DataInMask(DataInMask),
-      .DataInValid(DataInValid),
-      .DataInReady(DataInReady),
-      .DataOut(DataOut),
-      .DataOutErrorChecked(DataOutErrorChecked),
-      .DataOutErrorCorrected(DataOutErrorCorrected),
-      .DataOutValid(DataOutValid),
-      .DataOutReady(DataOutReady),
-      .DDR2_DQ(DDR2_DQ),
-      .DDR2_A(DDR2_A),
-      .DDR2_BA(DDR2_BA[1:0]),
-      .DDR2_RAS_B(DDR2_RAS_B),
-      .DDR2_CAS_B(DDR2_CAS_B),
-      .DDR2_WE_B(DDR2_WE_B),
-      .DDR2_CS0_B(DDR2_CS0_B[0]),
-      .DDR2_ODT(DDR2_ODT[0]),
-      .DDR2_CKE(DDR2_CKE[0]),
-      .DDR2_DM(DDR2_DM),
-      .DDR2_DQS_P(DDR2_DQS_P),
-      .DDR2_DQS_N(DDR2_DQS_N),
-      .DDR2_CLK_P(DDR2_CLK_P),
-      .DDR2_CLK_N(DDR2_CLK_N));
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.UWidth     = UWidth;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.BAWidth    = BAWidth;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.RAWidth    = RAWidth;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.CAWidth    = CAWidth;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.DWidth     = DWidth;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.BurstLen   = BurstLen;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.EnableMask = EnableMask;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.EnableECC  = EnableECC;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.Board      = Board;
-      defparam DDR2SDRAM.MultiClock = 1;
-  assign DataIn     = inDataWrite_d;
-  assign DataInMask = 16'b1111111111111111;
+percolate inout: ddr2_dq       8
+percolate up:    ddr2_a        15
+percolate up:    ddr2_ba       3
+percolate up:    ddr2_ras_n    1
+percolate up:    ddr2_cas_n    1
+percolate up:    ddr2_we_n     1
+percolate up:    ddr2_cs_n     1
+percolate up:    ddr2_odt      1
+percolate up:    ddr2_cke      1
+percolate up:    ddr2_dm       1
+percolate up:    phy_init_done 1
+percolate inout: ddr2_dqs      1
+percolate inout: ddr2_dqs_n    1
+percolate up:    ddr2_ck       1
+percolate up:    ddr2_ck_n     1
+//NET  "sys_clk_p"   LOC = "H17" ;           #Bank 3
+//NET  "sys_clk_n"   LOC = "H18" ;           #Bank 3
+//NET  "clk200_p"    LOC = "K17" ;           #Bank 3
+//NET  "clk200_n"    LOC = "L18" ;           #Bank 3
+//NET  "sys_rst_n"   LOC = "L24" ;           #Bank 19
+*     This file is owned and controlled by Xilinx and must be used             *
+*     solely for design, simulation, implementation and creation of            *
+*     design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use              *
+*     with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited          *
+*     and immediately terminates your license.                                 *
+*                                                                              *
+*     FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                                *
+*                                                                              *
+*     Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support                 *
+*     appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications are            *
+*     expressly prohibited.                                                    *
+*                                                                              *
+*     (c) Copyright 1995-2006 Xilinx, Inc.                                     *
+*     All rights reserved.                                                     *
+// The following must be inserted into your Verilog file for this
+// core to be instantiated. Change the instance name and port connections
+// (in parentheses) to your own signal names.
+//----------- Begin Cut here for INSTANTIATION Template ---// INST_TAG
+wire clk200_p;
+wire clk200_n;
+wire clk_rebuffered;
+ ddr2_sdram # (
+    .BANK_WIDTH(2),                    // # of memory bank addr bits.
+    .CKE_WIDTH(1),                     // # of memory clock enable outputs.
+    .CLK_WIDTH(2),                     // # of clock outputs.
+    .COL_WIDTH(10),                    // # of memory column bits.
+    .CS_NUM(1),                        // # of separate memory chip selects.
+    .CS_WIDTH(1),                      // # of total memory chip selects.
+    .CS_BITS(0),                       // set to log2(CS_NUM) (rounded up).
+    .DM_WIDTH(8),                      // # of data mask bits.
+    .DQ_WIDTH(64),                     // # of data width.
+    .DQ_PER_DQS(8),                    // # of DQ data bits per strobe.
+    .DQS_WIDTH(8),                     // # of DQS strobes.
+    .DQ_BITS(6),                       // set to log2(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS).
+    .DQS_BITS(3),                      // set to log2(DQS_WIDTH).
+    .ODT_WIDTH(1),                     // # of memory on-die term enables.
+    .ROW_WIDTH(13),                    // # of memory row and # of addr bits.
+    .ADDITIVE_LAT(0),                  // additive write latency.
+    .BURST_LEN(4),                     // burst length (in double words).
+    .BURST_TYPE(0),                    // burst type (=0 seq; =1 interleaved).
+    .CAS_LAT(4),                       // CAS latency.
+    .ECC_ENABLE(0),                    // enable ECC (=1 enable).
+    .APPDATA_WIDTH(128),               // # of usr read/write data bus bits.
+    .MULTI_BANK_EN(1),                 // Keeps multiple banks open. (= 1 enable).
+    .TWO_T_TIME_EN(1),                 // 2t timing for unbuffered dimms.
+    .ODT_TYPE(1),                      // ODT (=0(none),=1(75),=2(150),=3(50)).
+    .REDUCE_DRV(0),                    // reduced strength mem I/O (=1 yes).
+    .REG_ENABLE(0),                    // registered addr/ctrl (=1 yes).
+    .TREFI_NS(7800),                   // auto refresh interval (ns).
+    .TRAS(40000),                      // active->precharge delay.
+    .TRCD(15000),                      // active->read/write delay.
+    .TRFC(127500),                     // refresh->refresh, refresh->active delay.
+    .TRP(15000),                       // precharge->command delay.
+    .TRTP(7500),                       // read->precharge delay.
+    .TWR(15000),                       // used to determine write->precharge.
+    .TWTR(7500),                       // write->read delay.
+    .HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE("TRUE"),    // # = TRUE, the IODELAY performance mode is set to high.
+                                       // # = FALSE, the IODELAY performance mode is set to low.
+    .SIM_ONLY(0),                      // = 1 to skip SDRAM power up delay.
+    .DEBUG_EN(0),                      // Enable debug signals/controls.
+                                       // When this parameter is changed from 0 to 1,
+                                       // make sure to uncomment the coregen commands
+                                       // in ise_flow.bat or create_ise.bat files in
+                                       // par folder.
+    .CLK_PERIOD(5000),                 // Core/Memory clock period (in ps).
+    .DQS_IO_COL(16'b0000000000000000), // I/O column location of DQS groups
+                                       // (=0, left; =1 center, =2 right).
+    //.DQ_IO_MS(64'b10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101),   
+    .DQ_IO_MS(64'b01110101_00111101_00001111_00011110_00101110_11000011_11000001_10111100),   
+                                       // Master/Slave location of DQ I/O (=0 slave).
+    .CLK_TYPE("SINGLE_ENDED"),         // # = "DIFFERENTIAL " ->; Differential input clocks ,
+                                       // # = "SINGLE_ENDED" -> Single ended input clocks.
+    .DLL_FREQ_MODE("HIGH"),            // DCM Frequency range.
+    .RST_ACT_LOW(1)                    // =1 for active low reset, =0 for active high.
+ddr2_sdram (
+    .sys_clk                   (clk),
+    .idly_clk_200              (clk200_p),
+    .sys_rst_n                 (!rst),
+    .ddr2_dq                   (ddr2_dq),
+    .ddr2_a                    (ddr2_a),
+    .ddr2_ba                   (ddr2_ba),
+    .ddr2_ras_n                (ddr2_ras_n),
+    .ddr2_cas_n                (ddr2_cas_n),
+    .ddr2_we_n                 (ddr2_we_n),
+    .ddr2_cs_n                 (ddr2_cs_n),
+    .ddr2_odt                  (ddr2_odt),
+    .ddr2_cke                  (ddr2_cke),
+    .ddr2_dm                   (ddr2_dm),
+    .ddr2_dqs                  (ddr2_dqs),
+    .ddr2_dqs_n                (ddr2_dqs_n),
+    .ddr2_ck                   (ddr2_ck),
+    .ddr2_ck_n                 (ddr2_ck_n),
+    .phy_init_done             (gpio_led_0),
+    .app_wdf_afull             (gpio_led_1),
+    .app_af_afull              (gpio_led_2),
+    .rd_data_valid             (gpio_led_3),
+    .app_wdf_wren              (1'b1),
+    .app_af_wren               (app_af_wren),
+    .app_af_addr               (app_af_addr),
+    .app_af_cmd                (app_af_cmd),
+    .rd_data_fifo_out          (rd_data_fifo_out),
+    .app_wdf_data              (app_wdf_data),
+    .app_wdf_mask_data         (app_wdf_mask_data)
+  wire clk200_p_fb;
+  DCM  // 200Mhz DDR clock
+   #(
+      .CLKFX_MULTIPLY(2),
+      .CLKFX_DIVIDE(1),
+      .CLKIN_PERIOD("10 ns")
+    ) vgadcm (
+      .CLKIN    (clk),
+      .CLKFB    (clk200_p_fb),
+      .CLKFX    (clk200_n),
+      .CLKFX180 (clk200_p),
+      .CLK0     (clk200_p_fb)
+    );
   always @(posedge clk) begin
     if (rst) begin
@@ -266,6 +246,7 @@ DDR2SDRAM DDR2SDRAM(
 == Test ==============================================================
diff --git a/ships/DDR2.ship- b/ships/DDR2.ship-
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1092f73
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+ship: DDR2
+== Ports ===========================================================
+data  in:    inAddrRead
+data  in:    inAddrWrite
+data  in:    inDataWrite
+data  out:   out
+percolate up:    DDR2_CAS_B   1
+percolate up:    DDR2_CKE     2
+percolate up:    DDR2_RAS_B   1
+percolate up:    DDR2_WE_B    1
+percolate up:    DDR2_ODT     2
+percolate up:    DDR2_CS0_B   2
+percolate up:    DDR2_CLK_N   2
+percolate up:    DDR2_CLK_P   2
+percolate up:    DDR2_A       14
+percolate up:    DDR2_BA      3
+percolate inout: DDR2_DQ      64
+percolate up:    DDR2_DM      8
+percolate inout: DDR2_DQS_N   8
+percolate inout: DDR2_DQS_P   8
+percolate inout: I2C_DDR2_SCL 1
+percolate inout: I2C_DDR2_SDA 1
+percolate down:  CLKBUF_Q1_N  1
+percolate down:  CLKBUF_Q1_P  1
+== TeX ==============================================================
+== Fleeterpreter ====================================================
+    public void service() { }
+== FleetSim ==============================================================
+== FPGA ==============================================================
+// Nearly all of this was copied from Greg Gibeling's work; copyright shown below:
+// Everything here was copied from
+// GateLib/Firmware/DRAM/Hardware/DDR2SDRAM/Test/FPGA_TOP_ML505_DDR2SDRAMTest.v
+//      Section:        License
+//      Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Regents of the University of California
+//      All rights reserved.
+//      Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+//      are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+//              - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+//                      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//              - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+//                      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+//                      in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+//                      distribution.
+//              - Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the
+//                      names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
+//                      products derived from this software without specific prior
+//                      written permission.
+    ClockFreq  = 200000000,
+    BAWidth    = 2,
+    RAWidth    = 13,
+    CAWidth    = 10,                                                     
+    DWidth     = 128,       // 128b SDR internal transfers
+    UWidth     = 8,         // This will almost ALWAYS be 8
+    BurstLen   = 2,         // 256b total burst, 2 words DWidth words at SDR, or 4 external words at DDR
+    EnableMask = 1,
+    EnableECC  = 0,
+    Board      = 0;
+    UCount   =  DWidth / UWidth,
+    // 128b/8 = 16b per mask means per-byte masking
+    MWidth   =  (EnableECC || (EnableMask == 0)) ? 0 : UCount,
+    // Unused lower address bits, the -1 is to get a proper log2
+    UAWidth  =  `log2(UCount-1),
+    TAWidth  =  CAWidth + RAWidth + BAWidth,
+    // Note that the components are in order according to where in the
+    // address they appear, the -1 is to account for DDR
+    AWidth   =  TAWidth + UAWidth - 1,
+    ECheck   =  EnableECC ? 2 : 0,
+    ECorrect =  EnableECC ? 1 : 0,
+    CWidth   =  3,
+    EHWidth  =  `max(`log2(ECheck), 1),
+    ERWidth  =  `max(`log2(ECheck), 1);
+wire   Reset;
+assign Reset = !rst;
+reg     [AWidth-1:0]    CommandAddress;
+reg     [CWidth-1:0]    Command; 
+wire                    CommandReady;
+reg                     CommandValid;
+wire    [DWidth-1:0]    DataIn;
+wire    [MWidth-1:0]    DataInMask;
+reg                     DataInValid;
+wire                    DataInReady;
+wire    [DWidth-1:0]    DataOut;
+wire    [EHWidth-1:0]   DataOutErrorChecked;
+wire    [ERWidth-1:0]   DataOutErrorCorrected;
+wire                    DataOutValid;
+reg                     DataOutReady;
+wire                    Clock_IBUFG;
+wire                    Clock, ClockD2, ClockP90;
+wire                    Clock_DCM, ClockD2_DCM, ClockP90_DCM;
+wire                    Locked;
+reg  [`WORDWIDTH:0] out_d;
+assign out_d_ = out_d;
+assign  DDR2_BA[2]    = 1'b0;
+assign  DDR2_CS0_B[1] = 1'b1;
+assign  DDR2_ODT[1]   = 1'b0;
+assign  DDR2_CKE[1]   = 1'b0;
+  #( 
+     .CLKIN_PERIOD(5.0),
+     .CLKDV_DIVIDE(2.0),
+     .FACTORY_JF(16'hF0F0)
+   )
+  DCMBase(
+     .CLK0(Clock_DCM),
+     .CLK180( ),
+     .CLK270( ),
+     .CLK2X( ),
+     .CLK2X180( ),
+     .CLK90(ClockP90_DCM),
+     .CLKDV(ClockD2_DCM),
+     .CLKFX( ),
+     .CLKFX180( ),
+     .LOCKED(Locked),
+     .CLKFB(Clock),
+     .CLKIN(Clock_IBUFG),
+     .RST(Reset));
+  // synthesis attribute CLKIN_PERIOD          of DCMBase is "5.0"
+  // synthesis attribute CLKDV_DIVIDE          of DCMBase is "2.0"
+  // synthesis attribute DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE    of DCMBase is "HIGH"
+  // synthesis attribute DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION of DCMBase is "TRUE"
+  // synthesis attribute FACTORY_JF            of DCMBase is "16'hF0F0"
+  BUFG    ClockBufG(.I(Clock_DCM), .O(Clock));
+  BUFG    ClockP90BufG(.I(ClockP90_DCM), .O(ClockP90));
+  BUFG    ClockD2BufG(.I(ClockD2_DCM), .O(ClockD2));
+      .Clock(Clock),
+      .ClockD2(ClockD2),
+      .ClockP90(ClockP90),
+      .Reset(Reset),
+      .Locked(Locked),
+      .ClockF200(Clock),
+      .Initialized( ),
+      .PoweredUp( ),
+      .CommandClock(clk),
+      .DataInClock(clk),
+      .DataOutClock(clk),
+      .CommandReset(Reset),
+      .DataInReset(Reset),
+      .DataOutReset(Reset),
+      .CommandAddress(CommandAddress),
+      .Command(Command),
+      .CommandValid(CommandValid),
+      .CommandReady(CommandReady),
+      .DataIn(DataIn),
+      .DataInMask(DataInMask),
+      .DataInValid(DataInValid),
+      .DataInReady(DataInReady),
+      .DataOut(DataOut),
+      .DataOutErrorChecked(DataOutErrorChecked),
+      .DataOutErrorCorrected(DataOutErrorCorrected),
+      .DataOutValid(DataOutValid),
+      .DataOutReady(DataOutReady),
+      .DDR2_DQ(DDR2_DQ),
+      .DDR2_A(DDR2_A),
+      .DDR2_BA(DDR2_BA[1:0]),
+      .DDR2_RAS_B(DDR2_RAS_B),
+      .DDR2_CAS_B(DDR2_CAS_B),
+      .DDR2_WE_B(DDR2_WE_B),
+      .DDR2_CS0_B(DDR2_CS0_B[0]),
+      .DDR2_ODT(DDR2_ODT[0]),
+      .DDR2_CKE(DDR2_CKE[0]),
+      .DDR2_DM(DDR2_DM),
+      .DDR2_DQS_P(DDR2_DQS_P),
+      .DDR2_DQS_N(DDR2_DQS_N),
+      .DDR2_CLK_P(DDR2_CLK_P),
+      .DDR2_CLK_N(DDR2_CLK_N));
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.UWidth     = UWidth;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.BAWidth    = BAWidth;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.RAWidth    = RAWidth;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.CAWidth    = CAWidth;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.DWidth     = DWidth;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.BurstLen   = BurstLen;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.EnableMask = EnableMask;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.EnableECC  = EnableECC;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.Board      = Board;
+      defparam DDR2SDRAM.MultiClock = 1;
+  assign DataIn     = inDataWrite_d;
+  assign DataInMask = 16'b1111111111111111;
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rst) begin
+      `reset
+      CommandValid <= 0;
+      DataOutReady <= 0;
+    end else begin
+      `cleanup
+      CommandValid <= 0;
+      DataInValid  <= 0;
+      if (`out_empty) begin
+          DataOutReady <= 1;      
+      end
+      if (DataOutReady && DataOutValid && `out_empty) begin
+          out_d <= { 1'b0, DataOut[`WORDWIDTH-1:0] };
+          `fill_out
+          DataOutReady <= 0;
+      end else if (DataOutReady && CommandReady && DataInReady && `out_empty) begin
+          if (`inAddrWrite_full && `inDataWrite_full) begin
+            `drain_inDataWrite
+            `drain_inAddrWrite
+            CommandAddress <= inAddrWrite_d;
+            Command        <= 3'b000;
+            CommandValid   <= 1;
+            DataInValid    <= 1;
+            out_d <= { 1'b1, 37'b0 };
+            `fill_out
+            DataOutReady <= 0;
+          end else if (`inAddrRead_full) begin
+            `drain_inAddrRead
+            CommandAddress <= inAddrRead_d;
+            CommandValid   <= 1;
+            Command        <= 3'b001;
+            DataInValid    <= 0;
+            DataOutReady   <= 1;
+          end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+== Test ==============================================================
+#expect 0
+#ship debug : Debug
+#ship ddr   : DDR2
+  recv, deliver;
+  collect;
+  set flags a=!c,b=b;
+  send to;
+  collect;
+  set flags a=!c,b=b;
+  send to;
+  set word=0;
+  deliver;
+  deliver;
+  set word=1;
+  deliver;
+  deliver;
+== Constants ========================================================
+== Contributors =========================================================
+Adam Megacz <>
index 8e559b6..335d9bd 100644 (file)
@@ -24,20 +24,13 @@ percolate up:    dvi_xclk_n  1
 percolate up:    dvi_xclk_p  1
 percolate up:    dvi_de      1
 percolate up:    dvi_reset_b 1
-percolate down:  dvi_gpio1   1
-percolate up:    dvi_iic_scl 1
-percolate inout: dvi_iic_sda 1
 percolate up:    gpio_led_c   1
 percolate up:    gpio_led_e   1
 percolate up:    gpio_led_n   1
 percolate up:    gpio_led_s   1
 percolate up:    gpio_led_w   1
-percolate up:    gpio_led_0   1
-percolate up:    gpio_led_1   1
-percolate up:    gpio_led_2   1
-percolate up:    gpio_led_3   1
 percolate up:    gpio_led_4   1
 percolate up:    gpio_led_5   1
 percolate up:    gpio_led_6   1
@@ -46,6 +39,9 @@ percolate up:    gpio_led_7   1
 == TeX ==============================================================
 == Fleeterpreter ====================================================
+//percolate down:  dvi_gpio1   1
+//percolate up:    dvi_iic_scl 1
+//percolate inout: dvi_iic_sda 1
   public void service() { }
@@ -72,11 +68,11 @@ percolate up:    gpio_led_7   1
   assign gpio_led_n = 1;
   assign gpio_led_s = 0;
-  assign gpio_led_0 = dvi_gpio1;
-  assign gpio_led_1 = 0;
-  assign gpio_led_2 = 1;
-  assign gpio_led_3 = 0;
-  assign gpio_led_4 = 1;
+//  assign gpio_led_0 = dvi_gpio1;
+//  assign gpio_led_1 = 0;
+//  assign gpio_led_2 = 1;
+//  assign gpio_led_3 = 0;
+//  assign gpio_led_4 = 1;
   assign gpio_led_5 = 0;
   assign gpio_led_6 = 1;
   assign gpio_led_7 = 0;
index 70f83fe..0ca5447 100644 (file)
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ public class Fpga extends FleetTwoFleet {
         //boolean small = false;
         if (small) {
+            /*
             for(int i=0; i<1; i++) createShip("Memory");
             for(int i=0; i<2; i++) createShip("Fifo");
             for(int i=0; i<2; i++) createShip("Alu");
@@ -89,7 +90,9 @@ public class Fpga extends FleetTwoFleet {
+            */
+            createShip("Dvi");
         } else {
             for(int i=0; i<3; i++)  createShip("Memory");
             for(int i=0; i<3; i++)  createShip("Alu");
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ public class Fpga extends FleetTwoFleet {
-            createShip("DDR2");
+            //createShip("DDR2");
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_chipscope.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_chipscope.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d1d8ebe
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a 
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation, 
+// implementation and creation of design files limited 
+// to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx 
+// devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and 
+// immediately terminates your license unless covered by
+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information 
+// "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and 
+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the 
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, 
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of 
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no 
+// representation that this implementation is free from any 
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for 
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation. 
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with 
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including 
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied 
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular 
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are 
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part 
+// of this text at all times. 
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_chipscope.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Data$ 
+// \   \  /  \   Date Created: 9/14/06
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//   Skeleton Chipscope module declarations - for simulation only
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module icon4 
+  (
+      control0,
+      control1,
+      control2,
+      control3
+  )
+  /* synthesis syn_black_box syn_noprune = 1 */;
+  output [35:0] control0;
+  output [35:0] control1;
+  output [35:0] control2;
+  output [35:0] control3;
+module vio_async_in192
+  (
+    control,
+    async_in
+  )
+  /* synthesis syn_black_box syn_noprune = 1 */;
+  input  [35:0] control;
+  input  [191:0] async_in;
+module vio_async_in96
+  (
+    control,
+    async_in
+  )
+  /* synthesis syn_black_box syn_noprune = 1 */;
+  input  [35:0] control;
+  input  [95:0] async_in;
+module vio_async_in100
+  (
+    control,
+    async_in
+  )
+  /* synthesis syn_black_box syn_noprune = 1 */;
+  input  [35:0] control;
+  input  [99:0] async_in;
+module vio_sync_out32
+  (
+    control,
+    clk,
+    sync_out
+  )
+  /* synthesis syn_black_box syn_noprune = 1 */;
+  input  [35:0] control;
+  input  clk;
+  output [31:0] sync_out;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_ctrl.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_ctrl.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1160208
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1227 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation,
+// implementation and creation of design files limited
+// to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx
+// devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and
+// immediately terminates your license unless covered by
+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information
+// "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and
+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design,
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no
+// representation that this implementation is free from any
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation.
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_ctrl.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/29 15:24:03 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 30 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR/DDR2
+//   This module is the main control logic of the memory interface. All
+//   commands are issued from here according to the burst, CAS Latency and the
+//   user commands.
+//Revision History:
+//   Rev 1.2 - Fixed auto refresh to activate bug. KP 11-19-2007
+//   Rev 1.3 - For Dual Rank parts support CS logic modified. KP. 05/08/08
+//   Rev 1.4 - AUTO_REFRESH_WAIT state modified for Auto Refresh flag asserted
+//             immediately after calibration is completed. KP. 07/28/08
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_ctrl #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH    = 2,
+   parameter COL_WIDTH     = 10,
+   parameter CS_BITS       = 0,
+   parameter CS_NUM        = 1,
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH     = 14,
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT  = 0,
+   parameter BURST_LEN     = 4,
+   parameter CAS_LAT       = 5,
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE    = 0,
+   parameter REG_ENABLE    = 1,
+   parameter TREFI_NS      = 7800,
+   parameter TRAS          = 40000,
+   parameter TRCD          = 15000,
+   parameter TRRD          = 10000,
+   parameter TRFC          = 105000,
+   parameter TRP           = 15000,
+   parameter TRTP          = 7500,
+   parameter TWR           = 15000,
+   parameter TWTR          = 10000,
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD    = 3000,
+   parameter MULTI_BANK_EN = 1,
+   parameter TWO_T_TIME_EN = 0,
+   parameter DDR_TYPE      = 1
+   )
+  (
+   input                   clk,
+   input                   rst,
+   input [2:0]             af_cmd,
+   input [30:0]            af_addr,
+   input                   af_empty,
+   input                   phy_init_done,
+   output                  ctrl_ref_flag,
+   output                  ctrl_af_rden,
+   output reg              ctrl_wren,
+   output reg              ctrl_rden,
+   output [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]  ctrl_addr,
+   output [BANK_WIDTH-1:0] ctrl_ba,
+   output                  ctrl_ras_n,
+   output                  ctrl_cas_n,
+   output                  ctrl_we_n,
+   output [CS_NUM-1:0]     ctrl_cs_n
+   );
+  // input address split into various ranges
+  localparam ROW_RANGE_START     = COL_WIDTH;
+  localparam ROW_RANGE_END       = ROW_WIDTH + ROW_RANGE_START - 1;
+  localparam BANK_RANGE_START    = ROW_RANGE_END + 1;
+  localparam BANK_RANGE_END      = BANK_WIDTH + BANK_RANGE_START - 1;
+  localparam CS_RANGE_END        = CS_BITS + CS_RANGE_START - 1;
+  // compare address (for determining bank/row hits) split into various ranges
+  // (compare address doesn't include column bits)
+  localparam CMP_WIDTH            = CS_BITS + BANK_WIDTH + ROW_WIDTH;
+  localparam CMP_ROW_RANGE_START  = 0;
+  localparam CMP_CS_RANGE_START   = CMP_BANK_RANGE_END + 1;
+  localparam CMP_CS_RANGE_END     = CS_BITS + CMP_CS_RANGE_START-1;
+  localparam BURST_LEN_DIV2      = BURST_LEN / 2;
+  localparam OPEN_BANK_NUM       = 4;
+  localparam CS_BITS_FIX         = (CS_BITS == 0) ? 1 : CS_BITS;
+  // calculation counters based on clock cycle and memory parameters
+  // TRAS: ACTIVE->PRECHARGE interval - 2
+  localparam integer TRAS_CYC = (TRAS + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD;
+  // TRCD: ACTIVE->READ/WRITE interval - 3 (for DDR2 factor in ADD_LAT)
+  localparam integer TRRD_CYC = (TRRD + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD;
+  localparam integer TRCD_CYC = (((TRCD + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD) >
+                                 ADDITIVE_LAT )?
+  localparam integer TRFC_CYC = (TRFC + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD;
+  // TRP: PRECHARGE->COMMAND interval - 2
+   // for precharge all add 1 extra clock cycle
+  localparam integer TRP_CYC =  ((TRP + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD) +1;
+  // TRTP: READ->PRECHARGE interval - 2 (Al + BL/2 + (max (TRTP, 2tck))-2
+  localparam integer TRTP_TMP_MIN = (((TRTP + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD) >= 2)?
+                                     ((TRTP + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD) : 2;
+  localparam integer TRTP_CYC = TRTP_TMP_MIN + ADDITIVE_LAT
+                                + BURST_LEN_DIV2 - 2;
+  // TWR: WRITE->PRECHARGE interval - 2
+  localparam integer WR_LAT = (DDR_TYPE > 0) ? CAS_LAT + ADDITIVE_LAT - 1 : 1;
+  localparam integer TWR_CYC = ((TWR + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD) +
+             WR_LAT + BURST_LEN_DIV2 ;
+  // TWTR: WRITE->READ interval - 3 (for DDR1, TWTR = 2 clks)
+  // DDR2 = CL-1 + BL/2 +TWTR
+  localparam integer TWTR_TMP_MIN = (TWTR + CLK_PERIOD)/CLK_PERIOD;
+  localparam integer TWTR_CYC = (DDR_TYPE > 0) ? (TWTR_TMP_MIN + (CAS_LAT -1)
+                                 + BURST_LEN_DIV2 ): 2;
+  //  TRTW: READ->WRITE interval - 3
+  //  DDR1: CL + (BL/2)
+  //  DDR2: (BL/2) + 2. Two more clocks are added to
+  //  the DDR2 counter to account for the delay in
+  //  arrival of the DQS during reads (pcb trace + buffer
+  //  delays + memory parameters).
+  localparam TRTW_CYC = (DDR_TYPE > 0) ? BURST_LEN_DIV2 + 4 :
+             (CAS_LAT == 25) ? 2 + BURST_LEN_DIV2 : CAS_LAT + BURST_LEN_DIV2;
+  localparam integer CAS_LAT_RD = (CAS_LAT == 25) ? 2 : CAS_LAT;
+  // Make sure all values >= 0 (some may be = 0)
+  localparam TRAS_COUNT = (TRAS_CYC > 0) ? TRAS_CYC : 0;
+  localparam TRCD_COUNT = (TRCD_CYC > 0) ? TRCD_CYC : 0;
+  localparam TRRD_COUNT = (TRRD_CYC > 0) ? TRRD_CYC : 0;
+  localparam TRFC_COUNT = (TRFC_CYC > 0) ? TRFC_CYC : 0;
+  localparam TRP_COUNT  = (TRP_CYC > 0)  ? TRP_CYC  : 0;
+  localparam TRTP_COUNT = (TRTP_CYC > 0) ? TRTP_CYC : 0;
+  localparam TWR_COUNT  = (TWR_CYC > 0)  ? TWR_CYC  : 0;
+  localparam TWTR_COUNT = (TWTR_CYC > 0) ? TWTR_CYC : 0;
+  localparam TRTW_COUNT = (TRTW_CYC > 0) ? TRTW_CYC : 0;
+  // Auto refresh interval
+  localparam TREFI_COUNT = ((TREFI_NS * 1000)/CLK_PERIOD) - 1;
+  // memory controller states
+  localparam   CTRL_IDLE                =     5'h00;
+  localparam   CTRL_PRECHARGE           =     5'h01;
+  localparam   CTRL_PRECHARGE_WAIT      =     5'h02;
+  localparam   CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH        =     5'h03;
+  localparam   CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH_WAIT   =     5'h04;
+  localparam   CTRL_ACTIVE              =     5'h05;
+  localparam   CTRL_ACTIVE_WAIT         =     5'h06;
+  localparam   CTRL_BURST_READ          =     5'h07;
+  localparam   CTRL_READ_WAIT           =     5'h08;
+  localparam   CTRL_BURST_WRITE         =     5'h09;
+  localparam   CTRL_WRITE_WAIT          =     5'h0A;
+  localparam   CTRL_PRECHARGE_WAIT1     =     5'h0B;
+  reg [CMP_WIDTH-1:0]                      act_addr_r;
+  wire [30:0]                              af_addr_r;
+  reg [30:0]                               af_addr_r1;
+  reg [30:0]                               af_addr_r2;
+  reg [30:0]                               af_addr_r3;
+  wire [2:0]                               af_cmd_r;
+  reg [2:0]                                af_cmd_r1;
+  reg [2:0]                                af_cmd_r2;
+  reg                                      af_valid_r;
+  reg                                      af_valid_r1;
+  reg                                      af_valid_r2;
+  reg [CS_BITS_FIX :0]                     auto_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      auto_ref_r;
+  reg [(OPEN_BANK_NUM*CMP_WIDTH)-1:0]      bank_cmp_addr_r;
+  reg [OPEN_BANK_NUM-1:0]                  bank_hit;
+  reg [OPEN_BANK_NUM-1:0]                  bank_hit_r;
+  reg [OPEN_BANK_NUM-1:0]                  bank_hit_r1;
+  reg [OPEN_BANK_NUM-1:0]                  bank_valid_r;
+  reg                                      bank_conflict_r;
+  reg                                      conflict_resolved_r;
+  reg                                      ctrl_af_rden_r;
+  reg                                      conflict_detect_r;
+  wire                                     conflict_detect;
+  reg                                      cs_change_r;
+  reg                                      cs_change_sticky_r;
+  reg [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                      ddr_addr_r;
+  wire [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                     ddr_addr_col;
+  wire [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                     ddr_addr_row;
+  reg [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]                     ddr_ba_r;
+  reg                                      ddr_cas_n_r;
+  reg [CS_NUM-1:0]                         ddr_cs_n_r;
+  reg                                      ddr_ras_n_r;
+  reg                                      ddr_we_n_r;
+  reg [4:0]                                next_state;
+  reg                                      no_precharge_wait_r;
+  reg                                      no_precharge_r;
+  reg                                      no_precharge_r1;
+  reg                                      phy_init_done_r;
+  reg [4:0]                                precharge_ok_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      precharge_ok_r;
+  reg [4:0]                                ras_cnt_r;
+  reg [3:0]                                rcd_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      rcd_cnt_ok_r;
+  reg [2:0]                                rdburst_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      rdburst_ok_r;
+  reg                                      rdburst_rden_ok_r;
+  reg                                      rd_af_flag_r;
+  wire                                     rd_flag;
+  reg                                      rd_flag_r;
+  reg [4:0]                                rd_to_wr_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      rd_to_wr_ok_r;
+  reg                                      ref_flag_r;
+  reg [11:0]                               refi_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      refi_cnt_ok_r;
+  reg                                      rst_r
+                                           /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */;
+  reg                                      rst_r1
+                                           /* synthesis syn_maxfan = 10 */;
+  reg [7:0]                                rfc_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      rfc_ok_r;
+  reg [3:0]                                row_miss;
+  reg [3:0]                                row_conflict_r;
+  reg [3:0]                                rp_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      rp_cnt_ok_r;
+  reg [CMP_WIDTH-1:0]                      sb_open_add_r;
+  reg [4:0]                                state_r;
+  reg [4:0]                                state_r1;
+  wire                                     sm_rden;
+  reg                                      sm_rden_r;
+  reg [2:0]                                trrd_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      trrd_cnt_ok_r;
+  reg [2:0]                                two_t_enable_r;
+  reg [CS_NUM-1:0]                         two_t_enable_r1;
+  reg [2:0]                                wrburst_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      wrburst_ok_r;
+  reg                                      wrburst_wren_ok_r;
+  wire                                     wr_flag;
+  reg                                      wr_flag_r;
+  reg [4:0]                                wr_to_rd_cnt_r;
+  reg                                      wr_to_rd_ok_r;
+  // XST attributes for local reset "tree"
+  // synthesis attribute shreg_extract of rst_r is "no";
+  // synthesis attribute shreg_extract of rst_r1 is "no";
+  // synthesis attribute equivalent_register_removal of rst_r is "no"
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // sm_rden is used to assert read enable to the address FIFO
+  assign sm_rden = ((state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE) ||
+                    (state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ)) ;
+  // assert read flag to the adress FIFO
+  assign ctrl_af_rden = sm_rden || rd_af_flag_r;
+  // local reset "tree" for controller logic only. Create this to ease timing
+  // on reset path. Prohibit equivalent register removal on RST_R to prevent
+  // "sharing" with other local reset trees (caution: make sure global fanout
+  // limit is set to large enough value, otherwise SLICES may be used for
+  // fanout control on RST_R.
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    rst_r  <= rst;
+    rst_r1 <= rst_r;
+  end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // interpret commands from Command/Address FIFO
+  //*****************************************************************
+  assign wr_flag = (af_valid_r2) ? ((af_cmd_r2 == 3'b000) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0): 1'b0;
+  assign rd_flag = (af_valid_r2) ? ((af_cmd_r2 == 3'b001) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0): 1'b0;
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    rd_flag_r <= rd_flag;
+    wr_flag_r <= wr_flag;
+  end
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // The data from the address FIFO is fetched and
+  // stored in two register stages. The data will be
+  // pulled out of the second register stage whenever
+  // the state machine can handle new data from the
+  // address FIFO.
+  // This flag is asserted when there is no
+  // cmd & address in the pipe. When there is
+  // valid cmd & addr from the address FIFO the
+  // af_valid signals will be asserted. This flag will
+  // be set the cycle af_valid_r is de-asserted.
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    // for simulation purposes - to force CTRL_AF_RDEN low during reset
+    if (rst_r1)
+      rd_af_flag_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if((ctrl_af_rden_r) ||
+            (rd_af_flag_r && (af_valid_r || af_valid_r1)))
+         rd_af_flag_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if (~af_valid_r1 || ~af_valid_r)
+         rd_af_flag_r <= 1'd1;
+  end
+  // First register stage for the cmd & add from the FIFO.
+  // The af_valid_r signal gives the status of the data
+  // in this stage. The af_valid_r will be asserted when there
+  // is valid data. This register stage will be updated
+  // 1. read to the FIFO and the FIFO not empty
+  // 2. After write and read states
+  // 3. The valid signal is not asserted in the last stage.
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rst_r1)begin
+      af_valid_r <= 1'd0;
+    end else begin
+      if (ctrl_af_rden_r || sm_rden_r || ~af_valid_r1
+          || ~af_valid_r2)begin
+        af_valid_r <= ctrl_af_rden_r;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  // The output register in the FIFO is used. The addr
+  // and command are already registered in the FIFO.
+  assign af_addr_r = af_addr;
+  assign af_cmd_r = af_cmd;
+  // Second register stage for the cmd & add from the FIFO.
+  // The af_valid_r1 signal gives the status of the data
+  // in this stage. The af_valid_r will be asserted when there
+  // is valid data. This register stage will be updated
+  // 1. read to the FIFO and the FIFO not empty and there
+  // is no valid data on this stage
+  // 2. After write and read states
+  // 3. The valid signal is not asserted in the last stage.
+  always@(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rst_r1)begin
+      af_valid_r1 <= 1'd0;
+      af_addr_r1 <= {31{1'bx}};
+      af_cmd_r1 <= {3{1'bx}};
+    end else if (~af_valid_r1 || sm_rden_r ||
+                  ~af_valid_r2) begin
+      af_valid_r1 <= af_valid_r;
+      af_addr_r1 <= af_addr_r;
+      af_cmd_r1 <= af_cmd_r;
+    end
+  end
+  // The state machine uses the address and command in this
+  // register stage. The data is fetched from the second
+  // register stage whenever the state machine can accept new
+  // addr. The conflict flags are also generated based on the
+  // second register stage and updated when the new address
+  // is loaded for the state machine.
+  always@(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rst_r1)begin
+      af_valid_r2 <= 1'd0;
+      af_addr_r2 <= {31{1'bx}};
+      af_cmd_r2 <= {3{1'bx}};
+      bank_hit_r <= {OPEN_BANK_NUM{1'bx}};
+      bank_conflict_r <= 1'bx;
+      row_conflict_r <= 4'bx;
+    end else if(sm_rden || ~af_valid_r2)begin
+      af_valid_r2 <= af_valid_r1;
+      af_addr_r2 <= af_addr_r1;
+      af_cmd_r2 <= af_cmd_r1;
+      if(MULTI_BANK_EN)begin
+        bank_hit_r <= bank_hit;
+        row_conflict_r <= row_miss;
+        bank_conflict_r <= (~(|bank_hit));
+      end else begin
+        bank_hit_r <= {OPEN_BANK_NUM{1'b0}};
+        bank_conflict_r <= 1'd0;
+        row_conflict_r[0] <= (af_addr_r1[CS_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START]
+                              != sb_open_add_r[CMP_WIDTH-1:0]);
+      end
+    end
+  end // always@ (posedge clk)
+  //detecting cs change for multi chip select case
+  generate
+    if(CS_NUM > 1) begin: gen_cs_change
+       always @(posedge clk) begin
+          if(sm_rden || ~af_valid_r2)begin
+            cs_change_r <= af_addr_r1[CS_RANGE_END:CS_RANGE_START] !=
+                       af_addr_r2[CS_RANGE_END:CS_RANGE_START] ;
+            cs_change_sticky_r <=
+             af_addr_r1[CS_RANGE_END:CS_RANGE_START] !=
+             af_addr_r2[CS_RANGE_END:CS_RANGE_START] ;
+          end else
+            cs_change_r <= 1'd0;
+       end
+    end // block: gen_cs_change
+    else begin: gen_cs_0
+       always @(posedge clk) begin
+          cs_change_r <= 1'd0;
+          cs_change_sticky_r <= 1'd0;
+       end
+    end
+ endgenerate
+  assign conflict_detect = (MULTI_BANK_EN) ?
+                           ((|(row_conflict_r[3:0] & bank_hit_r[3:0]))
+                            | bank_conflict_r) & af_valid_r2 :
+                           row_conflict_r[0] & af_valid_r2;
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    conflict_detect_r <= conflict_detect;
+    sm_rden_r <= sm_rden;
+    af_addr_r3 <= af_addr_r2;
+    ctrl_af_rden_r <= ctrl_af_rden & ~af_empty;
+  end
+  // conflict resolved signal. When this signal is asserted
+  // the conflict is resolved. The address to be compared
+  // for the conflict_resolved_r will be stored in act_add_r
+  // when the bank is opened.
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+   conflict_resolved_r <= (act_addr_r ==
+                           af_addr_r2[CS_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START]);
+    if((state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE))
+      act_addr_r <= af_addr_r2[CS_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START];
+  end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Bank management logic
+  // Semi-hardcoded for now for 4 banks
+  // will keep multiple banks open if MULTI_BANK_EN is true.
+  //***************************************************************************
+  genvar bank_i;
+  generate // if multiple bank option chosen
+    if(MULTI_BANK_EN) begin: gen_multi_bank_open
+      for (bank_i = 0; bank_i < OPEN_BANK_NUM;
+           bank_i = bank_i + 1) begin: gen_bank_hit1
+        // asserted if bank address match + open bank entry is valid
+        always @(*) begin
+          bank_hit[bank_i]
+            = ((bank_cmp_addr_r[(CMP_WIDTH*(bank_i+1))-1:
+                                (CMP_WIDTH*bank_i)+ROW_WIDTH] ==
+                af_addr_r1[CS_RANGE_END:BANK_RANGE_START]) &&
+               bank_valid_r[bank_i]);
+          // asserted if row address match (no check for bank entry valid, rely
+          // on this term to be used in conjunction with BANK_HIT[])
+          row_miss[bank_i]
+            = (bank_cmp_addr_r[(CMP_WIDTH*bank_i)+ROW_WIDTH-1:
+                               (CMP_WIDTH*bank_i)] !=
+               af_addr_r1[ROW_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START]);
+        end
+      end
+      always @(posedge clk) begin
+        no_precharge_wait_r  <= bank_valid_r[3] & bank_conflict_r;
+        bank_hit_r1 <= bank_hit_r;
+      end
+      always@(*)
+        no_precharge_r = ~bank_valid_r[3] & bank_conflict_r;
+      always@(posedge clk)
+        no_precharge_r1 <= no_precharge_r;
+      always @(posedge clk) begin
+        // Clear all bank valid bits during AR (i.e. since all banks get
+        // precharged during auto-refresh)
+        if ((state_r1 == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH)) begin
+          bank_valid_r    <= {(OPEN_BANK_NUM-1){1'b0}};
+          bank_cmp_addr_r <= {(OPEN_BANK_NUM*CMP_WIDTH-1){1'b0}};
+        end else begin
+          if (state_r1 == CTRL_ACTIVE) begin
+            // 00 is always going to have the latest bank and row.
+            bank_cmp_addr_r[CMP_WIDTH-1:0]
+              <= af_addr_r3[CS_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START];
+            // This indicates the bank was activated
+            bank_valid_r[0] <= 1'b1;
+            case ({bank_hit_r1[2:0]})
+              3'b001: begin
+                bank_cmp_addr_r[CMP_WIDTH-1:0]
+                  <= af_addr_r3[CS_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START];
+                // This indicates the bank was activated
+                bank_valid_r[0] <= 1'b1;
+              end
+              3'b010: begin //(b0->b1)
+                bank_cmp_addr_r[(2*CMP_WIDTH)-1:CMP_WIDTH]
+                  <= bank_cmp_addr_r[CMP_WIDTH-1:0];
+                bank_valid_r[1] <= bank_valid_r[0];
+              end
+              3'b100:begin //(b0->b1, b1->b2)
+                bank_cmp_addr_r[(2*CMP_WIDTH)-1:CMP_WIDTH]
+                  <= bank_cmp_addr_r[CMP_WIDTH-1:0];
+                bank_cmp_addr_r[(3*CMP_WIDTH)-1:2*CMP_WIDTH]
+                  <= bank_cmp_addr_r[(2*CMP_WIDTH)-1:CMP_WIDTH];
+                bank_valid_r[1] <= bank_valid_r[0];
+                bank_valid_r[2] <= bank_valid_r[1];
+              end
+              default: begin //(b0->b1, b1->b2, b2->b3)
+                bank_cmp_addr_r[(2*CMP_WIDTH)-1:CMP_WIDTH]
+                  <= bank_cmp_addr_r[CMP_WIDTH-1:0];
+                bank_cmp_addr_r[(3*CMP_WIDTH)-1:2*CMP_WIDTH]
+                  <= bank_cmp_addr_r[(2*CMP_WIDTH)-1:CMP_WIDTH];
+                bank_cmp_addr_r[(4*CMP_WIDTH)-1:3*CMP_WIDTH]
+                  <= bank_cmp_addr_r[(3*CMP_WIDTH)-1:2*CMP_WIDTH];
+                bank_valid_r[1] <= bank_valid_r[0];
+                bank_valid_r[2] <= bank_valid_r[1];
+                bank_valid_r[3] <= bank_valid_r[2];
+              end
+            endcase
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end else begin: gen_single_bank_open // single bank option
+      always @(posedge clk) begin
+        no_precharge_r       <= 1'd0;
+        no_precharge_r1      <= 1'd0;
+        no_precharge_wait_r  <= 1'd0;
+        if (rst_r1)
+          sb_open_add_r <= {CMP_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+        else if (state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE)
+          sb_open_add_r <= af_addr_r2[CS_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START];
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Timing counters
+  //***************************************************************************
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Write and read enable generation for PHY
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // write burst count. Counts from (BL/2 to 1).
+  // Also logic for controller write enable.
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE) begin
+      wrburst_cnt_r <= BURST_LEN_DIV2;
+    end else if (wrburst_cnt_r >= 3'd1)
+      wrburst_cnt_r <= wrburst_cnt_r - 1;
+  end // always @ (posedge clk)
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rst_r1) begin
+      ctrl_wren   <= 1'b0;
+    end else if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE) begin
+      ctrl_wren   <= 1'b1;
+    end else if (wrburst_wren_ok_r)
+      ctrl_wren   <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if ((state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE)
+        && (BURST_LEN_DIV2 > 2))
+      wrburst_ok_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if ((wrburst_cnt_r <= 3'd3) ||
+             (BURST_LEN_DIV2 <= 2))
+      wrburst_ok_r <= 1'b1;
+  end
+  // flag to check when wrburst count has reached
+  // a value of 1. This flag is used in the ctrl_wren
+  // logic
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+     if(wrburst_cnt_r == 3'd2)
+       wrburst_wren_ok_r <=1'b1;
+     else
+       wrburst_wren_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  // read burst count. Counts from (BL/2 to 1)
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+   if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ) begin
+      rdburst_cnt_r <= BURST_LEN_DIV2;
+    end else if (rdburst_cnt_r >= 3'd1)
+      rdburst_cnt_r <= rdburst_cnt_r - 1;
+  end // always @ (posedge clk)
+   always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rst_r1) begin
+      ctrl_rden   <= 1'b0;
+    end else if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ) begin
+      ctrl_rden   <= 1'b1;
+    end else if (rdburst_rden_ok_r)
+      ctrl_rden   <= 1'b0;
+   end
+  // the rd_burst_ok_r signal will be asserted one cycle later
+  // in multi chip select cases if the back to back read is to
+  // different chip selects. The cs_changed_sticky_r signal will
+  // be asserted only for multi chip select cases.
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if ((state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ)
+        && (BURST_LEN_DIV2 > 2))
+      rdburst_ok_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if ((rdburst_cnt_r <=( 3'd3 - cs_change_sticky_r)) ||
+             (BURST_LEN_DIV2 <= 2))
+      rdburst_ok_r <= 1'b1;
+  end
+  // flag to check when rdburst count has reached
+  // a value of 1. This flag is used in the ctrl_rden
+  // logic
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+     if (rdburst_cnt_r == 3'd2)
+       rdburst_rden_ok_r <= 1'b1;
+     else
+       rdburst_rden_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Various delay counters
+  // The counters are checked for value of <= 3 to determine the
+  // if the count values are reached during different commands.
+  // It is checked for 3 because
+  // 1. The counters are loaded during the state when the command
+  //    state is reached (+1)
+  // 2. After the <= 3 condition is reached the sm takes two cycles
+  //    to transition to the new command state (+2)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // tRP count - precharge command period
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)
+      rp_cnt_r <= TRP_COUNT;
+    else if (rp_cnt_r != 4'd0)
+      rp_cnt_r <= rp_cnt_r - 1;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)
+      rp_cnt_ok_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if (rp_cnt_r <= 4'd3)
+      rp_cnt_ok_r <= 1'd1;
+  end
+  // tRFC count - refresh-refresh, refresh-active
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH)
+      rfc_cnt_r <= TRFC_COUNT;
+    else if (rfc_cnt_r != 8'd0)
+      rfc_cnt_r <= rfc_cnt_r - 1;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH)
+      rfc_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+    else if(rfc_cnt_r <= 8'd3)
+      rfc_ok_r <= 1'b1;
+  end
+  // tRCD count - active to read/write
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE)
+      rcd_cnt_r <= TRCD_COUNT;
+    else if (rcd_cnt_r != 4'd0)
+      rcd_cnt_r <= rcd_cnt_r - 1;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if ((state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE)
+        && (TRCD_COUNT > 2))
+      rcd_cnt_ok_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if (rcd_cnt_r <= 4'd3)
+      rcd_cnt_ok_r <= 1;
+  end
+  // tRRD count - active to active
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE)
+      trrd_cnt_r <= TRRD_COUNT;
+    else if (trrd_cnt_r != 3'd0)
+      trrd_cnt_r <= trrd_cnt_r - 1;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE)
+      trrd_cnt_ok_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if (trrd_cnt_r <= 3'd3)
+      trrd_cnt_ok_r <= 1;
+  end
+  // tRAS count - active to precharge
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE)
+      ras_cnt_r <= TRAS_COUNT;
+    else if (ras_cnt_r != 5'd0)
+      ras_cnt_r <= ras_cnt_r - 1;
+  end
+  // counter for write to prcharge
+  // read to precharge and
+  // activate to precharge
+  // precharge_ok_cnt_r is added with trtp count,
+  // there can be cases where the sm can go from
+  // activate to read and the act->pre count time
+  // would not have been satisfied. The rd->pre
+   // time is very less. wr->pre time is almost the
+   // same as act-> pre
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ) begin
+      // assign only if the cnt is < TRTP_COUNT
+      if (precharge_ok_cnt_r < TRTP_COUNT)
+        precharge_ok_cnt_r <= TRTP_COUNT;
+    end else if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE)
+      precharge_ok_cnt_r <= TWR_COUNT;
+    else if (state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE)
+      precharge_ok_cnt_r <= TRAS_COUNT;
+    else if (precharge_ok_cnt_r != 5'd0)
+      precharge_ok_cnt_r <= precharge_ok_cnt_r - 1;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if ((state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ) ||
+        (state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE)||
+        (state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE))
+      precharge_ok_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if(precharge_ok_cnt_r <= 5'd3)
+      precharge_ok_r <=1'd1;
+  end
+  // write to read counter
+  // write to read includes : write latency + burst time + tWTR
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rst_r1)
+      wr_to_rd_cnt_r <= 5'd0;
+    else if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE)
+      wr_to_rd_cnt_r <= (TWTR_COUNT);
+    else if (wr_to_rd_cnt_r != 5'd0)
+      wr_to_rd_cnt_r <= wr_to_rd_cnt_r - 1;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE)
+      wr_to_rd_ok_r <= 1'd0;
+    else if (wr_to_rd_cnt_r <= 5'd3)
+      wr_to_rd_ok_r <= 1'd1;
+  end
+  // read to write counter
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rst_r1)
+      rd_to_wr_cnt_r <= 5'd0;
+    else if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ)
+      rd_to_wr_cnt_r <= (TRTW_COUNT);
+    else if (rd_to_wr_cnt_r != 5'd0)
+      rd_to_wr_cnt_r <= rd_to_wr_cnt_r - 1;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ)
+      rd_to_wr_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+    else if (rd_to_wr_cnt_r <= 5'd3)
+      rd_to_wr_ok_r <= 1'b1;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+     if(refi_cnt_r == (TREFI_COUNT -1))
+       refi_cnt_ok_r <= 1'b1;
+     else
+       refi_cnt_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  // auto refresh interval counter in refresh_clk domain
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if ((rst_r1) || (refi_cnt_ok_r))  begin
+      refi_cnt_r <= 12'd0;
+    end else begin
+      refi_cnt_r <= refi_cnt_r + 1;
+    end
+  end // always @ (posedge clk)
+  // auto refresh flag
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (refi_cnt_ok_r) begin
+      ref_flag_r <= 1'b1;
+    end else begin
+      ref_flag_r <= 1'b0;
+    end
+  end // always @ (posedge clk)
+  assign ctrl_ref_flag = ref_flag_r;
+  //refresh flag detect
+  //auto_ref high indicates auto_refresh requirement
+  //auto_ref is held high until auto refresh command is issued.
+  always @(posedge clk)begin
+    if (rst_r1)
+      auto_ref_r <= 1'b0;
+    else if (ref_flag_r)
+      auto_ref_r <= 1'b1;
+    else if (state_r == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH)
+      auto_ref_r <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  // keep track of which chip selects got auto-refreshed (avoid auto-refreshing
+  // all CS's at once to avoid current spike)
+  always @(posedge clk)begin
+    if (rst_r1 || (state_r1 == CTRL_PRECHARGE))
+      auto_cnt_r <= 'd0;
+    else if (state_r1 == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH)
+      auto_cnt_r <= auto_cnt_r + 1;
+  end
+  // register for timing purposes. Extra delay doesn't really matter
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    phy_init_done_r <= phy_init_done;
+  always @(posedge clk)begin
+    if (rst_r1) begin
+      state_r    <= CTRL_IDLE;
+      state_r1 <= CTRL_IDLE;
+    end else begin
+      state_r    <= next_state;
+      state_r1 <= state_r;
+    end
+  end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // main control state machine
+  //***************************************************************************
+  always @(*) begin
+    next_state = state_r;
+    (* full_case, parallel_case *) case (state_r)
+      CTRL_IDLE: begin
+        // perform auto refresh as soon as we are done with calibration.
+        // The calibration logic does not do any refreshes.
+        if (phy_init_done_r)
+          next_state = CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH;
+      end
+      CTRL_PRECHARGE: begin
+        if (auto_ref_r)
+          next_state = CTRL_PRECHARGE_WAIT1;
+        // when precharging an LRU bank, do not have to go to wait state
+        // since we can't possibly be activating row in same bank next
+        // disabled for 2t timing. There needs to be a gap between cmds
+        // in 2t timing
+        else if (no_precharge_wait_r && !TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+          next_state = CTRL_ACTIVE;
+        else
+          next_state = CTRL_PRECHARGE_WAIT;
+      end
+        if (rp_cnt_ok_r)begin
+          if (auto_ref_r)
+            // precharge again to make sure we close all the banks
+            next_state = CTRL_PRECHARGE;
+          else
+            next_state = CTRL_ACTIVE;
+        end
+      end
+        if (rp_cnt_ok_r)
+          next_state = CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH;
+        next_state = CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH_WAIT;
+      //staggering Auto refresh for multi
+      // chip select designs. The SM waits
+      // for the rfc time before issuing the
+      // next auto refresh.
+        if (auto_cnt_r < (CS_NUM))begin
+           if (rfc_ok_r )
+              next_state = CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH;
+           end else if (rfc_ok_r)begin
+              if(auto_ref_r)
+                // MIG 2.3: For deep designs if Auto Refresh
+                // flag asserted immediately after calibration is completed
+                next_state = CTRL_PRECHARGE;
+              else if  ( wr_flag || rd_flag)
+                next_state = CTRL_ACTIVE;
+            end
+        next_state = CTRL_ACTIVE_WAIT;
+      CTRL_ACTIVE_WAIT: begin
+        if (rcd_cnt_ok_r) begin
+          if ((conflict_detect_r && ~conflict_resolved_r) ||
+              auto_ref_r) begin
+            if (no_precharge_r1 && ~auto_ref_r && trrd_cnt_ok_r)
+              next_state = CTRL_ACTIVE;
+            else  if(precharge_ok_r)
+              next_state = CTRL_PRECHARGE;
+          end else if ((wr_flag_r) && (rd_to_wr_ok_r))
+            next_state = CTRL_BURST_WRITE;
+          else if ((rd_flag_r)&& (wr_to_rd_ok_r))
+            next_state = CTRL_BURST_READ;
+        end
+      end
+      // beginning of write burst
+      CTRL_BURST_WRITE: begin
+        if (BURST_LEN_DIV2 == 1) begin
+          // special case if BL = 2 (i.e. burst lasts only one clk cycle)
+          if (wr_flag)
+            // if we have another non-conflict write command right after the
+            // current write, then stay in this state
+            next_state = CTRL_BURST_WRITE;
+          else
+            // otherwise, if we're done with this burst, and have no write
+            // immediately scheduled after this one, wait until write-read
+            // delay has passed
+            next_state = CTRL_WRITE_WAIT;
+        end else
+          // otherwise BL > 2, and we  have at least one more write cycle for
+          // current burst
+          next_state = CTRL_WRITE_WAIT;
+        // continuation of write burst (also covers waiting after write burst
+        // has completed for write-read delay to pass)
+      end
+      CTRL_WRITE_WAIT: begin
+        if ((conflict_detect) || auto_ref_r) begin
+          if (no_precharge_r && ~auto_ref_r && wrburst_ok_r)
+            next_state = CTRL_ACTIVE;
+          else if (precharge_ok_r)
+            next_state = CTRL_PRECHARGE;
+        end else if (wrburst_ok_r && wr_flag)
+          next_state = CTRL_BURST_WRITE;
+        else if ((rd_flag) && (wr_to_rd_ok_r))
+          next_state = CTRL_BURST_READ;
+      end
+      CTRL_BURST_READ: begin
+        if (BURST_LEN_DIV2 == 1) begin
+          // special case if BL = 2 (i.e. burst lasts only one clk cycle)
+          if (rd_flag)
+            next_state = CTRL_BURST_READ;
+          else
+            next_state = CTRL_READ_WAIT;
+        end else
+          next_state = CTRL_READ_WAIT;
+      end
+      CTRL_READ_WAIT: begin
+        if ((conflict_detect) || auto_ref_r)begin
+          if (no_precharge_r && ~auto_ref_r && rdburst_ok_r)
+            next_state = CTRL_ACTIVE;
+          else if (precharge_ok_r)
+            next_state = CTRL_PRECHARGE;
+        // for burst of 4 in multi chip select
+        // if there is a change in cs wait one cycle before the
+        // next read command. cs_change_r will be asserted.
+        end else if (rdburst_ok_r  && rd_flag && ~cs_change_r)
+          next_state = CTRL_BURST_READ;
+        else if (wr_flag && (rd_to_wr_ok_r))
+          next_state = CTRL_BURST_WRITE;
+      end
+    endcase
+  end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // control signals to memory
+  //***************************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+     if ((state_r == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH) ||
+         (state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE) ||
+         (state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)) begin
+       ddr_ras_n_r <= 1'b0;
+       two_t_enable_r[0] <= 1'b0;
+     end else begin
+       if (TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+         ddr_ras_n_r <= two_t_enable_r[0] ;
+       else
+         ddr_ras_n_r <= 1'd1;
+       two_t_enable_r[0] <= 1'b1;
+     end
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk)begin
+    if ((state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE) ||
+        (state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ) ||
+        (state_r == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH)) begin
+      ddr_cas_n_r <= 1'b0;
+      two_t_enable_r[1] <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      if (TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+        ddr_cas_n_r <= two_t_enable_r[1];
+      else
+        ddr_cas_n_r <= 1'b1;
+      two_t_enable_r[1] <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if ((state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE) ||
+        (state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)) begin
+      ddr_we_n_r <= 1'b0;
+      two_t_enable_r[2] <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      if(TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+        ddr_we_n_r <= two_t_enable_r[2];
+      else
+        ddr_we_n_r <= 1'b1;
+      two_t_enable_r[2] <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  end
+  // turn off auto-precharge when issuing commands (A10 = 0)
+  // mapping the col add for linear addressing.
+  generate
+    if (TWO_T_TIME_EN) begin: gen_addr_col_two_t
+      if (COL_WIDTH == ROW_WIDTH-1) begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_0
+        assign ddr_addr_col = {af_addr_r3[COL_WIDTH-1:10], 1'b0,
+                               af_addr_r3[9:0]};
+      end else begin
+        if (COL_WIDTH > 10) begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_1
+          assign ddr_addr_col = {{(ROW_WIDTH-COL_WIDTH-1){1'b0}},
+                                 af_addr_r3[COL_WIDTH-1:10], 1'b0,
+                                 af_addr_r3[9:0]};
+        end else begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_2
+          assign ddr_addr_col = {{(ROW_WIDTH-COL_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, 1'b0,
+                               af_addr_r3[COL_WIDTH-1:0]};
+        end
+      end
+    end else begin: gen_addr_col_one_t
+      if (COL_WIDTH == ROW_WIDTH-1) begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_0_1
+        assign ddr_addr_col = {af_addr_r2[COL_WIDTH-1:10], 1'b0,
+                               af_addr_r2[9:0]};
+      end else begin
+        if (COL_WIDTH > 10) begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_1_1
+          assign ddr_addr_col = {{(ROW_WIDTH-COL_WIDTH-1){1'b0}},
+                                 af_addr_r2[COL_WIDTH-1:10], 1'b0,
+                                 af_addr_r2[9:0]};
+        end else begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_2_1
+          assign ddr_addr_col = {{(ROW_WIDTH-COL_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, 1'b0,
+                                 af_addr_r2[COL_WIDTH-1:0]};
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // Assign address during row activate
+  generate
+    if (TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+      assign ddr_addr_row = af_addr_r3[ROW_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START];
+    else
+      assign ddr_addr_row = af_addr_r2[ROW_RANGE_END:ROW_RANGE_START];
+  endgenerate
+  always @(posedge clk)begin
+    if ((state_r == CTRL_ACTIVE) ||
+        ((state_r1 == CTRL_ACTIVE) && TWO_T_TIME_EN))
+      ddr_addr_r <= ddr_addr_row;
+    else if ((state_r == CTRL_BURST_WRITE) ||
+             (state_r == CTRL_BURST_READ)  ||
+             (((state_r1 == CTRL_BURST_WRITE) ||
+               (state_r1 == CTRL_BURST_READ)) &&
+              TWO_T_TIME_EN))
+      ddr_addr_r <= ddr_addr_col;
+    else if (((state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)  ||
+              ((state_r1 == CTRL_PRECHARGE) && TWO_T_TIME_EN))
+             && auto_ref_r) begin
+      // if we're precharging as a result of AUTO-REFRESH, precharge all banks
+      ddr_addr_r <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      ddr_addr_r[10] <= 1'b1;
+    end else if ((state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE) ||
+                 ((state_r1 == CTRL_PRECHARGE) && TWO_T_TIME_EN))
+      // if we're precharging to close a specific bank/row, set A10=0
+      ddr_addr_r <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+    else
+      ddr_addr_r <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'bx}};
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk)begin
+    // whenever we're precharging, we're either: (1) precharging all banks (in
+    // which case banks bits are don't care, (2) precharging the LRU bank,
+    // b/c we've exceeded the limit of # of banks open (need to close the LRU
+    // bank to make room for a new one), (3) we haven't exceed the maximum #
+    // of banks open, but we trying to open a different row in a bank that's
+    // already open
+    if (((state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)  ||
+         ((state_r1 == CTRL_PRECHARGE) && TWO_T_TIME_EN)) &&
+        bank_conflict_r && MULTI_BANK_EN)
+      // When LRU bank needs to be closed
+      ddr_ba_r <= bank_cmp_addr_r[(3*CMP_WIDTH)+CMP_BANK_RANGE_END:
+                                  (3*CMP_WIDTH)+CMP_BANK_RANGE_START];
+    else begin
+      // Either precharge due to refresh or bank hit case
+      if (TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+        ddr_ba_r <= af_addr_r3[BANK_RANGE_END:BANK_RANGE_START];
+      else
+        ddr_ba_r <= af_addr_r2[BANK_RANGE_END:BANK_RANGE_START];
+    end
+  end
+  // chip enable generation logic
+  generate
+    // if only one chip select, always assert it after reset
+    if (CS_BITS == 0) begin: gen_ddr_cs_0
+      always @(posedge clk)
+        if (rst_r1)
+          ddr_cs_n_r[0] <= 1'b1;
+        else
+          ddr_cs_n_r[0] <= 1'b0;
+    // otherwise if we have multiple chip selects
+      end else begin: gen_ddr_cs_1
+      if(TWO_T_TIME_EN) begin: gen_2t_cs
+         always @(posedge clk)
+           if (rst_r1)
+             ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+           else if ((state_r1 == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH)) begin
+             // if auto-refreshing, only auto-refresh one CS at any time (avoid
+             // beating on the ground plane by refreshing all CS's at same time)
+             ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+             ddr_cs_n_r[auto_cnt_r] <= 1'b0;
+           end else if (auto_ref_r && (state_r1 == CTRL_PRECHARGE)) begin
+             ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b0}};
+           end else if ((state_r1 == CTRL_PRECHARGE) && ( bank_conflict_r
+                    && MULTI_BANK_EN))begin
+                  // precharging the LRU bank
+                  ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+                  ddr_cs_n_r[bank_cmp_addr_r[(3*CMP_WIDTH)+CMP_CS_RANGE_END:
+                  (3*CMP_WIDTH)+CMP_CS_RANGE_START]] <= 1'b0;
+           end else begin
+          // otherwise, check the upper address bits to see which CS to assert
+             ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+             ddr_cs_n_r[af_addr_r3[CS_RANGE_END:CS_RANGE_START]] <= 1'b0;
+           end // else: !if(((state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)  ||...
+        end else begin: gen_1t_cs // block: gen_2t_cs
+         always @(posedge clk)
+           if (rst_r1)
+             ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+           else if ((state_r == CTRL_AUTO_REFRESH) ) begin
+             // if auto-refreshing, only auto-refresh one CS at any time (avoid
+             // beating on the ground plane by refreshing all CS's at same time)
+             ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+             ddr_cs_n_r[auto_cnt_r] <= 1'b0;
+           end else if (auto_ref_r && (state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE) ) begin
+             ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b0}};
+           end else if ((state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)  &&
+                 (bank_conflict_r && MULTI_BANK_EN))begin
+                  // precharging the LRU bank
+                  ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+                  ddr_cs_n_r[bank_cmp_addr_r[(3*CMP_WIDTH)+CMP_CS_RANGE_END:
+                  (3*CMP_WIDTH)+CMP_CS_RANGE_START]] <= 1'b0;
+           end else begin
+          // otherwise, check the upper address bits to see which CS to assert
+             ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+             ddr_cs_n_r[af_addr_r2[CS_RANGE_END:CS_RANGE_START]] <= 1'b0;
+           end // else: !if(((state_r == CTRL_PRECHARGE)  ||...
+        end // block: gen_1t_cs
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // registring the two_t timing enable signal.
+  // This signal will be asserted (low) when the
+  // chip select has to be asserted.
+  always @(posedge clk)begin
+     if(&two_t_enable_r)
+        two_t_enable_r1 <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+     else
+        two_t_enable_r1 <= {CS_NUM{1'b0}};
+  end
+  assign ctrl_addr  = ddr_addr_r;
+  assign ctrl_ba    = ddr_ba_r;
+  assign ctrl_ras_n = ddr_ras_n_r;
+  assign ctrl_cas_n = ddr_cas_n_r;
+  assign ctrl_we_n  = ddr_we_n_r;
+  assign ctrl_cs_n  = (TWO_T_TIME_EN) ?
+                      (ddr_cs_n_r | two_t_enable_r1) :
+                      ddr_cs_n_r;
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_idelay_ctrl.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_idelay_ctrl.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5742feb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// code, or information as one possible implementation of 
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+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with 
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+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
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+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
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+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_idelay_ctrl.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/05/08 15:20:47 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module instantiates the IDELAYCTRL primitive of the Virtex-5 device
+//   which continuously calibrates the IDELAY elements in the region in case of
+//   varying operating conditions. It takes a 200MHz clock as an input
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_idelay_ctrl #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference 
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values 
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter IDELAYCTRL_NUM  = 4
+   )
+  (
+   input  clk200,
+   input  rst200,
+   output idelay_ctrl_rdy
+   );
+wire [IDELAYCTRL_NUM-1 : 0] idelay_ctrl_rdy_i;
+genvar bnk_i;
+for(bnk_i=0; bnk_i<IDELAYCTRL_NUM; bnk_i=bnk_i+1)begin : IDELAYCTRL_INST
+IDELAYCTRL u_idelayctrl
+  (
+   .RDY(idelay_ctrl_rdy_i[bnk_i]),
+   .REFCLK(clk200),
+   .RST(rst200)
+   );
+assign idelay_ctrl_rdy = &idelay_ctrl_rdy_i;
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_infrastructure.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_infrastructure.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5cdf1d5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information
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+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no
+// representation that this implementation is free from any
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation.
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
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+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
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+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
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+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_infrastructure.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/29 15:24:03 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   Clock generation/distribution and reset synchronization
+//Revision History:
+//   Rev 1.1 - Parameter CLK_TYPE added and logic for  DIFFERENTIAL and 
+//             SINGLE_ENDED added. PK. 20/6/08
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_infrastructure #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD    = 3000,
+   parameter CLK_TYPE      = "DIFFERENTIAL",
+   parameter DLL_FREQ_MODE = "HIGH",
+   parameter RST_ACT_LOW  = 1
+   )
+  (
+   input  sys_clk_p,
+   input  sys_clk_n,
+   input  sys_clk,
+   input  clk200_p,
+   input  clk200_n,
+   input  idly_clk_200,
+   output clk0,
+   output clk90,
+   output clk200,
+   output clkdiv0,
+   input  sys_rst_n,
+   input  idelay_ctrl_rdy,
+   output rst0,
+   output rst90,
+   output rst200,
+   output rstdiv0
+   );
+  // # of clock cycles to delay deassertion of reset. Needs to be a fairly
+  // high number not so much for metastability protection, but to give time
+  // for reset (i.e. stable clock cycles) to propagate through all state
+  // machines and to all control signals (i.e. not all control signals have
+  // resets, instead they rely on base state logic being reset, and the effect
+  // of that reset propagating through the logic). Need this because we may not
+  // be getting stable clock cycles while reset asserted (i.e. since reset
+  // depends on DCM lock status)
+  localparam RST_SYNC_NUM = 25;
+  localparam CLK_PERIOD_NS = CLK_PERIOD / 1000.0;
+  wire                       clk0_bufg;
+  wire                       clk90_bufg;
+  wire                       clk200_bufg;
+  wire                       clk200_ibufg;
+  wire                       clkdiv0_bufg;
+  wire                       dcm_clk0;
+  wire                       dcm_clk90;
+  wire                       dcm_clkdiv0;
+  wire                       dcm_lock;
+  reg [RST_SYNC_NUM-1:0]     rst0_sync_r    /* synthesis syn_maxfan = 10 */;
+  reg [RST_SYNC_NUM-1:0]     rst200_sync_r  /* synthesis syn_maxfan = 10 */;
+  reg [RST_SYNC_NUM-1:0]     rst90_sync_r   /* synthesis syn_maxfan = 10 */;
+  reg [(RST_SYNC_NUM/2)-1:0] rstdiv0_sync_r /* synthesis syn_maxfan = 10 */;
+  wire                       rst_tmp;
+  wire                       sys_clk_ibufg;
+  wire                       sys_rst;
+  assign sys_rst = RST_ACT_LOW ? ~sys_rst_n: sys_rst_n;
+  assign clk0    = clk0_bufg;
+  assign clk90   = clk90_bufg;
+  assign clk200  = clk200_bufg;
+  assign clkdiv0 = clkdiv0_bufg;
+  generate
+    //***************************************************************************
+    // Differential input clock input buffers
+    //***************************************************************************
+      (
+       .I  (sys_clk_p),
+       .IB (sys_clk_n),
+       .O  (sys_clk_ibufg)
+       );
+      (
+       .I  (clk200_p),
+       .IB (clk200_n),
+       .O  (clk200_ibufg)
+       );
+    //**************************************************************************
+    // Single ended input clock input buffers
+    //**************************************************************************
+    // AM -- edits: changed IBUFG to BUF
+      (
+       .I  (sys_clk),
+       .O  (sys_clk_ibufg)
+       );
+      (
+       .I  (idly_clk_200),
+       .O  (clk200_ibufg)
+       );
+  end
+  endgenerate
+    (
+     .O (clk200_bufg),
+     .I (clk200_ibufg)
+     );
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Global clock generation and distribution
+  //***************************************************************************
+    (
+     .CLKIN_PERIOD          (CLK_PERIOD_NS),
+     .CLKDV_DIVIDE          (2.0),
+     .FACTORY_JF            (16'hF0F0)
+     )
+    u_dcm_base
+      (
+       .CLK0      (dcm_clk0),
+       .CLK180    (),
+       .CLK270    (),
+       .CLK2X     (),
+       .CLK2X180  (),
+       .CLK90     (dcm_clk90),
+       .CLKDV     (dcm_clkdiv0),
+       .CLKFX     (),
+       .CLKFX180  (),
+       .LOCKED    (dcm_lock),
+       .CLKFB     (clk0_bufg),
+       .CLKIN     (sys_clk_ibufg),
+       .RST       (sys_rst)
+       );
+    (
+     .O (clk0_bufg),
+     .I (dcm_clk0)
+     );
+    (
+     .O (clk90_bufg),
+     .I (dcm_clk90)
+     );
+    (
+     .O (clkdiv0_bufg),
+     .I (dcm_clkdiv0)
+     );
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Reset synchronization
+  // NOTES:
+  //   1. shut down the whole operation if the DCM hasn't yet locked (and by
+  //      inference, this means that external SYS_RST_IN has been asserted -
+  //      DCM deasserts DCM_LOCK as soon as SYS_RST_IN asserted)
+  //   2. In the case of all resets except rst200, also assert reset if the
+  //      IDELAY master controller is not yet ready
+  //   3. asynchronously assert reset. This was we can assert reset even if
+  //      there is no clock (needed for things like 3-stating output buffers).
+  //      reset deassertion is synchronous.
+  //***************************************************************************
+  assign rst_tmp = sys_rst | ~dcm_lock | ~idelay_ctrl_rdy;
+  // synthesis attribute max_fanout of rst0_sync_r is 10
+  always @(posedge clk0_bufg or posedge rst_tmp)
+    if (rst_tmp)
+      rst0_sync_r <= {RST_SYNC_NUM{1'b1}};
+    else
+      // logical left shift by one (pads with 0)
+      rst0_sync_r <= rst0_sync_r << 1;
+  // synthesis attribute max_fanout of rstdiv0_sync_r is 10
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0_bufg or posedge rst_tmp)
+    if (rst_tmp)
+      rstdiv0_sync_r <= {(RST_SYNC_NUM/2){1'b1}};
+    else
+      // logical left shift by one (pads with 0)
+      rstdiv0_sync_r <= rstdiv0_sync_r << 1;
+  // synthesis attribute max_fanout of rst90_sync_r is 10
+  always @(posedge clk90_bufg or posedge rst_tmp)
+    if (rst_tmp)
+      rst90_sync_r <= {RST_SYNC_NUM{1'b1}};
+    else
+      rst90_sync_r <= rst90_sync_r << 1;
+  // make sure CLK200 doesn't depend on IDELAY_CTRL_RDY, else chicken n' egg
+   // synthesis attribute max_fanout of rst200_sync_r is 10
+  always @(posedge clk200_bufg or negedge dcm_lock)
+    if (!dcm_lock)
+      rst200_sync_r <= {RST_SYNC_NUM{1'b1}};
+    else
+      rst200_sync_r <= rst200_sync_r << 1;
+  assign rst0    = rst0_sync_r[RST_SYNC_NUM-1];
+  assign rst90   = rst90_sync_r[RST_SYNC_NUM-1];
+  assign rst200  = rst200_sync_r[RST_SYNC_NUM-1];
+  assign rstdiv0 = rstdiv0_sync_r[(RST_SYNC_NUM/2)-1];
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_mem_if_top.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_mem_if_top.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ad30553
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the
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+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no
+// representation that this implementation is free from any
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation.
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_mem_if_top.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/22 15:41:06 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR/DDR2
+//   Top-level for parameterizable (DDR or DDR2) memory interface
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_mem_if_top #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH            = 2,
+   parameter CKE_WIDTH             = 1,
+   parameter CLK_WIDTH             = 1,
+   parameter COL_WIDTH             = 10,
+   parameter CS_BITS               = 0,
+   parameter CS_NUM                = 1,
+   parameter CS_WIDTH              = 1,
+   parameter USE_DM_PORT           = 1,
+   parameter DM_WIDTH              = 9,
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH              = 72,
+   parameter DQ_BITS               = 7,
+   parameter DQ_PER_DQS            = 8,
+   parameter DQS_BITS              = 4,
+   parameter DQS_WIDTH             = 9,
+   parameter ODT_WIDTH             = 1,
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH             = 14,
+   parameter APPDATA_WIDTH         = 144,
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT          = 0,
+   parameter BURST_LEN             = 4,
+   parameter BURST_TYPE            = 0,
+   parameter CAS_LAT               = 5,
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE            = 0,
+   parameter MULTI_BANK_EN         = 1,
+   parameter TWO_T_TIME_EN         = 0,
+   parameter ODT_TYPE              = 1,
+   parameter DDR_TYPE              = 1,
+   parameter REDUCE_DRV            = 0,
+   parameter REG_ENABLE            = 1,
+   parameter TREFI_NS              = 7800,
+   parameter TRAS                  = 40000,
+   parameter TRCD                  = 15000,
+   parameter TRFC                  = 105000,
+   parameter TRP                   = 15000,
+   parameter TRTP                  = 7500,
+   parameter TWR                   = 15000,
+   parameter TWTR                  = 10000,
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD            = 3000,
+   parameter SIM_ONLY              = 0,
+   parameter DEBUG_EN              = 0,
+   parameter DQS_IO_COL            = 0,
+   parameter DQ_IO_MS              = 0
+   )
+  (
+   input                                    clk0,
+   input                                    clk90,
+   input                                    clkdiv0,
+   input                                    rst0,
+   input                                    rst90,
+   input                                    rstdiv0,
+   input [2:0]                              app_af_cmd,
+   input [30:0]                             app_af_addr,
+   input                                    app_af_wren,
+   input                                    app_wdf_wren,
+   input [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]                app_wdf_data,
+   input [(APPDATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0]            app_wdf_mask_data,
+   output [1:0]                             rd_ecc_error,
+   output                                   app_af_afull,
+   output                                   app_wdf_afull,
+   output                                   rd_data_valid,
+   output [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]               rd_data_fifo_out,
+   output                                   phy_init_done,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr_ck,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr_ck_n,
+   output [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr_addr,
+   output [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]                  ddr_ba,
+   output                                   ddr_ras_n,
+   output                                   ddr_cas_n,
+   output                                   ddr_we_n,
+   output [CS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr_cs_n,
+   output [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr_cke,
+   output [ODT_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr_odt,
+   output [DM_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr_dm,
+   inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr_dqs,
+   inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr_dqs_n,
+   inout [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                     ddr_dq,
+   // Debug signals (optional use)
+   input                                    dbg_idel_up_all,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_down_all,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_up_dq,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_down_dq,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_up_dqs,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_down_dqs,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_up_gate,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_down_gate,
+   input [DQ_BITS-1:0]                      dbg_sel_idel_dq,
+   input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_dq,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                       dbg_sel_idel_dqs,
+   input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                       dbg_sel_idel_gate,
+   input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_gate,
+   output [3:0]                             dbg_calib_done,
+   output [3:0]                             dbg_calib_err,
+   output [(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]                dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                   dbg_calib_rd_data_sel,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_rden_dly,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_gate_dly
+   );
+  wire [30:0]                       af_addr;
+  wire [2:0]                        af_cmd;
+  wire                              af_empty;
+  wire [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]              ctrl_addr;
+  wire                              ctrl_af_rden;
+  wire [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]             ctrl_ba;
+  wire                              ctrl_cas_n;
+  wire [CS_NUM-1:0]                 ctrl_cs_n;
+  wire                              ctrl_ras_n;
+  wire                              ctrl_rden;
+  wire                              ctrl_ref_flag;
+  wire                              ctrl_we_n;
+  wire                              ctrl_wren;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              phy_calib_rden;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              phy_calib_rden_sel;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]               rd_data_fall;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]               rd_data_rise;
+  wire [(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]           wdf_data;
+  wire [((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)-1:0]       wdf_mask_data;
+  wire                              wdf_rden;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  ddr2_phy_top #
+    (
+     .BANK_WIDTH            (BANK_WIDTH),
+     .CKE_WIDTH             (CKE_WIDTH),
+     .CLK_WIDTH             (CLK_WIDTH),
+     .COL_WIDTH             (COL_WIDTH),
+     .CS_NUM                (CS_NUM),
+     .CS_WIDTH              (CS_WIDTH),
+     .USE_DM_PORT           (USE_DM_PORT),
+     .DM_WIDTH              (DM_WIDTH),
+     .DQ_WIDTH              (DQ_WIDTH),
+     .DQ_BITS               (DQ_BITS),
+     .DQ_PER_DQS            (DQ_PER_DQS),
+     .DQS_BITS              (DQS_BITS),
+     .DQS_WIDTH             (DQS_WIDTH),
+     .ODT_WIDTH             (ODT_WIDTH),
+     .ROW_WIDTH             (ROW_WIDTH),
+     .TWO_T_TIME_EN         (TWO_T_TIME_EN),
+     .ADDITIVE_LAT          (ADDITIVE_LAT),
+     .BURST_LEN             (BURST_LEN),
+     .BURST_TYPE            (BURST_TYPE),
+     .CAS_LAT               (CAS_LAT),
+     .ECC_ENABLE            (ECC_ENABLE),
+     .ODT_TYPE              (ODT_TYPE),
+     .DDR_TYPE              (DDR_TYPE),
+     .REDUCE_DRV            (REDUCE_DRV),
+     .REG_ENABLE            (REG_ENABLE),
+     .TWR                   (TWR),
+     .CLK_PERIOD            (CLK_PERIOD),
+     .SIM_ONLY              (SIM_ONLY),
+     .DEBUG_EN              (DEBUG_EN),
+     .DQS_IO_COL            (DQS_IO_COL),
+     .DQ_IO_MS              (DQ_IO_MS)
+     )
+    u_phy_top
+      (
+       .clk0                   (clk0),
+       .clk90                  (clk90),
+       .clkdiv0                (clkdiv0),
+       .rst0                   (rst0),
+       .rst90                  (rst90),
+       .rstdiv0                (rstdiv0),
+       .ctrl_wren              (ctrl_wren),
+       .ctrl_addr              (ctrl_addr),
+       .ctrl_ba                (ctrl_ba),
+       .ctrl_ras_n             (ctrl_ras_n),
+       .ctrl_cas_n             (ctrl_cas_n),
+       .ctrl_we_n              (ctrl_we_n),
+       .ctrl_cs_n              (ctrl_cs_n),
+       .ctrl_rden              (ctrl_rden),
+       .ctrl_ref_flag          (ctrl_ref_flag),
+       .wdf_data               (wdf_data),
+       .wdf_mask_data          (wdf_mask_data),
+       .wdf_rden               (wdf_rden),
+       .phy_init_done          (phy_init_done),
+       .phy_calib_rden         (phy_calib_rden),
+       .phy_calib_rden_sel     (phy_calib_rden_sel),
+       .rd_data_rise           (rd_data_rise),
+       .rd_data_fall           (rd_data_fall),
+       .ddr_ck                 (ddr_ck),
+       .ddr_ck_n               (ddr_ck_n),
+       .ddr_addr               (ddr_addr),
+       .ddr_ba                 (ddr_ba),
+       .ddr_ras_n              (ddr_ras_n),
+       .ddr_cas_n              (ddr_cas_n),
+       .ddr_we_n               (ddr_we_n),
+       .ddr_cs_n               (ddr_cs_n),
+       .ddr_cke                (ddr_cke),
+       .ddr_odt                (ddr_odt),
+       .ddr_dm                 (ddr_dm),
+       .ddr_dqs                (ddr_dqs),
+       .ddr_dqs_n              (ddr_dqs_n),
+       .ddr_dq                 (ddr_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_up_all        (dbg_idel_up_all),
+       .dbg_idel_down_all      (dbg_idel_down_all),
+       .dbg_idel_up_dq         (dbg_idel_up_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_down_dq       (dbg_idel_down_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_up_dqs        (dbg_idel_up_dqs),
+       .dbg_idel_down_dqs      (dbg_idel_down_dqs),
+       .dbg_idel_up_gate       (dbg_idel_up_gate),
+       .dbg_idel_down_gate     (dbg_idel_down_gate),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_dq        (dbg_sel_idel_dq),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_dq    (dbg_sel_all_idel_dq),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_dqs       (dbg_sel_idel_dqs),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs   (dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_gate      (dbg_sel_idel_gate),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_gate  (dbg_sel_all_idel_gate),
+       .dbg_calib_done         (dbg_calib_done),
+       .dbg_calib_err          (dbg_calib_err),
+       .dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt   (dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt  (dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt (dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_rd_data_sel  (dbg_calib_rd_data_sel),
+       .dbg_calib_rden_dly     (dbg_calib_rden_dly),
+       .dbg_calib_gate_dly     (dbg_calib_gate_dly)
+       );
+  ddr2_usr_top #
+    (
+     .COL_WIDTH     (COL_WIDTH),
+     .CS_BITS       (CS_BITS),
+     .DQ_WIDTH      (DQ_WIDTH),
+     .DQ_PER_DQS    (DQ_PER_DQS),
+     .DQS_WIDTH     (DQS_WIDTH),
+     .ROW_WIDTH     (ROW_WIDTH)
+     )
+    u_usr_top
+      (
+       .clk0              (clk0),
+       .clk90             (clk90),
+       .rst0              (rst0),
+       .rd_data_in_rise   (rd_data_rise),
+       .rd_data_in_fall   (rd_data_fall),
+       .phy_calib_rden    (phy_calib_rden),
+       .phy_calib_rden_sel(phy_calib_rden_sel),
+       .rd_data_valid     (rd_data_valid),
+       .rd_ecc_error      (rd_ecc_error),
+       .rd_data_fifo_out  (rd_data_fifo_out),
+       .app_af_cmd        (app_af_cmd),
+       .app_af_addr       (app_af_addr),
+       .app_af_wren       (app_af_wren),
+       .ctrl_af_rden      (ctrl_af_rden),
+       .af_cmd            (af_cmd),
+       .af_addr           (af_addr),
+       .af_empty          (af_empty),
+       .app_af_afull      (app_af_afull),
+       .app_wdf_wren      (app_wdf_wren),
+       .app_wdf_data      (app_wdf_data),
+       .app_wdf_mask_data (app_wdf_mask_data),
+       .wdf_rden          (wdf_rden),
+       .app_wdf_afull     (app_wdf_afull),
+       .wdf_data          (wdf_data),
+       .wdf_mask_data     (wdf_mask_data)
+       );
+  ddr2_ctrl #
+    (
+     .COL_WIDTH     (COL_WIDTH),
+     .CS_BITS       (CS_BITS),
+     .CS_NUM        (CS_NUM),
+     .ROW_WIDTH     (ROW_WIDTH),
+     .BURST_LEN     (BURST_LEN),
+     .CAS_LAT       (CAS_LAT),
+     .TREFI_NS      (TREFI_NS),
+     .TRAS          (TRAS),
+     .TRCD          (TRCD),
+     .TRFC          (TRFC),
+     .TRP           (TRP),
+     .TRTP          (TRTP),
+     .TWR           (TWR),
+     .TWTR          (TWTR),
+     .DDR_TYPE      (DDR_TYPE)
+     )
+    u_ctrl
+      (
+       .clk           (clk0),
+       .rst           (rst0),
+       .af_cmd        (af_cmd),
+       .af_addr       (af_addr),
+       .af_empty      (af_empty),
+       .phy_init_done (phy_init_done),
+       .ctrl_ref_flag (ctrl_ref_flag),
+       .ctrl_af_rden  (ctrl_af_rden),
+       .ctrl_wren     (ctrl_wren),
+       .ctrl_rden     (ctrl_rden),
+       .ctrl_addr     (ctrl_addr),
+       .ctrl_ba       (ctrl_ba),
+       .ctrl_ras_n    (ctrl_ras_n),
+       .ctrl_cas_n    (ctrl_cas_n),
+       .ctrl_we_n     (ctrl_we_n),
+       .ctrl_cs_n     (ctrl_cs_n)
+       );
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_calib.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_calib.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..76a0751
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2353 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
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+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
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+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_calib.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/02 14:03:08 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Thu Aug 10 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module handles calibration after memory initialization.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_phy_calib #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference 
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values 
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH      = 72,
+   parameter DQ_BITS       = 7,
+   parameter DQ_PER_DQS    = 8,
+   parameter DQS_BITS      = 4,
+   parameter DQS_WIDTH     = 9,
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT  = 0,
+   parameter CAS_LAT       = 5,
+   parameter REG_ENABLE    = 1,
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD    = 3000,
+   parameter SIM_ONLY      = 0,
+   parameter DEBUG_EN      = 0
+   )
+  (
+   input                                   clk,
+   input                                   clkdiv,
+   input                                   rstdiv,
+   input [3:0]                             calib_start,
+   input                                   ctrl_rden,
+   input                                   phy_init_rden,
+   input [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                    rd_data_rise,
+   input [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                    rd_data_fall,
+   input                                   calib_ref_done,
+   output reg [3:0]                        calib_done,
+   output reg                              calib_ref_req,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                  calib_rden,
+   output reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              calib_rden_sel,
+   output reg                              dlyrst_dq,
+   output reg [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]               dlyce_dq,
+   output reg [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]               dlyinc_dq,
+   output reg                              dlyrst_dqs,
+   output reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              dlyce_dqs,
+   output reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              dlyinc_dqs,
+   output reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              dlyrst_gate,
+   output reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              dlyce_gate,
+   output reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              dlyinc_gate,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                  en_dqs,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                  rd_data_sel,
+   // Debug signals (optional use)
+   input                                   dbg_idel_up_all,
+   input                                   dbg_idel_down_all,
+   input                                   dbg_idel_up_dq,
+   input                                   dbg_idel_down_dq,
+   input                                   dbg_idel_up_dqs,
+   input                                   dbg_idel_down_dqs,
+   input                                   dbg_idel_up_gate,
+   input                                   dbg_idel_down_gate,
+   input [DQ_BITS-1:0]                     dbg_sel_idel_dq,
+   input                                   dbg_sel_all_idel_dq,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                      dbg_sel_idel_dqs,
+   input                                   dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                      dbg_sel_idel_gate,
+   input                                   dbg_sel_all_idel_gate,
+   output [3:0]                            dbg_calib_done,
+   output [3:0]                            dbg_calib_err,
+   output [(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]              dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]              dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                  dbg_calib_rd_data_sel,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]              dbg_calib_rden_dly,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]              dbg_calib_gate_dly
+   );
+  // minimum time (in IDELAY taps) for which capture data must be stable for
+  // algorithm to consider
+  localparam MIN_WIN_SIZE = 5;
+  // IDEL_SET_VAL = (# of cycles - 1) to wait after changing IDELAY value
+  // we only have to wait enough for input with new IDELAY value to
+  // propagate through pipeline stages.
+  localparam IDEL_SET_VAL = 3'b111;
+  // # of clock cycles to delay read enable to determine if read data pattern
+  // is correct for stage 3/4 (RDEN, DQS gate) calibration
+  localparam CALIB_RDEN_PIPE_LEN = 31;
+  // translate CAS latency into number of clock cycles for read valid delay
+  // determination. Really only needed for CL = 2.5 (set to 2)
+  localparam CAS_LAT_RDEN = (CAS_LAT == 25) ? 2 : CAS_LAT;
+  // an SRL32 is used to delay CTRL_RDEN to generate read valid signal. This
+  // is min possible value delay through SRL32 can be
+  // an SRL32 is used to delay the CTRL_RDEN from the read postamble DQS
+  // gate. This is min possible value the SRL32 delay can be:
+  //  - Delay from end of deassertion of CTRL_RDEN to last falling edge of
+  //    read burst = 3.5 (CTRL_RDEN -> CAS delay) + 3 (min CAS latency) = 6.5
+  //  - Minimum time for DQS gate circuit to be generated:
+  //      * 1 cyc to register CTRL_RDEN from controller
+  //      * 1 cyc after RDEN_CTRL falling edge
+  //      * 1 cyc min through SRL32
+  //      * 1 cyc through SRL32 output flop
+  //      * 0 (<1) cyc of synchronization to DQS domain via IDELAY
+  //      * 1 cyc of delay through IDDR to generate CE to DQ IDDR's
+  //    Total = 5 cyc < 6.5 cycles
+  //    The total should be less than 5.5 cycles to account prop delays
+  //    adding one cycle to the synchronization time via the IDELAY.
+  //    NOTE: Value differs because of optional pipeline register added
+  //      for case of RDEN_BASE_DELAY > 3 to improve timing
+  localparam GATE_BASE_DELAY = RDEN_BASE_DELAY - 3;
+  localparam GATE_BASE_INIT = (GATE_BASE_DELAY <= 1) ? 0 : GATE_BASE_DELAY;
+  // used for RDEN calibration: difference between shift value used during
+  // calibration, and shift value for actual RDEN SRL. Only applies when
+  // RDEN edge is immediately captured by CLKDIV0. If not (depends on phase
+  // of CLK0 and CLKDIV0 when RDEN is asserted), then add 1 to this value.
+  localparam CAL3_RDEN_SRL_DLY_DELTA = 6;
+  // fix minimum value of DQS to be 1 to handle the case where's there's only
+  // one DQS group. We could also enforce that user always inputs minimum
+  // value of 1 for DQS_BITS (even when DQS_WIDTH=1). Leave this as safeguard
+  // Assume we don't have to do this for DQ, DQ_WIDTH always > 1
+  localparam DQS_BITS_FIX = (DQS_BITS == 0) ? 1 : DQS_BITS;
+  // how many taps to "pre-delay" DQ before stg 1 calibration - not needed for
+  // current calibration, but leave for debug
+  localparam DQ_IDEL_INIT = 6'b000000;
+  // # IDELAY taps per bit time (i.e. half cycle). Limit to 63.
+  localparam integer BIT_TIME_TAPS = (CLK_PERIOD/150 < 64) ?
+             CLK_PERIOD/150 : 63;
+  // used in various places during stage 4 cal: (1) determines maximum taps
+  // to increment when finding right edge, (2) amount to decrement after
+  // finding left edge, (3) amount to increment after finding right edge
+  localparam CAL4_IDEL_BIT_VAL = (BIT_TIME_TAPS >= 6'b100000) ?
+             6'b100000 : BIT_TIME_TAPS;
+  localparam CAL1_IDLE                   = 4'h0;
+  localparam CAL1_INIT                   = 4'h1;
+  localparam CAL1_INC_IDEL               = 4'h2;
+  localparam CAL1_FIND_FIRST_EDGE        = 4'h3;
+  localparam CAL1_FIRST_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT   = 4'h4;
+  localparam CAL1_FOUND_FIRST_EDGE_WAIT  = 4'h5;
+  localparam CAL1_FIND_SECOND_EDGE       = 4'h6;
+  localparam CAL1_SECOND_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT  = 4'h7;
+  localparam CAL1_CALC_IDEL              = 4'h8;
+  localparam CAL1_DEC_IDEL               = 4'h9;
+  localparam CAL1_DONE                   = 4'hA;
+  localparam CAL2_IDLE                    = 4'h0;
+  localparam CAL2_INIT                    = 4'h1;
+  localparam CAL2_INIT_IDEL_WAIT          = 4'h2;
+  localparam CAL2_FIND_EDGE_POS           = 4'h3;
+  localparam CAL2_FIND_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT_POS = 4'h4;
+  localparam CAL2_FIND_EDGE_NEG           = 4'h5;
+  localparam CAL2_FIND_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT_NEG = 4'h6;
+  localparam CAL2_DEC_IDEL                = 4'h7;
+  localparam CAL2_DONE                    = 4'h8;
+  localparam CAL3_IDLE                    = 3'h0;
+  localparam CAL3_INIT                    = 3'h1;
+  localparam CAL3_DETECT                  = 3'h2;
+  localparam CAL3_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT      = 3'h3;
+  localparam CAL3_DONE                    = 3'h4;
+  localparam CAL4_IDLE                    = 3'h0;
+  localparam CAL4_INIT                    = 3'h1;
+  localparam CAL4_FIND_WINDOW             = 3'h2;
+  localparam CAL4_FIND_EDGE               = 3'h3;
+  localparam CAL4_IDEL_WAIT               = 3'h4;
+  localparam CAL4_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT      = 3'h5;
+  localparam CAL4_ADJ_IDEL                = 3'h6;
+  localparam CAL4_DONE                    = 3'h7;
+  integer                        i, j;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal1_bit_time_tap_cnt;
+  reg [1:0]                      cal1_data_chk_last;
+  reg                            cal1_data_chk_last_valid;
+  reg [1:0]                      cal1_data_chk_r;
+  reg                            cal1_dlyce_dq;
+  reg                            cal1_dlyinc_dq;
+  reg                            cal1_dqs_dq_init_phase;
+  reg                            cal1_detect_edge;
+  reg                            cal1_detect_stable;
+  reg                            cal1_found_second_edge;
+  reg                            cal1_found_rising;
+  reg                            cal1_found_window;
+  reg                            cal1_first_edge_done;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal1_first_edge_tap_cnt;
+  reg [6:0]                      cal1_idel_dec_cnt;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal1_idel_inc_cnt;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal1_idel_max_tap;
+  reg                            cal1_idel_max_tap_we;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal1_idel_tap_cnt;
+  reg                            cal1_idel_tap_limit_hit;
+  reg [6:0]                      cal1_low_freq_idel_dec;
+  reg                            cal1_ref_req;
+  wire                           cal1_refresh;
+  reg [3:0]                      cal1_state;
+  reg [3:0]                      cal1_window_cnt;
+  reg                            cal2_curr_sel;
+  wire                           cal2_detect_edge;
+  reg                            cal2_dlyce_dqs;
+  reg                            cal2_dlyinc_dqs;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal2_idel_dec_cnt;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal2_idel_tap_cnt;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal2_idel_tap_limit;
+  reg                            cal2_idel_tap_limit_hit;
+  reg                            cal2_rd_data_fall_last_neg;
+  reg                            cal2_rd_data_fall_last_pos;
+  reg                            cal2_rd_data_last_valid_neg;
+  reg                            cal2_rd_data_last_valid_pos;
+  reg                            cal2_rd_data_rise_last_neg;
+  reg                            cal2_rd_data_rise_last_pos;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]            cal2_rd_data_sel;
+  wire                           cal2_rd_data_sel_edge;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]            cal2_rd_data_sel_r;
+  reg                            cal2_ref_req;
+  reg [3:0]                      cal2_state;
+  reg                            cal3_data_match;
+  reg                            cal3_data_match_stgd;
+  wire                           cal3_data_valid;
+  wire                           cal3_match_found;
+  wire [4:0]                     cal3_rden_dly;
+  reg [4:0]                      cal3_rden_srl_a;
+  reg [2:0]                      cal3_state;
+  wire                           cal4_data_good;
+  reg                            cal4_data_match;
+  reg                            cal4_data_match_stgd;
+  wire                           cal4_data_valid;
+  reg                            cal4_dlyce_gate;
+  reg                            cal4_dlyinc_gate;
+  reg                            cal4_dlyrst_gate;
+  reg [4:0]                      cal4_gate_srl_a;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal4_idel_adj_cnt;
+  reg                            cal4_idel_adj_inc;
+  reg                            cal4_idel_bit_tap;
+  reg [5:0]                      cal4_idel_tap_cnt;
+  reg                            cal4_idel_max_tap;
+  reg [4:0]                      cal4_rden_srl_a;
+  reg                            cal4_ref_req;
+  reg                            cal4_seek_left;
+  reg                            cal4_stable_window;
+  reg [2:0]                      cal4_state;
+  reg [3:0]                      cal4_window_cnt;
+  reg [3:0]                      calib_done_tmp;         // only for stg1/2/4
+  reg                            calib_ctrl_gate_pulse_r;
+  reg                            calib_ctrl_rden;
+  reg                            calib_ctrl_rden_r;
+  wire                           calib_ctrl_rden_negedge;
+  reg                            calib_ctrl_rden_negedge_r;
+  reg [3:0]                      calib_done_r;
+  reg [3:0]                      calib_err;
+  reg [1:0]                      calib_err_2;
+  wire                           calib_init_gate_pulse;
+  reg                            calib_init_gate_pulse_r;
+  reg                            calib_init_gate_pulse_r1;
+  reg                            calib_init_rden;
+  reg                            calib_init_rden_r;
+  reg [4:0]                      calib_rden_srl_a;
+  wire [4:0]                     calib_rden_srl_a_r;
+  reg [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]        calib_rden_dly;
+  reg                            calib_rden_edge_r;
+  reg [4:0]                      calib_rden_pipe_cnt;
+  wire                           calib_rden_srl_out;
+  wire                           calib_rden_srl_out_r;
+  reg                            calib_rden_srl_out_r1;
+  reg                            calib_rden_valid;
+  reg                            calib_rden_valid_stgd;
+  reg [DQ_BITS-1:0]              count_dq;
+  reg [DQS_BITS_FIX-1:0]         count_dqs;
+  reg [DQS_BITS_FIX-1:0]         count_gate;
+  reg [DQS_BITS_FIX-1:0]         count_rden;
+  reg                            ctrl_rden_r;
+  wire                           dlyce_or;
+  reg [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]        gate_dly;
+  wire [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]       gate_dly_r;
+  wire                           gate_srl_in;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]           gate_srl_out;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]           gate_srl_out_r;
+  reg [2:0]                      idel_set_cnt;
+  wire                           idel_set_wait;
+  reg [DQ_BITS-1:0]              next_count_dq;
+  reg [DQS_BITS_FIX-1:0]         next_count_dqs;
+  reg [DQS_BITS_FIX-1:0]         next_count_gate;
+  reg                            phy_init_rden_r;
+  reg                            phy_init_rden_r1;
+  reg [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]             rd_data_fall_1x_r;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]            rd_data_fall_1x_r1;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]            rd_data_fall_2x_r;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]           rd_data_fall_chk_q1;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]           rd_data_fall_chk_q2;
+  reg [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]             rd_data_rise_1x_r;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]            rd_data_rise_1x_r1;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]            rd_data_rise_2x_r;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]           rd_data_rise_chk_q1;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]           rd_data_rise_chk_q2;
+  reg                            rdd_fall_q1;
+  reg                            rdd_fall_q1_r;
+  reg                            rdd_fall_q1_r1;
+  reg                            rdd_fall_q2;
+  reg                            rdd_fall_q2_r;
+  reg                            rdd_rise_q1;
+  reg                            rdd_rise_q1_r;
+  reg                            rdd_rise_q1_r1;
+  reg                            rdd_rise_q2;
+  reg                            rdd_rise_q2_r;
+  reg [DQS_BITS_FIX-1:0]         rdd_mux_sel;
+  reg                            rden_dec;
+  reg [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]        rden_dly;
+  wire [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]       rden_dly_r;
+  reg [4:0]                      rden_dly_0;
+  reg                            rden_inc;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]            rden_mux;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]           rden_srl_out;
+  // Debug
+  integer                        x;
+  reg [5:0]                      dbg_dq_tap_cnt [DQ_WIDTH-1:0];
+  reg [5:0]                      dbg_dqs_tap_cnt [DQS_WIDTH-1:0];
+  reg [5:0]                      dbg_gate_tap_cnt [DQS_WIDTH-1:0];
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Debug output ("dbg_phy_calib_*")
+  // NOTES:
+  //  1. All debug outputs coming out of PHY_CALIB are clocked off CLKDIV0,
+  //     although they are also static after calibration is complete. This
+  //     means the user can either connect them to a Chipscope ILA, or to
+  //     either a sync/async VIO input block. Using an async VIO has the
+  //     advantage of not requiring these paths to meet cycle-to-cycle timing.
+  //  2. The widths of most of these debug buses are dependent on the # of
+  //     DQS/DQ bits (e.g. dq_tap_cnt width = 6 * (# of DQ bits)
+  //  1. calib_done:   4 bits - each one asserted as each phase of calibration
+  //                   is completed.
+  //  2. calib_err:    4 bits - each one asserted when a calibration error
+  //                   encountered for that stage. Some of these bits may not
+  //                   be used (not all cal stages report an error).
+  //  3. dq_tap_cnt:   final IDELAY tap counts for all DQ IDELAYs
+  //  4. dqs_tap_cnt:  final IDELAY tap counts for all DQS IDELAYs
+  //  5. gate_tap_cnt: final IDELAY tap counts for all DQS gate
+  //                   synchronization IDELAYs
+  //  6. rd_data_sel:  final read capture MUX (either "positive" or "negative"
+  //                   edge capture) settings for all DQS groups
+  //  7. rden_dly:     related to # of cycles after issuing a read until when
+  //                   read data is valid - for all DQS groups
+  //  8. gate_dly:     related to # of cycles after issuing a read until when
+  //                   clock enable for all DQ's is deasserted to prevent
+  //                   effect of DQS postamble glitch - for all DQS groups
+  //***************************************************************************
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Record IDELAY tap values by "snooping" IDELAY control signals
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // record DQ IDELAY tap values
+  genvar dbg_dq_tc_i;
+  generate
+    for (dbg_dq_tc_i = 0; dbg_dq_tc_i < DQ_WIDTH;
+         dbg_dq_tc_i = dbg_dq_tc_i + 1) begin: gen_dbg_dq_tap_cnt
+      assign dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt[(6*dbg_dq_tc_i)+5:(6*dbg_dq_tc_i)]
+               = dbg_dq_tap_cnt[dbg_dq_tc_i];
+      always @(posedge clkdiv)
+        if (rstdiv | dlyrst_dq)
+          dbg_dq_tap_cnt[dbg_dq_tc_i] <= 6'b000000;
+        else
+          if (dlyce_dq[dbg_dq_tc_i])
+            if (dlyinc_dq[dbg_dq_tc_i])
+              dbg_dq_tap_cnt[dbg_dq_tc_i]
+                <= dbg_dq_tap_cnt[dbg_dq_tc_i] + 1;
+            else
+              dbg_dq_tap_cnt[dbg_dq_tc_i]
+                <= dbg_dq_tap_cnt[dbg_dq_tc_i] - 1;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // record DQS IDELAY tap values
+  genvar dbg_dqs_tc_i;
+  generate
+    for (dbg_dqs_tc_i = 0; dbg_dqs_tc_i < DQS_WIDTH;
+         dbg_dqs_tc_i = dbg_dqs_tc_i + 1) begin: gen_dbg_dqs_tap_cnt
+      assign dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt[(6*dbg_dqs_tc_i)+5:(6*dbg_dqs_tc_i)]
+               = dbg_dqs_tap_cnt[dbg_dqs_tc_i];
+      always @(posedge clkdiv)
+        if (rstdiv | dlyrst_dqs)
+          dbg_dqs_tap_cnt[dbg_dqs_tc_i] <= 6'b000000;
+        else
+          if (dlyce_dqs[dbg_dqs_tc_i])
+            if (dlyinc_dqs[dbg_dqs_tc_i])
+              dbg_dqs_tap_cnt[dbg_dqs_tc_i]
+                <= dbg_dqs_tap_cnt[dbg_dqs_tc_i] + 1;
+            else
+              dbg_dqs_tap_cnt[dbg_dqs_tc_i]
+                <= dbg_dqs_tap_cnt[dbg_dqs_tc_i] - 1;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // record DQS gate IDELAY tap values
+  genvar dbg_gate_tc_i;
+  generate
+    for (dbg_gate_tc_i = 0; dbg_gate_tc_i < DQS_WIDTH;
+         dbg_gate_tc_i = dbg_gate_tc_i + 1) begin: gen_dbg_gate_tap_cnt
+      assign dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt[(6*dbg_gate_tc_i)+5:(6*dbg_gate_tc_i)]
+               = dbg_gate_tap_cnt[dbg_gate_tc_i];
+      always @(posedge clkdiv)
+        if (rstdiv | dlyrst_gate[dbg_gate_tc_i])
+          dbg_gate_tap_cnt[dbg_gate_tc_i] <= 6'b000000;
+        else
+          if (dlyce_gate[dbg_gate_tc_i])
+            if (dlyinc_gate[dbg_gate_tc_i])
+              dbg_gate_tap_cnt[dbg_gate_tc_i]
+                <= dbg_gate_tap_cnt[dbg_gate_tc_i] + 1;
+            else
+              dbg_gate_tap_cnt[dbg_gate_tc_i]
+                <= dbg_gate_tap_cnt[dbg_gate_tc_i] - 1;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  assign dbg_calib_done        = calib_done;
+  assign dbg_calib_err         = calib_err;
+  assign dbg_calib_rd_data_sel = cal2_rd_data_sel;
+  assign dbg_calib_rden_dly    = rden_dly;
+  assign dbg_calib_gate_dly    = gate_dly;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Read data pipelining, and read data "ISERDES" data width expansion
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // For all data bits, register incoming capture data to slow clock to improve
+  // timing. Adding single pipeline stage does not affect functionality (as
+  // long as we make sure to wait extra clock cycle after changing DQ IDELAY)
+  // Also note in this case that we're "missing" every other clock cycle's
+  // worth of data capture since we're sync'ing to the slow clock. This is
+  // fine for stage 1 and stage 2 cal, but not for stage 3 and 4 (see below
+  // for different circuit to handle those stages)
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    rd_data_rise_1x_r <= rd_data_rise;
+    rd_data_fall_1x_r <= rd_data_fall;
+  end
+  // For every DQ_PER_DQS bit, generate what is essentially a ISERDES-type
+  // data width expander. Will need this for stage 3 and 4 cal, where we need
+  // to compare data over consecutive clock cycles. We can also use this for
+  // stage 2 as well (stage 2 doesn't require every bit to be looked at, only
+  // one bit per DQS group)
+  genvar rdd_i;
+  generate
+    for (rdd_i = 0; rdd_i < DQS_WIDTH; rdd_i = rdd_i + 1) begin: gen_rdd
+      // first stage: keep data in fast clk domain. Store data over two
+      // consecutive clock cycles for rise/fall data for proper transfer
+      // to slow clock domain
+      always @(posedge clk) begin
+        rd_data_rise_2x_r[rdd_i] <= rd_data_rise[(rdd_i*DQ_PER_DQS)];
+        rd_data_fall_2x_r[rdd_i] <= rd_data_fall[(rdd_i*DQ_PER_DQS)];
+      end
+      // second stage, register first stage to slow clock domain, 2nd stage
+      // consists of both these flops, and the rd_data_rise_1x_r flops
+      always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+        rd_data_rise_1x_r1[rdd_i] <= rd_data_rise_2x_r[rdd_i];
+        rd_data_fall_1x_r1[rdd_i] <= rd_data_fall_2x_r[rdd_i];
+      end
+      // now we have four outputs - representing rise/fall outputs over last
+      // 2 fast clock cycles. However, the ordering these represent can either
+      // be: (1) Q2 = data @ time = n, Q1 = data @ time = n+1, or (2)
+      // Q2 = data @ time = n - 1, Q1 = data @ time = n (and data at [Q1,Q2]
+      // is "staggered") - leave it up to the stage of calibration using this
+      // to figure out which is which, if they care at all (e.g. stage 2 cal
+      // doesn't care about the ordering)
+      assign rd_data_rise_chk_q1[rdd_i]
+               = rd_data_rise_1x_r[(rdd_i*DQ_PER_DQS)];
+      assign rd_data_rise_chk_q2[rdd_i]
+               = rd_data_rise_1x_r1[rdd_i];
+      assign rd_data_fall_chk_q1[rdd_i]
+               = rd_data_fall_1x_r[(rdd_i*DQ_PER_DQS)];
+      assign rd_data_fall_chk_q2[rdd_i]
+               = rd_data_fall_1x_r1[rdd_i];
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Outputs of these simplified ISERDES circuits then feed MUXes based on
+  // which DQ the current calibration algorithm needs to look at
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // generate MUX control; assume that adding an extra pipeline stage isn't
+  // an issue - whatever stage cal logic is using output of MUX will wait
+  // enough time after changing it
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    (* full_case, parallel_case *) case (calib_done[2:0])
+      3'b001: rdd_mux_sel <= next_count_dqs;
+      3'b011: rdd_mux_sel <= count_rden;
+      3'b111: rdd_mux_sel <= next_count_gate;
+    endcase
+  end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    rdd_rise_q1 <= rd_data_rise_chk_q1[rdd_mux_sel];
+    rdd_rise_q2 <= rd_data_rise_chk_q2[rdd_mux_sel];
+    rdd_fall_q1 <= rd_data_fall_chk_q1[rdd_mux_sel];
+    rdd_fall_q2 <= rd_data_fall_chk_q2[rdd_mux_sel];
+  end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Demultiplexor to control (reset, increment, decrement) IDELAY tap values
+  //   For DQ:
+  //     STG1: for per-bit-deskew, only inc/dec the current DQ. For non-per
+  //       deskew, increment all bits in the current DQS set
+  //     STG2: inc/dec all DQ's in the current DQS set.
+  // NOTE: Nice to add some error checking logic here (or elsewhere in the
+  //       code) to check if logic attempts to overflow tap value
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // don't use DLYRST to reset value of IDELAY after reset. Need to change this
+  // if we want to allow user to recalibrate after initial reset
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      dlyrst_dq <= 1'b1;
+      dlyrst_dqs <= 1'b1;
+    end else begin
+      dlyrst_dq <= 1'b0;
+      dlyrst_dqs <= 1'b0;
+    end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      dlyce_dq   <= 'b0;
+      dlyinc_dq  <= 'b0;
+      dlyce_dqs  <= 'b0;
+      dlyinc_dqs <= 'b0;
+    end else begin
+      dlyce_dq   <= 'b0;
+      dlyinc_dq  <= 'b0;
+      dlyce_dqs  <= 'b0;
+      dlyinc_dqs <= 'b0;
+      // stage 1 cal: change only specified DQ
+      if (cal1_dlyce_dq) begin
+        if (SIM_ONLY == 0) begin
+          dlyce_dq[count_dq] <= 1'b1;
+          dlyinc_dq[count_dq] <= cal1_dlyinc_dq;
+        end else begin
+          // if simulation, then calibrate only first DQ, apply results
+          // to all DQs (i.e. assume delay on all DQs is the same)
+          for (i = 0; i < DQ_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin: loop_sim_dq_dly
+            dlyce_dq[i] <= 1'b1;
+            dlyinc_dq[i] <= cal1_dlyinc_dq;
+          end
+        end
+      end else if (cal2_dlyce_dqs) begin
+        // stage 2 cal: change DQS and all corresponding DQ's
+        if (SIM_ONLY == 0) begin
+          dlyce_dqs[count_dqs] <= 1'b1;
+          dlyinc_dqs[count_dqs] <= cal2_dlyinc_dqs;
+          for (i = 0; i < DQ_PER_DQS; i = i + 1) begin: loop_dqs_dly
+            dlyce_dq[(DQ_PER_DQS*count_dqs)+i] <= 1'b1;
+            dlyinc_dq[(DQ_PER_DQS*count_dqs)+i] <= cal2_dlyinc_dqs;
+          end
+        end else begin
+          for (i = 0; i < DQS_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin: loop_sim_dqs_dly
+            // if simulation, then calibrate only first DQS
+            dlyce_dqs[i] <= 1'b1;
+            dlyinc_dqs[i] <= cal2_dlyinc_dqs;
+            for (j = 0; j < DQ_PER_DQS; j = j + 1) begin: loop_sim_dq_dqs_dly
+              dlyce_dq[(DQ_PER_DQS*i)+j] <= 1'b1;
+              dlyinc_dq[(DQ_PER_DQS*i)+j] <= cal2_dlyinc_dqs;
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end else if (DEBUG_EN != 0) begin
+        // DEBUG: allow user to vary IDELAY tap settings
+        // For DQ IDELAY taps
+        if (dbg_idel_up_all || dbg_idel_down_all ||
+            dbg_sel_all_idel_dq) begin
+          for (x = 0; x < DQ_WIDTH; x = x + 1) begin: loop_dly_inc_dq
+            dlyce_dq[x] <= dbg_idel_up_all | dbg_idel_down_all |
+                           dbg_idel_up_dq  | dbg_idel_down_dq;
+            dlyinc_dq[x] <= dbg_idel_up_all | dbg_idel_up_dq;
+          end
+        end else begin
+          dlyce_dq <= 'b0;
+          dlyce_dq[dbg_sel_idel_dq] <= dbg_idel_up_dq |
+                                       dbg_idel_down_dq;
+          dlyinc_dq[dbg_sel_idel_dq] <= dbg_idel_up_dq;
+        end
+        // For DQS IDELAY taps
+        if (dbg_idel_up_all || dbg_idel_down_all ||
+            dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs) begin
+          for (x = 0; x < DQS_WIDTH; x = x + 1) begin: loop_dly_inc_dqs
+            dlyce_dqs[x] <= dbg_idel_up_all | dbg_idel_down_all |
+                            dbg_idel_up_dqs | dbg_idel_down_dqs;
+            dlyinc_dqs[x] <= dbg_idel_up_all | dbg_idel_up_dqs;
+          end
+        end else begin
+          dlyce_dqs <= 'b0;
+          dlyce_dqs[dbg_sel_idel_dqs] <= dbg_idel_up_dqs |
+                                         dbg_idel_down_dqs;
+          dlyinc_dqs[dbg_sel_idel_dqs] <= dbg_idel_up_dqs;
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  // GATE synchronization is handled directly by Stage 4 calibration FSM
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      dlyrst_gate <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b1}};
+      dlyce_gate  <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      dlyinc_gate <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+    end else begin
+      dlyrst_gate <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      dlyce_gate  <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      dlyinc_gate <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      if (cal4_dlyrst_gate) begin
+        if (SIM_ONLY == 0)
+          dlyrst_gate[count_gate] <= 1'b1;
+        else
+          for (i = 0; i < DQS_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin: loop_gate_sim_dly_rst
+            dlyrst_gate[i] <= 1'b1;
+          end
+      end
+      if (cal4_dlyce_gate) begin
+        if (SIM_ONLY == 0) begin
+          dlyce_gate[count_gate]  <= 1'b1;
+          dlyinc_gate[count_gate] <= cal4_dlyinc_gate;
+        end else begin
+          // if simulation, then calibrate only first gate
+          for (i = 0; i < DQS_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin: loop_gate_sim_dly
+            dlyce_gate[i]  <= 1'b1;
+            dlyinc_gate[i] <= cal4_dlyinc_gate;
+          end
+        end
+      end else if (DEBUG_EN != 0) begin
+        // DEBUG: allow user to vary IDELAY tap settings
+        if (dbg_idel_up_all || dbg_idel_down_all ||
+            dbg_sel_all_idel_gate) begin
+          for (x = 0; x < DQS_WIDTH; x = x + 1) begin: loop_dly_inc_gate
+            dlyce_gate[x] <= dbg_idel_up_all | dbg_idel_down_all |
+                             dbg_idel_up_gate | dbg_idel_down_gate;
+            dlyinc_gate[x] <= dbg_idel_up_all | dbg_idel_up_gate;
+          end
+        end else begin
+          dlyce_gate <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+          dlyce_gate[dbg_sel_idel_gate] <= dbg_idel_up_gate |
+                                           dbg_idel_down_gate;
+          dlyinc_gate[dbg_sel_idel_gate] <= dbg_idel_up_gate;
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // signal to tell calibration state machines to wait and give IDELAY time to
+  // settle after it's value is changed (both time for IDELAY chain to settle,
+  // and for settled output to propagate through ISERDES). For general use: use
+  // for any calibration state machines that modify any IDELAY.
+  // Should give at least enough time for IDELAY output to settle (technically
+  // for V5, this should be "glitchless" when IDELAY taps are changed, so don't
+  // need any time here), and also time for new data to propagate through both
+  // ISERDES and the "RDD" MUX + associated pipelining
+  // For now, give very "generous" delay - doesn't really matter since only
+  // needed during calibration
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // determine if calibration polarity has changed
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    cal2_rd_data_sel_r   <= cal2_rd_data_sel;
+  assign cal2_rd_data_sel_edge = |(cal2_rd_data_sel ^ cal2_rd_data_sel_r);
+  // combine requests to modify any of the IDELAYs into one. Also when second
+  // stage capture "edge" polarity is changed (IDELAY isn't changed in this
+  // case, but use the same counter to stall cal logic)
+  assign dlyce_or = cal1_dlyce_dq |
+                    cal2_dlyce_dqs |
+                    cal2_rd_data_sel_edge |
+                    cal4_dlyce_gate |
+                    cal4_dlyrst_gate;
+  // SYN_NOTE: Can later recode to avoid combinational path
+  assign idel_set_wait = dlyce_or || (idel_set_cnt != IDEL_SET_VAL);
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (rstdiv)
+      idel_set_cnt <= 4'b0000;
+    else if (dlyce_or)
+      idel_set_cnt <= 4'b0000;
+    else if (idel_set_cnt != IDEL_SET_VAL)
+      idel_set_cnt <= idel_set_cnt + 1;
+  // generate request to PHY_INIT logic to issue auto-refresh
+  // used by certain states to force prech/auto-refresh part way through
+  // calibration to avoid a tRAS violation (which will happen if that
+  // stage of calibration lasts long enough). This signal must meet the
+  // following requirements: (1) only transition from 0->1 when the refresh
+  // request is needed, (2) stay at 1 and only transition 1->0 when
+  // CALIB_REF_DONE is asserted
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (rstdiv)
+      calib_ref_req <= 1'b0;
+    else
+      calib_ref_req <= cal1_ref_req | cal2_ref_req  | cal4_ref_req;
+  // stage 1 calibration requests auto-refresh every 4 bits
+  generate
+    if (DQ_BITS < 2) begin: gen_cal1_refresh_dq_lte4
+      assign cal1_refresh = 1'b0;
+    end else begin: gen_cal1_refresh_dq_gt4
+      assign cal1_refresh = (next_count_dq[1:0] == 2'b00);
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // First stage calibration: DQ-DQS
+  // Definitions:
+  //  edge: detected when varying IDELAY, and current capture data != prev
+  //    capture data
+  //  valid bit window: detected when current capture data == prev capture
+  //    data for more than half the bit time
+  //  starting conditions for DQS-DQ phase:
+  //    case 1: when DQS starts somewhere in rising edge bit window, or
+  //      on the right edge of the rising bit window.
+  //    case 2: when DQS starts somewhere in falling edge bit window, or
+  //      on the right edge of the falling bit window.
+  // Algorithm Description:
+  //  1. Increment DQ IDELAY until we find an edge.
+  //  2. While we're finding the first edge, note whether a valid bit window
+  //     has been detected before we found an edge. If so, then figure out if
+  //     this is the rising or falling bit window. If rising, then our starting
+  //     DQS-DQ phase is case 1. If falling, then it's case 2. If don't detect
+  //     a valid bit window, then we must have started on the edge of a window.
+  //     Need to wait until later on to decide which case we are.
+  //       - Store FIRST_EDGE IDELAY value
+  //  3. Now look for second edge.
+  //  4. While we're finding the second edge, note whether valid bit window
+  //     is detected. If so, then use to, along with results from (2) to figure
+  //     out what the starting case is. If in rising bit window, then we're in
+  //     case 2. If falling, then case 1.
+  //       - Store SECOND_EDGE IDELAY value
+  //     NOTES:
+  //       a. Finding two edges allows us to calculate the bit time (although
+  //          not the "same" bit time polarity - need to investigate this
+  //          more).
+  //       b. If we run out of taps looking for the second edge, then the bit
+  //       time must be too long (>= 2.5ns, and DQS-DQ starting phase must be
+  //       case 1).
+  //  5. Calculate absolute amount to delay DQ as:
+  //       If second edge found, and case 1:
+  //       If second edge found, and case 2:
+  //       If second edge not found, then need to make an approximation on
+  //       how much to shift by (should be okay, because we have more timing
+  //       margin):
+  //         - DQ_IDELAY = FIRST_EDGE - 0.5 * (bit_time)
+  //     NOTE: Does this account for either case 1 or case 2?????
+  //     NOTE: It's also possible even when we find the second edge, that
+  //           to instead just use half the bit time to subtract from either
+  //           FIRST or SECOND_EDGE. Finding the actual bit time (which is
+  //           what (SECOND_EDGE - FIRST_EDGE) is, is slightly more accurate,
+  //           since it takes into account duty cycle distortion.
+  //  6. Repeat for each DQ in current DQS set.
+  //***************************************************************************
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // for first stage calibration - used for checking if DQS is aligned to the
+  // particular DQ, such that we're in the data valid window. Basically, this
+  // is one giant MUX.
+  //  = [falling data, rising data]
+  //  = [0, 1] = rising DQS aligned in proper (rising edge) bit window
+  //  = [1, 0] = rising DQS aligned in wrong (falling edge) bit window
+  //  = [0, 0], or [1,1] = in uncertain region between windows
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // SYN_NOTE: May have to split this up into multiple levels - MUX can get
+  //  very wide - as wide as the data bus width
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    cal1_data_chk_r <= {rd_data_fall_1x_r[next_count_dq],
+                       rd_data_rise_1x_r[next_count_dq]};
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // determine when an edge has occurred - when either the current value
+  // is different from the previous latched value or when the DATA_CHK
+  // outputs are the same (rare, but indicates that we're at an edge)
+  // This is only valid when the IDELAY output and propagation of the
+  // data through the capture flops has had a chance to settle out.
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // write CAL1_DETECT_EDGE and CAL1_DETECT_STABLE in such a way that
+  // if X's are captured on the bus during functional simulation, that
+  // the logic will register this as an edge detected. Do this to allow
+  // use of this HDL with Denali memory models (Denali models drive DQ
+  // to X's on both edges of the data valid window to simulate jitter)
+  // This is only done for functional simulation purposes. **Should not**
+  // make the final synthesized logic more complicated, but it does make
+  // the HDL harder to understand b/c we have to "phrase" the logic
+  // slightly differently than when not worrying about X's
+  always @(*) begin
+    // no edge found if: (1) we have recorded prev edge, and rise
+    // data == fall data, (2) we haven't yet recorded prev edge, but
+    // rise/fall data is equal to either [0,1] or [1,0] (i.e. rise/fall
+    // data isn't either X's, or [0,0] or [1,1], which indicates we're
+    // in the middle of an edge, since normally rise != fall data for stg1)
+    if ((cal1_data_chk_last_valid &&
+         (cal1_data_chk_r == cal1_data_chk_last)) ||
+        (!cal1_data_chk_last_valid &&
+         ((cal1_data_chk_r == 2'b01) || (cal1_data_chk_r == 2'b10))))
+      cal1_detect_edge = 1'b0;
+    else
+      cal1_detect_edge = 1'b1;
+  end
+  always @(*) begin
+    // assert if we've found a region where data valid window is stable
+    // over consecutive IDELAY taps, and either rise/fall = [1,0], or [0,1]
+    if ((cal1_data_chk_last_valid &&
+         (cal1_data_chk_r == cal1_data_chk_last)) &&
+        ((cal1_data_chk_r == 2'b01) || (cal1_data_chk_r == 2'b10)))
+      cal1_detect_stable <= 1'b1;
+    else
+      cal1_detect_stable <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Find valid window: keep track of how long we've been in the same data
+  // window. If it's been long enough, then declare that we've found a valid
+  // window. Also returns whether we found a rising or falling window (only
+  // valid when found_window is asserted)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    if (cal1_state == CAL1_INIT) begin
+      cal1_window_cnt   <= 4'b0000;
+      cal1_found_window <= 1'b0;
+      cal1_found_rising <= 1'bx;
+    end else if (!cal1_data_chk_last_valid) begin
+      // if we haven't stored a previous value of CAL1_DATA_CHK (or it got
+      // invalidated because we detected an edge, and are now looking for the
+      // second edge), then make sure FOUND_WINDOW deasserted on following
+      // clock edge (to avoid finding a false window immediately after finding
+      // an edge). Note that because of jitter, it's possible to not find an
+      // edge at the end of the IDELAY increment settling time, but to find an
+      // edge on the next clock cycle (e.g. during CAL1_FIND_FIRST_EDGE)
+      cal1_window_cnt   <= 4'b0000;
+      cal1_found_window <= 1'b0;
+      cal1_found_rising <= 1'bx;
+    end else if (((cal1_state == CAL1_FIRST_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT) ||
+                  (cal1_state == CAL1_SECOND_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT)) &&
+                 !idel_set_wait) begin
+      // while finding the first and second edges, see if we can detect a
+      // stable bit window (occurs over MIN_WIN_SIZE number of taps). If
+      // so, then we're away from an edge, and can conclusively determine the
+      // starting DQS-DQ phase.
+      if (cal1_detect_stable) begin
+        cal1_window_cnt <= cal1_window_cnt + 1;
+        if (cal1_window_cnt == MIN_WIN_SIZE-1) begin
+          cal1_found_window <= 1'b1;
+          if (cal1_data_chk_r == 2'b01)
+            cal1_found_rising <= 1'b1;
+          else
+            cal1_found_rising <= 1'b0;
+        end
+      end else begin
+        // otherwise, we're not in a data valid window, reset the window
+        // counter, and indicate we're not currently in window. This should
+        // happen by design at least once after finding the first edge.
+        cal1_window_cnt <= 4'b0000;
+        cal1_found_window <= 1'b0;
+        cal1_found_rising <= 1'bx;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // keep track of edge tap counts found, and whether we've
+  // incremented to the maximum number of taps allowed
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (cal1_state == CAL1_INIT) begin
+      cal1_idel_tap_limit_hit   <= 1'b0;
+      cal1_idel_tap_cnt   <= 6'b000000;
+    end else if (cal1_dlyce_dq) begin
+      if (cal1_dlyinc_dq) begin
+        cal1_idel_tap_cnt <= cal1_idel_tap_cnt + 1;
+        cal1_idel_tap_limit_hit <= (cal1_idel_tap_cnt == 6'b111110);
+      end else begin
+        cal1_idel_tap_cnt <= cal1_idel_tap_cnt - 1;
+        cal1_idel_tap_limit_hit <= 1'b0;
+      end
+    end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Pipeline for better timing - amount to decrement by if second
+  // edge not found
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // if only one edge found (possible for low frequencies), then:
+  //  1. Assume starting DQS-DQ phase has DQS in DQ window (aka "case 1")
+  //  2. We have to decrement by (63 - first_edge_tap_cnt) + (BIT_TIME_TAPS/2)
+  //     (i.e. decrement by 63-first_edge_tap_cnt to get to right edge of
+  //     DQ window. Then decrement again by (BIT_TIME_TAPS/2) to get to center
+  //     of DQ window.
+  //  3. Clamp the above value at 63 to ensure we don't underflow IDELAY
+  //     (note: clamping happens in the CAL1 state machine)
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    cal1_low_freq_idel_dec
+      <= (7'b0111111 - {1'b0, cal1_first_edge_tap_cnt}) +
+         (BIT_TIME_TAPS/2);
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Keep track of max taps used during stage 1, use this to limit
+  // the number of taps that can be used in stage 2
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      cal1_idel_max_tap    <= 6'b000000;
+      cal1_idel_max_tap_we <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      // pipeline latch enable for CAL1_IDEL_MAX_TAP - we have plenty
+      // of time, tap count gets updated, then dead cycles waiting for
+      // IDELAY output to settle
+      cal1_idel_max_tap_we <= (cal1_idel_max_tap < cal1_idel_tap_cnt);
+      // record maximum # of taps used for stg 1 cal
+      if ((cal1_state == CAL1_DONE) && cal1_idel_max_tap_we)
+        cal1_idel_max_tap <= cal1_idel_tap_cnt;
+    end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      calib_done[0]            <= 1'b0;
+      calib_done_tmp[0]        <= 1'bx;
+      calib_err[0]             <= 1'b0;
+      count_dq                 <= {DQ_BITS{1'b0}};
+      next_count_dq            <= {DQ_BITS{1'b0}};
+      cal1_bit_time_tap_cnt    <= 6'bxxxxxx;
+      cal1_data_chk_last       <= 2'bxx;
+      cal1_data_chk_last_valid <= 1'bx;
+      cal1_dlyce_dq            <= 1'b0;
+      cal1_dlyinc_dq           <= 1'b0;
+      cal1_dqs_dq_init_phase   <= 1'bx;
+      cal1_first_edge_done     <= 1'bx;
+      cal1_found_second_edge   <= 1'bx;
+      cal1_first_edge_tap_cnt  <= 6'bxxxxxx;
+      cal1_idel_dec_cnt        <= 7'bxxxxxxx;
+      cal1_idel_inc_cnt        <= 6'bxxxxxx;
+      cal1_ref_req             <= 1'b0;
+      cal1_state               <= CAL1_IDLE;
+    end else begin
+      // default values for all "pulse" outputs
+      cal1_ref_req        <= 1'b0;
+      cal1_dlyce_dq       <= 1'b0;
+      cal1_dlyinc_dq      <= 1'b0;
+      case (cal1_state)
+        CAL1_IDLE: begin
+          count_dq      <= {DQ_BITS{1'b0}};
+          next_count_dq <= {DQ_BITS{1'b0}};
+          if (calib_start[0]) begin
+            calib_done[0] <= 1'b0;
+            calib_done_tmp[0] <= 1'b0;
+            cal1_state    <= CAL1_INIT;
+          end
+        end
+        CAL1_INIT: begin
+          cal1_data_chk_last_valid <= 1'b0;
+          cal1_found_second_edge <= 1'b0;
+          cal1_dqs_dq_init_phase <= 1'b0;
+          cal1_idel_inc_cnt      <= 6'b000000;
+          cal1_state <= CAL1_INC_IDEL;
+        end
+        // increment DQ IDELAY so that either: (1) DQS starts somewhere in
+        // first rising DQ window, or (2) DQS starts in first falling DQ
+        // window. The amount to shift is frequency dependent (and is either
+        // precalculated by MIG or possibly adjusted by the user)
+        CAL1_INC_IDEL:
+          if ((cal1_idel_inc_cnt == DQ_IDEL_INIT) && !idel_set_wait) begin
+            cal1_state <= CAL1_FIND_FIRST_EDGE;
+          end else if (cal1_idel_inc_cnt != DQ_IDEL_INIT) begin
+            cal1_idel_inc_cnt <= cal1_idel_inc_cnt + 1;
+            cal1_dlyce_dq <= 1'b1;
+            cal1_dlyinc_dq <= 1'b1;
+          end
+        // look for first edge
+        CAL1_FIND_FIRST_EDGE: begin
+          // Determine DQS-DQ phase if we can detect enough of a valid window
+          if (cal1_found_window)
+            cal1_dqs_dq_init_phase <= ~cal1_found_rising;
+          // find first edge - if found then record position
+          if (cal1_detect_edge) begin
+            cal1_state <= CAL1_FOUND_FIRST_EDGE_WAIT;
+            cal1_first_edge_done   <= 1'b0;
+            cal1_first_edge_tap_cnt <= cal1_idel_tap_cnt;
+            cal1_data_chk_last_valid <= 1'b0;
+          end else begin
+            // otherwise, store the current value of DATA_CHK, increment
+            // DQ IDELAY, and compare again
+            cal1_state <= CAL1_FIRST_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT;
+            cal1_data_chk_last <= cal1_data_chk_r;
+            // avoid comparing against DATA_CHK_LAST for previous iteration
+            cal1_data_chk_last_valid <= 1'b1;
+            cal1_dlyce_dq <= 1'b1;
+            cal1_dlyinc_dq <= 1'b1;
+          end
+        end
+        // wait for DQ IDELAY to settle
+          if (!idel_set_wait)
+            cal1_state <= CAL1_FIND_FIRST_EDGE;
+        // delay state between finding first edge and looking for second
+        // edge. Necessary in order to invalidate CAL1_FOUND_WINDOW before
+        // starting to look for second edge
+          cal1_state <= CAL1_FIND_SECOND_EDGE;
+        // Try and find second edge
+        CAL1_FIND_SECOND_EDGE: begin
+          // When looking for 2nd edge, first make sure data stabilized (by
+          // detecting valid data window) - needed to avoid false edges
+          if (cal1_found_window) begin
+            cal1_first_edge_done <= 1'b1;
+            cal1_dqs_dq_init_phase <= cal1_found_rising;
+          end
+          // exit if run out of taps to increment
+          if (cal1_idel_tap_limit_hit)
+            cal1_state <= CAL1_CALC_IDEL;
+          else begin
+            // found second edge, record the current edge count
+            if (cal1_first_edge_done && cal1_detect_edge) begin
+              cal1_state <= CAL1_CALC_IDEL;
+              cal1_found_second_edge <= 1'b1;
+              cal1_bit_time_tap_cnt <= cal1_idel_tap_cnt -
+                                       cal1_first_edge_tap_cnt + 1;
+            end else begin
+              cal1_state <= CAL1_SECOND_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT;
+              cal1_data_chk_last <= cal1_data_chk_r;
+              cal1_data_chk_last_valid <= 1'b1;
+              cal1_dlyce_dq <= 1'b1;
+              cal1_dlyinc_dq <= 1'b1;
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        // wait for DQ IDELAY to settle, then store ISERDES output
+          if (!idel_set_wait)
+            cal1_state <= CAL1_FIND_SECOND_EDGE;
+        // pipeline delay state to calculate amount to decrement DQ IDELAY
+        // NOTE: We're calculating the amount to decrement by, not the
+        //  absolute setting for DQ IDELAY
+        CAL1_CALC_IDEL: begin
+          // if two edges found
+          if (cal1_found_second_edge)
+            // case 1: DQS was in DQ window to start with. First edge found
+            // corresponds to left edge of DQ rising window. Backup by 1.5*BT
+            // NOTE: In this particular case, it is possible to decrement
+            //  "below 0" in the case where DQS delay is less than 0.5*BT,
+            //  need to limit decrement to prevent IDELAY tap underflow
+            if (!cal1_dqs_dq_init_phase)
+              cal1_idel_dec_cnt <= {1'b0, cal1_bit_time_tap_cnt} +
+                                   {1'b0, (cal1_bit_time_tap_cnt >> 1)};
+            // case 2: DQS was in wrong DQ window (in DQ falling window).
+            // First edge found is right edge of DQ rising window. Second
+            // edge is left edge of DQ rising window. Backup by 0.5*BT
+            else
+              cal1_idel_dec_cnt <= {1'b0, (cal1_bit_time_tap_cnt >> 1)};
+          // if only one edge found - assume will always be case 1 - DQS in
+          // DQS window. Case 2 only possible if path delay on DQS > 5ns
+          else
+            cal1_idel_dec_cnt <= cal1_low_freq_idel_dec;
+          cal1_state <= CAL1_DEC_IDEL;
+        end
+        // decrement DQ IDELAY for final adjustment
+        CAL1_DEC_IDEL:
+          // once adjustment is complete, we're done with calibration for
+          // this DQ, now return to IDLE state and repeat for next DQ
+          // Add underflow protection for case of 2 edges found and DQS
+          // starting in DQ window (see comments for above state) - note we
+          // have to take into account delayed value of CAL1_IDEL_TAP_CNT -
+          // gets updated one clock cycle after CAL1_DLYCE/INC_DQ
+          if ((cal1_idel_dec_cnt == 7'b0000000) ||
+              (cal1_dlyce_dq && (cal1_idel_tap_cnt == 6'b000001))) begin
+            cal1_state <= CAL1_DONE;
+            // stop when all DQ's calibrated, or DQ[0] cal'ed (for sim)
+            if ((count_dq == DQ_WIDTH-1) || (SIM_ONLY != 0))
+              calib_done_tmp[0] <= 1'b1;
+            else
+              // need for VHDL simulation to prevent out-of-index error
+              next_count_dq <= count_dq + 1;
+          end else begin
+            // keep decrementing until final tap count reached
+            cal1_idel_dec_cnt <= cal1_idel_dec_cnt - 1;
+            cal1_dlyce_dq <= 1'b1;
+            cal1_dlyinc_dq <= 1'b0;
+          end
+        // delay state to allow count_dq and DATA_CHK to point to the next
+        // DQ bit (allows us to potentially begin checking for an edge on
+        // next DQ right away).
+        CAL1_DONE:
+          if (!idel_set_wait) begin
+            count_dq <= next_count_dq;
+            if (calib_done_tmp[0]) begin
+              calib_done[0] <= 1'b1;
+              cal1_state <= CAL1_IDLE;
+            end else begin
+              // request auto-refresh after every 8-bits calibrated to
+              // avoid tRAS violation
+              if (cal1_refresh) begin
+                cal1_ref_req <= 1'b1;
+                if (calib_ref_done)
+                  cal1_state <= CAL1_INIT;
+              end else
+                // if no need this time for refresh, proceed to next bit
+                cal1_state <= CAL1_INIT;
+            end
+          end
+      endcase
+    end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Second stage calibration: DQS-FPGA Clock
+  // Algorithm Description:
+  //  1. Assumes a training pattern that will produce a pattern oscillating at
+  //     half the core clock frequency each on rise and fall outputs, and such
+  //     that rise and fall outputs are 180 degrees out of phase from each
+  //     other. Note that since the calibration logic runs at half the speed
+  //     of the interface, expect that data sampled with the slow clock always
+  //     to be constant (either always = 1, or = 0, and rise data != fall data)
+  //     unless we cross the edge of the data valid window
+  //  2. Start by setting RD_DATA_SEL = 0. This selects the rising capture data
+  //     sync'ed to rising edge of core clock, and falling edge data sync'ed
+  //     to falling edge of core clock
+  //  3. Start looking for an edge. An edge is defined as either: (1) a
+  //     change in capture value or (2) an invalid capture value (e.g. rising
+  //     data != falling data for that same clock cycle).
+  //  4. If an edge is found, go to step (6). If edge hasn't been found, then
+  //     set RD_DATA_SEL = 1, and try again.
+  //  5. If no edge is found, then increment IDELAY and return to step (3)
+  //  6. If an edge if found, then invert RD_DATA_SEL - this shifts the
+  //     capture point 180 degrees from the edge of the window (minus duty
+  //     cycle distortion, delay skew between rising/falling edge capture
+  //     paths, etc.)
+  //  7. If no edge is found by CAL2_IDEL_TAP_LIMIT (= 63 - # taps used for
+  //     stage 1 calibration), then decrement IDELAY (without reinverting
+  //     RD_DATA_SEL) by CAL2_IDEL_TAP_LIMIT/2. This guarantees we at least
+  //     have CAL2_IDEL_TAP_LIMIT/2 of slack both before and after the
+  //     capture point (not optimal, but best we can do not having found an
+  //     of the window). This happens only for very low frequencies.
+  //  8. Repeat for each DQS group.
+  //  NOTE: Step 6 is not optimal. A better (and perhaps more complicated)
+  //   algorithm might be to find both edges of the data valid window (using
+  //   the same polarity of RD_DATA_SEL), and then decrement to the midpoint.
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // RD_DATA_SEL should be tagged with FROM-TO (multi-cycle) constraint in
+  // UCF file to relax timing. This net is "pseudo-static" (after value is
+  // changed, FSM waits number of cycles before using the output).
+  // Note that we are adding one clock cycle of delay (to isolate it from
+  // the other logic CAL2_RD_DATA_SEL feeds), make sure FSM waits long
+  // enough to compensate (by default it does, it waits a few cycles more
+  // than minimum # of clock cycles)
+  genvar rd_i;
+  generate
+    for (rd_i = 0; rd_i < DQS_WIDTH; rd_i = rd_i+1) begin: gen_rd_data_sel
+      FDRSE u_ff_rd_data_sel
+        (
+         .Q   (rd_data_sel[rd_i]),
+         .C   (clkdiv),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (cal2_rd_data_sel[rd_i]),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+           /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Max number of taps used for stg2 cal dependent on number of taps
+  // used for stg1 (give priority to stg1 cal - let it use as many
+  // taps as it needs - the remainder of the IDELAY taps can be used
+  // by stg2)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    cal2_idel_tap_limit <= 6'b111111 - cal1_idel_max_tap;
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // second stage calibration uses readback pattern of "1100" (i.e.
+  // 1st rising = 1, 1st falling = 1, 2nd rising = 0, 2nd falling = 0)
+  // only look at the first bit of each DQS group
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // deasserted when captured data has changed since IDELAY was
+  // incremented, or when we're right on the edge (i.e. rise data =
+  // fall data).
+  assign cal2_detect_edge =
+    ((((rdd_rise_q1 != cal2_rd_data_rise_last_pos) ||
+       (rdd_fall_q1 != cal2_rd_data_fall_last_pos)) &&
+      cal2_rd_data_last_valid_pos && (!cal2_curr_sel)) ||
+     (((rdd_rise_q1 != cal2_rd_data_rise_last_neg) ||
+       (rdd_fall_q1 != cal2_rd_data_fall_last_neg)) &&
+      cal2_rd_data_last_valid_neg && (cal2_curr_sel)) ||
+     (rdd_rise_q1 != rdd_fall_q1));
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // keep track of edge tap counts found, and whether we've
+  // incremented to the maximum number of taps allowed
+  // NOTE: Assume stage 2 cal always increments the tap count (never
+  //       decrements) when searching for edge of the data valid window
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (cal2_state == CAL2_INIT) begin
+      cal2_idel_tap_limit_hit <= 1'b0;
+      cal2_idel_tap_cnt <= 6'b000000;
+    end else if (cal2_dlyce_dqs) begin
+      cal2_idel_tap_cnt <= cal2_idel_tap_cnt + 1;
+      cal2_idel_tap_limit_hit <= (cal2_idel_tap_cnt ==
+                                  cal2_idel_tap_limit - 1);
+    end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      calib_done[1]               <= 1'b0;
+      calib_done_tmp[1]           <= 1'bx;
+      calib_err[1]                <= 1'b0;
+      count_dqs                   <= 'b0;
+      next_count_dqs              <= 'b0;
+      cal2_dlyce_dqs              <= 1'b0;
+      cal2_dlyinc_dqs             <= 1'b0;
+      cal2_idel_dec_cnt           <= 6'bxxxxxx;
+      cal2_rd_data_last_valid_neg <= 1'bx;
+      cal2_rd_data_last_valid_pos <= 1'bx;
+      cal2_rd_data_sel            <= 'b0;
+      cal2_ref_req                <= 1'b0;
+      cal2_state                  <= CAL2_IDLE;
+    end else begin
+      cal2_ref_req      <= 1'b0;
+      cal2_dlyce_dqs    <= 1'b0;
+      cal2_dlyinc_dqs   <= 1'b0;
+      case (cal2_state)
+        CAL2_IDLE: begin
+          count_dqs      <= 'b0;
+          next_count_dqs <= 'b0;
+          if (calib_start[1]) begin
+            cal2_rd_data_sel  <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+            calib_done[1]     <= 1'b0;
+            calib_done_tmp[1] <= 1'b0;
+            cal2_state        <= CAL2_INIT;
+          end
+        end
+        // Pass through this state every time we calibrate a new DQS group
+        CAL2_INIT: begin
+          cal2_curr_sel <= 1'b0;
+          cal2_rd_data_last_valid_neg <= 1'b0;
+          cal2_rd_data_last_valid_pos <= 1'b0;
+          cal2_state <= CAL2_INIT_IDEL_WAIT;
+        end
+        // Stall state only used if calibration run more than once. Can take
+        // this state out if design never runs calibration more than once.
+        // We need this state to give time for MUX'ed data to settle after
+        // resetting RD_DATA_SEL
+          if (!idel_set_wait)
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_FIND_EDGE_POS;
+        // Look for an edge - first check "positive-edge" stage 2 capture
+        CAL2_FIND_EDGE_POS: begin
+          // if found an edge, then switch to the opposite edge stage 2
+          // capture and we're done - no need to decrement the tap count,
+          // since switching to the opposite edge will shift the capture
+          // point by 180 degrees
+          if (cal2_detect_edge) begin
+            cal2_curr_sel <= 1'b1;
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_DONE;
+            // set all DQS groups to be the same for simulation
+            if (SIM_ONLY != 0)
+              cal2_rd_data_sel <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b1}};
+            else
+              cal2_rd_data_sel[count_dqs] <= 1'b1;
+            if ((count_dqs == DQS_WIDTH-1) || (SIM_ONLY != 0))
+              calib_done_tmp[1] <= 1'b1;
+           else
+              // MIG 2.1: Fix for simulation out-of-bounds error when
+              // SIM_ONLY=0, and DQS_WIDTH=(power of 2) (needed for VHDL)  
+             next_count_dqs <= count_dqs + 1;
+          end else begin
+            // otherwise, invert polarity of stage 2 capture and look for
+            // an edge with opposite capture clock polarity
+            cal2_curr_sel <= 1'b1;
+            cal2_rd_data_sel[count_dqs] <= 1'b1;
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_FIND_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT_POS;
+            cal2_rd_data_rise_last_pos  <= rdd_rise_q1;
+            cal2_rd_data_fall_last_pos  <= rdd_fall_q1;
+            cal2_rd_data_last_valid_pos <= 1'b1;
+          end
+        end
+        // Give time to switch from positive-edge to negative-edge second
+        // stage capture (need time for data to filter though pipe stages)
+          if (!idel_set_wait)
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_FIND_EDGE_NEG;
+        // Look for an edge - check "negative-edge" stage 2 capture
+        CAL2_FIND_EDGE_NEG:
+          if (cal2_detect_edge) begin
+            cal2_curr_sel <= 1'b0;
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_DONE;
+            // set all DQS groups to be the same for simulation
+            if (SIM_ONLY != 0)
+              cal2_rd_data_sel <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+            else
+              cal2_rd_data_sel[count_dqs] <= 1'b0;
+            if ((count_dqs == DQS_WIDTH-1) || (SIM_ONLY != 0))
+              calib_done_tmp[1] <= 1'b1;
+           else
+              // MIG 2.1: Fix for simulation out-of-bounds error when
+              // SIM_ONLY=0, and DQS_WIDTH=(power of 2) (needed for VHDL)
+             next_count_dqs <= count_dqs + 1;
+          end else if (cal2_idel_tap_limit_hit) begin
+            // otherwise, if we've run out of taps, then immediately
+            // backoff by half # of taps used - that's our best estimate
+            // for optimal calibration point. Doesn't matter whether which
+            // polarity we're using for capture (we don't know which one is
+            // best to use)
+            cal2_idel_dec_cnt <= {1'b0, cal2_idel_tap_limit[5:1]};
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_DEC_IDEL;
+            if ((count_dqs == DQS_WIDTH-1) || (SIM_ONLY != 0))
+              calib_done_tmp[1] <= 1'b1;
+           else
+              // MIG 2.1: Fix for simulation out-of-bounds error when
+              // SIM_ONLY=0, and DQS_WIDTH=(power of 2) (needed for VHDL)
+             next_count_dqs <= count_dqs + 1;
+          end else begin
+            // otherwise, increment IDELAY, and start looking for edge again
+            cal2_curr_sel <= 1'b0;
+            cal2_rd_data_sel[count_dqs] <= 1'b0;
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_FIND_EDGE_IDEL_WAIT_NEG;
+            cal2_rd_data_rise_last_neg  <= rdd_rise_q1;
+            cal2_rd_data_fall_last_neg  <= rdd_fall_q1;
+            cal2_rd_data_last_valid_neg <= 1'b1;
+            cal2_dlyce_dqs  <= 1'b1;
+            cal2_dlyinc_dqs <= 1'b1;
+          end
+          if (!idel_set_wait)
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_FIND_EDGE_POS;
+        // if no edge found, then decrement by half # of taps used
+        CAL2_DEC_IDEL: begin
+          if (cal2_idel_dec_cnt == 6'b000000)
+            cal2_state <= CAL2_DONE;
+          else begin
+            cal2_idel_dec_cnt <= cal2_idel_dec_cnt - 1;
+            cal2_dlyce_dqs  <= 1'b1;
+            cal2_dlyinc_dqs <= 1'b0;
+          end
+        end
+        // delay state to allow count_dqs and ISERDES data to point to next
+        // DQ bit (DQS group) before going to INIT
+        CAL2_DONE:
+          if (!idel_set_wait) begin
+            count_dqs <= next_count_dqs;
+            if (calib_done_tmp[1]) begin
+              calib_done[1] <= 1'b1;
+              cal2_state <= CAL2_IDLE;
+            end else begin
+              // request auto-refresh after every DQS group calibrated to
+              // avoid tRAS violation
+              cal2_ref_req <= 1'b1;
+              if (calib_ref_done)
+                cal2_state <= CAL2_INIT;
+            end
+          end
+      endcase
+    end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Stage 3 calibration: Read Enable
+  // Description:
+  // read enable calibration determines the "round-trip" time (in # of CLK0
+  // cycles) between when a read command is issued by the controller, and
+  // when the corresponding read data is synchronized by into the CLK0 domain
+  // this is a long delay chain to delay read enable signal from controller/
+  // initialization logic (i.e. this is used for both initialization and
+  // during normal controller operation). Stage 3 calibration logic decides
+  // which delayed version is appropriate to use (which is affected by the
+  // round trip delay of DQ/DQS) as a "valid" signal to tell rest of logic
+  // when the captured data output from ISERDES is valid.
+  //***************************************************************************
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Delay chains: Use shift registers
+  // Two sets of delay chains are used:
+  //  1. One to delay RDEN from PHY_INIT module for calibration
+  //     purposes (delay required for RDEN for calibration is different
+  //     than during normal operation)
+  //  2. One per DQS group to delay RDEN from controller for normal
+  //     operation - the value to delay for each DQS group can be different
+  //     as is determined during calibration
+  //*****************************************************************
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // First delay chain, use only for calibration
+  // input = asserted on rising edge of RDEN from PHY_INIT module
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    ctrl_rden_r       <= ctrl_rden;
+    phy_init_rden_r   <= phy_init_rden;
+    phy_init_rden_r1  <= phy_init_rden_r;
+    calib_rden_edge_r <= phy_init_rden_r & ~phy_init_rden_r1;
+  end
+  // Calibration shift register used for both Stage 3 and Stage 4 cal
+  // (not strictly necessary for stage 4, but use as an additional check
+  // to make sure we're checking for correct data on the right clock cycle)
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (!calib_done[2])
+      calib_rden_srl_a <= cal3_rden_srl_a;
+    else
+      calib_rden_srl_a <= cal4_rden_srl_a;
+  // Flops for targetting of multi-cycle path in UCF
+  genvar cal_rden_ff_i;
+  generate
+    for (cal_rden_ff_i = 0; cal_rden_ff_i < 5;
+         cal_rden_ff_i = cal_rden_ff_i+1) begin: gen_cal_rden_dly
+      FDRSE u_ff_cal_rden_dly
+        (
+         .Q   (calib_rden_srl_a_r[cal_rden_ff_i]),
+         .C   (clkdiv),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (calib_rden_srl_a[cal_rden_ff_i]),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+           /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  SRLC32E u_calib_rden_srl
+    (
+     .Q   (calib_rden_srl_out),
+     .Q31 (),
+     .A   (calib_rden_srl_a_r),
+     .CE  (1'b1),
+     .CLK (clk),
+     .D   (calib_rden_edge_r)
+     );
+  FDRSE u_calib_rden_srl_out_r
+    (
+         .Q   (calib_rden_srl_out_r),
+         .C   (clk),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (calib_rden_srl_out),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+     ) /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */;
+  // convert to CLKDIV domain. Two version are generated because we need
+  // to be able to tell exactly which fast (clk) clock cycle the read
+  // enable was asserted in. Only one of CALIB_DATA_VALID or
+  // CALIB_DATA_VALID_STGD will be asserted for any given shift value
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    calib_rden_srl_out_r1 <= calib_rden_srl_out_r;
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    calib_rden_valid      <= calib_rden_srl_out_r;
+    calib_rden_valid_stgd <= calib_rden_srl_out_r1;
+  end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Second set of delays chain, use for normal reads
+  // input = RDEN from controller
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Flops for targetting of multi-cycle path in UCF
+  genvar rden_ff_i;
+  generate
+    for (rden_ff_i = 0; rden_ff_i < 5*DQS_WIDTH;
+         rden_ff_i = rden_ff_i+1) begin: gen_rden_dly
+      FDRSE u_ff_rden_dly
+        (
+         .Q   (rden_dly_r[rden_ff_i]),
+         .C   (clkdiv),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (rden_dly[rden_ff_i]),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+           /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // NOTE: Comment this section explaining purpose of SRL's
+  genvar rden_i;
+  generate
+    for (rden_i = 0; rden_i < DQS_WIDTH; rden_i = rden_i + 1) begin: gen_rden
+      SRLC32E u_rden_srl
+        (
+         .Q   (rden_srl_out[rden_i]),
+         .Q31 (),
+         .A   ({rden_dly_r[(rden_i*5)+4],
+                rden_dly_r[(rden_i*5)+3],
+                rden_dly_r[(rden_i*5)+2],
+                rden_dly_r[(rden_i*5)+1],
+                rden_dly_r[(rden_i*5)]}),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .CLK (clk),
+         .D   (ctrl_rden_r)
+         );
+      FDRSE u_calib_rden_r
+        (
+         .Q   (calib_rden[rden_i]),
+         .C   (clk),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (rden_srl_out[rden_i]),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // indicates that current received data is the correct pattern. Check both
+  // rising and falling data for first DQ in each DQS group. Note that
+  // we're checking using a pipelined version of read data, so need to take
+  // this inherent delay into account in determining final read valid delay
+  // Data is written to the memory in the following order (first -> last):
+  //   0x1, 0xE, 0xE, 0x1, 0x1, 0xE, 0xE, 0x1
+  // Looking just at LSb, expect data in sequence (in binary):
+  //   1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1
+  // Check for the presence of the first 7 words, and compensate read valid
+  // delay accordingly. Don't check last falling edge data, it may be
+  // corrupted by the DQS tri-state glitch at end of read postamble
+  // (glitch protection not yet active until stage 4 cal)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    rdd_rise_q1_r  <= rdd_rise_q1;
+    rdd_fall_q1_r  <= rdd_fall_q1;
+    rdd_rise_q2_r  <= rdd_rise_q2;
+    rdd_fall_q2_r  <= rdd_fall_q2;
+    rdd_rise_q1_r1 <= rdd_rise_q1_r;
+    rdd_fall_q1_r1 <= rdd_fall_q1_r;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    // For the following sequence from memory:
+    //   rise[0], fall[0], rise[1], fall[1]
+    // if data is aligned out of fabric ISERDES:
+    //   RDD_RISE_Q2 = rise[0]
+    //   RDD_FALL_Q2 = fall[0]
+    //   RDD_RISE_Q1 = rise[1]
+    //   RDD_FALL_Q1 = fall[1]
+    cal3_data_match <= ((rdd_rise_q2_r == 1) &&
+                        (rdd_fall_q2_r == 0) &&
+                        (rdd_rise_q1_r == 0) &&
+                        (rdd_fall_q1_r == 1) &&
+                        (rdd_rise_q2   == 1) &&
+                        (rdd_fall_q2   == 0) &&
+                        (rdd_rise_q1   == 0));
+    // if data is staggered out of fabric ISERDES:
+    //   RDD_RISE_Q1_R = rise[0]
+    //   RDD_FALL_Q1_R = fall[0]
+    //   RDD_RISE_Q2   = rise[1]
+    //   RDD_FALL_Q2   = fall[1]
+    cal3_data_match_stgd <= ((rdd_rise_q1_r1 == 1) &&
+                             (rdd_fall_q1_r1 == 0) &&
+                             (rdd_rise_q2_r  == 0) &&
+                             (rdd_fall_q2_r  == 1) &&
+                             (rdd_rise_q1_r  == 1) &&
+                             (rdd_fall_q1_r  == 0) &&
+                             (rdd_rise_q2    == 0));
+  end
+  assign cal3_rden_dly = cal3_rden_srl_a - CAL3_RDEN_SRL_DLY_DELTA;
+  assign cal3_data_valid = (calib_rden_valid | calib_rden_valid_stgd);
+  assign cal3_match_found
+    = ((calib_rden_valid && cal3_data_match) ||
+       (calib_rden_valid_stgd && cal3_data_match_stgd));
+  // when calibrating, check to see which clock cycle (after the read is
+  // issued) does the expected data pattern arrive. Record this result
+  // NOTE: Can add error checking here in case valid data not found on any
+  //  of the available pipeline stages
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      cal3_rden_srl_a <= 5'bxxxxx;
+      cal3_state      <= CAL3_IDLE;
+      calib_done[2]   <= 1'b0;
+      calib_err_2[0]  <= 1'b0;
+      count_rden      <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      rden_dly        <= {5*DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+    end else begin
+      case (cal3_state)
+        CAL3_IDLE: begin
+          count_rden <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+          if (calib_start[2]) begin
+            calib_done[2] <= 1'b0;
+            cal3_state    <= CAL3_INIT;
+          end
+        end
+        CAL3_INIT: begin
+          cal3_rden_srl_a <= RDEN_BASE_DELAY;
+          // let SRL pipe clear after loading initial shift value
+          cal3_state      <= CAL3_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT;
+        end
+        CAL3_DETECT:
+          if (cal3_data_valid)
+            // if match found at the correct clock cycle
+            if (cal3_match_found) begin
+              // For simulation, load SRL addresses for all DQS with same value
+              if (SIM_ONLY != 0) begin
+                for (i = 0; i < DQS_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin: loop_sim_rden_dly
+                  rden_dly[(i*5)]   <= cal3_rden_dly[0];
+                  rden_dly[(i*5)+1] <= cal3_rden_dly[1];
+                  rden_dly[(i*5)+2] <= cal3_rden_dly[2];
+                  rden_dly[(i*5)+3] <= cal3_rden_dly[3];
+                  rden_dly[(i*5)+4] <= cal3_rden_dly[4];
+                end
+              end else begin
+                rden_dly[(count_rden*5)]   <= cal3_rden_dly[0];
+                rden_dly[(count_rden*5)+1] <= cal3_rden_dly[1];
+                rden_dly[(count_rden*5)+2] <= cal3_rden_dly[2];
+                rden_dly[(count_rden*5)+3] <= cal3_rden_dly[3];
+                rden_dly[(count_rden*5)+4] <= cal3_rden_dly[4];
+              end
+              // Use for stage 4 calibration
+              calib_rden_dly[(count_rden*5)]   <= cal3_rden_srl_a[0];
+              calib_rden_dly[(count_rden*5)+1] <= cal3_rden_srl_a[1];
+              calib_rden_dly[(count_rden*5)+2] <= cal3_rden_srl_a[2];
+              calib_rden_dly[(count_rden*5)+3] <= cal3_rden_srl_a[3];
+              calib_rden_dly[(count_rden*5)+4] <= cal3_rden_srl_a[4];
+              cal3_state <= CAL3_DONE;
+            end else begin
+              // If we run out of stages to shift, without finding correct
+              // result, the stop and assert error
+              if (cal3_rden_srl_a == 5'b11111) begin
+                calib_err_2[0] <= 1'b1;
+                cal3_state   <= CAL3_IDLE;
+              end else begin
+                // otherwise, increase the shift value and try again
+                cal3_rden_srl_a <= cal3_rden_srl_a + 1;
+                cal3_state      <= CAL3_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT;
+              end
+            end
+        // give additional time for RDEN_R pipe to clear from effects of
+        // previous pipeline or IDELAY tap change
+          if (calib_rden_pipe_cnt == 5'b00000)
+              cal3_state <= CAL3_DETECT;
+        CAL3_DONE: begin
+          if ((count_rden == DQS_WIDTH-1) || (SIM_ONLY != 0)) begin
+            calib_done[2] <= 1'b1;
+            cal3_state    <= CAL3_IDLE;
+          end else begin
+            count_rden    <= count_rden + 1;
+            cal3_state    <= CAL3_INIT;
+          end
+        end
+      endcase
+    end
+  end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Last part of stage 3 calibration - compensate for differences
+  // in delay between different DQS groups. Assume that in the worst
+  // case, DQS groups can only differ by one clock cycle. Data for
+  // certain DQS groups must be delayed by one clock cycle.
+  // NOTE: May need to increase allowable variation to greater than
+  //  one clock cycle in certain customer designs.
+  // Algorithm is:
+  //   1. Record shift delay value for DQS[0]
+  //   2. Compare each DQS[x] delay value to that of DQS[0]:
+  //     - If different, than record this fact (RDEN_MUX)
+  //     - If greater than DQS[0], set RDEN_INC. Assume greater by
+  //       one clock cycle only - this is a key assumption, assume no
+  //       more than a one clock cycle variation.
+  //     - If less than DQS[0], set RDEN_DEC
+  //   3. After calibration is complete, set control for DQS group
+  //      delay (CALIB_RDEN_SEL):
+  //     - If RDEN_DEC = 1, then assume that DQS[0] is the lowest
+  //       delay (and at least one other DQS group has a higher
+  //       delay).
+  //     - If RDEN_INC = 1, then assume that DQS[0] is the highest
+  //       delay (and that all other DQS groups have the same or
+  //       lower delay).
+  //     - If both RDEN_INC and RDEN_DEC = 1, then flag error
+  //       (variation is too high for this algorithm to handle)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      calib_err_2[1] <= 1'b0;
+      calib_rden_sel <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'bx}};
+      rden_dec       <= 1'b0;
+      rden_dly_0     <= 5'bxxxxx;
+      rden_inc       <= 1'b0;
+      rden_mux       <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+    end else begin
+      // if a match if found, then store the value of rden_dly
+      if (!calib_done[2]) begin
+        if ((cal3_state == CAL3_DETECT) && cal3_match_found) begin
+          // store the value for DQS[0] as a reference
+          if (count_rden == 0) begin
+            // for simulation, RDEN calibration only happens for DQS[0]
+            // set RDEN_MUX for all DQS groups to be the same as DQS[0]
+            if (SIM_ONLY != 0)
+              rden_mux <= {DQS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+            else begin
+              // otherwise, load values for DQS[0]
+              rden_dly_0  <= cal3_rden_srl_a;
+              rden_mux[0] <= 1'b0;
+            end
+          end else if (SIM_ONLY == 0) begin
+            // for all other DQS groups, compare RDEN_DLY delay value with
+            // that of DQS[0]
+            if (rden_dly_0 != cal3_rden_srl_a) begin
+              // record that current DQS group has a different delay
+              // than DQS[0] (the "reference" DQS group)
+              rden_mux[count_rden] <= 1'b1;
+              if (rden_dly_0 > cal3_rden_srl_a)
+                rden_inc <= 1'b1;
+              else if (rden_dly_0 < cal3_rden_srl_a)
+                rden_dec <= 1'b1;
+              // otherwise, if current DQS group has same delay as DQS[0],
+              // then rden_mux[count_rden] remains at 0 (since rden_mux
+              // array contents initialized to 0)
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end else begin
+        // Otherwise - if we're done w/ stage 2 calibration:
+        // set final value for RDEN data delay
+        // flag error if there's more than one cycle variation from DQS[0]
+        calib_err_2[1] <= (rden_inc && rden_dec);
+        if (rden_inc)
+          // if DQS[0] delay represents max delay
+          calib_rden_sel <= ~rden_mux;
+        else
+          // if DQS[0] delay represents min delay (or all the delays are
+          // the same between DQS groups)
+          calib_rden_sel <= rden_mux;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  // flag error for stage 3 if appropriate
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    calib_err[2] <= calib_err_2[0] | calib_err_2[1];
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Stage 4 calibration: DQS gate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // indicates that current received data is the correct pattern. Same as
+  // for READ VALID calibration, except that the expected data sequence is
+  // different since DQS gate is asserted after the 6th word.
+  // Data sequence:
+  //  Arrives from memory (at FPGA input) (R, F): 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
+  //  After gating the sequence looks like: 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 (7th word =
+  //   5th word, 8th word = 6th word)
+  // What is the gate timing is off? Need to make sure we can distinquish
+  // between the results of correct vs. incorrect gate timing. We also use
+  // the "read_valid" signal from stage 3 calibration to help us determine
+  // when to check for a valid sequence for stage 4 calibration (i.e. use
+  // Note that since the gate signal from the CLK0 domain is synchronized
+  // to the falling edge of DQS, that the effect of the gate will only be
+  // seen starting with a rising edge data (although it is possible
+  // the GATE IDDR output could go metastable and cause a unexpected result
+  // on the first rising and falling edges after the gate is enabled). 
+  // Also note that the actual DQS glitch can come more than 0.5*tCK after 
+  // the last falling edge of DQS and the constraint for this path is can 
+  // be > 0.5*tCK; however, this means when calibrating, the output of the 
+  // GATE IDDR may miss the setup time requirement of the rising edge flop 
+  // and only meet it for the falling edge flop. Therefore the rising
+  // edge data immediately following the assertion of the gate can either
+  // be a 1 or 0 (can rely on either)
+  // As the timing on the gate is varied, we expect to see (sequence of
+  // captured read data shown below):
+  //       - 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 (gate is really early, starts and ends before
+  //                          read burst even starts)
+  //       - x 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 (gate pulse starts before the burst, and ends
+  //       - x y 0 1 1 0 0 1  sometime during the burst; x,y = 0, or 1, but 
+  //       - x y x 1 1 0 0 1  all bits that show an x are the same value, 
+  //       - x y x y 1 0 0 1  and y are the same value)
+  //       - x y x y x 0 0 1
+  //       - x y x y x y 0 1 (gate starts just before start of burst)
+  //       - 1 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 (gate starts after 1st falling word. The "x"
+  //                          represents possiblity that gate may not disable
+  //                          clock for 2nd rising word in time)
+  //       - 1 0 0 1 x 1 x 1 (gate starts after 2nd falling word)
+  //       - 1 0 0 1 1 0 x 0 (gate starts after 3rd falling word - GOOD!!)
+  //       - 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 (gate starts after burst is already done)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  assign cal4_data_valid = calib_rden_valid | calib_rden_valid_stgd;
+  assign cal4_data_good  = (calib_rden_valid &
+                            cal4_data_match) |
+                           (calib_rden_valid_stgd &
+                            cal4_data_match_stgd);
+  always @(posedge clkdiv) begin
+    // if data is aligned out of fabric ISERDES:
+    cal4_data_match <= ((rdd_rise_q2_r == 1) &&
+                        (rdd_fall_q2_r == 0) &&
+                        (rdd_rise_q1_r == 0) &&
+                        (rdd_fall_q1_r == 1) &&
+                        (rdd_rise_q2   == 1) &&
+                        (rdd_fall_q2   == 0) &&
+                       // MIG 2.1: Last rising edge data value not
+                       // guaranteed to be certain value at higher
+                       // frequencies
+                       // (rdd_rise_q1   == 0) &&
+                        (rdd_fall_q1   == 0));
+    // if data is staggered out of fabric ISERDES:
+    cal4_data_match_stgd <= ((rdd_rise_q1_r1 == 1) &&
+                             (rdd_fall_q1_r1 == 0) &&
+                             (rdd_rise_q2_r  == 0) &&
+                             (rdd_fall_q2_r  == 1) &&
+                             (rdd_rise_q1_r  == 1) &&
+                             (rdd_fall_q1_r  == 0) &&
+                            // MIG 2.1: Last rising edge data value not
+                            // guaranteed to be certain value at higher
+                            // frequencies
+                            // (rdd_rise_q2    == 0) &&
+                             (rdd_fall_q2    == 0));
+  end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // DQS gate enable generation:
+  // This signal gets synchronized to DQS domain, and drives IDDR
+  // register that in turn asserts/deasserts CE to all 4 or 8 DQ
+  // IDDR's in that DQS group.
+  //   1. During normal (post-cal) operation, this is only for 2 clock
+  //      cycles following the end of a burst. Check for falling edge
+  //      of RDEN. But must also make sure NOT assert for a read-idle-
+  //      read (two non-consecutive reads, separated by exactly one
+  //      idle cycle) - in this case, don't assert the gate because:
+  //      (1) we don't have enough time to deassert the gate before the
+  //          first rising edge of DQS for second burst (b/c of fact
+  //          that DQS gate is generated in the fabric only off rising
+  //          edge of CLK0 - if we somehow had an ODDR in fabric, we
+  //          could pull this off, (2) assumption is that the DQS glitch
+  //          will not rise enough to cause a glitch because the
+  //          post-amble of the first burst is followed immediately by
+  //          the pre-amble of the next burst
+  //   2. During stage 4 calibration, assert for 3 clock cycles
+  //      (assert gate enable one clock cycle early), since we gate out
+  //      the last two words (in addition to the crap on the DQ bus after
+  //      the DQS read postamble).
+  // NOTE: PHY_INIT_RDEN and CTRL_RDEN have slightly different timing w/r
+  //  to when they are asserted w/r to the start of the read burst
+  //  (PHY_INIT_RDEN is one cycle earlier than CTRL_RDEN).
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // register for timing purposes for fast clock path - currently only
+  // calib_done_r[2] used
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    calib_done_r <= calib_done;
+  always @(*) begin
+    calib_ctrl_rden = ctrl_rden;
+    calib_init_rden = calib_done_r[2] & phy_init_rden;
+  end
+  assign calib_ctrl_rden_negedge = ~calib_ctrl_rden & calib_ctrl_rden_r;
+  // check for read-idle-read before asserting DQS pulse at end of read
+  assign calib_ctrl_gate_pulse   = calib_ctrl_rden_negedge_r &
+                                   ~calib_ctrl_rden;
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    calib_ctrl_rden_r         <= calib_ctrl_rden;
+    calib_ctrl_rden_negedge_r <= calib_ctrl_rden_negedge;
+    calib_ctrl_gate_pulse_r   <= calib_ctrl_gate_pulse;
+  end
+  assign calib_init_gate_pulse = ~calib_init_rden & calib_init_rden_r;
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    calib_init_rden_r        <= calib_init_rden;
+    calib_init_gate_pulse_r  <= calib_init_gate_pulse;
+    calib_init_gate_pulse_r1 <= calib_init_gate_pulse_r;
+  end
+  // Gate is asserted: (1) during cal, for 3 cycles, starting 1 cycle
+  // after falling edge of CTRL_RDEN, (2) during normal ops, for 2
+  // cycles, starting 2 cycles after falling edge of CTRL_RDEN
+  assign gate_srl_in = ~((calib_ctrl_gate_pulse |
+                          calib_ctrl_gate_pulse_r) |
+                         (calib_init_gate_pulse   |
+                          calib_init_gate_pulse_r |
+                          calib_init_gate_pulse_r1));
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // generate DQS enable signal for each DQS group
+  // There are differences between DQS gate signal for calibration vs. during
+  // normal operation:
+  //  * calibration gates the second to last clock cycle of the burst,
+  //    rather than after the last word (e.g. for a 8-word, 4-cycle burst,
+  //    cycle 4 is gated for calibration; during normal operation, cycle
+  //    5 (i.e. cycle after the last word) is gated)
+  // enable for DQS is deasserted for two clock cycles, except when
+  // we have the preamble for the next read immediately following
+  // the postamble of the current read - assume DQS does not glitch
+  // during this time, that it stays low. Also if we did have to gate
+  // the DQS for this case, then we don't have enough time to deassert
+  // the gate in time for the first rising edge of DQS for the second
+  // read
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Flops for targetting of multi-cycle path in UCF
+  genvar gate_ff_i;
+  generate
+    for (gate_ff_i = 0; gate_ff_i < 5*DQS_WIDTH;
+         gate_ff_i = gate_ff_i+1) begin: gen_gate_dly
+      FDRSE u_ff_gate_dly
+        (
+         .Q   (gate_dly_r[gate_ff_i]),
+         .C   (clkdiv),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (gate_dly[gate_ff_i]),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+           /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  genvar gate_i;
+  generate
+    for (gate_i = 0; gate_i < DQS_WIDTH; gate_i = gate_i + 1) begin: gen_gate
+      SRLC32E u_gate_srl
+        (
+         .Q   (gate_srl_out[gate_i]),
+         .Q31 (),
+         .A   ({gate_dly_r[(gate_i*5)+4],
+                gate_dly_r[(gate_i*5)+3],
+                gate_dly_r[(gate_i*5)+2],
+                gate_dly_r[(gate_i*5)+1],
+                gate_dly_r[(gate_i*5)]}),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .CLK (clk),
+         .D   (gate_srl_in)
+         );
+      // For GATE_BASE_DELAY > 0, have one extra cycle to register outputs
+      // from controller before generating DQS gate pulse. In PAR, the
+      // location of the controller logic can be far from the DQS gate
+      // logic (DQS gate logic located near the DQS I/O's), contributing
+      // to large net delays. Registering the controller outputs for
+      // CL >= 4 (above 200MHz) adds a stage of pipelining to reduce net
+      // delays
+      if (GATE_BASE_DELAY > 0) begin: gen_gate_base_dly_gt3
+        // add flop between SRL32 and EN_DQS flop (which is located near the
+        // DDR2 IOB's)
+        FDRSE u_gate_srl_ff
+          (
+         .Q   (gate_srl_out_r[gate_i]),
+         .C   (clk),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (gate_srl_out[gate_i]),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+           ) /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */;
+      end else begin: gen_gate_base_dly_le3
+        assign gate_srl_out_r[gate_i] = gate_srl_out[gate_i];
+      end
+      FDRSE u_en_dqs_ff
+        (
+         .Q   (en_dqs[gate_i]),
+         .C   (clk),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (gate_srl_out_r[gate_i]),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+           /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Find valid window: keep track of how long we've been in the same data
+  // window. If it's been long enough, then declare that we've found a stable
+  // valid window - in particular, that we're past any region of instability
+  // associated with the edge of the window. Use only when finding left edge
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    // reset before we start to look for window
+    if (cal4_state == CAL4_INIT) begin
+      cal4_window_cnt    <= 4'b0000;
+      cal4_stable_window <= 1'b0;
+    end else if ((cal4_state == CAL4_FIND_EDGE) && cal4_seek_left) begin
+      // if we're looking for left edge, and incrementing IDELAY, count
+      // consecutive taps over which we're in the window
+      if (cal4_data_valid) begin
+        if (cal4_data_good)
+          cal4_window_cnt <= cal4_window_cnt + 1;
+        else
+          cal4_window_cnt <= 4'b0000;
+      end
+      if (cal4_window_cnt == MIN_WIN_SIZE-1)
+        cal4_stable_window <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // keep track of edge tap counts found, and whether we've
+  // incremented to the maximum number of taps allowed
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if ((cal4_state == CAL4_INIT) || cal4_dlyrst_gate) begin
+      cal4_idel_max_tap <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_idel_bit_tap <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_idel_tap_cnt <= 6'b000000;
+    end else if (cal4_dlyce_gate) begin
+      if (cal4_dlyinc_gate) begin
+        cal4_idel_tap_cnt <= cal4_idel_tap_cnt + 1;
+        cal4_idel_bit_tap <= (cal4_idel_tap_cnt == CAL4_IDEL_BIT_VAL-2);
+        cal4_idel_max_tap <= (cal4_idel_tap_cnt == 6'b111110);
+      end else begin
+        cal4_idel_tap_cnt <= cal4_idel_tap_cnt - 1;
+        cal4_idel_bit_tap <= 1'b0;
+        cal4_idel_max_tap <= 1'b0;
+      end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if ((cal4_state != CAL4_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT) &&
+        (cal3_state != CAL3_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT))
+      calib_rden_pipe_cnt <= CALIB_RDEN_PIPE_LEN-1;
+    else
+      calib_rden_pipe_cnt <= calib_rden_pipe_cnt - 1;
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // Stage 4 cal state machine
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv)
+    if (rstdiv) begin
+      calib_done[3]      <= 1'b0;
+      calib_done_tmp[3]  <= 1'b0;
+      calib_err[3]       <= 1'b0;
+      count_gate         <= 'b0;
+      gate_dly           <= 'b0;
+      next_count_gate    <= 'b0;
+      cal4_idel_adj_cnt  <= 6'bxxxxxx;
+      cal4_dlyce_gate    <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_dlyinc_gate   <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_dlyrst_gate   <= 1'b0;    // reset handled elsewhere in code
+      cal4_gate_srl_a    <= 5'bxxxxx;
+      cal4_rden_srl_a    <= 5'bxxxxx;
+      cal4_ref_req       <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_seek_left     <= 1'bx;
+      cal4_state         <= CAL4_IDLE;
+    end else begin
+      cal4_ref_req     <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_dlyce_gate  <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_dlyinc_gate <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_dlyrst_gate <= 1'b0;
+      case (cal4_state)
+        CAL4_IDLE: begin
+          count_gate      <= 'b0;
+          next_count_gate <= 'b0;
+          if (calib_start[3]) begin
+            gate_dly      <= 'b0;
+            calib_done[3] <= 1'b0;
+            cal4_state    <= CAL4_INIT;
+          end
+        end
+        CAL4_INIT: begin
+          // load: (1) initial value of gate delay SRL, (2) appropriate
+          // value of RDEN SRL (so that we get correct "data valid" timing)
+          cal4_gate_srl_a <= GATE_BASE_INIT;
+          cal4_rden_srl_a <= {calib_rden_dly[(count_gate*5)+4],
+                              calib_rden_dly[(count_gate*5)+3],
+                              calib_rden_dly[(count_gate*5)+2],
+                              calib_rden_dly[(count_gate*5)+1],
+                              calib_rden_dly[(count_gate*5)]};
+          // let SRL pipe clear after loading initial shift value
+          cal4_state <= CAL4_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT;
+        end
+        // sort of an initial state - start checking to see whether we're
+        // already in the window or not
+        CAL4_FIND_WINDOW:
+          // decide right away if we start in the proper window - this
+          // determines if we are then looking for the left (trailing) or
+          // right (leading) edge of the data valid window
+          if (cal4_data_valid) begin
+            // if we find a match - then we're already in window, now look
+            // for left edge. Otherwise, look for right edge of window
+            cal4_seek_left  <= cal4_data_good;
+            cal4_state      <= CAL4_FIND_EDGE;
+          end
+        CAL4_FIND_EDGE:
+          // don't do anything until the exact clock cycle when to check that
+          // readback data is valid or not
+          if (cal4_data_valid) begin
+            // we're currently in the window, look for left edge of window
+            if (cal4_seek_left) begin
+              // make sure we've passed the right edge before trying to detect
+              // the left edge (i.e. avoid any edge "instability") - else, we
+              // may detect an "false" edge too soon. By design, if we start in
+              // the data valid window, always expect at least
+              // MIN(BIT_TIME_TAPS,32) (-/+ jitter, see below) taps of valid
+              // window before we hit the left edge (this is because when stage
+              // 4 calibration first begins (i.e., gate_dly = 00, and IDELAY =
+              // 00), we're guaranteed to NOT be in the window, and we always
+              // start searching for MIN(BIT_TIME_TAPS,32) for the right edge
+              // of window. If we don't find it, increment gate_dly, and if we
+              // now start in the window, we have at least approximately
+              // CLK_PERIOD-MIN(BIT_TIME_TAPS,32) = MIN(BIT_TIME_TAPS,32) taps.
+              // It's approximately because jitter, noise, etc. can bring this
+              // value down slightly. Because of this (although VERY UNLIKELY),
+              // we have to protect against not decrementing IDELAY below 0
+              // during adjustment phase).
+              if (cal4_stable_window && !cal4_data_good) begin
+                // found left edge of window, dec by MIN(BIT_TIME_TAPS,32)
+                cal4_idel_adj_cnt <= CAL4_IDEL_BIT_VAL;
+                cal4_idel_adj_inc <= 1'b0;
+                cal4_state        <= CAL4_ADJ_IDEL;
+              end else begin
+                // Otherwise, keep looking for left edge:
+                if (cal4_idel_max_tap) begin
+                  // ran out of taps looking for left edge (max=63) - happens
+                  // for low frequency case, decrement by 32
+                  cal4_idel_adj_cnt <= 6'b100000;
+                  cal4_idel_adj_inc <= 1'b0;
+                  cal4_state        <= CAL4_ADJ_IDEL;
+                end else begin
+                  cal4_dlyce_gate  <= 1'b1;
+                  cal4_dlyinc_gate <= 1'b1;
+                  cal4_state       <= CAL4_IDEL_WAIT;
+                end
+              end
+            end else begin
+              // looking for right edge of window:
+              // look for the first match - this means we've found the right
+              // (leading) edge of the data valid window, increment by
+              // MIN(BIT_TIME_TAPS,32)
+              if (cal4_data_good) begin
+                cal4_idel_adj_cnt <= CAL4_IDEL_BIT_VAL;
+                cal4_idel_adj_inc <= 1'b1;
+                cal4_state        <= CAL4_ADJ_IDEL;
+              end else begin
+                // Otherwise, keep looking:
+                // only look for MIN(BIT_TIME_TAPS,32) taps for right edge,
+                // if we haven't found it, then inc gate delay, try again
+                if (cal4_idel_bit_tap) begin
+                  // if we're already maxed out on gate delay, then error out
+                  // (simulation only - calib_err isn't currently connected)
+                  if (cal4_gate_srl_a == 5'b11111) begin
+                    calib_err[3] <= 1'b1;
+                    cal4_state   <= CAL4_IDLE;
+                  end else begin
+                    // otherwise, increment gate delay count, and start
+                    // over again
+                    cal4_gate_srl_a <= cal4_gate_srl_a + 1;
+                    cal4_dlyrst_gate <= 1'b1;
+                    cal4_state <= CAL4_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT;
+                  end
+                end else begin
+                  // keep looking for right edge
+                  cal4_dlyce_gate  <= 1'b1;
+                  cal4_dlyinc_gate <= 1'b1;
+                  cal4_state       <= CAL4_IDEL_WAIT;
+                end
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        // wait for GATE IDELAY to settle, after reset or increment
+        CAL4_IDEL_WAIT: begin
+          // For simulation, load SRL addresses for all DQS with same value
+          if (SIM_ONLY != 0) begin
+            for (i = 0; i < DQS_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin: loop_sim_gate_dly
+              gate_dly[(i*5)+4] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[4];
+              gate_dly[(i*5)+3] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[3];
+              gate_dly[(i*5)+2] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[2];
+              gate_dly[(i*5)+1] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[1];
+              gate_dly[(i*5)]   <= cal4_gate_srl_a[0];
+            end
+          end else begin
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)+4] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[4];
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)+3] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[3];
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)+2] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[2];
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)+1] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[1];
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)]   <= cal4_gate_srl_a[0];
+          end
+          // check to see if we've found edge of window
+          if (!idel_set_wait)
+            cal4_state <= CAL4_FIND_EDGE;
+        end
+        // give additional time for RDEN_R pipe to clear from effects of
+        // previous pipeline (and IDELAY reset)
+        CAL4_RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT: begin
+          // MIG 2.2: Bug fix - make sure to update GATE_DLY count, since
+          // possible for FIND_EDGE->RDEN_PIPE_CLR_WAIT->FIND_WINDOW
+          // transition (i.e. need to make sure the gate count updated in
+          // FIND_EDGE gets reflected in GATE_DLY by the time we reach
+          // state FIND_WINDOW) - previously GATE_DLY only being updated
+          // during state CAL4_IDEL_WAIT
+          if (SIM_ONLY != 0) begin
+            for (i = 0; i < DQS_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin: loop_sim_gate_dly_pipe
+              gate_dly[(i*5)+4] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[4];
+              gate_dly[(i*5)+3] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[3];
+              gate_dly[(i*5)+2] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[2];
+              gate_dly[(i*5)+1] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[1];
+              gate_dly[(i*5)]   <= cal4_gate_srl_a[0];
+            end
+          end else begin
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)+4] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[4];
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)+3] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[3];
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)+2] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[2];
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)+1] <= cal4_gate_srl_a[1];
+            gate_dly[(count_gate*5)]   <= cal4_gate_srl_a[0];
+          end    
+          // look for new window
+          if (calib_rden_pipe_cnt == 5'b00000)
+            cal4_state <= CAL4_FIND_WINDOW;
+       end
+        // increment/decrement DQS/DQ IDELAY for final adjustment
+        CAL4_ADJ_IDEL:
+          // add underflow protection for corner case when left edge found
+          // using fewer than MIN(BIT_TIME_TAPS,32) taps
+          if ((cal4_idel_adj_cnt == 6'b000000) ||
+              (cal4_dlyce_gate && !cal4_dlyinc_gate &&
+               (cal4_idel_tap_cnt == 6'b000001))) begin
+            cal4_state <= CAL4_DONE;
+            // stop when all gates calibrated, or gate[0] cal'ed (for sim)
+            if ((count_gate == DQS_WIDTH-1) || (SIM_ONLY != 0))
+              calib_done_tmp[3] <= 1'b1;
+            else
+              // need for VHDL simulation to prevent out-of-index error
+              next_count_gate <= count_gate + 1;
+          end else begin
+            cal4_idel_adj_cnt <= cal4_idel_adj_cnt - 1;
+            cal4_dlyce_gate  <= 1'b1;
+            // whether inc or dec depends on whether left or right edge found
+            cal4_dlyinc_gate <= cal4_idel_adj_inc;
+          end
+        // wait for IDELAY output to settle after decrement. Check current
+        // COUNT_GATE value and decide if we're done
+        CAL4_DONE:
+          if (!idel_set_wait) begin
+            count_gate <= next_count_gate;
+            if (calib_done_tmp[3]) begin
+              calib_done[3] <= 1'b1;
+              cal4_state <= CAL4_IDLE;
+            end else begin
+              // request auto-refresh after every DQS group calibrated to
+              // avoid tRAS violation
+              cal4_ref_req <= 1'b1;
+              if (calib_ref_done)
+                cal4_state <= CAL4_INIT;
+            end
+          end
+      endcase
+    end
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_ctl_io.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_ctl_io.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..625a5dc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a 
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation, 
+// implementation and creation of design files limited 
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+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information 
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+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the 
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, 
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of 
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no 
+// representation that this implementation is free from any 
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for 
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation. 
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with 
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including 
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied 
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular 
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
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+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part 
+// of this text at all times. 
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_ctl_io.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/29 15:24:03 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Thu Aug 24 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module puts the memory control signals like address, bank address,
+//   row address strobe, column address strobe, write enable and clock enable
+//   in the IOBs.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_phy_ctl_io #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference 
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values 
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH    = 2,
+   parameter CKE_WIDTH     = 1,
+   parameter COL_WIDTH     = 10,
+   parameter CS_NUM        = 1,
+   parameter TWO_T_TIME_EN = 0,
+   parameter CS_WIDTH      = 1,
+   parameter ODT_WIDTH     = 1,
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH     = 14,
+   parameter DDR_TYPE      = 1
+   )
+  (
+   input                   clk0,
+   input                   clk90,
+   input                   rst0,
+   input                   rst90,
+   input [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]   ctrl_addr,
+   input [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]  ctrl_ba,
+   input                   ctrl_ras_n,
+   input                   ctrl_cas_n,
+   input                   ctrl_we_n,
+   input [CS_NUM-1:0]      ctrl_cs_n,
+   input [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]   phy_init_addr,
+   input [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]  phy_init_ba,
+   input                   phy_init_ras_n,
+   input                   phy_init_cas_n,
+   input                   phy_init_we_n,
+   input [CS_NUM-1:0]      phy_init_cs_n,
+   input [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]   phy_init_cke,
+   input                   phy_init_data_sel,
+   input [CS_NUM-1:0]      odt,
+   output [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]  ddr_addr,
+   output [BANK_WIDTH-1:0] ddr_ba,
+   output                  ddr_ras_n,
+   output                  ddr_cas_n,
+   output                  ddr_we_n,
+   output [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]  ddr_cke,
+   output [CS_WIDTH-1:0]   ddr_cs_n,
+   output [ODT_WIDTH-1:0]  ddr_odt
+   );
+  reg [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]     addr_mux;
+  reg [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]    ba_mux;
+  reg                     cas_n_mux;
+  reg [CS_NUM-1:0]        cs_n_mux;
+  reg                     ras_n_mux;
+  reg                     we_n_mux;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // MUX to choose from either PHY or controller for SDRAM control
+  generate // in 2t timing mode the extra register stage cannot be used.
+    if(TWO_T_TIME_EN) begin // the control signals are asserted for two cycles
+      always @(*)begin
+        if (phy_init_data_sel) begin
+          addr_mux  = ctrl_addr;
+          ba_mux    = ctrl_ba;
+          cas_n_mux = ctrl_cas_n;
+          cs_n_mux  = ctrl_cs_n;
+          ras_n_mux = ctrl_ras_n;
+          we_n_mux  = ctrl_we_n;
+        end else begin
+          addr_mux  = phy_init_addr;
+          ba_mux    = phy_init_ba;
+          cas_n_mux = phy_init_cas_n;
+          cs_n_mux  = phy_init_cs_n;
+          ras_n_mux = phy_init_ras_n;
+          we_n_mux  = phy_init_we_n;
+        end
+      end
+    end else begin
+      always @(posedge clk0)begin // register the signals in non 2t mode
+        if (phy_init_data_sel) begin
+          addr_mux <= ctrl_addr;
+          ba_mux <= ctrl_ba;
+          cas_n_mux <= ctrl_cas_n;
+          cs_n_mux <= ctrl_cs_n;
+          ras_n_mux <= ctrl_ras_n;
+          we_n_mux <= ctrl_we_n;
+        end else begin
+          addr_mux <= phy_init_addr;
+          ba_mux <= phy_init_ba;
+          cas_n_mux <= phy_init_cas_n;
+          cs_n_mux <= phy_init_cs_n;
+          ras_n_mux <= phy_init_ras_n;
+          we_n_mux <= phy_init_we_n;
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Output flop instantiation
+  // NOTE: Make sure all control/address flops are placed in IOBs
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // RAS: = 1 at reset
+  (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_ras_n
+    (
+     .Q   (ddr_ras_n),
+     .C   (clk0),
+     .CE  (1'b1),
+     .CLR (1'b0),
+     .D   (ras_n_mux),
+     .PRE (rst0)
+     ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+  // CAS: = 1 at reset
+  (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_cas_n
+    (
+     .Q   (ddr_cas_n),
+     .C   (clk0),
+     .CE  (1'b1),
+     .CLR (1'b0),
+     .D   (cas_n_mux),
+     .PRE (rst0)
+     ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+  // WE: = 1 at reset
+  (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_we_n
+    (
+     .Q   (ddr_we_n),
+     .C   (clk0),
+     .CE  (1'b1),
+     .CLR (1'b0),
+     .D   (we_n_mux),
+     .PRE (rst0)
+     ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+  // CKE: = 0 at reset
+  genvar cke_i;
+  generate
+    for (cke_i = 0; cke_i < CKE_WIDTH; cke_i = cke_i + 1) begin: gen_cke
+      (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_cke
+        (
+         .Q   (ddr_cke[cke_i]),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .CLR (rst0),
+         .D   (phy_init_cke[cke_i]),
+         .PRE (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // chip select: = 1 at reset
+  // For unbuffered dimms the loading will be high. The chip select
+  // can be asserted early if the loading is very high. The
+  // code as is uses clock 0. If needed clock 270 can be used to
+  // toggle chip select 1/4 clock cycle early. The code has
+  // the clock 90 input for the early assertion of chip select.
+  genvar cs_i;
+  generate
+    for(cs_i = 0; cs_i < CS_WIDTH; cs_i = cs_i + 1) begin: gen_cs_n
+      if(TWO_T_TIME_EN) begin
+         (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_cs_n
+           (
+            .Q   (ddr_cs_n[cs_i]),
+            .C   (clk0),
+            .CE  (1'b1),
+            .CLR (1'b0),
+            .D   (cs_n_mux[(cs_i*CS_NUM)/CS_WIDTH]),
+            .PRE (rst0)
+            ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+      end else begin // if (TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+         (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_cs_n
+           (
+            .Q   (ddr_cs_n[cs_i]),
+            .C   (clk0),
+            .CE  (1'b1),
+            .CLR (1'b0),
+            .D   (cs_n_mux[(cs_i*CS_NUM)/CS_WIDTH]),
+            .PRE (rst0)
+            ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+      end // else: !if(TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // address: = X at reset
+  genvar addr_i;
+  generate
+    for (addr_i = 0; addr_i < ROW_WIDTH; addr_i = addr_i + 1) begin: gen_addr
+      (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_addr
+        (
+         .Q   (ddr_addr[addr_i]),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .CLR (1'b0),
+         .D   (addr_mux[addr_i]),
+         .PRE (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // bank address = X at reset
+  genvar ba_i;
+  generate
+    for (ba_i = 0; ba_i < BANK_WIDTH; ba_i = ba_i + 1) begin: gen_ba
+      (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_ba
+        (
+         .Q   (ddr_ba[ba_i]),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .CLR (1'b0),
+         .D   (ba_mux[ba_i]),
+         .PRE (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // ODT control = 0 at reset
+  genvar odt_i;
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE > 0) begin: gen_odt_ddr2
+      for (odt_i = 0; odt_i < ODT_WIDTH; odt_i = odt_i + 1) begin: gen_odt
+        (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDCPE u_ff_odt
+          (
+           .Q   (ddr_odt[odt_i]),
+           .C   (clk0),
+           .CE  (1'b1),
+           .CLR (rst0),
+          .D   (odt[(odt_i*CS_NUM)/ODT_WIDTH]),
+           .PRE (1'b0)
+           ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dm_iob.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dm_iob.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fc6b5c2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation,
+// implementation and creation of design files limited
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+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information
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+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the
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+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no
+// representation that this implementation is free from any
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation.
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_dm_iob.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/05/21 14:53:09 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module places the data mask signals into the IOBs.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_phy_dm_iob
+  (
+   input  clk90,
+   input  dm_ce,
+   input  mask_data_rise,
+   input  mask_data_fall,
+   output ddr_dm
+   );
+  wire    dm_out;
+  wire    dm_ce_r;
+  FDRSE_1 u_dm_ce
+    (
+     .Q    (dm_ce_r),
+     .C    (clk90),
+     .CE   (1'b1),
+     .D    (dm_ce),
+     .R   (1'b0),
+     .S   (1'b0)
+     );
+  ODDR #
+    (
+     .SRTYPE("SYNC"),
+     )
+    u_oddr_dm
+      (
+       .Q  (dm_out),
+       .C  (clk90),
+       .CE (dm_ce_r),
+       .D1 (mask_data_rise),
+       .D2 (mask_data_fall),
+       .R  (1'b0),
+       .S  (1'b0)
+       );
+  OBUF u_obuf_dm
+    (
+     .I (dm_out),
+     .O (ddr_dm)
+     );
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dq_iob.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dq_iob.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..854079a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation,
+// implementation and creation of design files limited
+// to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx
+// devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and
+// immediately terminates your license unless covered by
+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information
+// "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and
+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design,
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no
+// representation that this implementation is free from any
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation.
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_dq_iob.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/17 07:52:27 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module places the data in the IOBs.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_phy_dq_iob #
+  (
+   parameter DQ_COL                = 0,
+   parameter DQ_MS                 = 0,
+   )
+  (
+   input        clk0,
+   input        clk90,
+   input        clkdiv0,
+   input        rst90,
+   input        dlyinc,
+   input        dlyce,
+   input        dlyrst,
+   input  [1:0] dq_oe_n,
+   input        dqs,
+   input        ce,
+   input        rd_data_sel,
+   input        wr_data_rise,
+   input        wr_data_fall,
+   output       rd_data_rise,
+   output       rd_data_fall,
+   inout        ddr_dq
+   );
+  wire       dq_iddr_clk;
+  wire       dq_idelay;
+  wire       dq_in;
+  wire       dq_oe_n_r;
+  wire       dq_out;
+  wire       stg2a_out_fall;
+  wire       stg2a_out_rise;
+  wire       stg2b_out_fall;
+  wire       stg2b_out_rise;
+  wire       stg3a_out_fall;
+  wire       stg3a_out_rise;
+  wire       stg3b_out_fall;
+  wire       stg3b_out_rise;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Directed routing constraints for route between IDDR and stage 2 capture
+  // in fabric.
+  // Only 2 out of the 12 wire declarations will be used for any given
+  // instantiation of this module.
+  // Varies according:
+  //  (1) I/O column (left, center, right) used
+  //  (2) Which I/O in I/O pair (master, slave) used
+  // Nomenclature: _Xy, X = column (0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right),
+  //  y = master or slave
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // master, left
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;93a1e3bb!-1;-78112;-4200;S!0;-143;-1248!1;-452;0!2;2747;1575!3;2461;81!4;2732;-960!4;2732;-984!5;404;8!6;404;8!7;683;-568;L!8;843;24;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_rise_0m;
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;907923a!-1;-78112;-4192;S!0;-143;-1192!0;-143;-1272!1;-452;0!2;-452;0!3;2723;-385!4;2731;-311!5;3823;-1983!6;5209;1271!7;1394;3072!8;0;-8!9;404;8!10;0;-144!11;683;-536;L!12;404;8!14;843;8;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_fall_0m;
+  // slave, left
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;53bb9d6f!-1;-78112;-4600;S!0;-143;-712!1;-452;0!2;1008;-552!3;2780;1360!4;0;-8!5;0;-240!5;0;-264!6;404;8!7;404;8!8;683;-568;L!9;843;24;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_rise_0s;
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;46bf60d8!-1;-78112;-4592;S!0;-143;-800!1;-452;0!2;1040;1592!3;5875;-85!4;-3127;-843!4;-3127;-939!5;404;8!6;404;8!7;683;-696;L!8;843;-136;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_fall_0s;
+  // master, center
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;9ee47800!-1;-6504;-50024;S!0;-175;-1136!1;-484;0!2;-3208;1552!3;-4160;-2092!4;-1428;1172!4;-1428;1076!5;404;8!6;404;8!7;843;-152;L!8;683;-728;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_rise_1m;
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;e7df31c2!-1;-6504;-50016;S!0;-175;-1192!1;-484;0!2;-5701;1523!3;-3095;-715!3;-4423;2421!4;0;-8!5;1328;-3288!6;0;-240!7;404;8!8;404;8!9;683;-696;L!10;843;-136;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_fall_1m;
+  // slave, center
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;a8c11eb3!-1;-6504;-50424;S!0;-175;-856!1;-484;0!2;-5677;-337!3;1033;1217!3;-295;4353!4;0;-8!5;1328;-3288!6;0;-120!7;404;8!8;404;8!9;683;-696;L!10;843;-152;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_rise_1s;
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;ed30cce!-1;-6504;-50416;S!0;-175;-848!1;-484;0!2;-3192;-432!3;-1452;1368!3;-6645;85!4;0;-8!5;5193;1035!6;0;-264!7;404;8!8;404;8!9;683;-568;L!10;843;24;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_fall_1s;
+  // master, right
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;4d035a44!-1;54728;-108896;S!0;-175;-1248!1;-484;0!2;-3192;-424!3;-4208;2092!4;-1396;-972!4;-1396;-996!5;404;8!6;404;8!7;683;-568;L!8;843;24;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_rise_2m;
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;92ae8739!-1;54728;-108888;S!0;-175;-1272!1;-484;0!2;-5677;-329!3;-1691;-83!4;-1428;1076!4;-1428;1052!5;404;8!6;404;8!7;683;-728;L!8;843;-136;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_fall_2m;
+  // slave, right
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;9de34bf1!-1;54728;-109296;S!0;-175;-712!1;-484;0!2;-5685;-475!3;1041;1107!3;1041;1011!4;404;8!5;404;8!6;683;-536;L!7;843;24;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_rise_2s;
+  (* syn_keep = "1", keep = "TRUE",
+     ROUTE = "{3;1;5vlx50tff1136;1df9e65d!-1;54728;-109288;S!0;-175;-800!1;-484;0!2;-3208;1608!3;-1436;-792!4;0;-8!5;0;-240!5;0;-144!6;404;8!7;404;8!8;843;-136;L!9;683;-696;L!}" *)
+  wire stg1_out_fall_2s;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Bidirectional I/O
+  //***************************************************************************
+  IOBUF u_iobuf_dq
+    (
+     .I  (dq_out),
+     .T  (dq_oe_n_r),
+     .IO (ddr_dq),
+     .O  (dq_in)
+     );
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Write (output) path
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // on a write, rising edge of DQS corresponds to rising edge of CLK180
+  // (aka falling edge of CLK0 -> rising edge DQS). We also know:
+  //  1. data must be driven 1/4 clk cycle before corresponding DQS edge
+  //  2. first rising DQS edge driven on falling edge of CLK0
+  //  3. rising data must be driven 1/4 cycle before falling edge of CLK0
+  //  4. therefore, rising data driven on rising edge of CLK
+  ODDR #
+    (
+     .SRTYPE("SYNC"),
+     )
+    u_oddr_dq
+      (
+       .Q  (dq_out),
+       .C  (clk90),
+       .CE (1'b1),
+       .D1 (wr_data_rise),
+       .D2 (wr_data_fall),
+       .R  (1'b0),
+       .S  (1'b0)
+       );
+  // make sure output is tri-state during reset (DQ_OE_N_R = 1)
+  ODDR #
+    (
+     .SRTYPE("ASYNC"),
+     )
+    u_tri_state_dq
+      (
+       .Q  (dq_oe_n_r),
+       .C  (clk90),
+       .CE (1'b1),
+       .D1 (dq_oe_n[0]),
+       .D2 (dq_oe_n[1]),
+       .R  (1'b0),
+       .S  (rst90)
+       );
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Read data capture scheme description:
+  // Data capture consists of 3 ranks of flops, and a MUX
+  //  1. Rank 1 ("Stage 1"): IDDR captures delayed DDR DQ from memory using
+  //     delayed DQS.
+  //     - Data is split into 2 SDR streams, one each for rise and fall data.
+  //     - BUFIO (DQS) input inverted to IDDR. IDDR configured in SAME_EDGE
+  //       mode. This means that: (1) Q1 = fall data, Q2 = rise data,
+  //       (2) Both rise and fall data are output on falling edge of DQS -
+  //       rather than rise output being output on one edge of DQS, and fall
+  //       data on the other edge if the IDDR were configured in OPPOSITE_EDGE
+  //       mode. This simplifies Stage 2 capture (only one core clock edge
+  //       used, removing effects of duty-cycle-distortion), and saves one
+  //       fabric flop in Rank 3.
+  //  2. Rank 2 ("Stage 2"): Fabric flops are used to capture output of first
+  //     rank into FPGA clock (CLK) domain. Each rising/falling SDR stream
+  //     from IDDR is feed into two flops, one clocked off rising and one off
+  //     falling edge of CLK. One of these flops is chosen, with the choice
+  //     being the one that reduces # of DQ/DQS taps necessary to align Stage
+  //     1 and Stage 2. Same edge is used to capture both rise and fall SDR
+  //     streams.
+  //  3. Rank 3 ("Stage 3"): Removes half-cycle paths in CLK domain from
+  //     output of Rank 2. This stage, like Stage 2, is clocked by CLK. Note
+  //     that Stage 3 can be expanded to also support SERDES functionality
+  //  4. Output MUX: Selects whether Stage 1 output is aligned to rising or
+  //     falling edge of CLK (i.e. specifically this selects whether IDDR
+  //     rise/fall output is transfered to rising or falling edge of CLK).
+  // Implementation:
+  //  1. Rank 1 is implemented using an IDDR primitive
+  //  2. Rank 2 is implemented using:
+  //     - An RPM to fix the location of the capture flops near the DQ I/O.
+  //       The exact RPM used depends on which I/O column (left, center,
+  //       right) the DQ I/O is placed at - this affects the optimal location
+  //       of the slice flops (or does it - can we always choose the two
+  //       columns to slices to the immediate right of the I/O to use, no
+  //       matter what the column?). The origin of the RPM must be set in the
+  //       UCF file using the RLOC_ORIGIN constraint (where the original is
+  //       based on the DQ I/O location).
+  //     - Directed Routing Constraints ("DIRT strings") to fix the routing
+  //       to the rank 2 fabric flops. This is done to minimize: (1) total
+  //       route delay (and therefore minimize voltage/temperature-related
+  //       variations), and (2) minimize skew both within each rising and
+  //       falling data net, as well as between the rising and falling nets.
+  //       The exact DIRT string used depends on: (1) which I/O column the
+  //       DQ I/O is placed, and (2) whether the DQ I/O is placed on the
+  //       "Master" or "Slave" I/O of a diff pair (DQ is not differential, but
+  //       the routing will be affected by which of each I/O pair is used)
+  // 3. Rank 3 is implemented using fabric flops. No LOC or DIRT contraints
+  //    are used, tools are expected to place these and meet PERIOD timing
+  //    without constraints (constraints may be necessary for "full" designs,
+  //    in this case, user may need to add LOC constraints - if this is the
+  //    case, there are no constraints - other than meeting PERIOD timing -
+  //    for rank 3 flops.
+  //***************************************************************************
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // MIG 2.2: Define AREA_GROUP = "DDR_CAPTURE_FFS" contain all RPM flops in
+  //          design. In UCF file, add constraint:
+  //          This is done to prevent MAP from packing unrelated logic into
+  //          the slices used by the RPMs. Doing so may cause the DIRT strings
+  //          that define the IDDR -> fabric flop routing to later become
+  //          unroutable during PAR because the unrelated logic placed by MAP
+  //          may use routing resources required by the DIRT strings. MAP
+  //          does not currently take into account DIRT strings when placing
+  //          logic
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // IDELAY to delay incoming data for synchronization purposes
+    (
+     .DELAY_SRC             ("I"),
+     .IDELAY_TYPE           ("VARIABLE"),
+     .IDELAY_VALUE          (0),
+     .ODELAY_VALUE          (0)
+     )
+    u_idelay_dq
+      (
+       .DATAOUT (dq_idelay),
+       .C       (clkdiv0),
+       .CE      (dlyce),
+       .DATAIN  (),
+       .IDATAIN (dq_in),
+       .INC     (dlyinc),
+       .ODATAIN (),
+       .RST     (dlyrst),
+       .T       ()
+       );
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Rank 1 capture: Use IDDR to generate two SDR outputs
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // invert clock to IDDR in order to use SAME_EDGE mode (otherwise, we "run
+  // out of clocks" because DQS is not continuous
+  assign dq_iddr_clk = ~dqs;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Rank 2 capture: Use fabric flops to capture Rank 1 output. Use RPM and
+  // DIRT strings here.
+  // BEL ("Basic Element of Logic") and relative location constraints for
+  // second stage capture. C
+  // Varies according:
+  //  (1) I/O column (left, center, right) used
+  //  (2) Which I/O in I/O pair (master, slave) used
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Six different cases for the different I/O column, master/slave
+  // combinations (can't seem to do this using a localparam, which
+  // would be easier, XST doesn't allow it)
+  generate
+    if ((DQ_MS == 1) && (DQ_COL == 0)) begin: gen_stg2_0m
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // master, left
+      //*****************************************************************
+      IDDR #
+        (
+         .DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")
+         )
+        u_iddr_dq
+          (
+           .Q1 (stg1_out_fall_0m),
+           .Q2 (stg1_out_rise_0m),
+           .C  (dq_iddr_clk),
+           .CE (ce),
+           .D  (dq_idelay),
+           .R  (1'b0),
+           .S  (1'b0)
+           );
+      //*********************************************************
+      // Slice #1 (posedge CLK): Used for:
+      //  1. IDDR transfer to CLK0 rising edge domain ("stg2a")
+      //  2. stg2 falling edge -> stg3 rising edge transfer
+      //*********************************************************
+      // Stage 2 capture
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "DFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_0m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_0m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      // Stage 3 falling -> rising edge translation
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "BFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      //*********************************************************
+      // Slice #2 (posedge CLK): Used for:
+      //  1. IDDR transfer to CLK0 falling edge domain ("stg2b")
+      //*********************************************************
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X3Y0", BEL = "DFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_0m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X3Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_0m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end else if ((DQ_MS == 0) && (DQ_COL == 0)) begin: gen_stg2_0s
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // slave, left
+      //*****************************************************************
+      IDDR #
+        (
+         .DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")
+         )
+        u_iddr_dq
+          (
+           .Q1 (stg1_out_fall_0s),
+           .Q2 (stg1_out_rise_0s),
+           .C  (dq_iddr_clk),
+           .CE (ce),
+           .D  (dq_idelay),
+           .R  (1'b0),
+           .S  (1'b0)
+           );
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "BFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_0s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_0s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "DFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X1Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_0s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X1Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_0s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end else if ((DQ_MS == 1) && (DQ_COL == 1))  begin: gen_stg2_1m
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // master, center
+      //*****************************************************************
+      IDDR #
+        (
+         .DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")
+         )
+        u_iddr_dq
+          (
+           .Q1 (stg1_out_fall_1m),
+           .Q2 (stg1_out_rise_1m),
+           .C  (dq_iddr_clk),
+           .CE (ce),
+           .D  (dq_idelay),
+           .R  (1'b0),
+           .S  (1'b0)
+           );
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "BFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_1m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_1m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "DFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X1Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_1m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X1Y0", BEL = "BFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_1m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end else if ((DQ_MS == 0) && (DQ_COL == 1)) begin: gen_stg2_1s
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // slave, center
+      //*****************************************************************
+      IDDR #
+        (
+         .DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")
+         )
+        u_iddr_dq
+          (
+           .Q1 (stg1_out_fall_1s),
+           .Q2 (stg1_out_rise_1s),
+           .C  (dq_iddr_clk),
+           .CE (ce),
+           .D  (dq_idelay),
+           .R  (1'b0),
+           .S  (1'b0)
+           );
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_1s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "BFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_1s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "DFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X3Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_1s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X3Y0", BEL = "BFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_1s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end else if ((DQ_MS == 1) && (DQ_COL == 2)) begin: gen_stg2_2m
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // master, right
+      //*****************************************************************
+      IDDR #
+        (
+         .DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")
+         )
+        u_iddr_dq
+          (
+           .Q1 (stg1_out_fall_2m),
+           .Q2 (stg1_out_rise_2m),
+           .C  (dq_iddr_clk),
+           .CE (ce),
+           .D  (dq_idelay),
+           .R  (1'b0),
+           .S  (1'b0)
+           );
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_2m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_2m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "DFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X0Y0", BEL = "BFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X1Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_2m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X1Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_2m),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end else if ((DQ_MS == 0) && (DQ_COL == 2)) begin: gen_stg2_2s
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // slave, right
+      //*****************************************************************
+      IDDR #
+        (
+         .DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")
+         )
+        u_iddr_dq
+          (
+           .Q1 (stg1_out_fall_2s),
+           .Q2 (stg1_out_rise_2s),
+           .C  (dq_iddr_clk),
+           .CE (ce),
+           .D  (dq_idelay),
+           .R  (1'b0),
+           .S  (1'b0)
+           );
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "BFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_2s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "DFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg2a_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2a_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_2s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X2Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE u_ff_stg3b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg3b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X3Y0", BEL = "AFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_fall
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_fall),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_fall_2s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+      (* HU_SET = "stg2_capture", RLOC = "X3Y0", BEL = "CFF",
+      FDRSE_1 u_ff_stg2b_rise
+        (
+         .Q   (stg2b_out_rise),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (stg1_out_rise_2s),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         )/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */
+          /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Second stage flops clocked by posedge CLK0 don't need another layer of
+  // registering
+  //***************************************************************************
+  assign stg3a_out_rise = stg2a_out_rise;
+  assign stg3a_out_fall = stg2a_out_fall;
+  //*******************************************************************
+  assign rd_data_rise = (rd_data_sel) ? stg3a_out_rise : stg3b_out_rise;
+  assign rd_data_fall = (rd_data_sel) ? stg3a_out_fall : stg3b_out_fall;
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dqs_iob.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_dqs_iob.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a626f72
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// implementation and creation of design files limited
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+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information
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+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
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+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
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+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
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+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
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+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_dqs_iob.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/22 15:41:06 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module places the data strobes in the IOBs.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_phy_dqs_iob #
+  (
+   parameter DDR_TYPE              = 1,
+   )
+  (
+   input        clk0,
+   input        clkdiv0,
+   input        rst0,
+   input        dlyinc_dqs,
+   input        dlyce_dqs,
+   input        dlyrst_dqs,
+   input        dlyinc_gate,
+   input        dlyce_gate,
+   input        dlyrst_gate,
+   input        dqs_oe_n,
+   input        dqs_rst_n,
+   input        en_dqs,
+   inout        ddr_dqs,
+   inout        ddr_dqs_n,
+   output       dq_ce,
+   output       delayed_dqs
+   );
+  wire                     clk180;
+  wire                     dqs_bufio;
+  wire                     dqs_ibuf;
+  wire                     dqs_idelay;
+  wire                     dqs_oe_n_delay;
+  wire                     dqs_oe_n_r;
+  wire                     dqs_rst_n_delay;
+  reg                      dqs_rst_n_r /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1*/;
+  wire                     dqs_out;
+  wire                     en_dqs_sync /* synthesis syn_keep = 1 */;
+  // for simulation only. Synthesis should ignore this delay
+  localparam    DQS_NET_DELAY = 0.8;
+  assign        clk180 = ~clk0;
+  // add delta delay to inputs clocked by clk180 to avoid delta-delay
+  // simulation issues
+  assign dqs_rst_n_delay = dqs_rst_n;
+  assign dqs_oe_n_delay  = dqs_oe_n;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // DQS input-side resources:
+  //  - IODELAY (pad -> IDELAY)
+  //  - BUFIO (IDELAY -> BUFIO)
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Route DQS from PAD to IDELAY
+    (
+     .DELAY_SRC("I"),
+     .IDELAY_VALUE(0),
+     .ODELAY_VALUE(0)
+     )
+    u_idelay_dqs
+      (
+       .DATAOUT (dqs_idelay),
+       .C       (clkdiv0),
+       .CE      (dlyce_dqs),
+       .DATAIN  (),
+       .IDATAIN (dqs_ibuf),
+       .INC     (dlyinc_dqs),
+       .ODATAIN (),
+       .RST     (dlyrst_dqs),
+       .T       ()
+       );
+  // From IDELAY to BUFIO
+  BUFIO u_bufio_dqs
+    (
+     .I  (dqs_idelay),
+     .O  (dqs_bufio)
+     );
+  // To model additional delay of DQS BUFIO + gating network
+  // for behavioral simulation. Make sure to select a delay number smaller
+  // than half clock cycle (otherwise output will not track input changes
+  // because of inertial delay). Duplicate to avoid delta delay issues.
+  assign #(DQS_NET_DELAY) i_delayed_dqs = dqs_bufio;
+  assign #(DQS_NET_DELAY) delayed_dqs   = dqs_bufio;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // DQS gate circuit (not supported for all controllers)
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Gate routing:
+  //   en_dqs -> IDELAY -> en_dqs_sync -> IDDR.S -> dq_ce ->
+  //   capture IDDR.CE
+  // Delay CE control so that it's in phase with delayed DQS
+    (
+     .DELAY_SRC             ("DATAIN"),
+     .IDELAY_TYPE           ("VARIABLE"),
+     .IDELAY_VALUE          (0),
+     .ODELAY_VALUE          (0)
+     )
+    u_iodelay_dq_ce
+      (
+       .DATAOUT (en_dqs_sync),
+       .C       (clkdiv0),
+       .CE      (dlyce_gate),
+       .DATAIN  (en_dqs),
+       .IDATAIN (),
+       .INC     (dlyinc_gate),
+       .ODATAIN (),
+       .RST     (dlyrst_gate),
+       .T       ()
+       );
+  // Generate sync'ed CE to DQ IDDR's using an IDDR clocked by DQS
+  // We could also instantiate a negative-edge SDR flop here
+  IDDR #
+    (
+     .INIT_Q1      (1'b0),
+     .INIT_Q2      (1'b0),
+     .SRTYPE       ("ASYNC")
+     )
+    u_iddr_dq_ce
+      (
+       .Q1 (),
+       .Q2 (dq_ce),           // output on falling edge
+       .C  (i_delayed_dqs),
+       .CE (1'b1),
+       .D  (en_dqs_sync),
+       .R  (1'b0),
+       .S  (en_dqs_sync)
+       );
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // DQS output-side resources
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // synthesis attribute keep of dqs_rst_n_r is "true"
+  always @(posedge clk180)
+    dqs_rst_n_r <= dqs_rst_n_delay;
+  ODDR #
+    (
+     .SRTYPE("SYNC"),
+     )
+    u_oddr_dqs
+      (
+       .Q  (dqs_out),
+       .C  (clk180),
+       .CE (1'b1),
+       .D1 (dqs_rst_n_r),      // keep output deasserted for write preamble
+       .D2 (1'b0),
+       .R  (1'b0),
+       .S  (1'b0)
+       );
+  (* IOB = "TRUE" *) FDP u_tri_state_dqs
+    (
+     .D   (dqs_oe_n_delay),
+     .Q   (dqs_oe_n_r),
+     .C   (clk180),
+     .PRE (rst0)
+     ) /* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // use either single-ended (for DDR1) or differential (for DDR2) DQS input
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE > 0) begin: gen_dqs_iob_ddr2
+      IOBUFDS u_iobuf_dqs
+        (
+         .O   (dqs_ibuf),
+         .IO  (ddr_dqs),
+         .IOB (ddr_dqs_n),
+         .I   (dqs_out),
+         .T   (dqs_oe_n_r)
+         );
+    end else begin: gen_dqs_iob_ddr1
+      IOBUF u_iobuf_dqs
+        (
+         .O   (dqs_ibuf),
+         .IO  (ddr_dqs),
+         .I   (dqs_out),
+         .T   (dqs_oe_n_r)
+         );
+    end
+  endgenerate
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_init.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_init.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4282b63
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
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+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_init.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/22 15:41:06 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Thu Aug 24 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module is the intialization control logic of the memory interface.
+//   All commands are issued from here acoording to the burst, CAS Latency and
+//   the user commands.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_phy_init #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH    = 2,
+   parameter CKE_WIDTH     = 1,
+   parameter COL_WIDTH     = 10,
+   parameter CS_NUM        = 1,
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH      = 72,
+   parameter ODT_WIDTH     = 1,
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH     = 14,
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT  = 0,
+   parameter BURST_LEN     = 4,
+   parameter TWO_T_TIME_EN = 0,
+   parameter BURST_TYPE    = 0,
+   parameter CAS_LAT       = 5,
+   parameter ODT_TYPE      = 1,
+   parameter REDUCE_DRV    = 0,
+   parameter REG_ENABLE    = 1,
+   parameter TWR           = 15000,
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD    = 3000,
+   parameter DDR_TYPE      = 1,
+   parameter SIM_ONLY      = 0
+   )
+  (
+   input                                   clk0,
+   input                                   clkdiv0,
+   input                                   rst0,
+   input                                   rstdiv0,
+   input [3:0]                             calib_done,
+   input                                   ctrl_ref_flag,
+   input                                   calib_ref_req,
+   output reg [3:0]                        calib_start,
+   output reg                              calib_ref_done,
+   output reg                              phy_init_wren,
+   output reg                              phy_init_rden,
+   output [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                  phy_init_addr,
+   output [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]                 phy_init_ba,
+   output                                  phy_init_ras_n,
+   output                                  phy_init_cas_n,
+   output                                  phy_init_we_n,
+   output [CS_NUM-1:0]                     phy_init_cs_n,
+   output [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]                  phy_init_cke,
+   output reg                              phy_init_done,
+   output                                  phy_init_data_sel
+   );
+  // time to wait between consecutive commands in PHY_INIT - this is a
+  // generic number, and must be large enough to account for worst case
+  // timing parameter (tRFC - refresh-to-active) across all memory speed
+  // grades and operating frequencies. Expressed in CLKDIV clock cycles.
+  localparam  CNTNEXT_CMD = 7'b1111111;
+  // time to wait between read and read or precharge for stage 3 & 4
+  // the larger CNTNEXT_CMD can also be used, use smaller number to
+  // speed up calibration - avoid tRAS violation, and speeds up simulation
+  localparam  CNTNEXT_RD  = 4'b1111;
+  // Write recovery (WR) time - is defined by 
+  // tWR (in nanoseconds) by tCK (in nanoseconds) and rounding up a 
+  // noninteger value to the next integer
+  localparam integer WR_RECOVERY =  ((TWR + CLK_PERIOD) - 1)/CLK_PERIOD;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL1_READ            = 5'h00;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL2_READ            = 5'h01;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL3_READ            = 5'h02;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL4_READ            = 5'h03;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL1_WRITE           = 5'h04;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL2_WRITE           = 5'h05;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL3_WRITE           = 5'h06;
+  localparam  INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE_WAIT    = 5'h07;
+  localparam  INIT_PRECHARGE            = 5'h08;
+  localparam  INIT_LOAD_MODE            = 5'h09;
+  localparam  INIT_AUTO_REFRESH         = 5'h0A;
+  localparam  INIT_IDLE                 = 5'h0B;
+  localparam  INIT_CNT_200              = 5'h0C;
+  localparam  INIT_CNT_200_WAIT         = 5'h0D;
+  localparam  INIT_PRECHARGE_WAIT       = 5'h0E;
+  localparam  INIT_MODE_REGISTER_WAIT   = 5'h0F;
+  localparam  INIT_AUTO_REFRESH_WAIT    = 5'h10;
+  localparam  INIT_DEEP_MEMORY_ST       = 5'h11;
+  localparam  INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE         = 5'h12;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL1_WRITE_READ      = 5'h13;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL1_READ_WAIT       = 5'h14;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL2_WRITE_READ      = 5'h15;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL2_READ_WAIT       = 5'h16;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL3_WRITE_READ      = 5'h17;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL3_READ_WAIT       = 5'h18;
+  localparam  INIT_CAL4_READ_WAIT       = 5'h19;
+  localparam  INIT_CALIB_REF            = 5'h1A;
+  localparam  INIT_ZQCL                 = 5'h1B;
+  localparam  INIT_WAIT_DLLK_ZQINIT     = 5'h1C;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_INIT            = 4'h0;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_PRECH_1         = 4'h1;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_EMR2_INIT       = 4'h2;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_EMR3_INIT       = 4'h3;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_EMR_EN_DLL      = 4'h4;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_MR_RST_DLL      = 4'h5;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_CNT_200_WAIT    = 4'h6;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_PRECH_2         = 4'h7;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_AR_1            = 4'h8;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_AR_2            = 4'h9;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_MR_ACT_DLL      = 4'hA;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_EMR_DEF_OCD     = 4'hB;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_EMR_EXIT_OCD    = 4'hC;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_DEEP_MEM        = 4'hD;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_PRECH_3         = 4'hE;
+  localparam  INIT_CNTR_DONE            = 4'hF;
+  localparam   DDR1                     = 0;
+  localparam   DDR2                     = 1;
+  localparam   DDR3                     = 2;
+  reg [1:0]             burst_addr_r;
+  reg [1:0]             burst_cnt_r;
+  wire [1:0]            burst_val;
+  wire                  cal_read;
+  wire                  cal_write;
+  wire                  cal_write_read;
+  reg                   cal1_started_r;
+  reg                   cal2_started_r;
+  reg                   cal4_started_r;
+  reg [3:0]             calib_done_r;
+  reg                   calib_ref_req_posedge;
+  reg                   calib_ref_req_r;
+  reg [15:0]            calib_start_shift0_r;
+  reg [15:0]            calib_start_shift1_r;
+  reg [15:0]            calib_start_shift2_r;
+  reg [15:0]            calib_start_shift3_r;
+  reg [1:0]             chip_cnt_r;
+  reg [4:0]             cke_200us_cnt_r;
+  reg                   cke_200us_cnt_en_r;
+  reg [7:0]             cnt_200_cycle_r;
+  reg                   cnt_200_cycle_done_r;
+  reg [6:0]             cnt_cmd_r;
+  reg                   cnt_cmd_ok_r;
+  reg [3:0]             cnt_rd_r;
+  reg                   cnt_rd_ok_r;
+  reg                   ctrl_ref_flag_r;
+  reg                   done_200us_r;
+  reg [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]   ddr_addr_r;
+  reg [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]   ddr_addr_r1;
+  reg [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]  ddr_ba_r;
+  reg [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]  ddr_ba_r1;
+  reg                   ddr_cas_n_r;
+  reg                   ddr_cas_n_r1;
+  reg [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]   ddr_cke_r;
+  reg [CS_NUM-1:0]      ddr_cs_n_r;
+  reg [CS_NUM-1:0]      ddr_cs_n_r1;
+  reg [CS_NUM-1:0]      ddr_cs_disable_r;
+  reg                   ddr_ras_n_r;
+  reg                   ddr_ras_n_r1;
+  reg                   ddr_we_n_r;
+  reg                   ddr_we_n_r1;
+  wire [15:0]           ext_mode_reg;
+  reg [3:0]             init_cnt_r;
+  reg                   init_done_r;
+  reg [4:0]             init_next_state;
+  reg [4:0]             init_state_r;
+  reg [4:0]             init_state_r1;
+  reg [4:0]             init_state_r2;
+  wire [15:0]           load_mode_reg;
+  wire [15:0]           load_mode_reg0;
+  wire [15:0]           load_mode_reg1;
+  wire [15:0]           load_mode_reg2;
+  wire [15:0]           load_mode_reg3;
+  reg                   phy_init_done_r;
+  reg                   phy_init_done_r1;
+  reg                   phy_init_done_r2;
+  reg                   phy_init_done_r3;
+  reg                   refresh_req;
+  wire [3:0]            start_cal;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // DDR1 and DDR2 Load mode register
+  // Mode Register (MR):
+  //   [15:14] - unused          - 00
+  //   [13]    - reserved        - 0
+  //   [12]    - Power-down mode - 0 (normal)
+  //   [11:9]  - write recovery  - for Auto Precharge (tWR/tCK)
+  //   [8]     - DLL reset       - 0 or 1
+  //   [7]     - Test Mode       - 0 (normal)
+  //   [6:4]   - CAS latency     - CAS_LAT
+  //   [3]     - Burst Type      - BURST_TYPE
+  //   [2:0]   - Burst Length    - BURST_LEN
+  //*****************************************************************
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE == DDR2) begin: gen_load_mode_reg_ddr2
+      assign load_mode_reg[2:0]   = (BURST_LEN == 8) ? 3'b011 :
+                                    ((BURST_LEN == 4) ? 3'b010 : 3'b111);
+      assign load_mode_reg[3]     = BURST_TYPE;
+      assign load_mode_reg[6:4]   = (CAS_LAT == 3) ? 3'b011 :
+                                    ((CAS_LAT == 4) ? 3'b100 :
+                                     ((CAS_LAT == 5) ? 3'b101 : 3'b111));
+      assign load_mode_reg[7]     = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg[8]     = 1'b0;    // init value only (DLL not reset)
+      assign load_mode_reg[11:9]  = (WR_RECOVERY == 6) ? 3'b101 :
+                                    ((WR_RECOVERY == 5) ? 3'b100 :
+                                     ((WR_RECOVERY == 4) ? 3'b011 :
+                                      ((WR_RECOVERY == 3) ? 3'b010 :
+                                      3'b001)));
+      assign load_mode_reg[15:12] = 4'b000;
+    end else if (DDR_TYPE == DDR1)begin: gen_load_mode_reg_ddr1
+      assign load_mode_reg[2:0]   = (BURST_LEN == 8) ? 3'b011 :
+                                    ((BURST_LEN == 4) ? 3'b010 :
+                                     ((BURST_LEN == 2) ? 3'b001 : 3'b111));
+      assign load_mode_reg[3]     = BURST_TYPE;
+      assign load_mode_reg[6:4]   = (CAS_LAT == 2) ? 3'b010 :
+                                    ((CAS_LAT == 3) ? 3'b011 :
+                                     ((CAS_LAT == 25) ? 3'b110 : 3'b111));
+      assign load_mode_reg[12:7]  = 6'b000000; // init value only
+      assign load_mode_reg[15:13]  = 3'b000;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // DDR1 and DDR2 ext mode register
+  // Extended Mode Register (MR):
+  //   [15:14] - unused          - 00
+  //   [13]    - reserved        - 0
+  //   [12]    - output enable   - 0 (enabled)
+  //   [11]    - RDQS enable     - 0 (disabled)
+  //   [10]    - DQS# enable     - 0 (enabled)
+  //   [9:7]   - OCD Program     - 111 or 000 (first 111, then 000 during init)
+  //   [6]     - RTT[1]          - RTT[1:0] = 0(no ODT), 1(75), 2(150), 3(50)
+  //   [5:3]   - Additive CAS    - ADDITIVE_CAS
+  //   [2]     - RTT[0]
+  //   [1]     - Output drive    - REDUCE_DRV (= 0(full), = 1 (reduced)
+  //   [0]     - DLL enable      - 0 (normal)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE == DDR2) begin: gen_ext_mode_reg_ddr2
+      assign ext_mode_reg[0]     = 1'b0;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[1]     = REDUCE_DRV;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[2]     = ((ODT_TYPE == 1) || (ODT_TYPE == 3)) ?
+                                   1'b1 : 1'b0;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[5:3]   = (ADDITIVE_LAT == 0) ? 3'b000 :
+                                   ((ADDITIVE_LAT == 1) ? 3'b001 :
+                                    ((ADDITIVE_LAT == 2) ? 3'b010 :
+                                     ((ADDITIVE_LAT == 3) ? 3'b011 :
+                                      ((ADDITIVE_LAT == 4) ? 3'b100 :
+                                      3'b111))));
+      assign ext_mode_reg[6]     = ((ODT_TYPE == 2) || (ODT_TYPE == 3)) ?
+                                   1'b1 : 1'b0;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[9:7]   = 3'b000;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[10]    = 1'b0;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[15:10] = 6'b000000;
+    end else if (DDR_TYPE == DDR1)begin: gen_ext_mode_reg_ddr1
+      assign ext_mode_reg[0]     = 1'b0;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[1]     = REDUCE_DRV;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[12:2]  = 11'b00000000000;
+      assign ext_mode_reg[15:13] = 3'b000;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // DDR3 Load mode reg0
+  // Mode Register (MR0):
+  //   [15:13] - unused          - 000
+  //   [12]    - Precharge Power-down DLL usage - 0 (DLL frozen, slow-exit),
+  //             1 (DLL maintained)
+  //   [11:9]  - write recovery for Auto Precharge (tWR/tCK = 6)
+  //   [8]     - DLL reset       - 0 or 1
+  //   [7]     - Test Mode       - 0 (normal)
+  //   [6:4],[2]   - CAS latency     - CAS_LAT
+  //   [3]     - Burst Type      - BURST_TYPE
+  //   [1:0]   - Burst Length    - BURST_LEN
+  //*****************************************************************
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE == DDR3) begin: gen_load_mode_reg0_ddr3
+      assign load_mode_reg0[1:0]   = (BURST_LEN == 8) ? 2'b00 :
+                                     ((BURST_LEN == 4) ? 2'b10 : 2'b11);
+      // Part of CAS latency. This bit is '0' for all CAS latencies
+      assign load_mode_reg0[2]     = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg0[3]     = BURST_TYPE;
+      assign load_mode_reg0[6:4]   = (CAS_LAT == 5) ? 3'b001 :
+                                     (CAS_LAT == 6) ? 3'b010 : 3'b111;
+      assign load_mode_reg0[7]     = 1'b0;
+      // init value only (DLL reset)
+      assign load_mode_reg0[8]     = 1'b1;
+      assign load_mode_reg0[11:9]  = 3'b010;
+      // Precharge Power-Down DLL 'slow-exit'
+      assign load_mode_reg0[12]    = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg0[15:13] = 3'b000;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // DDR3 Load mode reg1
+  // Mode Register (MR1):
+  //   [15:13] - unused          - 00
+  //   [12]    - output enable   - 0 (enabled for DQ, DQS, DQS#)
+  //   [11]    - TDQS enable     - 0 (TDQS disabled and DM enabled)
+  //   [10]    - reserved   - 0 (must be '0')
+  //   [9]     - RTT[2]     - 0
+  //   [8]     - reserved   - 0 (must be '0')
+  //   [7]     - write leveling - 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
+  //   [6]     - RTT[1]          - RTT[1:0] = 0(no ODT), 1(75), 2(150), 3(50)
+  //   [5]     - Output driver impedance[1] - 0 (RZQ/6 and RZQ/7)
+  //   [4:3]   - Additive CAS    - ADDITIVE_CAS
+  //   [2]     - RTT[0]
+  //   [1]     - Output driver impedance[0] - 0(RZQ/6), or 1 (RZQ/7)
+  //   [0]     - DLL enable      - 0 (normal)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE == DDR3) begin: gen_ext_mode_reg1_ddr3
+      // DLL enabled during Imitialization
+      assign load_mode_reg1[0]     = 1'b0;
+      // RZQ/6
+      assign load_mode_reg1[1]     = REDUCE_DRV;
+      assign load_mode_reg1[2]     = ((ODT_TYPE == 1) || (ODT_TYPE == 3)) ?
+                                     1'b1 : 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg1[4:3]   = (ADDITIVE_LAT == 0) ? 2'b00 :
+                                     ((ADDITIVE_LAT == 1) ? 2'b01 :
+                                      ((ADDITIVE_LAT == 2) ? 2'b10 :
+                                       3'b111));
+      // RZQ/6
+      assign load_mode_reg1[5]     = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg1[6]     = ((ODT_TYPE == 2) || (ODT_TYPE == 3)) ?
+                                   1'b1 : 1'b0;
+      // Make zero WRITE_LEVEL
+      assign load_mode_reg1[7]   = 0;
+      assign load_mode_reg1[8]   = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg1[9]   = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg1[10]    = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg1[15:11] = 5'b00000;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // DDR3 Load mode reg2
+  // Mode Register (MR2):
+  //   [15:11] - unused     - 00
+  //   [10:9]  - RTT_WR     - 00 (Dynamic ODT off)
+  //   [8]     - reserved   - 0 (must be '0')
+  //   [7]     - self-refresh temperature range -
+  //               0 (normal), 1 (extended)
+  //   [6]     - Auto Self-Refresh - 0 (manual), 1(auto)
+  //   [5:3]   - CAS Write Latency (CWL) -
+  //               000 (5 for 400 MHz device),
+  //               001 (6 for 400 MHz to 533 MHz devices),
+  //               010 (7 for 533 MHz to 667 MHz devices),
+  //               011 (8 for 667 MHz to 800 MHz)
+  //   [2:0]   - Partial Array Self-Refresh (Optional)      -
+  //               000 (full array)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE == DDR3) begin: gen_ext_mode_reg2_ddr3
+      assign load_mode_reg2[2:0]     = 3'b000;
+      assign load_mode_reg2[5:3]   = (CAS_LAT == 5) ? 3'b000 :
+                                     (CAS_LAT == 6) ? 3'b001 : 3'b111;
+      assign load_mode_reg2[6]     = 1'b0; // Manual Self-Refresh
+      assign load_mode_reg2[7]   = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg2[8]   = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg2[10:9]  = 2'b00;
+      assign load_mode_reg2[15:11] = 5'b00000;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // DDR3 Load mode reg3
+  // Mode Register (MR3):
+  //   [15:3] - unused          - All zeros
+  //   [2]     - MPR Operation - 0(normal operation), 1(data flow from MPR)
+  //   [1:0]   - MPR location     - 00 (Predefined pattern)
+  //*****************************************************************
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE == DDR3)begin: gen_ext_mode_reg3_ddr3
+      assign load_mode_reg3[1:0]   = 2'b00;
+      assign load_mode_reg3[2]     = 1'b0;
+      assign load_mode_reg3[15:3] = 13'b0000000000000;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Logic for calibration start, and for auto-refresh during cal request
+  // CALIB_REF_REQ is used by calibration logic to request auto-refresh
+  // durign calibration (used to avoid tRAS violation is certain calibration
+  // stages take a long time). Once the auto-refresh is complete and cal can
+  // be resumed, CALIB_REF_DONE is asserted by PHY_INIT.
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // generate pulse for each of calibration start controls
+  assign start_cal[0] = ((init_state_r1 == INIT_CAL1_READ) &&
+                         (init_state_r2 != INIT_CAL1_READ));
+  assign start_cal[1] = ((init_state_r1 == INIT_CAL2_READ) &&
+                         (init_state_r2 != INIT_CAL2_READ));
+  assign start_cal[2] = ((init_state_r1 == INIT_CAL3_READ) &&
+                         (init_state_r2 == INIT_CAL3_WRITE_READ));
+  assign start_cal[3] = ((init_state_r1 == INIT_CAL4_READ) &&
+                         (init_state_r2 == INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE_WAIT));
+  // Generate positive-edge triggered, latched signal to force initialization
+  // to pause calibration, and to issue auto-refresh. Clear flag as soon as
+  // refresh initiated
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0) begin
+      calib_ref_req_r       <= 1'b0;
+      calib_ref_req_posedge <= 1'b0;
+      refresh_req           <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      calib_ref_req_r       <= calib_ref_req;
+      calib_ref_req_posedge <= calib_ref_req & ~calib_ref_req_r;
+      if (init_state_r1 == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH)
+        refresh_req <= 1'b0;
+      else if (calib_ref_req_posedge)
+        refresh_req <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  // flag to tell cal1 calibration was started.
+  // This flag is used for cal1 auto refreshes
+  // some of these bits may not be needed - only needed for those stages that
+  // need refreshes within the stage (i.e. very long stages)
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0) begin
+      cal1_started_r <= 1'b0;
+      cal2_started_r <= 1'b0;
+      cal4_started_r <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      if (calib_start[0])
+        cal1_started_r <= 1'b1;
+      if (calib_start[1])
+        cal2_started_r <= 1'b1;
+      if (calib_start[3])
+        cal4_started_r <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  // Delay start of each calibration by 16 clock cycles to
+  // ensure that when calibration logic begins, that read data is already
+  // appearing on the bus. Don't really need it, it's more for simulation
+  // purposes. Each circuit should synthesize using an SRL16.
+  // In first stage of calibration  periodic auto refreshes
+  // will be issued to meet memory timing. calib_start_shift0_r[15] will be
+  // asserted more than once.calib_start[0] is anded with cal1_started_r so
+  // that it is asserted only once. cal1_refresh_done is anded with
+  // cal1_started_r so that it is asserted after the auto refreshes.
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0) begin
+    calib_start_shift0_r <= {calib_start_shift0_r[14:0], start_cal[0]};
+    calib_start_shift1_r <= {calib_start_shift1_r[14:0], start_cal[1]};
+    calib_start_shift2_r <= {calib_start_shift2_r[14:0], start_cal[2]};
+    calib_start_shift3_r <= {calib_start_shift3_r[14:0], start_cal[3]};
+    calib_start[0]       <= calib_start_shift0_r[15] & ~cal1_started_r;
+    calib_start[1]       <= calib_start_shift1_r[15] & ~cal2_started_r;
+    calib_start[2]       <= calib_start_shift2_r[15];
+    calib_start[3]       <= calib_start_shift3_r[15] & ~cal4_started_r;
+    calib_ref_done       <= calib_start_shift0_r[15] |
+                            calib_start_shift1_r[15] |
+                            calib_start_shift3_r[15];
+  end
+  // generate delay for various states that require it (no maximum delay
+  // requirement, make sure that terminal count is large enough to cover
+  // all cases)
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0) begin
+    case (init_state_r)
+        cnt_cmd_r <= cnt_cmd_r + 1;
+      default:
+        cnt_cmd_r <= 7'b0000000;
+    endcase
+  end
+  // assert when count reaches the value
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0) begin
+    if(cnt_cmd_r == CNTNEXT_CMD)
+      cnt_cmd_ok_r <= 1'b1;
+    else
+      cnt_cmd_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0) begin
+    case (init_state_r)
+        cnt_rd_r <= cnt_rd_r + 1;
+      default:
+        cnt_rd_r <= 4'b0000;
+    endcase
+  end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0) begin
+    if(cnt_rd_r == CNTNEXT_RD)
+      cnt_rd_ok_r <= 1'b1;
+    else
+      cnt_rd_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Initial delay after power-on
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // register the refresh flag from the controller.
+  // The refresh flag is in full frequency domain - so a pulsed version must
+  // be generated for half freq domain using 2 consecutive full clk cycles
+  // The registered version is used for the 200us counter
+  always @(posedge clk0)
+    ctrl_ref_flag_r <= ctrl_ref_flag;
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    cke_200us_cnt_en_r <= ctrl_ref_flag || ctrl_ref_flag_r;
+  // 200us counter for cke
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0) begin
+      // skip power-up count if only simulating
+      if (SIM_ONLY)
+        cke_200us_cnt_r <= 5'b00001;
+      else
+        cke_200us_cnt_r <= 5'd27;
+    end else if (cke_200us_cnt_en_r)
+      cke_200us_cnt_r <= cke_200us_cnt_r - 1;
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0)
+      done_200us_r <= 1'b0;
+    else if (!done_200us_r)
+      done_200us_r <= (cke_200us_cnt_r == 5'b00000);
+  // 200 clocks counter - count value : h'64 required for initialization
+  // Counts 100 divided by two clocks
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0 || (init_state_r == INIT_CNT_200))
+      cnt_200_cycle_r <= 8'h64;
+    else if  (init_state_r == INIT_ZQCL) // ddr3
+      cnt_200_cycle_r <= 8'hC8;
+    else if (cnt_200_cycle_r != 8'h00)
+      cnt_200_cycle_r <= cnt_200_cycle_r - 1;
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0 || (init_state_r == INIT_CNT_200)
+        || (init_state_r == INIT_ZQCL))
+      cnt_200_cycle_done_r <= 1'b0;
+    else if (cnt_200_cycle_r == 8'h00)
+      cnt_200_cycle_done_r <= 1'b1;
+  //*****************************************************************
+  //   handle deep memory configuration:
+  //   During initialization: Repeat initialization sequence once for each
+  //   chip select. Note that we could perform initalization for all chip
+  //   selects simulataneously. Probably fine - any potential SI issues with
+  //   auto refreshing all chip selects at once?
+  //   Once initialization complete, assert only CS[0] for calibration.
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0) begin
+      chip_cnt_r <= 2'b00;
+    end else if (init_state_r == INIT_DEEP_MEMORY_ST) begin
+      if (chip_cnt_r != CS_NUM)
+        chip_cnt_r <= chip_cnt_r + 1;
+      else
+        chip_cnt_r <= 2'b00;
+    end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0) begin
+      ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+    end else begin
+      ddr_cs_n_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b1}};
+      if ((init_state_r == INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE) ||
+          (init_state_r == INIT_PRECHARGE) ||
+          (init_state_r == INIT_LOAD_MODE) ||
+          (init_state_r == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH) ||
+          (init_state_r  == INIT_ZQCL    ) ||
+          (((init_state_r == INIT_CAL1_READ) ||
+            (init_state_r == INIT_CAL2_READ) ||
+            (init_state_r == INIT_CAL3_READ) ||
+            (init_state_r == INIT_CAL4_READ) ||
+            (init_state_r == INIT_CAL1_WRITE) ||
+            (init_state_r == INIT_CAL2_WRITE) ||
+            (init_state_r == INIT_CAL3_WRITE)) && (burst_cnt_r == 2'b00)))
+        ddr_cs_n_r[chip_cnt_r] <= 1'b0;
+      else
+        ddr_cs_n_r[chip_cnt_r] <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Write/read burst logic
+  //***************************************************************************
+  assign cal_write = ((init_state_r == INIT_CAL1_WRITE) ||
+                      (init_state_r == INIT_CAL2_WRITE) ||
+                      (init_state_r == INIT_CAL3_WRITE));
+  assign cal_read = ((init_state_r == INIT_CAL1_READ) ||
+                     (init_state_r == INIT_CAL2_READ) ||
+                     (init_state_r == INIT_CAL3_READ) ||
+                     (init_state_r == INIT_CAL4_READ));
+  assign cal_write_read = ((init_state_r == INIT_CAL1_READ) ||
+                           (init_state_r == INIT_CAL2_READ) ||
+                           (init_state_r == INIT_CAL3_READ) ||
+                           (init_state_r == INIT_CAL4_READ) ||
+                           (init_state_r == INIT_CAL1_WRITE) ||
+                           (init_state_r == INIT_CAL2_WRITE) ||
+                           (init_state_r == INIT_CAL3_WRITE));
+  assign burst_val = (BURST_LEN == 4) ? 2'b00 :
+                     (BURST_LEN == 8) ? 2'b01 : 2'b00;
+  // keep track of current address - need this if burst length < 8 for
+  // stage 2-4 calibration writes and reads. Make sure value always gets
+  // initialized to 0 before we enter write/read state. This is used to
+  // keep track of when another burst must be issued
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (cal_write_read)
+      burst_addr_r <= burst_addr_r + 2;
+    else
+      burst_addr_r <= 2'b00;
+  // write/read burst count
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (cal_write_read)
+      if (burst_cnt_r == 2'b00)
+        burst_cnt_r <= burst_val;
+        burst_cnt_r <= burst_cnt_r - 1;
+    else
+      burst_cnt_r <= 2'b00;
+  // indicate when a write is occurring
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    // MIG 2.1: Remove (burst_addr_r<4) term - not used
+    // phy_init_wren <= cal_write && (burst_addr_r < 3'd4);
+    phy_init_wren <= cal_write;
+  // used for read enable calibration, pulse to indicate when read issued
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    // MIG 2.1: Remove (burst_addr_r<4) term - not used
+    // phy_init_rden <= cal_read && (burst_addr_r < 3'd4);
+    phy_init_rden <= cal_read;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Initialization state machine
+  //***************************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    // every time we need to initialize another rank of memory, need to
+    // reset init count, and repeat the entire initialization (but not
+    // calibration) sequence
+    if (rstdiv0 || (init_state_r == INIT_DEEP_MEMORY_ST))
+      init_cnt_r <= INIT_CNTR_INIT;
+    else if ((DDR_TYPE == DDR1) && (init_state_r == INIT_PRECHARGE) &&
+             (init_cnt_r == INIT_CNTR_PRECH_1))
+      // skip EMR(2) and EMR(3) register loads
+      init_cnt_r <= INIT_CNTR_EMR_EN_DLL;
+    else if ((DDR_TYPE == DDR1) && (init_state_r == INIT_LOAD_MODE) &&
+             (init_cnt_r == INIT_CNTR_MR_ACT_DLL))
+      // skip OCD calibration for DDR1
+      init_cnt_r <= INIT_CNTR_DEEP_MEM;
+    else if ((DDR_TYPE == DDR3) && (init_state_r ==  INIT_ZQCL))
+      // skip states for DDR3
+      init_cnt_r <= INIT_CNTR_DEEP_MEM;
+    else if ((init_state_r == INIT_LOAD_MODE) ||
+             ((init_state_r == INIT_PRECHARGE)
+              && (init_state_r1 != INIT_CALIB_REF))||
+             ((init_state_r == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH)
+              && (~init_done_r))||
+             (init_state_r == INIT_CNT_200))
+      init_cnt_r <= init_cnt_r + 1;
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0) begin
+    if ((init_state_r == INIT_IDLE) && (init_cnt_r == INIT_CNTR_DONE)) begin
+      phy_init_done_r <= 1'b1;
+    end else
+      phy_init_done_r <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  // phy_init_done to the controller and the user interface.
+  // It is delayed by four clocks to account for the
+  // multi cycle path constraint to the (phy_init_data_sel)
+  // to the phy layer.
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)begin
+    phy_init_done_r1 <= phy_init_done_r;
+    phy_init_done_r2 <= phy_init_done_r1;
+    phy_init_done_r3 <= phy_init_done_r2;
+    phy_init_done <= phy_init_done_r3;
+  end
+  // Instantiate primitive to allow this flop to be attached to multicycle
+  // path constraint in UCF. This signal goes to PHY_WRITE and PHY_CTL_IO
+  // datapath logic only. Because it is a multi-cycle path, it can be
+  // clocked by either CLKDIV0 or CLK0.
+  FDRSE u_ff_phy_init_data_sel
+    (
+     .Q   (phy_init_data_sel),
+     .C   (clkdiv0),
+     .CE  (1'b1),
+     .D   (phy_init_done_r1),
+     .R   (1'b0),
+     .S   (1'b0)
+     ) /* synthesis syn_preserve=1 */
+       /* synthesis syn_replicate = 0 */;
+  //synthesis translate_off
+  always @(posedge calib_done[0])
+      $display ("First Stage Calibration completed at time %t", $time);
+  always @(posedge calib_done[1])
+    $display ("Second Stage Calibration completed at time %t", $time);
+  always @(posedge calib_done[2]) begin
+    $display ("Third Stage Calibration completed at time %t", $time);
+  end
+  always @(posedge calib_done[3]) begin
+    $display ("Fourth Stage Calibration completed at time %t", $time);
+    $display ("Calibration completed at time %t", $time);
+  end
+  //synthesis translate_on
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0) begin
+    if ((init_cnt_r >= INIT_CNTR_DEEP_MEM))begin
+       init_done_r <= 1'b1;
+    end else
+       init_done_r <= 1'b0;
+  end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if (rstdiv0) begin
+      init_state_r  <= INIT_IDLE;
+      init_state_r1 <= INIT_IDLE;
+      init_state_r2 <= INIT_IDLE;
+      calib_done_r  <= 4'b0000;
+    end else begin
+      init_state_r  <= init_next_state;
+      init_state_r1 <= init_state_r;
+      init_state_r2 <= init_state_r1;
+      calib_done_r  <= calib_done; // register for timing
+    end
+  always @(*) begin
+    init_next_state = init_state_r;
+    (* full_case, parallel_case *) case (init_state_r)
+      INIT_IDLE: begin
+        if (done_200us_r) begin
+          (* parallel_case *) case (init_cnt_r)
+            INIT_CNTR_INIT:
+              init_next_state = INIT_CNT_200;
+            INIT_CNTR_PRECH_1:
+              init_next_state = INIT_PRECHARGE;
+            INIT_CNTR_EMR2_INIT:
+              init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE; // EMR(2)
+            INIT_CNTR_EMR3_INIT:
+              init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE; // EMR(3);
+            INIT_CNTR_EMR_EN_DLL:
+              init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE; // EMR, enable DLL
+            INIT_CNTR_MR_RST_DLL:
+              init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE; // MR, reset DLL
+            INIT_CNTR_CNT_200_WAIT:begin
+              if(DDR_TYPE == DDR3)
+                 init_next_state = INIT_ZQCL; // DDR3
+              else
+                // Wait 200cc after reset DLL
+                init_next_state = INIT_CNT_200;
+            end
+            INIT_CNTR_PRECH_2:
+              init_next_state = INIT_PRECHARGE;
+            INIT_CNTR_AR_1:
+              init_next_state = INIT_AUTO_REFRESH;
+            INIT_CNTR_AR_2:
+              init_next_state = INIT_AUTO_REFRESH;
+            INIT_CNTR_MR_ACT_DLL:
+              init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE; // MR, unreset DLL
+            INIT_CNTR_EMR_DEF_OCD:
+              init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE; // EMR, OCD default
+            INIT_CNTR_EMR_EXIT_OCD:
+              init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE; // EMR, enable OCD exit
+            INIT_CNTR_DEEP_MEM: begin
+               if ((chip_cnt_r < CS_NUM-1))
+                  init_next_state = INIT_DEEP_MEMORY_ST;
+              else if (cnt_200_cycle_done_r)
+                init_next_state = INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE;
+              else
+                init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+            end
+            INIT_CNTR_PRECH_3:
+              init_next_state = INIT_PRECHARGE;
+            INIT_CNTR_DONE:
+              init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+            default :
+              init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+          endcase
+        end
+      end
+      INIT_CNT_200:
+        init_next_state = INIT_CNT_200_WAIT;
+      INIT_CNT_200_WAIT:
+        if (cnt_200_cycle_done_r)
+          init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+        init_next_state = INIT_PRECHARGE_WAIT;
+        if (cnt_cmd_ok_r)begin
+          if (init_done_r && (!(&calib_done_r)))
+            init_next_state = INIT_AUTO_REFRESH;
+          else
+            init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+        end
+      INIT_ZQCL:
+        init_next_state = INIT_WAIT_DLLK_ZQINIT;
+        if (cnt_200_cycle_done_r)
+          init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+        init_next_state = INIT_MODE_REGISTER_WAIT;
+        if (cnt_cmd_ok_r)
+          init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+        init_next_state = INIT_AUTO_REFRESH_WAIT;
+        if (cnt_cmd_ok_r)begin
+          if(init_done_r)
+            init_next_state = INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE;
+          else
+            init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+        end
+        init_next_state = INIT_IDLE;
+      // single row activate. All subsequent calibration writes and
+      // read will take place in this row
+        init_next_state = INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE_WAIT;
+        if (cnt_cmd_ok_r)begin
+          if (~calib_done_r[0]) begin
+            // if returning to stg1 after refresh, don't need to write
+            if (cal1_started_r)
+              init_next_state = INIT_CAL1_READ;
+            // if first entering stg1, need to write training pattern
+            else
+              init_next_state = INIT_CAL1_WRITE;
+          end else if (~calib_done[1]) begin
+            if (cal2_started_r)
+              init_next_state = INIT_CAL2_READ;
+            else
+              init_next_state = INIT_CAL2_WRITE;
+          end else if (~calib_done_r[2])
+             init_next_state = INIT_CAL3_WRITE;
+          else
+            init_next_state = INIT_CAL4_READ;
+        end
+      // Stage 1 calibration (write and continuous read)
+        if (burst_addr_r == 2'b10)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL1_WRITE_READ;
+        if (cnt_cmd_ok_r)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL1_READ;
+      INIT_CAL1_READ:
+        // Stage 1 requires inter-stage auto-refresh
+        if (calib_done_r[0] || refresh_req)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL1_READ_WAIT;
+        if (cnt_cmd_ok_r)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CALIB_REF;
+      // Stage 2 calibration (write and continuous read)
+        if (burst_addr_r == 2'b10)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL2_WRITE_READ;
+        if (cnt_cmd_ok_r)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL2_READ;
+      INIT_CAL2_READ:
+        // Stage 2 requires inter-stage auto-refresh
+        if (calib_done_r[1] || refresh_req)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL2_READ_WAIT;
+        if(cnt_cmd_ok_r)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CALIB_REF;
+      // Stage 3 calibration (write and continuous read)
+        if (burst_addr_r == 2'b10)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL3_WRITE_READ;
+        if (cnt_cmd_ok_r)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL3_READ;
+      INIT_CAL3_READ:
+        if (burst_addr_r == 2'b10)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL3_READ_WAIT;
+      INIT_CAL3_READ_WAIT: begin
+        if (cnt_rd_ok_r)
+          if (calib_done_r[2]) begin
+            init_next_state = INIT_CALIB_REF;
+          end else
+            init_next_state = INIT_CAL3_READ;
+      end
+      // Stage 4 calibration (continuous read only, same pattern as stage 3)
+      // only used if DQS_GATE supported
+      INIT_CAL4_READ:
+        if (burst_addr_r == 2'b10)
+          init_next_state = INIT_CAL4_READ_WAIT;
+      INIT_CAL4_READ_WAIT: begin
+        if (cnt_rd_ok_r)
+          // Stage 4 requires inter-stage auto-refresh
+          if (calib_done_r[3] || refresh_req)
+            init_next_state = INIT_PRECHARGE;
+          else
+            init_next_state = INIT_CAL4_READ;
+      end
+        init_next_state = INIT_PRECHARGE;
+    endcase
+  end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Memory control/address
+  //***************************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if ((init_state_r == INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE) ||
+        (init_state_r == INIT_PRECHARGE) ||
+        (init_state_r == INIT_LOAD_MODE) ||
+        (init_state_r == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH)) begin
+      ddr_ras_n_r <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      ddr_ras_n_r <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if ((init_state_r == INIT_LOAD_MODE) ||
+        (init_state_r == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH) ||
+        (cal_write_read && (burst_cnt_r == 2'b00))) begin
+      ddr_cas_n_r <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      ddr_cas_n_r <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    if ((init_state_r == INIT_LOAD_MODE) ||
+        (init_state_r == INIT_PRECHARGE) ||
+        (init_state_r == INIT_ZQCL) ||
+        (cal_write && (burst_cnt_r == 2'b00)))begin
+      ddr_we_n_r <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      ddr_we_n_r <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  //*****************************************************************
+  // memory address during init
+  //*****************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0) begin
+    if ((init_state_r == INIT_PRECHARGE)
+        || (init_state_r == INIT_ZQCL))begin
+      // Precharge all - set A10 = 1
+      ddr_addr_r <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      ddr_addr_r[10] <= 1'b1;
+      ddr_ba_r <= {BANK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+    end else if (init_state_r == INIT_LOAD_MODE) begin
+      ddr_ba_r <= {BANK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      ddr_addr_r <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      case (init_cnt_r)
+        // EMR (2)
+        INIT_CNTR_EMR2_INIT: begin
+          ddr_ba_r[1:0] <= 2'b10;
+          ddr_addr_r    <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+        end
+        // EMR (3)
+        INIT_CNTR_EMR3_INIT: begin
+          ddr_ba_r[1:0] <= 2'b11;
+          if(DDR_TYPE == DDR3)
+            ddr_addr_r    <= load_mode_reg3[ROW_WIDTH-1:0];
+          else
+            ddr_addr_r    <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+        end
+        // EMR write - A0 = 0 for DLL enable
+        INIT_CNTR_EMR_EN_DLL: begin
+          ddr_ba_r[1:0] <= 2'b01;
+          if(DDR_TYPE == DDR3)
+            ddr_addr_r <= load_mode_reg1[ROW_WIDTH-1:0];
+          else
+            ddr_addr_r <= ext_mode_reg[ROW_WIDTH-1:0];
+        end
+        // MR write, reset DLL (A8=1)
+        INIT_CNTR_MR_RST_DLL: begin
+          if(DDR_TYPE == DDR3)
+            ddr_addr_r <= load_mode_reg0[ROW_WIDTH-1:0];
+          else
+            ddr_addr_r <= load_mode_reg[ROW_WIDTH-1:0];
+          ddr_ba_r[1:0] <= 2'b00;
+          ddr_addr_r[8] <= 1'b1;
+        end
+        // MR write, unreset DLL (A8=0)
+        INIT_CNTR_MR_ACT_DLL: begin
+          ddr_ba_r[1:0] <= 2'b00;
+          ddr_addr_r <= load_mode_reg[ROW_WIDTH-1:0];
+        end
+        // EMR write, OCD default state
+        INIT_CNTR_EMR_DEF_OCD: begin
+          ddr_ba_r[1:0] <= 2'b01;
+          ddr_addr_r <= ext_mode_reg[ROW_WIDTH-1:0];
+          ddr_addr_r[9:7] <= 3'b111;
+        end
+        // EMR write - OCD exit
+        INIT_CNTR_EMR_EXIT_OCD: begin
+          ddr_ba_r[1:0] <= 2'b01;
+          ddr_addr_r <= ext_mode_reg[ROW_WIDTH-1:0];
+        end
+        default: begin
+          ddr_ba_r <= {BANK_WIDTH{1'bx}};
+          ddr_addr_r <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'bx}};
+        end
+      endcase
+    end else if (cal_write_read) begin
+      // when writing or reading for Stages 2-4, since training pattern is
+      // either 4 (stage 2) or 8 (stage 3-4) long, if BURST LEN < 8, then
+      // need to issue multiple bursts to read entire training pattern
+      ddr_addr_r[ROW_WIDTH-1:3] <= {ROW_WIDTH-4{1'b0}};
+      ddr_addr_r[2:0]           <= {burst_addr_r, 1'b0};
+      ddr_ba_r                  <= {BANK_WIDTH-1{1'b0}};
+    end else if (init_state_r == INIT_DUMMY_ACTIVE) begin
+      // all calibration writing read takes place in row 0x0 only
+      ddr_ba_r   <= {BANK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      ddr_addr_r <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+    end else begin
+      // otherwise, cry me a river
+      ddr_ba_r   <= {BANK_WIDTH{1'bx}};
+      ddr_addr_r <= {ROW_WIDTH{1'bx}};
+    end
+  end
+  // Keep CKE asserted after initial power-on delay
+  always @(posedge clkdiv0)
+    ddr_cke_r <= {CKE_WIDTH{done_200us_r}};
+  // register commands to memory. Two clock cycle delay from state -> output
+  always @(posedge clk0) begin
+    ddr_addr_r1   <= ddr_addr_r;
+    ddr_ba_r1     <= ddr_ba_r;
+    ddr_cas_n_r1  <= ddr_cas_n_r;
+    ddr_ras_n_r1  <= ddr_ras_n_r;
+    ddr_we_n_r1   <= ddr_we_n_r;
+    ddr_cs_n_r1   <= ddr_cs_n_r;
+  end // always @ (posedge clk0)
+  // logic to toggle chip select. The chip_select is
+  // clocked of clkdiv0 and will be asserted for
+  // two clock cycles.
+   always @(posedge clk0) begin
+      if(rst0)
+        ddr_cs_disable_r <= {CS_NUM{1'b0}};
+      else begin
+         if(ddr_cs_disable_r[chip_cnt_r])
+            ddr_cs_disable_r[chip_cnt_r] <= 1'b0;
+         else begin
+            if(TWO_T_TIME_EN)
+               ddr_cs_disable_r[chip_cnt_r] <= ~ddr_cs_n_r1[chip_cnt_r];
+            else
+               ddr_cs_disable_r[chip_cnt_r] <= ~ddr_cs_n_r[chip_cnt_r];
+         end
+       end
+   end
+  assign phy_init_addr      = ddr_addr_r;
+  assign phy_init_ba        = ddr_ba_r;
+  assign phy_init_cas_n     = ddr_cas_n_r;
+  assign phy_init_cke       = ddr_cke_r;
+  assign phy_init_ras_n     = ddr_ras_n_r;
+  assign phy_init_we_n      = ddr_we_n_r;
+  assign phy_init_cs_n      = (TWO_T_TIME_EN) ?
+                              ddr_cs_n_r1 | ddr_cs_disable_r
+                              : ddr_cs_n_r| ddr_cs_disable_r;
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_io.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_io.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ba82d5b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation,
+// implementation and creation of design files limited
+// to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx
+// devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and
+// immediately terminates your license unless covered by
+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information
+// "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and
+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design,
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no
+// representation that this implementation is free from any
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation.
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_io.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/29 15:24:03 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module instantiates calibration logic, data, data strobe and the
+//   data mask iobs.
+//Revision History:
+//   Rev 1.1 - DM_IOB instance made based on USE_DM_PORT value . PK. 25/6/08
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_phy_io #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter CLK_WIDTH             = 1,
+   parameter USE_DM_PORT           = 1,
+   parameter DM_WIDTH              = 9,
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH              = 72,
+   parameter DQ_BITS               = 7,
+   parameter DQ_PER_DQS            = 8,
+   parameter DQS_BITS              = 4,
+   parameter DQS_WIDTH             = 9,
+   parameter ODT_WIDTH             = 1,
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT          = 0,
+   parameter CAS_LAT               = 5,
+   parameter REG_ENABLE            = 1,
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD            = 3000,
+   parameter DDR_TYPE              = 1,
+   parameter SIM_ONLY              = 0,
+   parameter DEBUG_EN              = 0,
+   parameter DQS_IO_COL            = 0,
+   parameter DQ_IO_MS              = 0
+   )
+  (
+   input                                clk0,
+   input                                clk90,
+   input                                clkdiv0,
+   input                                rst0,
+   input                                rst90,
+   input                                rstdiv0,
+   input                                dm_ce,
+   input [1:0]                          dq_oe_n,
+   input                                dqs_oe_n,
+   input                                dqs_rst_n,
+   input [3:0]                          calib_start,
+   input                                ctrl_rden,
+   input                                phy_init_rden,
+   input                                calib_ref_done,
+   output [3:0]                         calib_done,
+   output                               calib_ref_req,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]               calib_rden,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]               calib_rden_sel,
+   input [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                 wr_data_rise,
+   input [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                 wr_data_fall,
+   input [(DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0]             mask_data_rise,
+   input [(DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0]             mask_data_fall,
+   output [(DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]              rd_data_rise,
+   output [(DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]              rd_data_fall,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]               ddr_ck,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]               ddr_ck_n,
+   output [DM_WIDTH-1:0]                ddr_dm,
+   inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                ddr_dqs,
+   inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                ddr_dqs_n,
+   inout [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                 ddr_dq,
+   // Debug signals (optional use)
+   input                                dbg_idel_up_all,
+   input                                dbg_idel_down_all,
+   input                                dbg_idel_up_dq,
+   input                                dbg_idel_down_dq,
+   input                                dbg_idel_up_dqs,
+   input                                dbg_idel_down_dqs,
+   input                                dbg_idel_up_gate,
+   input                                dbg_idel_down_gate,
+   input [DQ_BITS-1:0]                  dbg_sel_idel_dq,
+   input                                dbg_sel_all_idel_dq,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                   dbg_sel_idel_dqs,
+   input                                dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                   dbg_sel_idel_gate,
+   input                                dbg_sel_all_idel_gate,
+   output [3:0]                         dbg_calib_done,
+   output [3:0]                         dbg_calib_err,
+   output [(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]            dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]           dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]           dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]               dbg_calib_rd_data_sel,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]           dbg_calib_rden_dly,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]           dbg_calib_gate_dly
+   );
+  // ratio of # of physical DM outputs to bytes in data bus
+  // may be different - e.g. if using x4 components
+  localparam DM_TO_BYTE_RATIO = DM_WIDTH / (DQ_WIDTH/8);
+  wire [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                     ddr_ck_q;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     delayed_dqs;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                      dlyce_dq;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     dlyce_dqs;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     dlyce_gate;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                      dlyinc_dq;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     dlyinc_dqs;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     dlyinc_gate;
+  wire                                     dlyrst_dq;
+  wire                                     dlyrst_dqs;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     dlyrst_gate;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     dq_ce;
+  (* KEEP = "TRUE" *) wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] en_dqs /* synthesis syn_keep = 1 */;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     rd_data_sel;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  ddr2_phy_calib #
+    (
+     .DQ_WIDTH      (DQ_WIDTH),
+     .DQ_BITS       (DQ_BITS),
+     .DQ_PER_DQS    (DQ_PER_DQS),
+     .DQS_BITS      (DQS_BITS),
+     .DQS_WIDTH     (DQS_WIDTH),
+     .CAS_LAT       (CAS_LAT),
+     .SIM_ONLY      (SIM_ONLY),
+     .DEBUG_EN      (DEBUG_EN)
+     )
+    u_phy_calib
+      (
+       .clk                    (clk0),
+       .clkdiv                 (clkdiv0),
+       .rstdiv                 (rstdiv0),
+       .calib_start            (calib_start),
+       .ctrl_rden              (ctrl_rden),
+       .phy_init_rden          (phy_init_rden),
+       .rd_data_rise           (rd_data_rise),
+       .rd_data_fall           (rd_data_fall),
+       .calib_ref_done         (calib_ref_done),
+       .calib_done             (calib_done),
+       .calib_ref_req          (calib_ref_req),
+       .calib_rden             (calib_rden),
+       .calib_rden_sel         (calib_rden_sel),
+       .dlyrst_dq              (dlyrst_dq),
+       .dlyce_dq               (dlyce_dq),
+       .dlyinc_dq              (dlyinc_dq),
+       .dlyrst_dqs             (dlyrst_dqs),
+       .dlyce_dqs              (dlyce_dqs),
+       .dlyinc_dqs             (dlyinc_dqs),
+       .dlyrst_gate            (dlyrst_gate),
+       .dlyce_gate             (dlyce_gate),
+       .dlyinc_gate            (dlyinc_gate),
+       .en_dqs                 (en_dqs),
+       .rd_data_sel            (rd_data_sel),
+       .dbg_idel_up_all        (dbg_idel_up_all),
+       .dbg_idel_down_all      (dbg_idel_down_all),
+       .dbg_idel_up_dq         (dbg_idel_up_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_down_dq       (dbg_idel_down_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_up_dqs        (dbg_idel_up_dqs),
+       .dbg_idel_down_dqs      (dbg_idel_down_dqs),
+       .dbg_idel_up_gate       (dbg_idel_up_gate),
+       .dbg_idel_down_gate     (dbg_idel_down_gate),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_dq        (dbg_sel_idel_dq),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_dq    (dbg_sel_all_idel_dq),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_dqs       (dbg_sel_idel_dqs),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs   (dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_gate      (dbg_sel_idel_gate),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_gate  (dbg_sel_all_idel_gate),
+       .dbg_calib_done         (dbg_calib_done),
+       .dbg_calib_err          (dbg_calib_err),
+       .dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt   (dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt  (dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt (dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_rd_data_sel  (dbg_calib_rd_data_sel),
+       .dbg_calib_rden_dly     (dbg_calib_rden_dly),
+       .dbg_calib_gate_dly     (dbg_calib_gate_dly)
+       );
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Memory clock generation
+  //***************************************************************************
+  genvar ck_i;
+  generate
+    for(ck_i = 0; ck_i < CLK_WIDTH; ck_i = ck_i+1) begin: gen_ck
+      ODDR #
+        (
+         .SRTYPE       ("SYNC"),
+         )
+        u_oddr_ck_i
+          (
+           .Q   (ddr_ck_q[ck_i]),
+           .C   (clk0),
+           .CE  (1'b1),
+           .D1  (1'b0),
+           .D2  (1'b1),
+           .R   (1'b0),
+           .S   (1'b0)
+           );
+      // Can insert ODELAY here if required
+      OBUFDS u_obuf_ck_i
+        (
+         .I   (ddr_ck_q[ck_i]),
+         .O   (ddr_ck[ck_i]),
+         .OB  (ddr_ck_n[ck_i])
+         );
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // DQS instances
+  //***************************************************************************
+  genvar dqs_i;
+  generate
+    for(dqs_i = 0; dqs_i < DQS_WIDTH; dqs_i = dqs_i+1) begin: gen_dqs
+      ddr2_phy_dqs_iob #
+        (
+         .DDR_TYPE              (DDR_TYPE),
+         )
+        u_iob_dqs
+          (
+           .clk0           (clk0),
+           .clkdiv0        (clkdiv0),
+           .rst0           (rst0),
+           .dlyinc_dqs     (dlyinc_dqs[dqs_i]),
+           .dlyce_dqs      (dlyce_dqs[dqs_i]),
+           .dlyrst_dqs     (dlyrst_dqs),
+           .dlyinc_gate    (dlyinc_gate[dqs_i]),
+           .dlyce_gate     (dlyce_gate[dqs_i]),
+           .dlyrst_gate    (dlyrst_gate[dqs_i]),
+           .dqs_oe_n       (dqs_oe_n),
+           .dqs_rst_n      (dqs_rst_n),
+           .en_dqs         (en_dqs[dqs_i]),
+           .ddr_dqs        (ddr_dqs[dqs_i]),
+           .ddr_dqs_n      (ddr_dqs_n[dqs_i]),
+           .dq_ce          (dq_ce[dqs_i]),
+           .delayed_dqs    (delayed_dqs[dqs_i])
+           );
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // DM instances
+  //***************************************************************************
+  genvar dm_i;
+  generate
+    if (USE_DM_PORT) begin: gen_dm_inst
+      for(dm_i = 0; dm_i < DM_WIDTH; dm_i = dm_i+1) begin: gen_dm
+        ddr2_phy_dm_iob u_iob_dm
+          (
+           .clk90           (clk90),
+           .dm_ce           (dm_ce),
+           .mask_data_rise  (mask_data_rise[dm_i/DM_TO_BYTE_RATIO]),
+           .mask_data_fall  (mask_data_fall[dm_i/DM_TO_BYTE_RATIO]),
+           .ddr_dm          (ddr_dm[dm_i])
+           );
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // DQ IOB instances
+  //***************************************************************************
+  genvar dq_i;
+  generate
+    for(dq_i = 0; dq_i < DQ_WIDTH; dq_i = dq_i+1) begin: gen_dq
+      ddr2_phy_dq_iob #
+        (
+         .DQ_COL (DQS_IO_COL[2*(dq_i/DQ_PER_DQS)+1:2*(dq_i/DQ_PER_DQS)]),
+         .DQ_MS  (DQ_IO_MS[dq_i]),
+         )
+        u_iob_dq
+        (
+         .clk0         (clk0),
+         .clk90        (clk90),
+         .clkdiv0      (clkdiv0),
+         .rst90        (rst90),
+         .dlyinc       (dlyinc_dq[dq_i]),
+         .dlyce        (dlyce_dq[dq_i]),
+         .dlyrst       (dlyrst_dq),
+         .dq_oe_n      (dq_oe_n),
+         .dqs          (delayed_dqs[dq_i/DQ_PER_DQS]),
+         .ce           (dq_ce[dq_i/DQ_PER_DQS]),
+         .rd_data_sel  (rd_data_sel[dq_i/DQ_PER_DQS]),
+         .wr_data_rise (wr_data_rise[dq_i]),
+         .wr_data_fall (wr_data_fall[dq_i]),
+         .rd_data_rise (rd_data_rise[dq_i]),
+         .rd_data_fall (rd_data_fall[dq_i]),
+         .ddr_dq       (ddr_dq[dq_i])
+         );
+    end
+  endgenerate
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_top.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_top.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d9a9830
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information
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+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no
+// representation that this implementation is free from any
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation.
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
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+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
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+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_top.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/22 15:41:06 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   Top-level for memory physical layer (PHY) interface
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+(* X_CORE_INFO = "mig_v2_3_ddr2_v5, Coregen 10.1.02" , CORE_GENERATION_INFO = "ddr2_v5,mig_v2_3,{component_name=ddr2_phy_top, BANK_WIDTH=2, CKE_WIDTH=1, CLK_WIDTH=2, COL_WIDTH=10, CS_NUM=1, CS_WIDTH=1, DM_WIDTH=8, DQ_WIDTH=64, DQ_PER_DQS=8, DQS_WIDTH=8, ODT_WIDTH=1, ROW_WIDTH=13, ADDITIVE_LAT=0, BURST_LEN=4, BURST_TYPE=0, CAS_LAT=4, ECC_ENABLE=0, MULTI_BANK_EN=1, TWO_T_TIME_EN=1, ODT_TYPE=1, REDUCE_DRV=0, REG_ENABLE=0, TREFI_NS=7800, TRAS=40000, TRCD=15000, TRFC=127500, TRP=15000, TRTP=7500, TWR=15000, TWTR=7500, DDR2_CLK_PERIOD=5000, RST_ACT_LOW=1}" *)
+module ddr2_phy_top #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH            = 2,
+   parameter CLK_WIDTH             = 1,
+   parameter CKE_WIDTH             = 1,
+   parameter COL_WIDTH             = 10,
+   parameter CS_NUM                = 1,
+   parameter CS_WIDTH              = 1,
+   parameter USE_DM_PORT           = 1,
+   parameter DM_WIDTH              = 9,
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH              = 72,
+   parameter DQ_BITS               = 7,
+   parameter DQ_PER_DQS            = 8,
+   parameter DQS_WIDTH             = 9,
+   parameter DQS_BITS              = 4,
+   parameter ODT_WIDTH             = 1,
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH             = 14,
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT          = 0,
+   parameter TWO_T_TIME_EN         = 0,
+   parameter BURST_LEN             = 4,
+   parameter BURST_TYPE            = 0,
+   parameter CAS_LAT               = 5,
+   parameter TWR                   = 15000,
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE            = 0,
+   parameter ODT_TYPE              = 1,
+   parameter DDR_TYPE              = 1,
+   parameter REDUCE_DRV            = 0,
+   parameter REG_ENABLE            = 1,
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD            = 3000,
+   parameter SIM_ONLY              = 0,
+   parameter DEBUG_EN              = 0,
+   parameter DQS_IO_COL            = 0,
+   parameter DQ_IO_MS              = 0
+   )
+  (
+   input                                  clk0,
+   input                                  clk90,
+   input                                  clkdiv0,
+   input                                  rst0,
+   input                                  rst90,
+   input                                  rstdiv0,
+   input                                  ctrl_wren,
+   input [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                  ctrl_addr,
+   input [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]                 ctrl_ba,
+   input                                  ctrl_ras_n,
+   input                                  ctrl_cas_n,
+   input                                  ctrl_we_n,
+   input [CS_NUM-1:0]                     ctrl_cs_n,
+   input                                  ctrl_rden,
+   input                                  ctrl_ref_flag,
+   input [(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]               wdf_data,
+   input [(2*DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0]             wdf_mask_data,
+   output                                 wdf_rden,
+   output                                 phy_init_done,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                 phy_calib_rden,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                 phy_calib_rden_sel,
+   output [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                  rd_data_rise,
+   output [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                  rd_data_fall,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                 ddr_ck,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                 ddr_ck_n,
+   output [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                 ddr_addr,
+   output [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]                ddr_ba,
+   output                                 ddr_ras_n,
+   output                                 ddr_cas_n,
+   output                                 ddr_we_n,
+   output [CS_WIDTH-1:0]                  ddr_cs_n,
+   output [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]                 ddr_cke,
+   output [ODT_WIDTH-1:0]                 ddr_odt,
+   output [DM_WIDTH-1:0]                  ddr_dm,
+   inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                  ddr_dqs,
+   inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                  ddr_dqs_n,
+   inout [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr_dq,
+   // Debug signals (optional use)
+   input                                  dbg_idel_up_all,
+   input                                  dbg_idel_down_all,
+   input                                  dbg_idel_up_dq,
+   input                                  dbg_idel_down_dq,
+   input                                  dbg_idel_up_dqs,
+   input                                  dbg_idel_down_dqs,
+   input                                  dbg_idel_up_gate,
+   input                                  dbg_idel_down_gate,
+   input [DQ_BITS-1:0]                    dbg_sel_idel_dq,
+   input                                  dbg_sel_all_idel_dq,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                     dbg_sel_idel_dqs,
+   input                                  dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                     dbg_sel_idel_gate,
+   input                                  dbg_sel_all_idel_gate,
+   output [3:0]                           dbg_calib_done,
+   output [3:0]                           dbg_calib_err,
+   output [(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]              dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]             dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]             dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                 dbg_calib_rd_data_sel,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]             dbg_calib_rden_dly,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]             dbg_calib_gate_dly
+   );
+  wire [3:0]               calib_done;
+  wire                     calib_ref_done;
+  wire                     calib_ref_req;
+  wire [3:0]               calib_start;
+  wire                     dm_ce;
+  wire [1:0]               dq_oe_n;
+  wire                     dqs_oe_n;
+  wire                     dqs_rst_n;
+  wire [(DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0]  mask_data_fall;
+  wire [(DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0]  mask_data_rise;
+  wire [CS_NUM-1:0]        odt;
+  wire [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]     phy_init_addr;
+  wire [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]    phy_init_ba;
+  wire                     phy_init_cas_n;
+  wire [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]     phy_init_cke;
+  wire [CS_NUM-1:0]        phy_init_cs_n;
+  wire                     phy_init_data_sel;
+  wire                     phy_init_ras_n;
+  wire                     phy_init_rden;
+  wire                     phy_init_we_n;
+  wire                     phy_init_wren;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]      wr_data_fall;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]      wr_data_rise;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  ddr2_phy_write #
+    (
+     .DQ_WIDTH     (DQ_WIDTH),
+     .CS_NUM       (CS_NUM),
+     .CAS_LAT      (CAS_LAT),
+     .ODT_TYPE     (ODT_TYPE),
+     .DDR_TYPE     (DDR_TYPE)
+     )
+    u_phy_write
+      (
+       .clk0                    (clk0),
+       .clk90                   (clk90),
+       .rst90                   (rst90),
+       .wdf_data                (wdf_data),
+       .wdf_mask_data           (wdf_mask_data),
+       .ctrl_wren               (ctrl_wren),
+       .phy_init_wren           (phy_init_wren),
+       .phy_init_data_sel       (phy_init_data_sel),
+       .dm_ce                   (dm_ce),
+       .dq_oe_n                 (dq_oe_n),
+       .dqs_oe_n                (dqs_oe_n),
+       .dqs_rst_n               (dqs_rst_n),
+       .wdf_rden                (wdf_rden),
+       .odt                     (odt),
+       .wr_data_rise            (wr_data_rise),
+       .wr_data_fall            (wr_data_fall),
+       .mask_data_rise          (mask_data_rise),
+       .mask_data_fall          (mask_data_fall)
+       );
+  ddr2_phy_io #
+    (
+     .CLK_WIDTH             (CLK_WIDTH),
+     .USE_DM_PORT           (USE_DM_PORT),
+     .DM_WIDTH              (DM_WIDTH),
+     .DQ_WIDTH              (DQ_WIDTH),
+     .DQ_BITS               (DQ_BITS),
+     .DQ_PER_DQS            (DQ_PER_DQS),
+     .DQS_BITS              (DQS_BITS),
+     .DQS_WIDTH             (DQS_WIDTH),
+     .ODT_WIDTH             (ODT_WIDTH),
+     .ADDITIVE_LAT          (ADDITIVE_LAT),
+     .CAS_LAT               (CAS_LAT),
+     .REG_ENABLE            (REG_ENABLE),
+     .CLK_PERIOD            (CLK_PERIOD),
+     .DDR_TYPE              (DDR_TYPE),
+     .SIM_ONLY              (SIM_ONLY),
+     .DEBUG_EN              (DEBUG_EN),
+     .DQS_IO_COL            (DQS_IO_COL),
+     .DQ_IO_MS              (DQ_IO_MS)
+     )
+    u_phy_io
+      (
+       .clk0                   (clk0),
+       .clk90                  (clk90),
+       .clkdiv0                (clkdiv0),
+       .rst0                   (rst0),
+       .rst90                  (rst90),
+       .rstdiv0                (rstdiv0),
+       .dm_ce                  (dm_ce),
+       .dq_oe_n                (dq_oe_n),
+       .dqs_oe_n               (dqs_oe_n),
+       .dqs_rst_n              (dqs_rst_n),
+       .calib_start            (calib_start),
+       .ctrl_rden              (ctrl_rden),
+       .phy_init_rden          (phy_init_rden),
+       .calib_ref_done         (calib_ref_done),
+       .calib_done             (calib_done),
+       .calib_ref_req          (calib_ref_req),
+       .calib_rden             (phy_calib_rden),
+       .calib_rden_sel         (phy_calib_rden_sel),
+       .wr_data_rise           (wr_data_rise),
+       .wr_data_fall           (wr_data_fall),
+       .mask_data_rise         (mask_data_rise),
+       .mask_data_fall         (mask_data_fall),
+       .rd_data_rise           (rd_data_rise),
+       .rd_data_fall           (rd_data_fall),
+       .ddr_ck                 (ddr_ck),
+       .ddr_ck_n               (ddr_ck_n),
+       .ddr_dm                 (ddr_dm),
+       .ddr_dqs                (ddr_dqs),
+       .ddr_dqs_n              (ddr_dqs_n),
+       .ddr_dq                 (ddr_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_up_all        (dbg_idel_up_all),
+       .dbg_idel_down_all      (dbg_idel_down_all),
+       .dbg_idel_up_dq         (dbg_idel_up_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_down_dq       (dbg_idel_down_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_up_dqs        (dbg_idel_up_dqs),
+       .dbg_idel_down_dqs      (dbg_idel_down_dqs),
+       .dbg_idel_up_gate       (dbg_idel_up_gate),
+       .dbg_idel_down_gate     (dbg_idel_down_gate),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_dq        (dbg_sel_idel_dq),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_dq    (dbg_sel_all_idel_dq),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_dqs       (dbg_sel_idel_dqs),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs   (dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_gate      (dbg_sel_idel_gate),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_gate  (dbg_sel_all_idel_gate),
+       .dbg_calib_done         (dbg_calib_done),
+       .dbg_calib_err          (dbg_calib_err),
+       .dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt   (dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt  (dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt (dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_rd_data_sel  (dbg_calib_rd_data_sel),
+       .dbg_calib_rden_dly     (dbg_calib_rden_dly),
+       .dbg_calib_gate_dly     (dbg_calib_gate_dly)
+       );
+  ddr2_phy_ctl_io #
+    (
+     .CKE_WIDTH     (CKE_WIDTH),
+     .COL_WIDTH     (COL_WIDTH),
+     .CS_NUM        (CS_NUM),
+     .CS_WIDTH      (CS_WIDTH),
+     .ODT_WIDTH     (ODT_WIDTH),
+     .ROW_WIDTH     (ROW_WIDTH),
+     .DDR_TYPE      (DDR_TYPE)
+     )
+    u_phy_ctl_io
+      (
+       .clk0                    (clk0),
+       .clk90                   (clk90),
+       .rst0                    (rst0),
+       .rst90                   (rst90),
+       .ctrl_addr               (ctrl_addr),
+       .ctrl_ba                 (ctrl_ba),
+       .ctrl_ras_n              (ctrl_ras_n),
+       .ctrl_cas_n              (ctrl_cas_n),
+       .ctrl_we_n               (ctrl_we_n),
+       .ctrl_cs_n               (ctrl_cs_n),
+       .phy_init_addr           (phy_init_addr),
+       .phy_init_ba             (phy_init_ba),
+       .phy_init_ras_n          (phy_init_ras_n),
+       .phy_init_cas_n          (phy_init_cas_n),
+       .phy_init_we_n           (phy_init_we_n),
+       .phy_init_cs_n           (phy_init_cs_n),
+       .phy_init_cke            (phy_init_cke),
+       .phy_init_data_sel       (phy_init_data_sel),
+       .odt                     (odt),
+       .ddr_addr                (ddr_addr),
+       .ddr_ba                  (ddr_ba),
+       .ddr_ras_n               (ddr_ras_n),
+       .ddr_cas_n               (ddr_cas_n),
+       .ddr_we_n                (ddr_we_n),
+       .ddr_cke                 (ddr_cke),
+       .ddr_cs_n                (ddr_cs_n),
+       .ddr_odt                 (ddr_odt)
+       );
+  ddr2_phy_init #
+    (
+     .CKE_WIDTH    (CKE_WIDTH),
+     .COL_WIDTH    (COL_WIDTH),
+     .CS_NUM       (CS_NUM),
+     .DQ_WIDTH     (DQ_WIDTH),
+     .ODT_WIDTH    (ODT_WIDTH),
+     .ROW_WIDTH    (ROW_WIDTH),
+     .BURST_LEN    (BURST_LEN),
+     .CAS_LAT      (CAS_LAT),
+     .ODT_TYPE     (ODT_TYPE),
+     .TWR          (TWR),
+     .DDR_TYPE     (DDR_TYPE),
+     .SIM_ONLY     (SIM_ONLY)
+     )
+    u_phy_init
+      (
+       .clk0                    (clk0),
+       .clkdiv0                 (clkdiv0),
+       .rst0                    (rst0),
+       .rstdiv0                 (rstdiv0),
+       .calib_done              (calib_done),
+       .ctrl_ref_flag           (ctrl_ref_flag),
+       .calib_ref_req           (calib_ref_req),
+       .calib_start             (calib_start),
+       .calib_ref_done          (calib_ref_done),
+       .phy_init_wren           (phy_init_wren),
+       .phy_init_rden           (phy_init_rden),
+       .phy_init_addr           (phy_init_addr),
+       .phy_init_ba             (phy_init_ba),
+       .phy_init_ras_n          (phy_init_ras_n),
+       .phy_init_cas_n          (phy_init_cas_n),
+       .phy_init_we_n           (phy_init_we_n),
+       .phy_init_cs_n           (phy_init_cs_n),
+       .phy_init_cke            (phy_init_cke),
+       .phy_init_done           (phy_init_done),
+       .phy_init_data_sel       (phy_init_data_sel)
+       );
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_write.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_phy_write.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4b9b3e0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
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+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_phy_write.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/29 15:24:03 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Thu Aug 24 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   Handles delaying various write control signals appropriately depending
+//   on CAS latency, additive latency, etc. Also splits the data and mask in
+//   rise and fall buses.
+//Revision History:
+//   Rev 1.1 - For Dual Rank parts support ODT logic corrected. PK. 08/05/08
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_phy_write #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH      = 72,
+   parameter CS_NUM        = 1,
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT  = 0,
+   parameter CAS_LAT       = 5,
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE    = 0,
+   parameter ODT_TYPE      = 1,
+   parameter REG_ENABLE    = 1,
+   parameter DDR_TYPE      = 1
+   )
+  (
+   input                       clk0,
+   input                       clk90,
+   input                       rst90,
+   input [(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]    wdf_data,
+   input [(2*DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0]  wdf_mask_data,
+   input                       ctrl_wren,
+   input                       phy_init_wren,
+   input                       phy_init_data_sel,
+   output reg                  dm_ce,
+   output reg [1:0]            dq_oe_n,
+   output reg                  dqs_oe_n ,
+   output reg                  dqs_rst_n ,
+   output                      wdf_rden,
+   output reg [CS_NUM-1:0]     odt ,
+   output [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]       wr_data_rise,
+   output [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]       wr_data_fall,
+   output [(DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0]   mask_data_rise,
+   output [(DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0]   mask_data_fall
+   );
+  localparam   MASK_WIDTH               = DQ_WIDTH/8;
+  localparam   DDR1                     = 0;
+  localparam   DDR2                     = 1;
+  localparam   DDR3                     = 2;
+  // (MIN,MAX) value of WR_LATENCY for DDR1:
+  //   REG_ENABLE   = (0,1)
+  //   ECC_ENABLE   = (0,1)
+  //   Write latency = 1
+  //   Total: (1,3)
+  // (MIN,MAX) value of WR_LATENCY for DDR2:
+  //   REG_ENABLE   = (0,1)
+  //   ECC_ENABLE   = (0,1)
+  //   Write latency = ADDITIVE_CAS + CAS_LAT - 1 = (0,4) + (3,5) - 1 = (2,8)
+  //     ADDITIVE_LAT = (0,4) (JEDEC79-2B)
+  //     CAS_LAT      = (3,5) (JEDEC79-2B)
+  //   Total: (2,10)
+  localparam WR_LATENCY = (DDR_TYPE == DDR3) ?
+             (ADDITIVE_LAT + (CAS_LAT) + REG_ENABLE ) :
+             (DDR_TYPE == DDR2) ?
+             (ADDITIVE_LAT + (CAS_LAT-1) + REG_ENABLE ) :
+             (1 + REG_ENABLE );
+  // NOTE that ODT timing does not need to be delayed for registered
+  // DIMM case, since like other control/address signals, it gets
+  // delayed by one clock cycle at the DIMM
+  wire                     dm_ce_0;
+  reg                      dm_ce_r;
+  wire [1:0]               dq_oe_0;
+  reg [1:0]                dq_oe_n_90_r1;
+  reg [1:0]                dq_oe_270;
+  wire                     dqs_oe_0;
+  reg                      dqs_oe_270;
+  reg                      dqs_oe_n_180_r1;
+  wire                     dqs_rst_0;
+  reg                      dqs_rst_n_180_r1;
+  reg                      dqs_rst_270;
+  reg                      ecc_dm_error_r;
+  reg                      ecc_dm_error_r1;
+  reg [(DQ_WIDTH-1):0]     init_data_f;
+  reg [(DQ_WIDTH-1):0]     init_data_r;
+  reg [3:0]                init_wdf_cnt_r;
+  wire                     odt_0;
+  reg                      rst90_r /* synthesis syn_maxfan = 10 */;
+  reg [10:0]               wr_stages ;
+  reg [(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]   wdf_data_r;
+  reg [(2*DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0] wdf_mask_r;
+  wire [(2*DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0] wdf_ecc_mask;
+  reg [(2*DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0] wdf_mask_r1;
+  wire                     wdf_rden_0;
+  reg                      calib_rden_90_r;
+  reg                      wdf_rden_90_r;
+  reg                      wdf_rden_90_r1;
+  reg                      wdf_rden_270;
+  always @(posedge clk90)
+      rst90_r <= rst90;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Analysis of additional pipeline delays:
+  //   1. dq_oe (DQ 3-state): 1 CLK90 cyc in IOB 3-state FF
+  //   2. dqs_oe (DQS 3-state): 1 CLK180 cyc in IOB 3-state FF
+  //   3. dqs_rst (DQS output value reset): 1 CLK180 cyc in FF + 1 CLK180 cyc
+  //      in IOB DDR
+  //   4. odt (ODT control): 1 CLK0 cyc in IOB FF
+  //   5. write data (output two cyc after wdf_rden - output of RAMB_FIFO w/
+  //      output register enabled): 2 CLK90 cyc in OSERDES
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // DQS 3-state must be asserted one extra clock cycle due b/c of write
+  // pre- and post-amble (extra half clock cycle for each)
+  assign dqs_oe_0 = wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-1] | wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-2];
+  // same goes for ODT, need to handle both pre- and post-amble (generate
+  // ODT only for DDR2)
+  // ODT generation for DDR2 based on write latency. The MIN write
+  // latency is 2. Based on the write latency ODT is asserted.
+  generate
+    if ((DDR_TYPE != DDR1) && (ODT_TYPE > 0))begin: gen_odt_ddr2
+       if(ODT_WR_LATENCY > 2)
+         assign odt_0 =
+                   wr_stages[ODT_WR_LATENCY-1] |
+                   wr_stages[ODT_WR_LATENCY-2] |
+                   wr_stages[ODT_WR_LATENCY-3] ;
+       else
+         assign odt_0 =
+                  wr_stages[ODT_WR_LATENCY] |
+                  wr_stages[ODT_WR_LATENCY-1] |
+                  wr_stages[ODT_WR_LATENCY-2] ;
+    end else
+      assign odt_0 = 1'b0;
+   endgenerate
+  assign dq_oe_0[0]   = wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-1] | wr_stages[WR_LATENCY];
+  assign dq_oe_0[1]   = wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-1] | wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-2];
+  assign dqs_rst_0    = ~wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-2];
+  assign dm_ce_0      = wr_stages[WR_LATENCY] | wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-1]
+                        | wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-2];
+  // write data fifo, read flag assertion
+  generate
+    if (DDR_TYPE != DDR1) begin: gen_wdf_ddr2
+      if (WR_LATENCY > 2)
+        assign wdf_rden_0 = wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-3];
+      else
+        assign wdf_rden_0 = wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-2];
+    end else begin: gen_wdf_ddr1
+      assign wdf_rden_0 = wr_stages[WR_LATENCY-2];
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // first stage isn't registered
+  always @(*)
+    wr_stages[0] = (phy_init_data_sel) ? ctrl_wren : phy_init_wren;
+  always @(posedge clk0) begin
+    wr_stages[1] <= wr_stages[0];
+    wr_stages[2] <= wr_stages[1];
+    wr_stages[3] <= wr_stages[2];
+    wr_stages[4] <= wr_stages[3];
+    wr_stages[5] <= wr_stages[4];
+    wr_stages[6] <= wr_stages[5];
+    wr_stages[7] <= wr_stages[6];
+    wr_stages[8] <= wr_stages[7];
+    wr_stages[9] <= wr_stages[8];
+    wr_stages[10] <= wr_stages[9];
+  end
+  // intermediate synchronization to CLK270
+  always @(negedge clk90) begin
+    dq_oe_270         <= dq_oe_0;
+    dqs_oe_270        <= dqs_oe_0;
+    dqs_rst_270       <= dqs_rst_0;
+    wdf_rden_270      <= wdf_rden_0;
+  end
+  // synchronize DQS signals to CLK180
+  always @(negedge clk0) begin
+    dqs_oe_n_180_r1  <= ~dqs_oe_270;
+    dqs_rst_n_180_r1 <= ~dqs_rst_270;
+  end
+  // All write data-related signals synced to CLK90
+  always @(posedge clk90) begin
+    dq_oe_n_90_r1  <= ~dq_oe_270;
+    wdf_rden_90_r  <= wdf_rden_270;
+  end
+  // generate for wdf_rden and calib rden. These signals
+  // are asserted based on write latency. For write
+  // latency of 2, the extra register stage is taken out.
+  generate
+   if (WR_LATENCY > 2) begin
+     always @(posedge clk90) begin
+        // assert wdf rden only for non calibration opertations
+        wdf_rden_90_r1 <=  wdf_rden_90_r &
+                           phy_init_data_sel;
+        // rden for calibration
+        calib_rden_90_r <= wdf_rden_90_r;
+     end
+   end else begin
+     always @(*) begin
+        wdf_rden_90_r1 = wdf_rden_90_r
+                         & phy_init_data_sel;
+        calib_rden_90_r = wdf_rden_90_r;
+     end
+  end // else: !if(WR_LATENCY > 2)
+  endgenerate
+  // dm CE signal to stop dm oscilation
+  always @(negedge clk90)begin
+    dm_ce_r <= dm_ce_0;
+    dm_ce <= dm_ce_r;
+  end
+  // When in ECC mode the upper byte [71:64] will have the
+  // ECC parity. Mapping the bytes which have valid data
+  // to the upper byte in ecc mode. Also in ecc mode there
+  // is an extra register stage to account for timing.
+  genvar mask_i;
+  generate
+    if(ECC_ENABLE) begin
+      for (mask_i  = 0; mask_i < (2*DQ_WIDTH)/72;
+          mask_i = mask_i+1) begin: gen_mask
+       assign wdf_ecc_mask[((mask_i*9)+9)-1:(mask_i*9)] =
+                {&wdf_mask_data[(mask_i*8)+(7+mask_i):mask_i*9],
+                wdf_mask_data[(mask_i*8)+(7+mask_i):mask_i*9]};
+      end
+    end
+   endgenerate
+  generate
+    if (ECC_ENABLE) begin:gen_ecc_reg
+       always @(posedge clk90)begin
+          if(phy_init_data_sel)
+               wdf_mask_r <= wdf_ecc_mask;
+          else
+             wdf_mask_r <= {(2*DQ_WIDTH/8){1'b0}};
+      end       
+    end else begin
+      always@(posedge clk90) begin
+        if (phy_init_data_sel)
+          wdf_mask_r <= wdf_mask_data;
+        else
+          wdf_mask_r <= {(2*DQ_WIDTH/8){1'b0}};
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
+   always @(posedge clk90) begin
+      if(phy_init_data_sel)
+          wdf_data_r <= wdf_data;
+      else
+          wdf_data_r <={init_data_f,init_data_r};
+   end
+  // Error generation block during simulation.
+  // Error will be displayed when all the DM
+  // bits are not zero. The error will be
+  // displayed only during the start of the sequence
+  // for errors that are continous over many cycles.
+  generate
+    if (ECC_ENABLE) begin: gen_ecc_error
+      always @(posedge clk90) begin
+        //synthesis translate_off
+        wdf_mask_r1 <= wdf_mask_r;
+        if(DQ_WIDTH > 72)
+           ecc_dm_error_r
+              <= (
+              (~wdf_mask_r1[35] && (|wdf_mask_r1[34:27])) ||
+              (~wdf_mask_r1[26] && (|wdf_mask_r1[25:18])) ||
+              (~wdf_mask_r1[17] && (|wdf_mask_r1[16:9])) ||
+              (~wdf_mask_r1[8] &&  (|wdf_mask_r1[7:0]))) && phy_init_data_sel;
+         else
+            ecc_dm_error_r
+              <= ((~wdf_mask_r1[17] && (|wdf_mask_r1[16:9])) ||
+              (~wdf_mask_r1[8] &&  (|wdf_mask_r1[7:0]))) && phy_init_data_sel;
+        ecc_dm_error_r1 <= ecc_dm_error_r ;
+        if (ecc_dm_error_r && ~ecc_dm_error_r1) // assert the error only once.
+          $display ("ECC DM ERROR. ");
+        //synthesis translate_on
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // State logic to write calibration training patterns
+  //***************************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clk90) begin
+    if (rst90_r) begin
+      init_wdf_cnt_r  <= 4'd0;
+      init_data_r <= {64{1'bx}};
+      init_data_f <= {64{1'bx}};
+    end else begin
+      init_wdf_cnt_r  <= init_wdf_cnt_r + calib_rden_90_r;
+      casex (init_wdf_cnt_r)
+        // First stage calibration. Pattern (rise/fall) = 1(r)->0(f)
+        // The rise data and fall data are already interleaved in the manner
+        // required for data into the WDF write FIFO
+        4'b00xx: begin
+          init_data_r <= {DQ_WIDTH{1'b1}};
+          init_data_f <= {DQ_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+        end
+        // Second stage calibration. Pattern = 1(r)->1(f)->0(r)->0(f)
+        4'b01x0: begin
+           init_data_r <= {DQ_WIDTH{1'b1}};
+           init_data_f <= {DQ_WIDTH{1'b1}};
+          end
+        4'b01x1: begin
+           init_data_r <= {DQ_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+           init_data_f <= {DQ_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+        end
+       // MIG 2.1: Changed Stage 3/4 training pattern
+        // Third and fourth stage calibration patern = 
+       //   11(r)->ee(f)->ee(r)->11(f)-11(r)->ee(f)->ee(r)->11(f)
+        4'b1000: begin
+          init_data_r <= {DQ_WIDTH/4{4'h1}};
+          init_data_f <= {DQ_WIDTH/4{4'hE}};
+        end
+        4'b1001: begin
+          init_data_r <= {DQ_WIDTH/4{4'hE}};
+          init_data_f <= {DQ_WIDTH/4{4'h1}};
+          end
+        4'b1010: begin
+          init_data_r <= {(DQ_WIDTH/4){4'h1}};
+          init_data_f <= {(DQ_WIDTH/4){4'hE}};
+        end
+        4'b1011: begin
+          init_data_r <= {(DQ_WIDTH/4){4'hE}};
+          init_data_f <= {(DQ_WIDTH/4){4'h1}};
+         end
+        default: begin
+          init_data_f <= {(2*DQ_WIDTH){1'bx}};
+          init_data_r <= {(2*DQ_WIDTH){1'bx}};
+        end
+      endcase
+    end
+  end
+  //***************************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clk90)
+    dq_oe_n   <= dq_oe_n_90_r1;
+  always @(negedge clk0)
+    dqs_oe_n  <= dqs_oe_n_180_r1;
+  always @(negedge clk0)
+    dqs_rst_n <= dqs_rst_n_180_r1;
+  // generate for odt. odt is asserted based on
+  //  write latency. For write latency of 2
+  //  the extra register stage is taken out.
+  generate
+    if (ODT_WR_LATENCY > 2) begin
+      always @(posedge clk0) begin
+        odt    <= 'b0;
+        odt[0] <= odt_0;
+      end
+    end else begin
+      always @ (*) begin
+        odt = 'b0;
+        odt[0] = odt_0;
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  assign wdf_rden  = wdf_rden_90_r1;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  // Format write data/mask: Data is in format: {fall, rise}
+  //***************************************************************************
+  assign wr_data_rise = wdf_data_r[DQ_WIDTH-1:0];
+  assign wr_data_fall = wdf_data_r[(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:DQ_WIDTH];
+  assign mask_data_rise = wdf_mask_r[MASK_WIDTH-1:0];
+  assign mask_data_fall = wdf_mask_r[(2*MASK_WIDTH)-1:MASK_WIDTH];
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_sdram.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_sdram.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3234480
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation,
+// implementation and creation of design files limited
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+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information
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+// code, or information as one possible implementation of
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no
+// representation that this implementation is free from any
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation.
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
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+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are
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+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_sdram.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/09 12:33:12 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   Top-level  module. Simple model for what the user might use
+//   Typically, the user will only instantiate MEM_INTERFACE_TOP in their
+//   code, and generate all backend logic (test bench) separately. 
+//   In addition to the memory controller, the module instantiates:
+//     1. Clock generation/distribution, reset logic
+//     2. IDELAY control block
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+(* X_CORE_INFO = "mig_v2_3_ddr2_sdram_v5, Coregen 10.1.02" , CORE_GENERATION_INFO = "ddr2_sdram_v5,mig_v2_3,{component_name=ddr2_sdram, BANK_WIDTH=2, CKE_WIDTH=1, CLK_WIDTH=2, COL_WIDTH=10, CS_NUM=1, CS_WIDTH=1, DM_WIDTH=8, DQ_WIDTH=64, DQ_PER_DQS=8, DQS_WIDTH=8, ODT_WIDTH=1, ROW_WIDTH=13, ADDITIVE_LAT=0, BURST_LEN=4, BURST_TYPE=0, CAS_LAT=4, ECC_ENABLE=0, MULTI_BANK_EN=1, TWO_T_TIME_EN=1, ODT_TYPE=1, REDUCE_DRV=0, REG_ENABLE=0, TREFI_NS=7800, TRAS=40000, TRCD=15000, TRFC=127500, TRP=15000, TRTP=7500, TWR=15000, TWTR=7500, DDR2_CLK_PERIOD=5000, RST_ACT_LOW=1}" *)
+module ddr2_sdram #
+  (
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH              = 2,       
+                                       // # of memory bank addr bits.
+   parameter CKE_WIDTH               = 1,       
+                                       // # of memory clock enable outputs.
+   parameter CLK_WIDTH               = 2,       
+                                       // # of clock outputs.
+   parameter COL_WIDTH               = 10,       
+                                       // # of memory column bits.
+   parameter CS_NUM                  = 1,       
+                                       // # of separate memory chip selects.
+   parameter CS_WIDTH                = 1,       
+                                       // # of total memory chip selects.
+   parameter CS_BITS                 = 0,       
+                                       // set to log2(CS_NUM) (rounded up).
+   parameter DM_WIDTH                = 8,       
+                                       // # of data mask bits.
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH                = 64,       
+                                       // # of data width.
+   parameter DQ_PER_DQS              = 8,       
+                                       // # of DQ data bits per strobe.
+   parameter DQS_WIDTH               = 8,       
+                                       // # of DQS strobes.
+   parameter DQ_BITS                 = 6,       
+                                       // set to log2(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS).
+   parameter DQS_BITS                = 3,       
+                                       // set to log2(DQS_WIDTH).
+   parameter ODT_WIDTH               = 1,       
+                                       // # of memory on-die term enables.
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH               = 13,       
+                                       // # of memory row and # of addr bits.
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT            = 0,       
+                                       // additive write latency.
+   parameter BURST_LEN               = 4,       
+                                       // burst length (in double words).
+   parameter BURST_TYPE              = 0,       
+                                       // burst type (=0 seq; =1 interleaved).
+   parameter CAS_LAT                 = 4,       
+                                       // CAS latency.
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE              = 0,       
+                                       // enable ECC (=1 enable).
+   parameter APPDATA_WIDTH           = 128,       
+                                       // # of usr read/write data bus bits.
+   parameter MULTI_BANK_EN           = 1,       
+                                       // Keeps multiple banks open. (= 1 enable).
+   parameter TWO_T_TIME_EN           = 1,       
+                                       // 2t timing for unbuffered dimms.
+   parameter ODT_TYPE                = 1,       
+                                       // ODT (=0(none),=1(75),=2(150),=3(50)).
+   parameter REDUCE_DRV              = 0,       
+                                       // reduced strength mem I/O (=1 yes).
+   parameter REG_ENABLE              = 0,       
+                                       // registered addr/ctrl (=1 yes).
+   parameter TREFI_NS                = 7800,       
+                                       // auto refresh interval (ns).
+   parameter TRAS                    = 40000,       
+                                       // active->precharge delay.
+   parameter TRCD                    = 15000,       
+                                       // active->read/write delay.
+   parameter TRFC                    = 127500,       
+                                       // refresh->refresh, refresh->active delay.
+   parameter TRP                     = 15000,       
+                                       // precharge->command delay.
+   parameter TRTP                    = 7500,       
+                                       // read->precharge delay.
+   parameter TWR                     = 15000,       
+                                       // used to determine write->precharge.
+   parameter TWTR                    = 7500,       
+                                       // write->read delay.
+   parameter HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE   = "TRUE",       
+                              // # = TRUE, the IODELAY performance mode is set
+                              // to high.
+                              // # = FALSE, the IODELAY performance mode is set
+                              // to low.
+   parameter SIM_ONLY                = 0,       
+                                       // = 1 to skip SDRAM power up delay.
+   parameter DEBUG_EN                = 0,       
+                                       // Enable debug signals/controls.
+                                       // When this parameter is changed from 0 to 1,
+                                       // make sure to uncomment the coregen commands
+                                       // in ise_flow.bat or create_ise.bat files in
+                                       // par folder.
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD              = 5000,       
+                                       // Core/Memory clock period (in ps).
+   parameter DQS_IO_COL              = 16'b0000000000000000,       
+                                       // I/O column location of DQS groups
+                                       // (=0, left; =1 center, =2 right).
+   //parameter DQ_IO_MS                = 64'b10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101_10100101,       
+   parameter DQ_IO_MS                = 64'b01110101_00111101_00001111_00011110_00101110_11000011_11000001_10111100,
+                                       // Master/Slave location of DQ I/O (=0 slave).
+   parameter CLK_TYPE                = "SINGLE_ENDED",       
+                                       // # = "DIFFERENTIAL " ->; Differential input clocks ,
+                                       // # = "SINGLE_ENDED" -> Single ended input clocks.
+   parameter DLL_FREQ_MODE           = "HIGH",       
+                                       // DCM Frequency range.
+   parameter RST_ACT_LOW             = 1        
+                                       // =1 for active low reset, =0 for active high.
+   )
+  (
+   inout  [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]              ddr2_dq,
+   output [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]             ddr2_a,
+   output [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]            ddr2_ba,
+   output                             ddr2_ras_n,
+   output                             ddr2_cas_n,
+   output                             ddr2_we_n,
+   output [CS_WIDTH-1:0]              ddr2_cs_n,
+   output [ODT_WIDTH-1:0]             ddr2_odt,
+   output [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]             ddr2_cke,
+   output [DM_WIDTH-1:0]              ddr2_dm,
+   input                              sys_clk,
+   input                              idly_clk_200,
+   input                              sys_rst_n,
+   output                             phy_init_done,
+   output                             rst0_tb,
+   output                             clk0_tb,
+   output                             app_wdf_afull,
+   output                             app_af_afull,
+   output                             rd_data_valid,
+   input                              app_wdf_wren,
+   input                              app_af_wren,
+   input  [30:0]                      app_af_addr,
+   input  [2:0]                       app_af_cmd,
+   output [(APPDATA_WIDTH)-1:0]                rd_data_fifo_out,
+   input  [(APPDATA_WIDTH)-1:0]                app_wdf_data,
+   input  [(APPDATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0]              app_wdf_mask_data,
+   inout  [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]             ddr2_dqs,
+   inout  [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]             ddr2_dqs_n,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]             ddr2_ck,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]             ddr2_ck_n
+   );
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // The following parameter "IDELAYCTRL_NUM" indicates the number of
+  // IDELAYCTRLs that are LOCed for the design. The IDELAYCTRL LOCs are
+  // provided in the UCF file of par folder. MIG provides the parameter value
+  // and the LOCs in the UCF file based on the selected Data Read banks for
+  // the design. You must not alter this value unless it is needed. If you
+  // modify this value, you should make sure that the value of "IDELAYCTRL_NUM"
+  // and IDELAYCTRL LOCs in UCF file are same and are relavent to the Data Read
+  // banks used.
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  localparam IDELAYCTRL_NUM = 3;
+  wire                              sys_clk_p;
+  wire                              sys_clk_n;
+  wire                              clk200_p;
+  wire                              clk200_n;
+  wire                              rst0;
+  wire                              rst90;
+  wire                              rstdiv0;
+  wire                              rst200;
+  wire                              clk0;
+  wire                              clk90;
+  wire                              clkdiv0;
+  wire                              clk200;
+  wire                              idelay_ctrl_rdy;
+  //Debug signals
+  wire [3:0]                        dbg_calib_done;
+  wire [3:0]                        dbg_calib_err;
+  wire [(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]           dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt;
+  wire [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]          dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt;
+  wire [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]          dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              dbg_calib_rd_data_sel;
+  wire [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]          dbg_calib_rden_dly;
+  wire [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]          dbg_calib_gate_dly;
+  wire                              dbg_idel_up_all;
+  wire                              dbg_idel_down_all;
+  wire                              dbg_idel_up_dq;
+  wire                              dbg_idel_down_dq;
+  wire                              dbg_idel_up_dqs;
+  wire                              dbg_idel_down_dqs;
+  wire                              dbg_idel_up_gate;
+  wire                              dbg_idel_down_gate;
+  wire [DQ_BITS-1:0]                dbg_sel_idel_dq;
+  wire                              dbg_sel_all_idel_dq;
+  wire [DQS_BITS:0]                 dbg_sel_idel_dqs;
+  wire                              dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs;
+  wire [DQS_BITS:0]                 dbg_sel_idel_gate;
+  wire                              dbg_sel_all_idel_gate;
+    // Debug signals (optional use)
+  //***********************************
+  // PHY Debug Port demo
+  //***********************************
+  wire [35:0]                        cs_control0;
+  wire [35:0]                        cs_control1;
+  wire [35:0]                        cs_control2;
+  wire [35:0]                        cs_control3;
+  wire [191:0]                       vio0_in;
+  wire [95:0]                        vio1_in;
+  wire [99:0]                        vio2_in;
+  wire [31:0]                        vio3_out;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  assign  rst0_tb = rst0;
+  assign  clk0_tb = clk0;
+  assign sys_clk_p = 1'b1;
+  assign sys_clk_n = 1'b0;
+  assign clk200_p = 1'b1;
+  assign clk200_n = 1'b0;
+   ddr2_idelay_ctrl #
+   (
+   )
+   u_ddr2_idelay_ctrl
+   (
+   .rst200                 (rst200),
+   .clk200                 (clk200),
+   .idelay_ctrl_rdy        (idelay_ctrl_rdy)
+   );
+ ddr2_infrastructure #
+ (
+   .CLK_PERIOD             (CLK_PERIOD),
+   .CLK_TYPE               (CLK_TYPE),
+   .DLL_FREQ_MODE          (DLL_FREQ_MODE),
+   .RST_ACT_LOW            (RST_ACT_LOW)
+   )
+ (
+   .sys_clk_p              (sys_clk_p),
+   .sys_clk_n              (sys_clk_n),
+   .sys_clk                (sys_clk),
+   .clk200_p               (clk200_p),
+   .clk200_n               (clk200_n),
+   .idly_clk_200           (idly_clk_200),
+   .sys_rst_n              (sys_rst_n),
+   .rst0                   (rst0),
+   .rst90                  (rst90),
+   .rstdiv0                (rstdiv0),
+   .rst200                 (rst200),
+   .clk0                   (clk0),
+   .clk90                  (clk90),
+   .clkdiv0                (clkdiv0),
+   .clk200                 (clk200),
+   .idelay_ctrl_rdy        (idelay_ctrl_rdy)
+   );
+ ddr2_top #
+ (
+   .BANK_WIDTH             (BANK_WIDTH),
+   .CKE_WIDTH              (CKE_WIDTH),
+   .CLK_WIDTH              (CLK_WIDTH),
+   .COL_WIDTH              (COL_WIDTH),
+   .CS_NUM                 (CS_NUM),
+   .CS_WIDTH               (CS_WIDTH),
+   .CS_BITS                (CS_BITS),
+   .DM_WIDTH               (DM_WIDTH),
+   .DQ_WIDTH               (DQ_WIDTH),
+   .DQ_PER_DQS             (DQ_PER_DQS),
+   .DQS_WIDTH              (DQS_WIDTH),
+   .DQ_BITS                (DQ_BITS),
+   .DQS_BITS               (DQS_BITS),
+   .ODT_WIDTH              (ODT_WIDTH),
+   .ROW_WIDTH              (ROW_WIDTH),
+   .BURST_LEN              (BURST_LEN),
+   .BURST_TYPE             (BURST_TYPE),
+   .CAS_LAT                (CAS_LAT),
+   .ECC_ENABLE             (ECC_ENABLE),
+   .MULTI_BANK_EN          (MULTI_BANK_EN),
+   .TWO_T_TIME_EN          (TWO_T_TIME_EN),
+   .ODT_TYPE               (ODT_TYPE),
+   .REDUCE_DRV             (REDUCE_DRV),
+   .REG_ENABLE             (REG_ENABLE),
+   .TREFI_NS               (TREFI_NS),
+   .TRAS                   (TRAS),
+   .TRCD                   (TRCD),
+   .TRFC                   (TRFC),
+   .TRP                    (TRP),
+   .TRTP                   (TRTP),
+   .TWR                    (TWR),
+   .TWTR                   (TWTR),
+   .SIM_ONLY               (SIM_ONLY),
+   .DEBUG_EN               (DEBUG_EN),
+   .CLK_PERIOD             (CLK_PERIOD),
+   .DQS_IO_COL             (DQS_IO_COL),
+   .DQ_IO_MS               (DQ_IO_MS),
+   .USE_DM_PORT            (1)
+   )
+   .ddr2_dq                (ddr2_dq),
+   .ddr2_a                 (ddr2_a),
+   .ddr2_ba                (ddr2_ba),
+   .ddr2_ras_n             (ddr2_ras_n),
+   .ddr2_cas_n             (ddr2_cas_n),
+   .ddr2_we_n              (ddr2_we_n),
+   .ddr2_cs_n              (ddr2_cs_n),
+   .ddr2_odt               (ddr2_odt),
+   .ddr2_cke               (ddr2_cke),
+   .ddr2_dm                (ddr2_dm),
+   .phy_init_done          (phy_init_done),
+   .rst0                   (rst0),
+   .rst90                  (rst90),
+   .rstdiv0                (rstdiv0),
+   .clk0                   (clk0),
+   .clk90                  (clk90),
+   .clkdiv0                (clkdiv0),
+   .app_wdf_afull          (app_wdf_afull),
+   .app_af_afull           (app_af_afull),
+   .rd_data_valid          (rd_data_valid),
+   .app_wdf_wren           (app_wdf_wren),
+   .app_af_wren            (app_af_wren),
+   .app_af_addr            (app_af_addr),
+   .app_af_cmd             (app_af_cmd),
+   .rd_data_fifo_out       (rd_data_fifo_out),
+   .app_wdf_data           (app_wdf_data),
+   .app_wdf_mask_data      (app_wdf_mask_data),
+   .ddr2_dqs               (ddr2_dqs),
+   .ddr2_dqs_n             (ddr2_dqs_n),
+   .ddr2_ck                (ddr2_ck),
+   .rd_ecc_error           (),
+   .ddr2_ck_n              (ddr2_ck_n),
+   .dbg_calib_done         (dbg_calib_done),
+   .dbg_calib_err          (dbg_calib_err),
+   .dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt   (dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt),
+   .dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt  (dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt),
+   .dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt  (dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt),
+   .dbg_calib_rd_data_sel  (dbg_calib_rd_data_sel),
+   .dbg_calib_rden_dly     (dbg_calib_rden_dly),
+   .dbg_calib_gate_dly     (dbg_calib_gate_dly),
+   .dbg_idel_up_all        (dbg_idel_up_all),
+   .dbg_idel_down_all      (dbg_idel_down_all),
+   .dbg_idel_up_dq         (dbg_idel_up_dq),
+   .dbg_idel_down_dq       (dbg_idel_down_dq),
+   .dbg_idel_up_dqs        (dbg_idel_up_dqs),
+   .dbg_idel_down_dqs      (dbg_idel_down_dqs),
+   .dbg_idel_up_gate       (dbg_idel_up_gate),
+   .dbg_idel_down_gate     (dbg_idel_down_gate),
+   .dbg_sel_idel_dq        (dbg_sel_idel_dq),
+   .dbg_sel_all_idel_dq    (dbg_sel_all_idel_dq),
+   .dbg_sel_idel_dqs       (dbg_sel_idel_dqs),
+   .dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs   (dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs),
+   .dbg_sel_idel_gate      (dbg_sel_idel_gate),
+   .dbg_sel_all_idel_gate  (dbg_sel_all_idel_gate)
+   );
+   //*****************************************************************
+  // Hooks to prevent sim/syn compilation errors (mainly for VHDL - but
+  // keep it also in Verilog version of code) w/ floating inputs if
+  // DEBUG_EN = 0.
+  //*****************************************************************
+  generate
+    if (DEBUG_EN == 0) begin: gen_dbg_tie_off
+      assign dbg_idel_up_all       = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_idel_down_all     = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_idel_up_dq        = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_idel_down_dq      = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_idel_up_dqs       = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_idel_down_dqs     = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_idel_up_gate      = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_idel_down_gate    = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_sel_idel_dq       = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_sel_all_idel_dq   = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_sel_idel_dqs      = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs  = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_sel_idel_gate     = 'b0;
+      assign dbg_sel_all_idel_gate = 'b0;
+    end else begin: gen_dbg_enable
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // PHY Debug Port example - see MIG User's Guide, XAPP858 or 
+      // Answer Record 29443
+      // This logic supports up to 32 DQ and 8 DQS I/O
+      // NOTES:
+      //   1. PHY Debug Port demo connects to 4 VIO modules:
+      //     - 3 VIO modules with only asynchronous inputs
+      //      * Monitor IDELAY taps for DQ, DQS, DQS Gate
+      //      * Calibration status
+      //     - 1 VIO module with synchronous outputs
+      //      * Allow dynamic adjustment o f IDELAY taps
+      //   2. User may need to modify this code to incorporate other
+      //      chipscope-related modules in their larger design (e.g.
+      //      if they have other ILA/VIO modules, they will need to
+      //      for example instantiate a larger ICON module). In addition
+      //      user may want to instantiate more VIO modules to control
+      //      IDELAY for more DQ, DQS than is shown here
+      //*****************************************************************
+      icon4 u_icon
+        (
+         .control0 (cs_control0),
+         .control1 (cs_control1),
+         .control2 (cs_control2),
+         .control3 (cs_control3)
+         );
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // VIO ASYNC input: Display current IDELAY setting for up to 32
+      // DQ taps (32x6) = 192
+      //*****************************************************************
+      vio_async_in192 u_vio0
+        (
+         .control  (cs_control0),
+         .async_in (vio0_in)
+         );
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // VIO ASYNC input: Display current IDELAY setting for up to 8 DQS
+      // and DQS Gate taps (8x6x2) = 96
+      //*****************************************************************
+      vio_async_in96 u_vio1
+        (
+         .control  (cs_control1),
+         .async_in (vio1_in)
+         );
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // VIO ASYNC input: Display other calibration results
+      //*****************************************************************
+      vio_async_in100 u_vio2
+        (
+         .control  (cs_control2),
+         .async_in (vio2_in)
+         );
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // VIO SYNC output: Dynamically change IDELAY taps
+      //*****************************************************************
+      vio_sync_out32 u_vio3
+        (
+         .control  (cs_control3),
+         .clk      (clkdiv0),
+         .sync_out (vio3_out)
+         );
+      //*****************************************************************
+      // Bit assignments:
+      // NOTE: Not all VIO, ILA inputs/outputs may be used - these will
+      //       be dependent on the user's particular bit width
+      //*****************************************************************
+      if (DQ_WIDTH <= 32) begin: gen_dq_le_32
+        assign vio0_in[(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0] 
+                 = dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt[(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0];
+      end else begin: gen_dq_gt_32
+        assign vio0_in = dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt[191:0];
+      end
+      if (DQS_WIDTH <= 8) begin: gen_dqs_le_8
+        assign vio1_in[(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]
+                 = dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt[(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0];
+        assign vio1_in[(12*DQS_WIDTH)-1:(6*DQS_WIDTH)] 
+                 =  dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt[(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0];
+      end else begin: gen_dqs_gt_32
+        assign vio1_in[47:0]  = dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt[47:0];
+        assign vio1_in[95:48] = dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt[47:0];
+      end
+     if (DQS_WIDTH <= 8) begin: gen_rdsel_le_8
+        assign vio2_in[(DQS_WIDTH)+7:8]    
+                = dbg_calib_rd_data_sel[(DQS_WIDTH)-1:0];
+     end else begin: gen_rdsel_gt_32
+      assign vio2_in[15:8]    
+                 = dbg_calib_rd_data_sel[7:0];
+     end
+     if (DQS_WIDTH <= 8) begin: gen_calrd_le_8
+       assign vio2_in[(5*DQS_WIDTH)+19:20]   
+                 = dbg_calib_rden_dly[(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0];
+     end else begin: gen_calrd_gt_32
+       assign vio2_in[59:20]   
+                 = dbg_calib_rden_dly[39:0];
+     end
+     if (DQS_WIDTH <= 8) begin: gen_calgt_le_8
+       assign vio2_in[(5*DQS_WIDTH)+59:60]   
+                 = dbg_calib_gate_dly[(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0];
+     end else begin: gen_calgt_gt_32
+       assign vio2_in[99:60]   
+                 = dbg_calib_gate_dly[39:0];
+     end
+     if (DQ_BITS <= 5) begin: gen_selid_le_5
+       assign dbg_sel_idel_dq[DQ_BITS-1:0]      
+                 = vio3_out[DQ_BITS+7:8];
+     end else begin: gen_selid_gt_32
+       assign dbg_sel_idel_dq[4:0]      
+                 = vio3_out[12:8];
+     end
+     if (DQS_BITS <= 3) begin: gen_seldqs_le_3
+       assign dbg_sel_idel_dqs[DQS_BITS:0]     
+                 = vio3_out[(DQS_BITS+16):16];
+     end else begin: gen_seldqs_gt_32
+       assign dbg_sel_idel_dqs[3:0]     
+                 = vio3_out[19:16];
+     end
+     if (DQS_BITS <= 3) begin: gen_gtdqs_le_3
+       assign dbg_sel_idel_gate[DQS_BITS:0]    
+                 = vio3_out[(DQS_BITS+21):21];
+     end else begin: gen_gtdqs_gt_32
+       assign dbg_sel_idel_gate[3:0]    
+                 = vio3_out[24:21];
+     end
+      assign vio2_in[3:0]              = dbg_calib_done;
+      assign vio2_in[7:4]              = dbg_calib_err;
+      assign dbg_idel_up_all           = vio3_out[0];
+      assign dbg_idel_down_all         = vio3_out[1];
+      assign dbg_idel_up_dq            = vio3_out[2];
+      assign dbg_idel_down_dq          = vio3_out[3];
+      assign dbg_idel_up_dqs           = vio3_out[4];
+      assign dbg_idel_down_dqs         = vio3_out[5];
+      assign dbg_idel_up_gate          = vio3_out[6];
+      assign dbg_idel_down_gate        = vio3_out[7];
+      assign dbg_sel_all_idel_dq       = vio3_out[15];
+      assign dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs      = vio3_out[20];
+      assign dbg_sel_all_idel_gate     = vio3_out[25];
+    end
+  endgenerate
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_top.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_top.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..000d06c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
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+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with
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+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
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+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part
+// of this text at all times.
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_top.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/29 15:24:03 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   System level module. This level contains just the memory controller.
+//   This level will be intiantated when the user wants to remove the
+//   synthesizable test bench, IDELAY control block and the clock
+//   generation modules.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_top #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH            = 2,      // # of memory bank addr bits
+   parameter CKE_WIDTH             = 1,      // # of memory clock enable outputs
+   parameter CLK_WIDTH             = 1,      // # of clock outputs
+   parameter COL_WIDTH             = 10,     // # of memory column bits
+   parameter CS_NUM                = 1,      // # of separate memory chip selects
+   parameter CS_BITS               = 0,      // set to log2(CS_NUM) (rounded up)
+   parameter CS_WIDTH              = 1,      // # of total memory chip selects
+   parameter USE_DM_PORT           = 1,      // enable Data Mask (=1 enable)
+   parameter DM_WIDTH              = 9,      // # of data mask bits
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH              = 72,     // # of data width
+   parameter DQ_BITS               = 7,      // set to log2(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)
+   parameter DQ_PER_DQS            = 8,      // # of DQ data bits per strobe
+   parameter DQS_WIDTH             = 9,      // # of DQS strobes
+   parameter DQS_BITS              = 4,      // set to log2(DQS_WIDTH)
+   parameter HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE = "TRUE", // IODELAY Performance Mode
+   parameter ODT_WIDTH             = 1,      // # of memory on-die term enables
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH             = 14,     // # of memory row & # of addr bits
+   parameter APPDATA_WIDTH         = 144,    // # of usr read/write data bus bits
+   parameter ADDITIVE_LAT          = 0,      // additive write latency
+   parameter BURST_LEN             = 4,      // burst length (in double words)
+   parameter BURST_TYPE            = 0,      // burst type (=0 seq; =1 interlved)
+   parameter CAS_LAT               = 5,      // CAS latency
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE            = 0,      // enable ECC (=1 enable)
+   parameter ODT_TYPE              = 1,      // ODT (=0(none),=1(75),=2(150),=3(50))
+   parameter MULTI_BANK_EN         = 1,      // enable bank management
+   parameter TWO_T_TIME_EN         = 0,      // 2t timing for unbuffered dimms
+   parameter REDUCE_DRV            = 0,      // reduced strength mem I/O (=1 yes)
+   parameter REG_ENABLE            = 1,      // registered addr/ctrl (=1 yes)
+   parameter TREFI_NS              = 7800,   // auto refresh interval (ns)
+   parameter TRAS                  = 40000,  // active->precharge delay
+   parameter TRCD                  = 15000,  // active->read/write delay
+   parameter TRFC                  = 105000, // ref->ref, ref->active delay
+   parameter TRP                   = 15000,  // precharge->command delay
+   parameter TRTP                  = 7500,   // read->precharge delay
+   parameter TWR                   = 15000,  // used to determine wr->prech
+   parameter TWTR                  = 10000,  // write->read delay
+   parameter CLK_PERIOD            = 3000,   // Core/Mem clk period (in ps)
+   parameter SIM_ONLY              = 0,      // = 1 to skip power up delay
+   parameter DEBUG_EN              = 0,      // Enable debug signals/controls
+   parameter DQS_IO_COL            = 0,      // I/O column location of DQS groups
+   parameter DQ_IO_MS              = 0       // Master/Slave location of DQ I/O
+   )
+  (
+   input                                    clk0,
+   input                                    clk90,
+   input                                    clkdiv0,
+   input                                    rst0,
+   input                                    rst90,
+   input                                    rstdiv0,
+   input [2:0]                              app_af_cmd,
+   input [30:0]                             app_af_addr,
+   input                                    app_af_wren,
+   input                                    app_wdf_wren,
+   input [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]                app_wdf_data,
+   input [(APPDATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0]            app_wdf_mask_data,
+   output                                   app_af_afull,
+   output                                   app_wdf_afull,
+   output                                   rd_data_valid,
+   output [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]               rd_data_fifo_out,
+   output [1:0]                             rd_ecc_error,
+   output                                   phy_init_done,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_ck,
+   output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_ck_n,
+   output [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_a,
+   output [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]                  ddr2_ba,
+   output                                   ddr2_ras_n,
+   output                                   ddr2_cas_n,
+   output                                   ddr2_we_n,
+   output [CS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr2_cs_n,
+   output [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_cke,
+   output [ODT_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_odt,
+   output [DM_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr2_dm,
+   inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr2_dqs,
+   inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr2_dqs_n,
+   inout [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                     ddr2_dq,
+   // Debug signals (optional use)
+   input                                    dbg_idel_up_all,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_down_all,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_up_dq,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_down_dq,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_up_dqs,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_down_dqs,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_up_gate,
+   input                                    dbg_idel_down_gate,
+   input [DQ_BITS-1:0]                      dbg_sel_idel_dq,
+   input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_dq,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                       dbg_sel_idel_dqs,
+   input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs,
+   input [DQS_BITS:0]                       dbg_sel_idel_gate,
+   input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_gate,
+   output [3:0]                             dbg_calib_done,
+   output [3:0]                             dbg_calib_err,
+   output [(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]                dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt,
+   output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt,
+   output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                   dbg_calib_rd_data_sel,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_rden_dly,
+   output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_gate_dly
+   );
+  // memory initialization/control logic
+  ddr2_mem_if_top #
+    (
+     .BANK_WIDTH            (BANK_WIDTH),
+     .CKE_WIDTH             (CKE_WIDTH),
+     .CLK_WIDTH             (CLK_WIDTH),
+     .COL_WIDTH             (COL_WIDTH),
+     .CS_BITS               (CS_BITS),
+     .CS_NUM                (CS_NUM),
+     .CS_WIDTH              (CS_WIDTH),
+     .USE_DM_PORT           (USE_DM_PORT),
+     .DM_WIDTH              (DM_WIDTH),
+     .DQ_WIDTH              (DQ_WIDTH),
+     .DQ_BITS               (DQ_BITS),
+     .DQ_PER_DQS            (DQ_PER_DQS),
+     .DQS_BITS              (DQS_BITS),
+     .DQS_WIDTH             (DQS_WIDTH),
+     .ODT_WIDTH             (ODT_WIDTH),
+     .ROW_WIDTH             (ROW_WIDTH),
+     .ADDITIVE_LAT          (ADDITIVE_LAT),
+     .BURST_LEN             (BURST_LEN),
+     .BURST_TYPE            (BURST_TYPE),
+     .CAS_LAT               (CAS_LAT),
+     .ECC_ENABLE            (ECC_ENABLE),
+     .MULTI_BANK_EN         (MULTI_BANK_EN),
+     .TWO_T_TIME_EN         (TWO_T_TIME_EN),
+     .ODT_TYPE              (ODT_TYPE),
+     .DDR_TYPE              (1),
+     .REDUCE_DRV            (REDUCE_DRV),
+     .REG_ENABLE            (REG_ENABLE),
+     .TREFI_NS              (TREFI_NS),
+     .TRAS                  (TRAS),
+     .TRCD                  (TRCD),
+     .TRFC                  (TRFC),
+     .TRP                   (TRP),
+     .TRTP                  (TRTP),
+     .TWR                   (TWR),
+     .TWTR                  (TWTR),
+     .CLK_PERIOD            (CLK_PERIOD),
+     .SIM_ONLY              (SIM_ONLY),
+     .DEBUG_EN              (DEBUG_EN),
+     .DQS_IO_COL            (DQS_IO_COL),
+     .DQ_IO_MS              (DQ_IO_MS)
+     )
+    u_mem_if_top
+      (
+       .clk0                   (clk0),
+       .clk90                  (clk90),
+       .clkdiv0                (clkdiv0),
+       .rst0                   (rst0),
+       .rst90                  (rst90),
+       .rstdiv0                (rstdiv0),
+       .app_af_cmd             (app_af_cmd),
+       .app_af_addr            (app_af_addr),
+       .app_af_wren            (app_af_wren),
+       .app_wdf_wren           (app_wdf_wren),
+       .app_wdf_data           (app_wdf_data),
+       .app_wdf_mask_data      (app_wdf_mask_data),
+       .app_af_afull           (app_af_afull),
+       .app_wdf_afull          (app_wdf_afull),
+       .rd_data_valid          (rd_data_valid),
+       .rd_data_fifo_out       (rd_data_fifo_out),
+       .rd_ecc_error           (rd_ecc_error),
+       .phy_init_done          (phy_init_done),
+       .ddr_ck                 (ddr2_ck),
+       .ddr_ck_n               (ddr2_ck_n),
+       .ddr_addr               (ddr2_a),
+       .ddr_ba                 (ddr2_ba),
+       .ddr_ras_n              (ddr2_ras_n),
+       .ddr_cas_n              (ddr2_cas_n),
+       .ddr_we_n               (ddr2_we_n),
+       .ddr_cs_n               (ddr2_cs_n),
+       .ddr_cke                (ddr2_cke),
+       .ddr_odt                (ddr2_odt),
+       .ddr_dm                 (ddr2_dm),
+       .ddr_dqs                (ddr2_dqs),
+       .ddr_dqs_n              (ddr2_dqs_n),
+       .ddr_dq                 (ddr2_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_up_all        (dbg_idel_up_all),
+       .dbg_idel_down_all      (dbg_idel_down_all),
+       .dbg_idel_up_dq         (dbg_idel_up_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_down_dq       (dbg_idel_down_dq),
+       .dbg_idel_up_dqs        (dbg_idel_up_dqs),
+       .dbg_idel_down_dqs      (dbg_idel_down_dqs),
+       .dbg_idel_up_gate       (dbg_idel_up_gate),
+       .dbg_idel_down_gate     (dbg_idel_down_gate),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_dq        (dbg_sel_idel_dq),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_dq    (dbg_sel_all_idel_dq),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_dqs       (dbg_sel_idel_dqs),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs   (dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs),
+       .dbg_sel_idel_gate      (dbg_sel_idel_gate),
+       .dbg_sel_all_idel_gate  (dbg_sel_all_idel_gate),
+       .dbg_calib_done         (dbg_calib_done),
+       .dbg_calib_err          (dbg_calib_err),
+       .dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt   (dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt  (dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt (dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt),
+       .dbg_calib_rd_data_sel  (dbg_calib_rd_data_sel),
+       .dbg_calib_rden_dly     (dbg_calib_rden_dly),
+       .dbg_calib_gate_dly     (dbg_calib_gate_dly)
+       );
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_addr_fifo.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_addr_fifo.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..18302a7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a 
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation, 
+// implementation and creation of design files limited 
+// to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx 
+// devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and 
+// immediately terminates your license unless covered by
+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information 
+// "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and 
+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the 
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, 
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of 
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no 
+// representation that this implementation is free from any 
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for 
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation. 
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with 
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including 
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied 
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular 
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are 
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part 
+// of this text at all times. 
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_usr_addr_fifo.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/05/08 15:20:47 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Mon Aug 28 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module instantiates the block RAM based FIFO to store the user
+//   address and the command information. Also calculates potential bank/row
+//   conflicts by comparing the new address with last address issued.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_usr_addr_fifo #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference 
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values 
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH    = 2,
+   parameter COL_WIDTH     = 10,
+   parameter CS_BITS       = 0,
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH     = 14
+   )
+  (
+   input          clk0,
+   input          rst0,
+   input [2:0]    app_af_cmd,
+   input [30:0]   app_af_addr,
+   input          app_af_wren,
+   input          ctrl_af_rden,
+   output [2:0]   af_cmd,
+   output [30:0]  af_addr,
+   output         af_empty,
+   output         app_af_afull
+   );
+  wire [35:0]     fifo_data_out;
+   reg            rst_r;
+  always @(posedge clk0)
+     rst_r <= rst0;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  assign af_cmd      = fifo_data_out[33:31];
+  assign af_addr     = fifo_data_out[30:0];
+  //***************************************************************************
+  FIFO36 #
+    (
+     .ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET     (13'h0007),
+     .ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET      (13'h000F),
+     .DATA_WIDTH              (36),
+     .DO_REG                  (1),
+     .EN_SYN                  ("TRUE"),
+     )
+    u_af
+      (
+       .ALMOSTEMPTY (),
+       .ALMOSTFULL  (app_af_afull),
+       .DO          (fifo_data_out[31:0]),
+       .DOP         (fifo_data_out[35:32]),
+       .EMPTY       (af_empty),
+       .FULL        (),
+       .RDCOUNT     (),
+       .RDERR       (),
+       .WRCOUNT     (),
+       .WRERR       (),
+       .DI          ({app_af_cmd[0],app_af_addr}),
+       .DIP         ({2'b00,app_af_cmd[2:1]}),
+       .RDCLK       (clk0),
+       .RDEN        (ctrl_af_rden),
+       .RST         (rst_r),
+       .WRCLK       (clk0),
+       .WREN        (app_af_wren)
+       );
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_rd.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_rd.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8f20e0d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a 
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation, 
+// implementation and creation of design files limited 
+// to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx 
+// devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and 
+// immediately terminates your license unless covered by
+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information 
+// "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and 
+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the 
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, 
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of 
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no 
+// representation that this implementation is free from any 
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for 
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation. 
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with 
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including 
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied 
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular 
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are 
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part 
+// of this text at all times. 
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_usr_rd.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/02 14:03:08 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Tue Aug 29 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   The delay between the read data with respect to the command issued is
+//   calculted in terms of no. of clocks. This data is then stored into the
+//   FIFOs and then read back and given as the ouput for comparison.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_usr_rd #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference 
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values 
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter DQ_PER_DQS    = 8,
+   parameter DQS_WIDTH     = 9,
+   parameter APPDATA_WIDTH = 144,
+   parameter ECC_WIDTH     = 72,
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE    = 0
+   )
+  (
+   input                                    clk0,
+   input                                    rst0,
+   input [(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)-1:0]       rd_data_in_rise,
+   input [(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)-1:0]       rd_data_in_fall,
+   input [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ctrl_rden,
+   input [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ctrl_rden_sel,
+   output reg [1:0]                         rd_ecc_error,
+   output                                   rd_data_valid,
+   output reg [(APPDATA_WIDTH/2)-1:0]       rd_data_out_rise,
+   output reg [(APPDATA_WIDTH/2)-1:0]       rd_data_out_fall
+   );
+  // determine number of FIFO72's to use based on data width
+  localparam RDF_FIFO_NUM = ((APPDATA_WIDTH/2)+63)/64;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]               ctrl_rden_r;
+  wire [(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)-1:0] fall_data;
+  reg [(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)-1:0]  rd_data_in_fall_r;
+  reg [(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)-1:0]  rd_data_in_rise_r;
+  wire                              rden;
+  reg [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]               rden_sel_r
+                                    /* synthesis syn_preserve=1 */;
+  wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]              rden_sel_mux;
+  wire [(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)-1:0] rise_data;
+  // ECC specific signals
+  wire [((RDF_FIFO_NUM -1) *2)+1:0] db_ecc_error;
+  reg [(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)-1:0]  fall_data_r;
+  reg                               fifo_rden_r0;
+  reg                               fifo_rden_r1;
+  reg                               fifo_rden_r2;
+  reg                               fifo_rden_r3;
+  reg                               fifo_rden_r4;
+  reg                               fifo_rden_r5;
+  reg                               fifo_rden_r6;
+  wire [(APPDATA_WIDTH/2)-1:0]      rd_data_out_fall_temp;
+  wire [(APPDATA_WIDTH/2)-1:0]      rd_data_out_rise_temp;
+  reg                               rst_r;
+  reg [(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)-1:0]  rise_data_r;
+  wire [((RDF_FIFO_NUM -1) *2)+1:0] sb_ecc_error;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  always @(posedge clk0) begin
+    rden_sel_r        <= ctrl_rden_sel;
+    ctrl_rden_r       <= ctrl_rden;
+    rd_data_in_rise_r <= rd_data_in_rise;
+    rd_data_in_fall_r <= rd_data_in_fall;
+  end
+  // Instantiate primitive to allow this flop to be attached to multicycle
+  // path constraint in UCF. Multicycle path allowed for data from read FIFO.
+  // This is the same signal as RDEN_SEL_R, but is only used to select data
+  // (does not affect control signals)
+  genvar rd_i;
+  generate
+    for (rd_i = 0; rd_i < DQS_WIDTH; rd_i = rd_i+1) begin: gen_rden_sel_mux
+      FDRSE u_ff_rden_sel_mux
+        (
+         .Q   (rden_sel_mux[rd_i]),
+         .C   (clk0),
+         .CE  (1'b1),
+         .D   (ctrl_rden_sel[rd_i]),
+         .R   (1'b0),
+         .S   (1'b0)
+         ) /* synthesis syn_preserve=1 */;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // determine correct read data valid signal timing
+  assign rden = (rden_sel_r[0]) ? ctrl_rden[0] : ctrl_rden_r[0];
+  // assign data based on the skew
+  genvar data_i;
+  generate
+    for(data_i = 0; data_i < DQS_WIDTH; data_i = data_i+1) begin: gen_data
+      assign rise_data[(data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)+(DQ_PER_DQS-1):
+                       (data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)]
+               = (rden_sel_mux[data_i]) ?
+                 rd_data_in_rise[(data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)+(DQ_PER_DQS-1) :
+                                 (data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)] :
+                 rd_data_in_rise_r[(data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)+(DQ_PER_DQS-1):
+                                   (data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)];
+       assign fall_data[(data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)+(DQ_PER_DQS-1):
+                        (data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)]
+                = (rden_sel_mux[data_i]) ?
+                  rd_data_in_fall[(data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)+(DQ_PER_DQS-1):
+                                  (data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)] :
+                  rd_data_in_fall_r[(data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)+(DQ_PER_DQS-1):
+                                    (data_i*DQ_PER_DQS)];
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  // Generate RST for FIFO reset AND for read/write enable:
+  // ECC FIFO always being read from and written to
+  always @(posedge clk0)
+    rst_r <= rst0;
+  genvar rdf_i;
+  generate
+    if (ECC_ENABLE) begin
+      always @(posedge clk0) begin
+        rd_ecc_error[0]   <= (|sb_ecc_error) & fifo_rden_r5;
+        rd_ecc_error[1]   <= (|db_ecc_error) & fifo_rden_r5;
+        rd_data_out_rise  <= rd_data_out_rise_temp;
+        rd_data_out_fall  <= rd_data_out_fall_temp;
+        rise_data_r       <= rise_data;
+        fall_data_r       <= fall_data;
+      end
+      // can use any of the read valids, they're all delayed by same amount
+      assign rd_data_valid = fifo_rden_r6;
+      // delay read valid to take into account max delay difference btw
+      // the read enable coming from the different DQS groups
+      always @(posedge clk0) begin
+        if (rst0) begin
+          fifo_rden_r0 <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_rden_r1 <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_rden_r2 <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_rden_r3 <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_rden_r4 <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_rden_r5 <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_rden_r6 <= 1'b0;
+        end else begin
+          fifo_rden_r0 <= rden;
+          fifo_rden_r1 <= fifo_rden_r0;
+          fifo_rden_r2 <= fifo_rden_r1;
+          fifo_rden_r3 <= fifo_rden_r2;
+          fifo_rden_r4 <= fifo_rden_r3;
+          fifo_rden_r5 <= fifo_rden_r4;
+          fifo_rden_r6 <= fifo_rden_r5;
+        end
+      end
+      for (rdf_i = 0; rdf_i < RDF_FIFO_NUM; rdf_i = rdf_i + 1) begin: gen_rdf
+        FIFO36_72  # // rise fifo
+          (
+           .ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET     (9'h007),
+           .ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET      (9'h00F),
+           .DO_REG                  (1),          // extra CC output delay
+           .EN_ECC_WRITE            ("FALSE"),
+           .EN_ECC_READ             ("TRUE"),
+           .EN_SYN                  ("FALSE"),
+           )
+          u_rdf
+            (
+             .ALMOSTEMPTY (),
+             .ALMOSTFULL  (),
+             .DBITERR     (db_ecc_error[rdf_i + rdf_i]),
+             .DO          (rd_data_out_rise_temp[(64*(rdf_i+1))-1:
+                                                 (64 *rdf_i)]),
+             .DOP         (),
+             .ECCPARITY   (),
+             .EMPTY       (),
+             .FULL        (),
+             .RDCOUNT     (),
+             .RDERR       (),
+             .SBITERR     (sb_ecc_error[rdf_i + rdf_i]),
+             .WRCOUNT     (),
+             .WRERR       (),
+             .DI          (rise_data_r[((64*(rdf_i+1)) + (rdf_i*8))-1:
+                                       (64 *rdf_i)+(rdf_i*8)]),
+             .DIP         (rise_data_r[(72*(rdf_i+1))-1:
+                                       (64*(rdf_i+1))+ (8*rdf_i)]),
+             .RDCLK       (clk0),
+             .RDEN        (~rst_r),
+             .RST         (rst_r),
+             .WRCLK       (clk0),
+             .WREN        (~rst_r)
+             );
+        FIFO36_72  # // fall_fifo
+          (
+           .ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET     (9'h007),
+           .ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET      (9'h00F),
+           .DO_REG                  (1),          // extra CC output delay
+           .EN_ECC_WRITE            ("FALSE"),
+           .EN_ECC_READ             ("TRUE"),
+           .EN_SYN                  ("FALSE"),
+           )
+          u_rdf1
+            (
+             .ALMOSTEMPTY (),
+             .ALMOSTFULL  (),
+             .DBITERR     (db_ecc_error[(rdf_i+1) + rdf_i]),
+             .DO          (rd_data_out_fall_temp[(64*(rdf_i+1))-1:
+                                                 (64 *rdf_i)]),
+             .DOP         (),
+             .ECCPARITY   (),
+             .EMPTY       (),
+             .FULL        (),
+             .RDCOUNT     (),
+             .RDERR       (),
+             .SBITERR     (sb_ecc_error[(rdf_i+1) + rdf_i]),
+             .WRCOUNT     (),
+             .WRERR       (),
+             .DI          (fall_data_r[((64*(rdf_i+1)) + (rdf_i*8))-1:
+                                       (64*rdf_i)+(rdf_i*8)]),
+             .DIP         (fall_data_r[(72*(rdf_i+1))-1:
+                                       (64*(rdf_i+1))+ (8*rdf_i)]),
+             .RDCLK       (clk0),
+             .RDEN        (~rst_r),
+             .RST         (rst_r),          // or can use rst0
+             .WRCLK       (clk0),
+             .WREN        (~rst_r)
+             );
+      end
+    end else begin
+      assign rd_data_valid = fifo_rden_r0;
+      always @(posedge clk0) begin
+        rd_data_out_rise <= rise_data;
+        rd_data_out_fall <= fall_data;
+        fifo_rden_r0 <= rden;
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_top.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_top.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1c25ce1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a 
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation, 
+// implementation and creation of design files limited 
+// to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx 
+// devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and 
+// immediately terminates your license unless covered by
+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information 
+// "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and 
+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the 
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, 
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of 
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no 
+// representation that this implementation is free from any 
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for 
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation. 
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with 
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including 
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied 
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular 
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are 
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part 
+// of this text at all times. 
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_usr_top.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/05/08 15:20:47 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Mon Aug 28 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR2
+//   This module interfaces with the user. The user should provide the data
+//   and  various commands.
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_usr_top #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference 
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values 
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH     = 2,
+   parameter CS_BITS        = 0,
+   parameter COL_WIDTH      = 10,
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH       = 72,
+   parameter DQ_PER_DQS     = 8,
+   parameter APPDATA_WIDTH  = 144,
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE     = 0,
+   parameter DQS_WIDTH      = 9,
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH      = 14
+   )
+  (
+   input                                     clk0,
+   input                                     clk90,
+   input                                     rst0,
+   input [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                      rd_data_in_rise,
+   input [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                      rd_data_in_fall,
+   input [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     phy_calib_rden,
+   input [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                     phy_calib_rden_sel,
+   output                                    rd_data_valid,
+   output [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]                rd_data_fifo_out,
+   input [2:0]                               app_af_cmd,
+   input [30:0]                              app_af_addr,
+   input                                     app_af_wren,
+   input                                     ctrl_af_rden,
+   output [2:0]                              af_cmd,
+   output [30:0]                             af_addr,
+   output                                    af_empty,
+   output                                    app_af_afull,
+   output [1:0]                              rd_ecc_error,
+   input                                     app_wdf_wren,
+   input [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]                 app_wdf_data,
+   input [(APPDATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0]             app_wdf_mask_data,
+   input                                     wdf_rden,
+   output                                    app_wdf_afull,
+   output [(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]                 wdf_data,
+   output [((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)-1:0]             wdf_mask_data
+   );
+  wire [(APPDATA_WIDTH/2)-1:0] i_rd_data_fifo_out_fall;
+  wire [(APPDATA_WIDTH/2)-1:0] i_rd_data_fifo_out_rise;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  assign rd_data_fifo_out = {i_rd_data_fifo_out_fall,
+                             i_rd_data_fifo_out_rise};
+  // read data de-skew and ECC calculation
+  ddr2_usr_rd #
+    (
+     .DQ_PER_DQS    (DQ_PER_DQS),
+     .DQS_WIDTH     (DQS_WIDTH)
+     )
+     u_usr_rd
+      (
+       .clk0             (clk0),
+       .rst0             (rst0),
+       .rd_data_in_rise  (rd_data_in_rise),
+       .rd_data_in_fall  (rd_data_in_fall),
+       .rd_ecc_error     (rd_ecc_error),
+       .ctrl_rden        (phy_calib_rden),
+       .ctrl_rden_sel    (phy_calib_rden_sel),
+       .rd_data_valid    (rd_data_valid),
+       .rd_data_out_rise (i_rd_data_fifo_out_rise),
+       .rd_data_out_fall (i_rd_data_fifo_out_fall)
+       );
+  // Command/Addres FIFO
+  ddr2_usr_addr_fifo #
+    (
+     .CS_BITS    (CS_BITS),
+     )
+     u_usr_addr_fifo
+      (
+       .clk0         (clk0),
+       .rst0         (rst0),
+       .app_af_cmd   (app_af_cmd),
+       .app_af_addr  (app_af_addr),
+       .app_af_wren  (app_af_wren),
+       .ctrl_af_rden (ctrl_af_rden),
+       .af_cmd       (af_cmd),
+       .af_addr      (af_addr),
+       .af_empty     (af_empty),
+       .app_af_afull (app_af_afull)
+       );
+  ddr2_usr_wr #
+    (
+     .COL_WIDTH     (COL_WIDTH),
+     .CS_BITS       (CS_BITS),
+     .DQ_WIDTH      (DQ_WIDTH),
+     .ROW_WIDTH     (ROW_WIDTH)
+     )
+    u_usr_wr
+      (
+       .clk0              (clk0),
+       .clk90             (clk90),
+       .rst0              (rst0),
+       .app_wdf_wren      (app_wdf_wren),
+       .app_wdf_data      (app_wdf_data),
+       .app_wdf_mask_data (app_wdf_mask_data),
+       .wdf_rden          (wdf_rden),
+       .app_wdf_afull     (app_wdf_afull),
+       .wdf_data          (wdf_data),
+       .wdf_mask_data     (wdf_mask_data)
+       );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_wr.v b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/ddr2/ddr2_usr_wr.v
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..df2e260
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+// This text/file contains proprietary, confidential
+// information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license
+// from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or
+// disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license
+// agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a 
+// license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation, 
+// implementation and creation of design files limited 
+// to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx 
+// devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and 
+// immediately terminates your license unless covered by
+// a separate agreement.
+// Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information 
+// "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and 
+// solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the 
+// part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, 
+// code, or information as one possible implementation of 
+// this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no 
+// representation that this implementation is free from any 
+// claims of infringement. You are responsible for 
+// obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation. 
+// Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with 
+// respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including 
+// but not limited to any warranties or representations that this
+// implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied 
+// warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular 
+// purpose.
+// Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support
+// appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is
+// expressly prohibited.
+// Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are 
+// done at the users sole risk and will be unsupported.
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This copyright and support notice must be retained as part 
+// of this text at all times. 
+//   ____  ____
+//  /   /\/   /
+// /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
+// \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
+//  \   \         Application: MIG
+//  /   /         Filename: ddr2_usr_wr.v
+// /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/05/08 15:20:47 $
+// \   \  /  \    Date Created: Mon Aug 28 2006
+//  \___\/\___\
+//Device: Virtex-5
+//Design Name: DDR/DDR2
+//   This module instantiates the modules containing internal FIFOs
+//Revision History:
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module ddr2_usr_wr #
+  (
+   // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference 
+   // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values 
+   // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
+   // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
+   parameter BANK_WIDTH    = 2,
+   parameter COL_WIDTH     = 10,
+   parameter CS_BITS       = 0,
+   parameter DQ_WIDTH      = 72,
+   parameter APPDATA_WIDTH = 144,
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE    = 0,
+   parameter ROW_WIDTH     = 14
+   )
+  (
+   input                         clk0,
+   input                         clk90,
+   input                         rst0,
+   // Write data FIFO interface
+   input                         app_wdf_wren,
+   input [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]     app_wdf_data,
+   input [(APPDATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] app_wdf_mask_data,
+   input                         wdf_rden,
+   output                        app_wdf_afull,
+   output [(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]     wdf_data,
+   output [((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)-1:0] wdf_mask_data
+   );
+  // determine number of FIFO72's to use based on data width
+  // round up to next integer value when determining WDF_FIFO_NUM
+  localparam WDF_FIFO_NUM = (ECC_ENABLE) ? (APPDATA_WIDTH+63)/64 :
+             ((2*DQ_WIDTH)+63)/64;
+  // MASK_WIDTH = number of bytes in data bus
+  localparam MASK_WIDTH = DQ_WIDTH/8;
+  wire [WDF_FIFO_NUM-1:0]      i_wdf_afull;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]          i_wdf_data_fall_in;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]          i_wdf_data_fall_out;
+  wire [(64*WDF_FIFO_NUM)-1:0] i_wdf_data_in;
+  wire [(64*WDF_FIFO_NUM)-1:0] i_wdf_data_out;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]          i_wdf_data_rise_in;
+  wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]          i_wdf_data_rise_out;
+  wire [MASK_WIDTH-1:0]        i_wdf_mask_data_fall_in;
+  wire [MASK_WIDTH-1:0]        i_wdf_mask_data_fall_out;
+  wire [(8*WDF_FIFO_NUM)-1:0]  i_wdf_mask_data_in;
+  wire [(8*WDF_FIFO_NUM)-1:0]  i_wdf_mask_data_out;
+  wire [MASK_WIDTH-1:0]        i_wdf_mask_data_rise_in;
+  wire [MASK_WIDTH-1:0]        i_wdf_mask_data_rise_out;
+  reg                          rst_r;
+  // ECC signals
+  wire [(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]      i_wdf_data_out_ecc;
+  wire [((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)-1:0]  i_wdf_mask_data_out_ecc;
+  wire [63:0]                  i_wdf_mask_data_out_ecc_wire;
+  wire [((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)-1:0]  mask_data_in_ecc;
+  wire [63:0]                  mask_data_in_ecc_wire;
+  //***************************************************************************
+  assign app_wdf_afull = i_wdf_afull[0];
+  always @(posedge clk0 )
+      rst_r <= rst0;
+  genvar wdf_di_i;
+  genvar wdf_do_i;
+  genvar mask_i;
+  genvar wdf_i;
+  generate
+    if(ECC_ENABLE) begin    // ECC code
+      assign wdf_data = i_wdf_data_out_ecc;
+      // the byte 9 dm is always held to 0
+      assign wdf_mask_data = i_wdf_mask_data_out_ecc;
+      // generate for write data fifo .
+      for (wdf_i = 0; wdf_i < WDF_FIFO_NUM; wdf_i = wdf_i + 1) begin: gen_wdf
+        FIFO36_72  #
+          (
+           .ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET     (9'h007),
+           .ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET      (9'h00F),
+           .DO_REG                  (1),          // extra CC output delay
+           .EN_ECC_WRITE            ("TRUE"),
+           .EN_ECC_READ             ("FALSE"),
+           .EN_SYN                  ("FALSE"),
+           )
+          u_wdf_ecc
+            (
+             .ALMOSTEMPTY (),
+             .ALMOSTFULL  (i_wdf_afull[wdf_i]),
+             .DBITERR     (),
+             .DO          (i_wdf_data_out_ecc[((64*(wdf_i+1))+(wdf_i *8))-1:
+                                              (64*wdf_i)+(wdf_i *8)]),
+             .DOP         (i_wdf_data_out_ecc[(72*(wdf_i+1))-1:
+                                              (64*(wdf_i+1))+ (8*wdf_i) ]),
+             .ECCPARITY   (),
+             .EMPTY       (),
+             .FULL        (),
+             .RDCOUNT     (),
+             .RDERR       (),
+             .SBITERR     (),
+             .WRCOUNT     (),
+             .WRERR       (),
+             .DI          (app_wdf_data[(64*(wdf_i+1))-1:
+                                        (64*wdf_i)]),
+             .DIP         (),
+             .RDCLK       (clk90),
+             .RDEN        (wdf_rden),
+             .RST         (rst_r),          // or can use rst0
+             .WRCLK       (clk0),
+             .WREN        (app_wdf_wren)
+             );
+      end
+      // remapping the mask data. The mask data from user i/f does not have
+      // the mask for the ECC byte. Assigning 0 to the ECC mask byte.
+      for (mask_i = 0; mask_i < (DQ_WIDTH)/36;
+           mask_i = mask_i +1) begin: gen_mask
+        assign mask_data_in_ecc[((8*(mask_i+1))+ mask_i)-1:((8*mask_i)+mask_i)]
+                 = app_wdf_mask_data[(8*(mask_i+1))-1:8*(mask_i)] ;
+        assign mask_data_in_ecc[((8*(mask_i+1))+mask_i)] = 1'd0;
+      end
+      // assign ecc bits to temp variables to avoid
+      // sim warnings. Not all the 64 bits of the fifo
+      // are used in ECC mode.
+       assign  mask_data_in_ecc_wire[((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)-1:0] = mask_data_in_ecc;
+       assign  mask_data_in_ecc_wire[63:((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)]  =
+              {(64-((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)){1'b0}};
+       assign i_wdf_mask_data_out_ecc =
+               i_wdf_mask_data_out_ecc_wire[((2*DQ_WIDTH)/8)-1:0];
+      FIFO36_72  #
+        (
+         .ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET     (9'h007),
+         .ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET      (9'h00F),
+         .DO_REG                  (1),          // extra CC output delay
+         .EN_ECC_WRITE            ("TRUE"),
+         .EN_ECC_READ             ("FALSE"),
+         .EN_SYN                  ("FALSE"),
+         )
+        u_wdf_ecc_mask
+          (
+           .ALMOSTEMPTY (),
+           .ALMOSTFULL  (),
+           .DBITERR     (),
+           .DO          (i_wdf_mask_data_out_ecc_wire),
+           .DOP         (),
+           .ECCPARITY   (),
+           .EMPTY       (),
+           .FULL        (),
+           .RDCOUNT     (),
+           .RDERR       (),
+           .SBITERR     (),
+           .WRCOUNT     (),
+           .WRERR       (),
+           .DI          (mask_data_in_ecc_wire),
+           .DIP         (),
+           .RDCLK       (clk90),
+           .RDEN        (wdf_rden),
+           .RST         (rst_r),          // or can use rst0
+           .WRCLK       (clk0),
+           .WREN        (app_wdf_wren)
+           );
+    end else begin
+      //***********************************************************************
+      // Define intermediate buses:
+      assign i_wdf_data_rise_in
+        = app_wdf_data[DQ_WIDTH-1:0];
+      assign i_wdf_data_fall_in
+        = app_wdf_data[(2*DQ_WIDTH)-1:DQ_WIDTH];
+      assign i_wdf_mask_data_rise_in
+        = app_wdf_mask_data[MASK_WIDTH-1:0];
+      assign i_wdf_mask_data_fall_in
+        = app_wdf_mask_data[(2*MASK_WIDTH)-1:MASK_WIDTH];
+      //***********************************************************************
+      // Write data FIFO Input:
+      // Arrange DQ's so that the rise data and fall data are interleaved.
+      // the data arrives at the input of the wdf fifo as {fall,rise}.
+      // It is remapped as:
+      //     {...fall[15:8],rise[15:8],fall[7:0],rise[7:0]}
+      // This is done to avoid having separate fifo's for rise and fall data
+      // and to keep rise/fall data for the same DQ's on same FIFO
+      // Data masks are interleaved in a similar manner
+      // NOTE: Initialization data from PHY_INIT module does not need to be
+      //  interleaved - it's already in the correct format - and the same
+      //  initialization pattern from PHY_INIT is sent to all write FIFOs
+      //***********************************************************************
+      for (wdf_di_i = 0; wdf_di_i < MASK_WIDTH;
+           wdf_di_i = wdf_di_i + 1) begin: gen_wdf_data_in
+        assign i_wdf_data_in[(16*wdf_di_i)+15:(16*wdf_di_i)]
+                 = {i_wdf_data_fall_in[(8*wdf_di_i)+7:(8*wdf_di_i)],
+                    i_wdf_data_rise_in[(8*wdf_di_i)+7:(8*wdf_di_i)]};
+        assign i_wdf_mask_data_in[(2*wdf_di_i)+1:(2*wdf_di_i)]
+                 = {i_wdf_mask_data_fall_in[wdf_di_i],
+                    i_wdf_mask_data_rise_in[wdf_di_i]};
+      end
+      //***********************************************************************
+      // Write data FIFO Output:
+      // FIFO DQ and mask outputs must be untangled and put in the standard
+      // format of {fall,rise}. Same goes for mask output
+      //***********************************************************************
+      for (wdf_do_i = 0; wdf_do_i < MASK_WIDTH;
+           wdf_do_i = wdf_do_i + 1) begin: gen_wdf_data_out
+        assign i_wdf_data_rise_out[(8*wdf_do_i)+7:(8*wdf_do_i)]
+                 = i_wdf_data_out[(16*wdf_do_i)+7:(16*wdf_do_i)];
+        assign i_wdf_data_fall_out[(8*wdf_do_i)+7:(8*wdf_do_i)]
+                 = i_wdf_data_out[(16*wdf_do_i)+15:(16*wdf_do_i)+8];
+        assign i_wdf_mask_data_rise_out[wdf_do_i]
+                 = i_wdf_mask_data_out[2*wdf_do_i];
+        assign i_wdf_mask_data_fall_out[wdf_do_i]
+                 = i_wdf_mask_data_out[(2*wdf_do_i)+1];
+      end
+      assign wdf_data = {i_wdf_data_fall_out,
+                         i_wdf_data_rise_out};
+      assign wdf_mask_data = {i_wdf_mask_data_fall_out,
+                              i_wdf_mask_data_rise_out};
+      //***********************************************************************
+      for (wdf_i = 0; wdf_i < WDF_FIFO_NUM; wdf_i = wdf_i + 1) begin: gen_wdf
+        FIFO36_72  #
+          (
+           .ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET     (9'h007),
+           .ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET      (9'h00F),
+           .DO_REG                  (1),          // extra CC output delay
+           .EN_ECC_WRITE            ("FALSE"),
+           .EN_ECC_READ             ("FALSE"),
+           .EN_SYN                  ("FALSE"),
+           )
+          u_wdf
+            (
+             .ALMOSTEMPTY (),
+             .ALMOSTFULL  (i_wdf_afull[wdf_i]),
+             .DBITERR     (),
+             .DO          (i_wdf_data_out[(64*(wdf_i+1))-1:64*wdf_i]),
+             .DOP         (i_wdf_mask_data_out[(8*(wdf_i+1))-1:8*wdf_i]),
+             .ECCPARITY   (),
+             .EMPTY       (),
+             .FULL        (),
+             .RDCOUNT     (),
+             .RDERR       (),
+             .SBITERR     (),
+             .WRCOUNT     (),
+             .WRERR       (),
+             .DI          (i_wdf_data_in[(64*(wdf_i+1))-1:64*wdf_i]),
+             .DIP         (i_wdf_mask_data_in[(8*(wdf_i+1))-1:8*wdf_i]),
+             .RDCLK       (clk90),
+             .RDEN        (wdf_rden),
+             .RST         (rst_r),          // or can use rst0
+             .WRCLK       (clk0),
+             .WREN        (app_wdf_wren)
+             );
+      end
+    end
+  endgenerate
index 24fbf68..799515f 100644 (file)
@@ -1,145 +1,3 @@
-Net DDR2_CS0_B<1> LOC=J29; Net DDR2_CS0_B<1> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_CS0_B<0> LOC=L29; Net DDR2_CS0_B<0> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<13> LOC=H29; Net DDR2_A<13> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<12> LOC=T31; Net DDR2_A<12> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<11> LOC=R29; Net DDR2_A<11> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<10> LOC=J31; Net DDR2_A<10> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<9> LOC=R28; Net DDR2_A<9> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<8> LOC=M31; Net DDR2_A<8> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<7> LOC=P30; Net DDR2_A<7> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<6> LOC=P31; Net DDR2_A<6> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<5> LOC=L31; Net DDR2_A<5> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<4> LOC=K31; Net DDR2_A<4> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<3> LOC=P29; Net DDR2_A<3> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<2> LOC=N29; Net DDR2_A<2> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<1> LOC=M30; Net DDR2_A<1> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net DDR2_A<0> LOC=L30; Net DDR2_A<0> IOSTANDARD="SSTL18_II";
-Net I2C_DDR2_SCL LOC=E29;
-Net I2C_DDR2_SDA LOC=F29;
-#Net CLKBUF_Q1_N PERIOD="200 Mhz";
-#Net CLKBUF_Q1_P PERIOD="200 Mhz";
 ## Clock, Reset ##############################################################################
 Net clk_pin LOC=AH17;
@@ -175,6 +33,46 @@ Net uart_out LOC=AG20;
 Net uart_out TIG;
 Net uart_out PULLUP;
+## DVI ##############################################################################
+NET  dvi_d0               LOC="AB8";   # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d1               LOC="AC8";   # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d2               LOC="AN12";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d3               LOC="AP12";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d4               LOC="AA9";   # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d5               LOC="AA8";   # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d6               LOC="AM13";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d7               LOC="AN13";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d8               LOC="AA10";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d9               LOC="AB10";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d10              LOC="AP14";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_d11              LOC="AN14";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_de               LOC="AE8";   # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_h                LOC="AM12";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_reset_b          LOC="AK6";   # Bank 18, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI
+NET  dvi_v                LOC="AM11";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_xclk_n           LOC="AL10";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  dvi_xclk_p           LOC="AL11";  # Bank 22, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+#NET  dvi_gpio1            LOC="N30" | IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS18";   # Bank 15, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+#NET  dvi_iic_scl          LOC="U27" | IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS18";   # Bank 15, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+#NET  dvi_iic_sda          LOC="T29" | IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS18";   # Bank 15, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  gpio_led_c           LOC="AJ6";   # Bank 18, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_e           LOC="AK7";   # Bank 18, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_n           LOC="U8";    # Bank 18, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_s           LOC="V8";    # Bank 18, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_w           LOC="AJ7";   # Bank 18, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_0           LOC="H18";   # Bank 3, Vcco=2.5V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_1           LOC="L18";   # Bank 3, Vcco=2.5V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_2           LOC="G15";   # Bank 3, Vcco=2.5V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_3           LOC="AD26" | IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS18";  # Bank 21, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  gpio_led_4           LOC="G16";   # Bank 3, Vcco=2.5V, No DCI
+NET  gpio_led_5           LOC="AD25" | IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS18";  # Bank 21, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  gpio_led_6           LOC="AD24" | IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS18";  # Bank 21, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
+NET  gpio_led_7           LOC="AE24" | IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS18";  # Bank 21, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors
 ## VGA ##############################################################################
 #net "vga_hsync" loc   = f9;
@@ -225,315 +123,393 @@ Net uart_out PULLUP;
 #net "vga_*" iostandard = lvcmos33;
-### DRAM ##############################################################################
-NET "clk_pin"               TNM="SYS_CLK";
-#NET "*/*/clkgen/write_clk_u"    TNM="WRITE_CLK";
-#NET "*/*/clkgen/write_clk90_u"  TNM="WRITE_CLK";
-#NET "*/*/clkgen/read_clk_u"     TNM="READ_CLK";
-##     File:           $URL: svn+ssh:// $
-##     Version:        $Revision: 16601 $
-##     Author:         Greg Gibeling (
-##     Copyright:      Copyright 2005-2008 UC Berkeley
-##     Section:        License
-##     Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Regents of the University of California
-##     All rights reserved.
+# DDR2
+##  Xilinx, Inc. 2006   
+##  ÐÇÆÚÒ» ¾ÅÔ 22 11:53:57 2008
+##  Generated by MIG Version 2.3
+##  File name :       ddr2_sdram.ucf
+##  Details :     Constraints file
+##                    FPGA family:       virtex5
+##                    FPGA:              xc5vlx110t-ff1136
+##                    Speedgrade:        -1
+##                    Design Entry:      VERILOG
+##                    Frequency:         266.66 MHz
+##                    Design:            with Test bench
+##                    DCM Used:          Enable
+##                    Two Bytes per Bank:Disable
+##                    No.Of Controllers: 1
-##     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-##     are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-##             - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-##                     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-##             - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-##                     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-##                     in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-##                     distribution.
-##             - Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the
-##                     names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
-##                     products derived from this software without specific prior
-##                     written permission.
-##     Xilinx, Inc. 2006   
-##     Mon Jul 7 12:05:40 2008
-##     Generated by MIG Version 2.2
-##     File name:      ddr2_sdram.ucf
-##     Details:        Constraints file
-##                             FPGA family:            virtex5
-##                             FPGA:                           xc5vlx110t-ff1136
-##                             Speedgrade:                     -1
-##                             Design Entry:           VERILOG
-##                             Frequency:                      266.66 MHz
-##                             Design:                         without Test bench
-##                             DCM Used:                       Disable
-##                             Two Bytes per Bank: Disable
-##                             Compatible FPGA's: xc5vlx85t-ff1136,xc5vlx50t-ff1136,xc5vlx155t-ff1136,xc5vfx70t-ff1136,xc5vfx100t-ff1136,xc5vsx50t-ff1136,xc5vsx95t-ff1136
-##                             No.Of Controllers:      1
-##     Section:        Pin Constraints (use FPGA_TOP instead)
-#NET  "ddr2_dq[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II_DCI;
-#NET  "ddr2_a[*]"                                IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_ba[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_ras_n"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_cas_n"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_we_n"                                IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_cs_n[*]"                             IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_odt[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_cke[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_dm[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_dqs[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II_DCI;
-#NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[*]"                            IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II_DCI;
-#NET  "ddr2_ck[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II;
-#NET  "ddr2_ck_n[*]"                             IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II;
-##     Section:        Clock Constraints
-NET "**/Clock" TNM_NET = "SYS_Clock";
-TIMESPEC "TS_SYS_Clock" = PERIOD "SYS_Clock" 5 ns HIGH 50 %;
-NET "**/ClockP90" TNM_NET = "SYS_ClockP90";
-TIMESPEC "TS_SYS_ClockP90" = PERIOD "SYS_ClockP90" 5 ns HIGH 50 %;
-NET "**/ClockD2" TNM_NET = "SYS_ClockD2";
-TIMESPEC "TS_SYS_ClockD2" = PERIOD "SYS_ClockD2" 7.5 ns HIGH 50 %;
-#NET "*/ClockF200" TNM_NET = "SYS_ClockF200";
-#TIMESPEC "TS_SYS_ClockF200" = PERIOD "SYS_ClockF200" 5 ns HIGH 50 %;
-##     Section:        Controller 0
-##     Desc:           Memory Device:  DDR2_SDRAM->SODIMMs->MT4HTF3264HY-53E
-##                             Data Width:             64
-##                             Data Mask:              1
-##     Section:        IDELAYCTRL Location Constraints
-##     Section:        Multicycle Paths
-##     Desc:           Define multicycle paths - these paths may take longer because
-##                             additional time allowed for logic to settle in
-##                             calibration/initialization FSM
+# Clock constraints                                                        #
+NET "*/u_ddr2_infrastructure/sys_clk_ibufg" TNM_NET =  "SYS_CLK";
+NET "*/u_ddr2_infrastructure/clk200_ibufg" TNM_NET = "SYS_CLK_200";
+TIMESPEC "TS_SYS_CLK_200" = PERIOD "SYS_CLK_200" 5 ns HIGH 50 %;
+# Controller 0
+# Memory Device: DDR2_SDRAM->SODIMMs->MT4HTF3264HY-53E #
+# Data Width:     64 #
+# Data Mask:     1 #
+NET  "ddr2_dq[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II_DCI;
+NET  "ddr2_a[*]"                                IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_ba[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_ras_n"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_cas_n"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_we_n"                                IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_cs_n[*]"                             IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_odt[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_cke[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_dm[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+#NET  "sys_clk_p"                                IOSTANDARD = LVDS_25 | DIFF_TERM = TRUE;
+#NET  "sys_clk_n"                                IOSTANDARD = LVDS_25 | DIFF_TERM = TRUE;
+#NET  "clk200_p"                                 IOSTANDARD = LVDS_25 | DIFF_TERM = TRUE;
+#NET  "clk200_n"                                 IOSTANDARD = LVDS_25 | DIFF_TERM = TRUE;
+#NET  "sys_rst_n"                                IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
+#NET  "phy_init_done"                           IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
+#NET  "error"                                   IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II_DCI;
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[*]"                            IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II_DCI;
+NET  "ddr2_ck[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_ck_n[*]"                             IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II;
+# Location Constraints
+NET  "ddr2_dq[0]"                                LOC = "AF30" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[1]"                                LOC = "AK31" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[2]"                                LOC = "AF31" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[3]"                                LOC = "AD30" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[4]"                                LOC = "AJ30" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[5]"                                LOC = "AF29" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[6]"                                LOC = "AD29" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[7]"                                LOC = "AE29" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[8]"                                LOC = "AH27" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[9]"                                LOC = "AF28" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[10]"                               LOC = "AH28" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[11]"                               LOC = "AA28" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[12]"                               LOC = "AG25" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[13]"                               LOC = "AJ26" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[14]"                               LOC = "AG28" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[15]"                               LOC = "AB28" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[16]"                               LOC = "AC28" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[17]"                               LOC = "AB25" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[18]"                               LOC = "AC27" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[19]"                               LOC = "AA26" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[20]"                               LOC = "AB26" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[21]"                               LOC = "AA24" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[22]"                               LOC = "AB27" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[23]"                               LOC = "AA25" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dq[24]"                               LOC = "AC29" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[25]"                               LOC = "AB30" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[26]"                               LOC = "W31" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[27]"                               LOC = "V30" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[28]"                               LOC = "AC30" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[29]"                               LOC = "W29" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[30]"                               LOC = "V27" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[31]"                               LOC = "W27" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[32]"                               LOC = "V29" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[33]"                               LOC = "Y27" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[34]"                               LOC = "Y26" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[35]"                               LOC = "W24" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[36]"                               LOC = "V28" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[37]"                               LOC = "W25" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[38]"                               LOC = "W26" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[39]"                               LOC = "V24" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dq[40]"                               LOC = "R24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[41]"                               LOC = "P25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[42]"                               LOC = "N24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[43]"                               LOC = "P26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[44]"                               LOC = "T24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[45]"                               LOC = "N25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[46]"                               LOC = "P27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[47]"                               LOC = "N28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[48]"                               LOC = "M28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[49]"                               LOC = "L28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[50]"                               LOC = "F25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[51]"                               LOC = "H25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[52]"                               LOC = "K27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[53]"                               LOC = "K28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[54]"                               LOC = "H24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[55]"                               LOC = "G26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[56]"                               LOC = "G25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[57]"                               LOC = "M26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[58]"                               LOC = "J24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[59]"                               LOC = "L26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[60]"                               LOC = "J27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[61]"                               LOC = "M25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[62]"                               LOC = "L25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[63]"                               LOC = "L24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_a[12]"                                LOC = "T31" ;       #Bank 15      
+NET  "ddr2_a[11]"                                LOC = "R29" ;       #Bank 15      
+NET  "ddr2_a[10]"                                LOC = "J31" ;       #Bank 15      
+NET  "ddr2_a[9]"                                 LOC = "R28" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[8]"                                 LOC = "M31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[7]"                                 LOC = "P30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[6]"                                 LOC = "P31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[5]"                                 LOC = "L31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[4]"                                 LOC = "K31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[3]"                                 LOC = "P29" ;       #Bank 15      
+NET  "ddr2_a[2]"                                 LOC = "N29" ;       #Bank 15      
+NET  "ddr2_a[1]"                                 LOC = "M30" ;       #Bank 15      
+NET  "ddr2_a[0]"                                 LOC = "L30" ;       #Bank 15      
+NET  "ddr2_ba[1]"                                LOC = "J30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_ba[0]"                                LOC = "G31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_ras_n"                                LOC = "H30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_cas_n"                                LOC = "E31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_we_n"                                 LOC = "K29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_cs_n[0]"                              LOC = "L29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_odt[0]"                               LOC = "F31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_cke[0]"                               LOC = "T28" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dm[0]"                                LOC = "AJ31" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dm[1]"                                LOC = "AE28" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dm[2]"                                LOC = "Y24" ;       #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dm[3]"                                LOC = "Y31" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dm[4]"                                LOC = "V25" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dm[5]"                                LOC = "P24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dm[6]"                                LOC = "F26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dm[7]"                                LOC = "J25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "sys_clk_p"                                 LOC = "H14" ;       #Bank 3
+NET  "sys_clk_n"                                 LOC = "H15" ;       #Bank 3
+NET  "clk200_p"                                  LOC = "L19" ;       #Bank 3
+NET  "clk200_n"                                  LOC = "K19" ;       #Bank 3
+NET  "sys_rst_n"                                 LOC = "E9";           #Bank 20
+#NET  "phy_init_done"                             LOC = "H18" ;              #Bank 3
+NET  "error"                                     LOC = "F6";           #Bank 12
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[0]"                               LOC = "AA29" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[0]"                             LOC = "AA30" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[1]"                               LOC = "AK28" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[1]"                             LOC = "AK27" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[2]"                               LOC = "AK26" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[2]"                             LOC = "AJ27" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[3]"                               LOC = "AB31" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[3]"                             LOC = "AA31" ;              #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[4]"                               LOC = "Y28" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[4]"                             LOC = "Y29" ;       #Bank 17
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[5]"                               LOC = "E26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[5]"                             LOC = "E27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[6]"                               LOC = "H28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[6]"                             LOC = "G28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[7]"                               LOC = "G27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[7]"                             LOC = "H27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_ck[0]"                                LOC = "AK29" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_ck_n[0]"                              LOC = "AJ29" ;              #Bank 21
+NET  "ddr2_ck[1]"                                LOC = "E28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_ck_n[1]"                              LOC = "F28" ;       #Bank 19
+#IDELAYCTRL Location Constraints
+# Define multicycle paths - these paths may take longer because additional
+# time allowed for logic to settle in calibration/initialization FSM
 # MIG 2.1: Eliminate Timegroup definitions for CLK0, and CLK90. Instead trace
 #          multicycle paths from originating flip-flop to ANY destination
 #          flip-flop (or in some cases, it can also be a BRAM)
 # MUX Select for either rising/falling CLK0 for 2nd stage read capture
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_rd_data_sel*.u_ff_rd_data_sel" TNM = "TNM_RD_DATA_SEL";
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_rd_data_sel*.u_ff_rd_data_sel" TNM = "TNM_RD_DATA_SEL";
+"TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
 # MUX select for read data - optional delay on data to account for byte skews
-#INST "*/u_usr_rd/*gen_rden_sel_mux*.u_ff_rden_sel_mux" TNM = "TNM_RDEN_SEL_MUX";
+#INST "*/u_usr_rd/gen_rden_sel_mux*.u_ff_rden_sel_mux" TNM = "TNM_RDEN_SEL_MUX";
+#"TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
 # Calibration/Initialization complete status flag (for PHY logic only) - can
 # be used to drive both flip-flops and BRAMs
 INST "*/u_phy_init/u_ff_phy_init_data_sel" TNM = "TNM_PHY_INIT_DATA_SEL";
+"TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
+"TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
 # Select (address) bits for SRL32 shift registers used in stage3/stage4
 # calibration
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate_dly*.u_ff_gate_dly" TNM = "TNM_GATE_DLY";
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_rden_dly*.u_ff_rden_dly" TNM = "TNM_RDEN_DLY";
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_cal_rden_dly*.u_ff_cal_rden_dly" TNM = "TNM_CAL_RDEN_DLY";
-##     Section:        DQS Squelch Constraints
-##     Desc:           DQS Read Post amble Glitch Squelch circuit related constraints
-##                             LOC placement of DQS-squelch related IDDR and IDELAY elements
-##                             Each circuit can be located at any of the following locations:
-##                                     1. Unused "N"-side of DQS differential pair I/O
-##                                     2. DM data mask (output only, input side is free for use)
-##                                     3. Any output-only site
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y96";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y96";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[1].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y58";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[1].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y58";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[2].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y62";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[2].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y62";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[3].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y100";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[3].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y100";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[4].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y102";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[4].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y102";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[5].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y256";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[5].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y256";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[6].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y260";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[6].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y260";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[7].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y262";
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[7].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y262";
-##     Section:        DQS CE LOCs
-##     Desc:           LOC and timing constraints for flop driving DQS CE enable signal
-##                             from fabric logic. Even though the absolute delay on this path
-##                             is calibrated out (when synchronizing this output to DQS), the
-##                             delay should still be kept as low as possible to reduce
-##                             post-calibration voltage/temp variations - these are roughly
-##                             proportional to the absolute delay of the path
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate[0].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y48;
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate[1].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y29;
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate[2].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y31;
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate[3].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y50;
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate[4].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y51;
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate[5].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y128;
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate[6].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y130;
-INST "**/u_phy_calib/*gen_gate[7].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y131;
-##     Section:        DQS Gate Control
-##     Desc:           Control for DQS gate - from fabric flop. Prevent "runaway"
-##                             delay - two parts to this path: (1) from fabric flop to IDELAY,
-##                             (2) from IDELAY to asynchronous reset of IDDR that drives the DQ
-##                             CE's.  This can be relaxed by the user for lower frequencies:
-##                             300MHz = 850ps, 267MHz = 900ps. At 200MHz = 950ps.
-##                             In general PAR should be able to route this within 900ps over
-##                             all speed grades.
-NET "**/u_phy_io/en_dqs*" MAXDELAY = 600 ps;
-NET "**/u_phy_io/*gen_dqs*.u_iob_dqs/en_dqs_sync" MAXDELAY = 850 ps;
-##     Section:        IDDR Half Cycles
-##     Desc:           "Half-cycle" path constraint from IDDR to CE pin for all DQ
-##                             IDDR's for DQS Read Post amble Glitch Squelch circuit.
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate_dly*.u_ff_gate_dly" TNM = "TNM_GATE_DLY";
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_rden_dly*.u_ff_rden_dly" TNM = "TNM_RDEN_DLY";
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_cal_rden_dly*.u_ff_cal_rden_dly"
+  "TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
+# DQS Read Post amble Glitch Squelch circuit related constraints
+# LOC placement of DQS-squelch related IDDR and IDELAY elements
+# Each circuit can be located at any of the following locations:
+#  1. Unused "N"-side of DQS differential pair I/O
+#  2. DM data mask (output only, input side is free for use)
+#  3. Any output-only site
+INST "*/gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y96";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y96";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[1].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y58";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[1].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y58";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[2].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y62";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[2].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y62";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[3].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y100";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[3].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y100";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[4].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y102";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[4].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y102";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[5].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y256";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[5].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y256";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[6].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y260";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[6].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y260";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[7].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y262";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[7].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y262";
+# LOC and timing constraints for flop driving DQS CE enable signal
+# from fabric logic. Even though the absolute delay on this path is
+# calibrated out (when synchronizing this output to DQS), the delay
+# should still be kept as low as possible to reduce post-calibration
+# voltage/temp variations - these are roughly proportional to the
+# absolute delay of the path
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[0].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y48;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[1].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y29;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[2].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y31;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[3].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y50;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[4].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y51;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[5].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y128;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[6].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y130;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[7].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y131;
+# Control for DQS gate - from fabric flop. Prevent "runaway" delay -
+# two parts to this path: (1) from fabric flop to IDELAY, (2) from
+# IDELAY to asynchronous reset of IDDR that drives the DQ CE's
+# This can be relaxed by the user for lower frequencies:
+# 300MHz = 850ps, 267MHz = 900ps. At 200MHz = 950ps.
+# In general PAR should be able to route this
+# within 900ps over all speed grades.
+NET "*/u_phy_io/en_dqs*" MAXDELAY = 600 ps;
+NET "*/u_phy_io/gen_dqs*.u_iob_dqs/en_dqs_sync" MAXDELAY = 850 ps;
+# "Half-cycle" path constraint from IDDR to CE pin for all DQ IDDR's
+# for DQS Read Post amble Glitch Squelch circuit
 # Max delay from output of IDDR to CE input of DQ IDDRs = tRPST + some slack
 #  where slack account for rise-time of DQS on board. For now assume slack = 
 #  0.400ns (based on initial SPICE simulations, assumes use of ODT), so 
 #  time = 0.4*Tcyc + 0.40ns = 1.6ns @333MHz
-INST "**/*gen_dqs[*].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce" TNM = "TNM_DQ_CE_IDDR";
-INST "**/*gen_dq[*].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_iddr_dq" TNM = "TNM_DQS_FLOPS";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[*].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce" TNM = "TNM_DQ_CE_IDDR";
+INST "*/gen_dq[*].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_iddr_dq" TNM = "TNM_DQS_FLOPS";
-##     Section:        Area Group
-##     Desc:           MIG 2.2: Prevent unrelated logic from being packed into any
-##                             slices used by read data capture RPM's - if unrelated logic gets
-##                             packed into these slices, it could cause the DIRT strings that
-##                             define the IDDR -> fabric flop routing to become unroutable
-##                             during PAR stage (unrelated logic may require routing resources
-##                             required by the DIRT strings - MAP does not currently take into
-##                             account DIRT strings when placing logic
+# MIG 2.2: Prevent unrelated logic from being packed into any slices used
+#          by read data capture RPM's - if unrelated logic gets packed into
+#          these slices, it could cause the DIRT strings that define the
+#          IDDR -> fabric flop routing to become unroutable during PAR stage
+#          (unrelated logic may require routing resources required by the
+#          DIRT strings - MAP does not currently take into account DIRT
+#          strings when placing logic
-##     Section:        DQ LOC Constraints
-##     Desc:           Location constraints for DQ read-data capture flops in fabric
-##                             (for 2nd stage capture)
-INST "**/*gen_dq[0].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y42;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[1].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y43;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[2].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y45;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[3].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y46;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[4].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y41;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[5].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y42;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[6].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y44;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[7].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y44;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[8].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y28;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[9].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y32;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[10].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y33;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[11].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y34;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[12].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y26;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[13].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y28;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[14].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y33;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[15].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y34;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[16].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y35;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[17].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y36;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[18].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y38;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[19].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y39;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[20].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y36;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[21].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y37;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[22].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y38;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[23].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y39;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[24].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y46;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[25].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y49;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[26].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y53;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[27].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y55;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[28].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y49;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[29].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y52;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[30].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y54;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[31].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y56;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[32].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y52;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[33].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y56;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[34].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y58;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[35].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y59;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[36].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y54;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[37].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y57;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[38].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y58;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[39].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y59;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[40].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y120;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[41].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y121;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[42].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y122;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[43].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y123;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[44].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y120;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[45].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y121;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[46].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y123;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[47].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y124;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[48].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y124;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[49].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y126;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[50].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y132;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[51].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y133;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[52].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y125;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[53].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y126;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[54].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y133;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[55].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y134;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[56].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y134;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[57].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y136;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[58].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y137;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[59].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y138;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[60].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y135;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[61].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y136;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[62].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y138;
-INST "**/*gen_dq[63].u_iob_dq/*gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y139;
+# Location constraints for DQ read-data capture flops in fabric (for 2nd
+# stage capture)
+INST "*/gen_dq[0].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y42;            #  AF30      X0Y22    *
+INST "*/gen_dq[1].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y43;            #  AK31      X0Y23    
+INST "*/gen_dq[2].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y45;            #  AF31      X0Y25    
+INST "*/gen_dq[3].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y46;            #  AD30      X0Y26    
+INST "*/gen_dq[4].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y41;            #  AJ30      X0Y21    
+INST "*/gen_dq[5].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y42;            #  AF29      X0Y22    ***
+INST "*/gen_dq[6].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y44;            #  AD29      X0Y24    
+INST "*/gen_dq[7].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y44;            #  AE29      X0Y24    
+INST "*/gen_dq[8].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y28;            #  AH27      X0Y8     ***
+INST "*/gen_dq[9].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y32;            #  AF28      X0Y12    
+INST "*/gen_dq[10].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y33;           #  AH28      X0Y13    
+INST "*/gen_dq[11].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y34;           #  AA28      X0Y14    
+INST "*/gen_dq[12].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y26;           #  AG25      X0Y6     
+INST "*/gen_dq[13].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y28;           #  AJ26      X0Y8     *
+INST "*/gen_dq[14].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y33;           #  AG28      X0Y13    
+INST "*/gen_dq[15].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y34;           #  AB28      X0Y14    
+INST "*/gen_dq[16].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y35;           #  AC28      X0Y15    
+INST "*/gen_dq[17].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y36;           #  AB25      X0Y16    ***
+INST "*/gen_dq[18].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y38;           #  AC27      X0Y18    
+INST "*/gen_dq[19].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y39;           #  AA26      X0Y19    
+INST "*/gen_dq[20].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y36;           #  AB26      X0Y16    *
+INST "*/gen_dq[21].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y37;           #  AA24      X0Y17    
+INST "*/gen_dq[22].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y38;           #  AB27      X0Y18    
+INST "*/gen_dq[23].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y39;           #  AA25      X0Y19    
+INST "*/gen_dq[24].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y46;           #  AC29      X0Y26    
+INST "*/gen_dq[25].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y49;           #  AB30      X0Y29    ***
+INST "*/gen_dq[26].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y53;           #  W31       X0Y33    
+INST "*/gen_dq[27].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y55;           #  V30       X0Y35    
+INST "*/gen_dq[28].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y49;           #  AC30      X0Y29    *
+INST "*/gen_dq[29].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y52;           #  W29       X0Y32    
+INST "*/gen_dq[30].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y54;           #  V27       X0Y34    ***
+INST "*/gen_dq[31].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y56;           #  W27       X0Y36    
+INST "*/gen_dq[32].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y52;           #  V29       X0Y32    
+INST "*/gen_dq[33].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y56;           #  Y27       X0Y36    
+INST "*/gen_dq[34].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y58;           #  Y26       X0Y38    
+INST "*/gen_dq[35].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y59;           #  W24       X0Y39    
+INST "*/gen_dq[36].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y54;           #  V28       X0Y34   * 
+INST "*/gen_dq[37].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y57;           #  W25       X0Y37    
+INST "*/gen_dq[38].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y58;           #  W26       X0Y38    
+INST "*/gen_dq[39].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y59;           #  V24       X0Y39    
+INST "*/gen_dq[40].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y120;          #  R24       X0Y100   
+INST "*/gen_dq[41].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y121;          #  P25       X0Y101   
+INST "*/gen_dq[42].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y122;          #  N24       X0Y102   
+INST "*/gen_dq[43].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y123;          #  P26       X0Y103   
+INST "*/gen_dq[44].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y120;          #  T24       X0Y100   
+INST "*/gen_dq[45].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y121;          #  N25       X0Y101   
+INST "*/gen_dq[46].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y123;          #  P27       X0Y103   
+INST "*/gen_dq[47].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y124;          #  N28       X0Y104   
+INST "*/gen_dq[48].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y124;          #  M28       X0Y104   
+INST "*/gen_dq[49].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y126;          #  L28       X0Y106   
+INST "*/gen_dq[50].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y132;          #  F25       X0Y112   
+INST "*/gen_dq[51].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y133;          #  H25       X0Y113   
+INST "*/gen_dq[52].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y125;          #  K27       X0Y105   
+INST "*/gen_dq[53].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y126;          #  K28       X0Y106   
+INST "*/gen_dq[54].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y133;          #  H24       X0Y113   
+INST "*/gen_dq[55].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y134;          #  G26       X0Y114   
+INST "*/gen_dq[56].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y134;          #  G25       X0Y114   
+INST "*/gen_dq[57].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y136;          #  M26       X0Y116   
+INST "*/gen_dq[58].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y137;          #  J24       X0Y117   
+INST "*/gen_dq[59].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y138;          #  L26       X0Y118   
+INST "*/gen_dq[60].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y135;          #  J27       X0Y115   
+INST "*/gen_dq[61].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y136;          #  M25       X0Y116   
+INST "*/gen_dq[62].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y138;          #  L25       X0Y118   
+INST "*/gen_dq[63].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y139;          #  L24       X0Y119   
diff --git a/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/main.ucf- b/src/edu/berkeley/fleet/fpga/main.ucf-
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a47921b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+##  Xilinx, Inc. 2006   
+##  Sat Feb 28 21:05:46 2009
+##  Generated by MIG Version 2.3
+##  File name :       ddr2_sdram.ucf
+##  Details :     Constraints file
+##                    FPGA family:       virtex5
+##                    FPGA:              xc5vlx110t-ff1136
+##                    Speedgrade:        -1
+##                    Design Entry:      VERILOG
+##                    Frequency:         200 MHz
+##                    Design:            without Test bench
+##                    DCM Used:          Enable
+##                    Two Bytes per Bank:Disable
+##                    No.Of Controllers: 1
+# Clock constraints                                                        #
+NET "ddr2_0/ddr2_sdram/u_ddr2_infrastructure/sys_clk_ibufg" TNM_NET =  "SYS_CLK";
+NET "ddr2_0/ddr2_sdram/u_ddr2_infrastructure/clk200_ibufg" TNM_NET = "SYS_CLK_200";
+TIMESPEC "TS_SYS_CLK_200" = PERIOD "SYS_CLK_200" 5 ns HIGH 50 %;
+# Controller 0
+# Memory Device: DDR2_SDRAM->SODIMMs->MT8HTF3264HY-53E #
+# Data Width:     64 #
+# Data Mask:     1 #
+NET  "ddr2_dq[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II_DCI;
+NET  "ddr2_a[*]"                                IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_ba[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_ras_n"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_cas_n"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_we_n"                                IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_cs_n[*]"                             IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_odt[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_cke[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_dm[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II;
+NET  "sys_clk_p"                                IOSTANDARD = LVPECL_25;
+NET  "sys_clk_n"                                IOSTANDARD = LVPECL_25;
+NET  "clk200_p"                                 IOSTANDARD = LVPECL_25;
+NET  "clk200_n"                                 IOSTANDARD = LVPECL_25;
+NET  "sys_rst_n"                                IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
+NET  "phy_init_done"                            IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[*]"                              IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II_DCI;
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[*]"                            IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II_DCI;
+NET  "ddr2_ck[*]"                               IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II;
+NET  "ddr2_ck_n[*]"                             IOSTANDARD = DIFF_SSTL18_II;
+# Location Constraints
+NET  "ddr2_dq[0]"                                LOC = "C20" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[1]"                                LOC = "B20" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[2]"                                LOC = "B21" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[3]"                                LOC = "A21" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[4]"                                LOC = "C18" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[5]"                                LOC = "C22" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[6]"                                LOC = "B22" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[7]"                                LOC = "B18" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[8]"                                LOC = "C23" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[9]"                                LOC = "B23" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[10]"                               LOC = "A19" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[11]"                               LOC = "A20" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[12]"                               LOC = "A24" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[13]"                               LOC = "D26" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[14]"                               LOC = "C27" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[15]"                               LOC = "A29" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[16]"                               LOC = "C28" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[17]"                               LOC = "D27" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[18]"                               LOC = "B31" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[19]"                               LOC = "A31" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[20]"                               LOC = "D29" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[21]"                               LOC = "D31" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[22]"                               LOC = "D30" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[23]"                               LOC = "A30" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dq[24]"                               LOC = "K24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[25]"                               LOC = "L24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[26]"                               LOC = "L25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[27]"                               LOC = "L26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[28]"                               LOC = "J25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[29]"                               LOC = "M25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[30]"                               LOC = "M26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[31]"                               LOC = "J27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[32]"                               LOC = "G25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[33]"                               LOC = "G26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[34]"                               LOC = "H25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[35]"                               LOC = "H24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[36]"                               LOC = "F26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[37]"                               LOC = "K28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[38]"                               LOC = "L28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[39]"                               LOC = "K27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[40]"                               LOC = "M28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[41]"                               LOC = "N28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[42]"                               LOC = "P26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[43]"                               LOC = "P27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[44]"                               LOC = "P24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[45]"                               LOC = "P25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[46]"                               LOC = "N25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[47]"                               LOC = "R24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dq[48]"                               LOC = "E29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[49]"                               LOC = "F29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[50]"                               LOC = "G30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[51]"                               LOC = "F30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[52]"                               LOC = "J29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[53]"                               LOC = "F31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[54]"                               LOC = "E31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[55]"                               LOC = "L29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[56]"                               LOC = "H30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[57]"                               LOC = "G31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[58]"                               LOC = "J30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[59]"                               LOC = "J31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[60]"                               LOC = "M30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[61]"                               LOC = "T31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[62]"                               LOC = "R31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dq[63]"                               LOC = "U30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[12]"                                LOC = "B30" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_a[11]"                                LOC = "T24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_a[10]"                                LOC = "P31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[9]"                                 LOC = "P30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[8]"                                 LOC = "M31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[7]"                                 LOC = "N30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[6]"                                 LOC = "T28" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[5]"                                 LOC = "T29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[4]"                                 LOC = "U27" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[3]"                                 LOC = "U28" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[2]"                                 LOC = "R26" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[1]"                                 LOC = "R27" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_a[0]"                                 LOC = "U26" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_ba[1]"                                LOC = "T26" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_ba[0]"                                LOC = "U25" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_ras_n"                                LOC = "T25" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_cas_n"                                LOC = "B32" ;       #Bank 11
+NET  "ddr2_we_n"                                 LOC = "A33" ;       #Bank 11
+NET  "ddr2_cs_n[0]"                              LOC = "B33" ;       #Bank 11
+NET  "ddr2_odt[0]"                               LOC = "C33" ;       #Bank 11
+NET  "ddr2_cke[0]"                               LOC = "C32" ;       #Bank 11
+NET  "ddr2_dm[0]"                                LOC = "C19" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dm[1]"                                LOC = "A23" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dm[2]"                                LOC = "C30" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dm[3]"                                LOC = "J24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dm[4]"                                LOC = "F25" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dm[5]"                                LOC = "N24" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dm[6]"                                LOC = "H29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dm[7]"                                LOC = "L30" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "sys_clk_p"                                 LOC = "H17" ;       #Bank 3
+NET  "sys_clk_n"                                 LOC = "H18" ;       #Bank 3
+NET  "clk200_p"                                  LOC = "K17" ;       #Bank 3
+NET  "clk200_n"                                  LOC = "L18" ;       #Bank 3
+NET  "sys_rst_n"                                 LOC = "D32" ;       #Bank 11
+NET  "phy_init_done"                             LOC = "C34" ;       #Bank 11
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[0]"                               LOC = "C24" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[0]"                             LOC = "D25" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[1]"                               LOC = "B26" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[1]"                             LOC = "A25" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[2]"                               LOC = "B27" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[2]"                             LOC = "A26" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[3]"                               LOC = "G27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[3]"                             LOC = "H27" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[4]"                               LOC = "H28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[4]"                             LOC = "G28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[5]"                               LOC = "E28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[5]"                             LOC = "F28" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[6]"                               LOC = "N29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[6]"                             LOC = "P29" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dqs[7]"                               LOC = "K31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_dqs_n[7]"                             LOC = "L31" ;       #Bank 15
+NET  "ddr2_ck[0]"                                LOC = "B25" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_ck_n[0]"                              LOC = "C25" ;       #Bank 23
+NET  "ddr2_ck[1]"                                LOC = "E26" ;       #Bank 19
+NET  "ddr2_ck_n[1]"                              LOC = "E27" ;       #Bank 19
+#IDELAYCTRL Location Constraints
+# Define multicycle paths - these paths may take longer because additional
+# time allowed for logic to settle in calibration/initialization FSM
+# MIG 2.1: Eliminate Timegroup definitions for CLK0, and CLK90. Instead trace
+#          multicycle paths from originating flip-flop to ANY destination
+#          flip-flop (or in some cases, it can also be a BRAM)
+# MUX Select for either rising/falling CLK0 for 2nd stage read capture
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_rd_data_sel*.u_ff_rd_data_sel" TNM = "TNM_RD_DATA_SEL";
+"TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
+# Commented out -- AM
+# MUX select for read data - optional delay on data to account for byte skews
+#INST "*/u_usr_rd/gen_rden_sel_mux*.u_ff_rden_sel_mux" TNM = "TNM_RDEN_SEL_MUX";
+#"TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
+# Calibration/Initialization complete status flag (for PHY logic only) - can
+# be used to drive both flip-flops and BRAMs
+INST "*/u_phy_init/u_ff_phy_init_data_sel" TNM = "TNM_PHY_INIT_DATA_SEL";
+"TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
+"TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
+# Select (address) bits for SRL32 shift registers used in stage3/stage4
+# calibration
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate_dly*.u_ff_gate_dly" TNM = "TNM_GATE_DLY";
+# Commented out -- AM
+#INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_rden_dly*.u_ff_rden_dly" TNM = "TNM_RDEN_DLY";
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_cal_rden_dly*.u_ff_cal_rden_dly"
+  "TS_SYS_CLK" * 4;
+# DQS Read Post amble Glitch Squelch circuit related constraints
+# LOC placement of DQS-squelch related IDDR and IDELAY elements
+# Each circuit can be located at any of the following locations:
+#  1. Unused "N"-side of DQS differential pair I/O
+#  2. DM data mask (output only, input side is free for use)
+#  3. Any output-only site
+INST "*/gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y302";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y302";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[1].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y300";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[1].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y300";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[2].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y298";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[2].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y298";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[3].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y262";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[3].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y262";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[4].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y260";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[4].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y260";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[5].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y258";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[5].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y258";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[6].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y222";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[6].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y222";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[7].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce"  LOC = "ILOGIC_X0Y220";
+INST "*/gen_dqs[7].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce"  LOC = "IODELAY_X0Y220";
+# LOC and timing constraints for flop driving DQS CE enable signal
+# from fabric logic. Even though the absolute delay on this path is
+# calibrated out (when synchronizing this output to DQS), the delay
+# should still be kept as low as possible to reduce post-calibration
+# voltage/temp variations - these are roughly proportional to the
+# absolute delay of the path
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[0].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y151;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[1].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y150;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[2].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y149;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[3].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y131;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[4].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y130;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[5].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y129;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[6].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y111;
+INST "*/u_phy_calib/gen_gate[7].u_en_dqs_ff"  LOC = SLICE_X0Y110;
+# Control for DQS gate - from fabric flop. Prevent "runaway" delay -
+# two parts to this path: (1) from fabric flop to IDELAY, (2) from
+# IDELAY to asynchronous reset of IDDR that drives the DQ CE's
+# This can be relaxed by the user for lower frequencies:
+# 300MHz = 850ps, 267MHz = 900ps. At 200MHz = 950ps.
+# In general PAR should be able to route this
+# within 900ps over all speed grades.
+NET "*/u_phy_io/en_dqs*" MAXDELAY = 600 ps;
+NET "*/u_phy_io/gen_dqs*.u_iob_dqs/en_dqs_sync" MAXDELAY = 850 ps;
+# "Half-cycle" path constraint from IDDR to CE pin for all DQ IDDR's
+# for DQS Read Post amble Glitch Squelch circuit
+# Max delay from output of IDDR to CE input of DQ IDDRs = tRPST + some slack
+#  where slack account for rise-time of DQS on board. For now assume slack = 
+#  0.400ns (based on initial SPICE simulations, assumes use of ODT), so 
+#  time = 0.4*Tcyc + 0.40ns = 1.6ns @333MHz
+INST "*/gen_dqs[*].u_iob_dqs/u_iddr_dq_ce" TNM = "TNM_DQ_CE_IDDR";
+INST "*/gen_dq[*].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_iddr_dq" TNM = "TNM_DQS_FLOPS";
+# MIG 2.2: Prevent unrelated logic from being packed into any slices used
+#          by read data capture RPM's - if unrelated logic gets packed into
+#          these slices, it could cause the DIRT strings that define the
+#          IDDR -> fabric flop routing to become unroutable during PAR stage
+#          (unrelated logic may require routing resources required by the
+#          DIRT strings - MAP does not currently take into account DIRT
+#          strings when placing logic
+# Location constraints for DQ read-data capture flops in fabric (for 2nd
+# stage capture)
+INST "*/gen_dq[0].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y159;
+INST "*/gen_dq[1].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y159;
+INST "*/gen_dq[2].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y158;
+INST "*/gen_dq[3].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y158;
+INST "*/gen_dq[4].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y157;
+INST "*/gen_dq[5].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y156;
+INST "*/gen_dq[6].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y156;
+INST "*/gen_dq[7].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y155;
+INST "*/gen_dq[8].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y154;
+INST "*/gen_dq[9].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y154;
+INST "*/gen_dq[10].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y153;
+INST "*/gen_dq[11].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y153;
+INST "*/gen_dq[12].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y152;
+INST "*/gen_dq[13].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y146;
+INST "*/gen_dq[14].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y146;
+INST "*/gen_dq[15].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y145;
+INST "*/gen_dq[16].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y144;
+INST "*/gen_dq[17].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y144;
+INST "*/gen_dq[18].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y143;
+INST "*/gen_dq[19].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y143;
+INST "*/gen_dq[20].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y142;
+INST "*/gen_dq[21].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y141;
+INST "*/gen_dq[22].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y141;
+INST "*/gen_dq[23].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y140;
+INST "*/gen_dq[24].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y139;
+INST "*/gen_dq[25].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y139;
+INST "*/gen_dq[26].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y138;
+INST "*/gen_dq[27].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y138;
+INST "*/gen_dq[28].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y137;
+INST "*/gen_dq[29].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y136;
+INST "*/gen_dq[30].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y136;
+INST "*/gen_dq[31].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y135;
+INST "*/gen_dq[32].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y134;
+INST "*/gen_dq[33].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y134;
+INST "*/gen_dq[34].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y133;
+INST "*/gen_dq[35].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y133;
+INST "*/gen_dq[36].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y132;
+INST "*/gen_dq[37].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y126;
+INST "*/gen_dq[38].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y126;
+INST "*/gen_dq[39].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y125;
+INST "*/gen_dq[40].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y124;
+INST "*/gen_dq[41].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y124;
+INST "*/gen_dq[42].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y123;
+INST "*/gen_dq[43].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y123;
+INST "*/gen_dq[44].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y122;
+INST "*/gen_dq[45].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y121;
+INST "*/gen_dq[46].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y121;
+INST "*/gen_dq[47].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y120;
+INST "*/gen_dq[48].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y119;
+INST "*/gen_dq[49].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y119;
+INST "*/gen_dq[50].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y118;
+INST "*/gen_dq[51].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y118;
+INST "*/gen_dq[52].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y117;
+INST "*/gen_dq[53].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y116;
+INST "*/gen_dq[54].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y116;
+INST "*/gen_dq[55].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y115;
+INST "*/gen_dq[56].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y114;
+INST "*/gen_dq[57].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y114;
+INST "*/gen_dq[58].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y113;
+INST "*/gen_dq[59].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y113;
+INST "*/gen_dq[60].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y112;
+INST "*/gen_dq[61].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y106;
+INST "*/gen_dq[62].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y106;
+INST "*/gen_dq[63].u_iob_dq/gen_stg2_*.u_ff_stg2a_rise"  RLOC_ORIGIN = X0Y105;