rewrite Debug.ship to include both ML509 and Bee2 support
authorAdam Megacz <>
Sun, 20 Sep 2009 19:36:06 +0000 (12:36 -0700)
committerAdam Megacz <>
Sun, 20 Sep 2009 19:36:06 +0000 (12:36 -0700)
ships/Debug.ship [changed from symlink to file mode: 0644]
ships/Debug.ship.bee2 [deleted file]
ships/Debug.ship.ml509 [deleted file]

deleted file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 5841a5266835de0352e7b79ddd3d8a4a4692a7e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76b2f88dc7aef258ee62323a7598c5d7264968e8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+ship: Debug
+== Ports:Interpreter ===========================================================
+data  in:     in
+dockless out: out
+== Ports:Bee2 ===========================================================
+data  in:     in
+dockless out: out
+percolate down:  Clkin_p          1
+percolate down:  Clkin_m          1
+percolate up:    clk_out          1
+percolate inout: D                8
+percolate down:  RDWR_B           1
+percolate down:  CS_B             1
+percolate up:    CCLK             1
+percolate up:    INIT_B           1
+percolate up:    rst_out          1
+percolate down:  rst_in           1
+== Ports:ML509 ===========================================================
+data  in:     in
+dockless out: out
+percolate down: uart_in     1
+percolate up:   uart_out    1
+percolate up:   rst_out     1
+percolate down: rst_in      1
+percolate down: clk_pin     1
+percolate up:   clk_out     1
+== TeX ==============================================================
+This ship is used for debugging.  It has only one port, {\tt in}.
+Programmers should send debug report values to this port.  How such
+values are reported back to the programmer doing the debugging is left
+\subsection*{To Do}
+Provide an {\tt inOp} port and use opcode ports \cite{am25} to
+effectively allow multiple independent ``debug streams''
+Provide a way to programmatically read back the output of the debug
+== Fleeterpreter ====================================================
+public void service() {
+  if (box_in.dataReadyForShip())
+    ((Interpreter)getFleet()).debug(new BitVector(37).set(box_in.removeDataForShip()));
+== FPGA:Bee2 ==============================================================
+   wire                        CCLK_int;
+   wire [0:7]                  D_I;
+   wire [0:7]                  D_O;
+   wire [0:7]                  D_T;
+   wire                        User_Rst;
+   wire [7:0] write_data;
+   wire       write_enable;
+   wire       write_full;
+   wire [7:0] read_data;
+   wire       read_empty;
+   wire       read_enable;
+   // IO buffers
+   OBUF obuf_cclk( .I( CCLK_int ),     .O( CCLK )         );
+   IOBUF iobuf_d0( .I( D_O[0] ),    .IO( D[0] ),     .O( D_I[0] ),    .T( D_T[0] )    );
+   IOBUF iobuf_d1( .I( D_O[1] ),    .IO( D[1] ),     .O( D_I[1] ),    .T( D_T[1] )    );
+   IOBUF iobuf_d2( .I( D_O[2] ),    .IO( D[2] ),     .O( D_I[2] ),    .T( D_T[2] )    );
+   IOBUF iobuf_d3( .I( D_O[3] ),    .IO( D[3] ),     .O( D_I[3] ),    .T( D_T[3] )    );
+   IOBUF iobuf_d4( .I( D_O[4] ),    .IO( D[4] ),     .O( D_I[4] ),    .T( D_T[4] )    );
+   IOBUF iobuf_d5( .I( D_O[5] ),    .IO( D[5] ),     .O( D_I[5] ),    .T( D_T[5] )    );
+   IOBUF iobuf_d6( .I( D_O[6] ),    .IO( D[6] ),     .O( D_I[6] ),    .T( D_T[6] )    );
+   IOBUF iobuf_d7( .I( D_O[7] ),    .IO( D[7] ),     .O( D_I[7] ),    .T( D_T[7] )    );
+   // Clock buffer and reset
+   wire clk_fast;
+   wire clk_half;
+   wire clk_fb;
+   IBUFGDS_LVDS_25 diff_usrclk_buf( .I( Clkin_p ),   .IB( Clkin_m ),  .O( clk_fast )  );
+   wire clkdiv0_unbuffered;
+   wire clk0_unbuffered;
+   wire clk0_fb;
+//   BUFG bufg1 (.I(clkdiv0_unbuffered),  .O(clk_out));
+//   BUFG bufg1 (.I(clk_fast),  .O(clk_out));
+//   BUFG bufg1 (.I(clk0_unbuffered),  .O(clk_out));
+   BUFG bufg2 (.I(clk0_unbuffered),     .O(clk0_fb));
+reg foo;
+reg foo2;
+   BUFG bufg1 (.I(foo2),  .O(clk_out));
+always @(posedge clk_fast) begin
+  if (foo)
+    foo2 <= ~foo2;
+  foo <= ~foo;
+   DCM
+    #(
+      .CLKIN_PERIOD          (10.0),
+      .DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE    ("LOW"),
+      .STARTUP_WAIT          ("FALSE")
+     ) ddr2_dcm (
+      .CLKIN     (clk_fast),
+      .CLKFB     (clk0_fb),
+      .CLK0      (clk0_unbuffered),
+      .RST       (User_Rst)
+     );
+//   BUFG GBUF_FOR_MUX_CLOCK (.I(clk_half), .O(clk_out));
+//   BUFG GBUF_FOR_MUX_CLOCK (.I(clk_fast), .O(clk_out));
+   wire [0:3] rstr;
+   FD rstr0( .D( 1'b0 ),         .Q( rstr[0] ),      .C( clk )   );   defparam rstr0.INIT = 1'b1;
+   FD rstr1( .D( rstr[0] ),      .Q( rstr[1] ),      .C( clk )   );   defparam rstr1.INIT = 1'b1;
+   FD rstr2( .D( rstr[1] ),      .Q( rstr[2] ),      .C( clk )   );   defparam rstr2.INIT = 1'b1;
+   FD rstr3( .D( rstr[2] ),      .Q( rstr[3] ),      .C( clk )   );   defparam rstr3.INIT = 1'b1;
+   assign   User_Rst = |rstr;
+   user_fifo test_fifo( 
+                        .WrFifo_Din( write_data ),
+                       .WrFifo_WrEn( write_enable ),
+                       .WrFifo_Full( write_full ),
+                        .WrFifo_WrCnt(  ),
+                       .RdFifo_Dout( read_data ),
+                       .RdFifo_RdEn( read_enable ),
+                       .RdFifo_Empty( read_empty ),
+                        .RdFifo_RdCnt(  ),
+                       .User_Rst( User_Rst ),
+                       .User_Clk( clk ),
+                       .Sys_Rst( User_Rst ),
+                       .Sys_Clk( clk_fast ),
+                       .D_I( D_I ),
+                       .D_O( D_O ),
+                       .D_T( D_T ),                         
+                       .RDWR_B( RDWR_B ),
+                       .CS_B( CS_B ),
+                       .INIT_B( INIT_B ),
+                        .CCLK( CCLK_int )
+                        );
+   wire       data_to_host_full;
+   reg  [7:0] data_to_host;
+   wire       data_to_fleet_empty;
+   wire [7:0] data_to_fleet;
+   reg        data_to_host_write_enable;
+   reg        data_to_fleet_read_enable;
+   assign data_to_fleet = read_data;
+   assign read_enable = data_to_fleet_read_enable;
+   assign write_enable = data_to_host_write_enable;
+   assign write_data = data_to_host;
+   assign data_to_fleet_empty = read_empty;
+   assign data_to_host_full = write_full;
+   initial data_to_fleet_read_enable = 1;
+   initial data_to_host_write_enable = 0;
+   reg  [7:0] force_reset;
+   assign rst_out = User_Rst || (force_reset!=0);
+   /// Common //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   reg send_k;
+   initial send_k = 0;
+   reg [`WORDWIDTH-1:0] data_to_host_full_word;
+   reg [7:0] count_in;
+   reg [7:0] count_out;
+   reg [49:0] out_d;
+   assign out_d_ = out_d;
+   reg [16:0] credits;
+   // fpga -> host
+   always @(posedge clk) begin
+     if (/*rst_in*/User_Rst) begin
+       count_in    <= 0;
+       count_out   <= 0;
+       force_reset <= 0;
+       credits      = 0;
+       `reset
+     end else begin
+       `cleanup
+       // fpga -> host
+       data_to_host_write_enable <= 0;
+       if (force_reset == 1) begin
+         force_reset <= 0;
+         data_to_host_write_enable <= 1;
+         credits = 0;
+         count_in  <= 0;
+         count_out <= 0;
+         `reset
+       end else if (force_reset != 0) begin
+         force_reset <= force_reset-1;
+       end else if (count_out==0 && `in_full) begin
+         `drain_in
+         data_to_host_full_word <= in_d;
+         count_out <= 8;
+       end else if (count_out!=0 && !data_to_host_full && !data_to_host_write_enable && credits!=0) begin
+         data_to_host <= { 2'b0, data_to_host_full_word[5:0] };
+         data_to_host_full_word <= (data_to_host_full_word >> 6);
+         data_to_host_write_enable <= 1;
+         count_out <= count_out-1;
+         credits = credits - 1;
+       end
+       // host -> fpga
+       data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 0;
+       if (!data_to_fleet_empty && !data_to_fleet_read_enable) begin
+         // Note: if the switch fabric refuses to accept a new item,
+         // we can get deadlocked in a state where sending a reset
+         // code (2'b11) won't have any effect.  Probably need to go
+         // back to using the break signal.
+           // command 0: data
+         if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b00 && `out_empty) begin
+           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
+           out_d <= { out_d[43:0], data_to_fleet[5:0] };
+           if (count_in==9) begin
+             count_in <= 0;
+             `fill_out
+           end else begin
+             count_in <= count_in+1;
+           end
+           // command 1: flow control credit
+         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b01) begin
+           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
+           credits = credits + data_to_fleet[5:0];
+           // command 3: reset (and echo back reset code)
+         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b11) begin
+           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
+           data_to_host <= data_to_fleet;
+           force_reset <= 255;
+         end 
+       end
+    end
+  end
+== UCF:Bee2 =================================================================
+## System clock pins
+NET Clkin_p            LOC = AP21 | IOSTANDARD = LVDS_25;
+NET Clkin_m            LOC = AN21 | IOSTANDARD = LVDS_25;
+NET rst_in              LOC = H4   | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
+NET clk_out             PERIOD=50MHz;
+//NET clk_out             PERIOD=100MHz;
+//NET clk_fast            PERIOD=100MHz;
+NET Clkin_p             PERIOD=100MHz;
+NET Clkin_m             PERIOD=100MHz;
+## SelectMAP interface pins
+NET D<0>               LOC = AU9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET D<1>               LOC = AV9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET D<2>               LOC = AY9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET D<3>               LOC = AW9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET D<4>               LOC = AW34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET D<5>               LOC = AY34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET D<6>               LOC = AV34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET D<7>               LOC = AU34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET RDWR_B             LOC = AR34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET CS_B               LOC = AT34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET INIT_B             LOC = AR9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+NET CCLK                LOC = C14  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
+#Net rst_pin LOC=E9;
+#Net rst_pin PULLUP;
+#Net rst_pin TIG;
+== FPGA:ML509 ==============================================================
+  wire break_i;
+  reg send_k;
+  initial send_k = 0;
+  reg [`WORDWIDTH-1:0] data_to_host_full_word;
+  reg [7:0] count_in;
+  reg [7:0] count_out;
+  reg [49:0] out_d;
+  assign out_d_ = out_d;
+  wire       data_to_host_full;
+  reg  [7:0] data_to_host;
+  wire       data_to_fleet_empty;
+  wire [7:0] data_to_fleet;
+  reg        data_to_host_write_enable;
+  reg        data_to_fleet_read_enable;
+  reg  [7:0] force_reset;
+  assign clk_out = clk_pin;
+  wire sio_ce;
+  wire sio_ce_x4;
+  wire break;
+  wire uart_cts;
+  assign uart_cts = 0;
+  assign rst_out = rst_in || (force_reset!=0) /* || break */;
+  // fst=3 means clock divider is 3+2=5 for a 50Mhz clock => 10Mhz
+  // using a 33Mhz clock,
+  //   33.333Mhz / 38400hz * 4 = 217.013 => 215+2,1 => 215,1
+  // using a 100Mhz clock,
+  //   100Mhz / 38400hz * 4 = 651.039 => 215+2,3 => 215,3
+  // using a 100Mhz clock, 115200baud
+  //   100Mhz / 115200hz * 4 = 217.013 => 215+2,1 => 215,1
+//  sasc_brg sasc_brg(clk, !rst_in, 215, 3, sio_ce, sio_ce_x4);
+  sasc_brg sasc_brg(clk, !rst_in, 215, 1, sio_ce, sio_ce_x4);
+  sasc_top sasc_top(clk, !rst_in,
+                    uart_in,
+                    uart_out,
+                    uart_cts,
+                    uart_rts, 
+                    sio_ce,
+                    sio_ce_x4,
+                    data_to_host,
+                    data_to_fleet,
+                    data_to_fleet_read_enable,
+                    data_to_host_write_enable,
+                    data_to_host_full,
+                    data_to_fleet_empty,
+                    break,
+                    break_i);
+   reg [16:0] credits;
+   // fpga -> host
+   always @(posedge clk) begin
+     if (rst_in /* || break */) begin
+       count_in    <= 0;
+       count_out   <= 0;
+       force_reset <= 0;
+       credits      = 0;
+       `reset
+     end else begin
+       `cleanup
+       // fpga -> host
+       data_to_host_write_enable <= 0;
+       if (force_reset == 1) begin
+         force_reset <= 0;
+         data_to_host_write_enable <= 1;
+         credits = 0;
+         count_in  <= 0;
+         count_out <= 0;
+         `reset
+       end else if (force_reset != 0) begin
+         force_reset <= force_reset-1;
+       end else if (count_out==0 && `in_full) begin
+         `drain_in
+         data_to_host_full_word <= in_d;
+         count_out <= 8;
+       end else if (count_out!=0 && !data_to_host_full && !data_to_host_write_enable && credits!=0) begin
+         data_to_host <= { 2'b0, data_to_host_full_word[5:0] };
+         data_to_host_full_word <= (data_to_host_full_word >> 6);
+         data_to_host_write_enable <= 1;
+         count_out <= count_out-1;
+         credits = credits - 1;
+       end
+       // host -> fpga
+       data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 0;
+       if (!data_to_fleet_empty && !data_to_fleet_read_enable) begin
+         // Note: if the switch fabric refuses to accept a new item,
+         // we can get deadlocked in a state where sending a reset
+         // code (2'b11) won't have any effect.  Probably need to go
+         // back to using the break signal.
+           // command 0: data
+         if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b00 && `out_empty) begin
+           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
+           out_d <= { out_d[43:0], data_to_fleet[5:0] };
+           if (count_in==9) begin
+             count_in <= 0;
+             `fill_out
+           end else begin
+             count_in <= count_in+1;
+           end
+           // command 1: flow control credit
+         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b01) begin
+           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
+           credits = credits + data_to_fleet[5:0];
+         // uncommenting this requires changing data_to_host_write_enable
+         // to a blocking assignment, and seems to cause data loss whenever
+         // more than four items are in flight.
+           // command 2: echo
+         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b10 && !data_to_host_full && !data_to_host_write_enable) begin
+           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
+           data_to_host <= data_to_fleet;
+           data_to_host_write_enable = 1;
+           // command 3: reset (and echo back reset code)
+         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b11) begin
+           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
+           data_to_host <= data_to_fleet;
+           force_reset <= 255;
+         end 
+       end
+    end
+  end
+== UCF:ML509 =================================================================
+Net clk_pin LOC=AH15;
+Net clk_pin  PERIOD = 10 ns HIGH 50%;  # 100Mhz
+# 33mhz clock
+#Net clk_pin LOC=AH17;
+#Net clk_pin TNM_NET = clk_pin;
+#TIMESPEC TS_clk_pin = PERIOD clk_pin 30 ns HIGH 50%;  # 33Mhz
+Net rst_pin LOC=E9;
+Net rst_pin PULLUP;
+Net rst_pin TIG;
+#Net uart_cts LOC=G6;
+#Net uart_cts IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
+#Net uart_cts TIG;
+#Net uart_rts LOC=F6;
+#Net uart_rts IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
+#Net uart_rts TIG;
+Net uart_in LOC=AG15;
+#Net uart_in IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
+Net uart_in TIG;
+Net uart_in PULLUP;
+Net uart_out LOC=AG20;
+#Net uart_out IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
+Net uart_out TIG;
+Net uart_out PULLUP;
+== Test ================================================================
+#expect 25
+#ship debug : Debug
+  set word= 25;
+  deliver;
+== Contributors =========================================================
+Adam Megacz <>
diff --git a/ships/Debug.ship.bee2 b/ships/Debug.ship.bee2
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5b2469f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-ship: Debug
-== Ports ===========================================================
-data  in:     in
-dockless out: out
-percolate down:  Clkin_p          1
-percolate down:  Clkin_m          1
-percolate up:    clk_out          1
-percolate inout: D                8
-percolate down:  RDWR_B           1
-percolate down:  CS_B             1
-percolate up:    CCLK             1
-percolate up:    INIT_B           1
-percolate up:    rst_out          1
-percolate down:  rst_in           1
-== Constants ========================================================
-== TeX ==============================================================
-percolate up:   uart_rts    1
-percolate down: uart_cts    1
-This ship is used for debugging.  It has only one port, {\tt in}.
-Programmers should send debug report values to this port.  How such
-values are reported back to the programmer doing the debugging is left
-\subsection*{To Do}
-Provide an {\tt inOp} port and use opcode ports \cite{am25} to
-effectively allow multiple independent ``debug streams''
-Provide a way to programmatically read back the output of the debug
-== Fleeterpreter ====================================================
-public void service() {
-  if (box_in.dataReadyForShip())
-    ((Interpreter)getFleet()).debug(new BitVector(37).set(box_in.removeDataForShip()));
-== FleetSim ==============================================================
-== FPGA ==============================================================
-   wire                        CCLK_int;
-   wire [0:7]                  D_I;
-   wire [0:7]                  D_O;
-   wire [0:7]                  D_T;
-   wire                        User_Rst;
-   wire [7:0] write_data;
-   wire       write_enable;
-   wire       write_full;
-   wire [7:0] read_data;
-   wire       read_empty;
-   wire       read_enable;
-   // IO buffers
-   OBUF obuf_cclk( .I( CCLK_int ),     .O( CCLK )         );
-   IOBUF iobuf_d0( .I( D_O[0] ),    .IO( D[0] ),     .O( D_I[0] ),    .T( D_T[0] )    );
-   IOBUF iobuf_d1( .I( D_O[1] ),    .IO( D[1] ),     .O( D_I[1] ),    .T( D_T[1] )    );
-   IOBUF iobuf_d2( .I( D_O[2] ),    .IO( D[2] ),     .O( D_I[2] ),    .T( D_T[2] )    );
-   IOBUF iobuf_d3( .I( D_O[3] ),    .IO( D[3] ),     .O( D_I[3] ),    .T( D_T[3] )    );
-   IOBUF iobuf_d4( .I( D_O[4] ),    .IO( D[4] ),     .O( D_I[4] ),    .T( D_T[4] )    );
-   IOBUF iobuf_d5( .I( D_O[5] ),    .IO( D[5] ),     .O( D_I[5] ),    .T( D_T[5] )    );
-   IOBUF iobuf_d6( .I( D_O[6] ),    .IO( D[6] ),     .O( D_I[6] ),    .T( D_T[6] )    );
-   IOBUF iobuf_d7( .I( D_O[7] ),    .IO( D[7] ),     .O( D_I[7] ),    .T( D_T[7] )    );
-   // Clock buffer and reset
-   wire clk_fast;
-   wire clk_half;
-   wire clk_fb;
-   IBUFGDS_LVDS_25 diff_usrclk_buf( .I( Clkin_p ),   .IB( Clkin_m ),  .O( clk_fast )  );
-   wire clkdiv0_unbuffered;
-   wire clk0_unbuffered;
-   wire clk0_fb;
-//   BUFG bufg1 (.I(clkdiv0_unbuffered),  .O(clk_out));
-//   BUFG bufg1 (.I(clk_fast),  .O(clk_out));
-//   BUFG bufg1 (.I(clk0_unbuffered),  .O(clk_out));
-   BUFG bufg2 (.I(clk0_unbuffered),     .O(clk0_fb));
-reg foo;
-reg foo2;
-   BUFG bufg1 (.I(foo2),  .O(clk_out));
-always @(posedge clk_fast) begin
-  if (foo)
-    foo2 <= ~foo2;
-  foo <= ~foo;
-   DCM
-    #(
-      .CLKIN_PERIOD          (10.0),
-      .DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE    ("LOW"),
-      .STARTUP_WAIT          ("FALSE")
-     ) ddr2_dcm (
-      .CLKIN     (clk_fast),
-      .CLKFB     (clk0_fb),
-      .CLK0      (clk0_unbuffered),
-      .RST       (User_Rst)
-     );
-//   BUFG GBUF_FOR_MUX_CLOCK (.I(clk_half), .O(clk_out));
-//   BUFG GBUF_FOR_MUX_CLOCK (.I(clk_fast), .O(clk_out));
-   wire [0:3] rstr;
-   FD rstr0( .D( 1'b0 ),         .Q( rstr[0] ),      .C( clk )   );   defparam rstr0.INIT = 1'b1;
-   FD rstr1( .D( rstr[0] ),      .Q( rstr[1] ),      .C( clk )   );   defparam rstr1.INIT = 1'b1;
-   FD rstr2( .D( rstr[1] ),      .Q( rstr[2] ),      .C( clk )   );   defparam rstr2.INIT = 1'b1;
-   FD rstr3( .D( rstr[2] ),      .Q( rstr[3] ),      .C( clk )   );   defparam rstr3.INIT = 1'b1;
-   assign   User_Rst = |rstr;
-   user_fifo test_fifo( 
-                        .WrFifo_Din( write_data ),
-                       .WrFifo_WrEn( write_enable ),
-                       .WrFifo_Full( write_full ),
-                        .WrFifo_WrCnt(  ),
-                       .RdFifo_Dout( read_data ),
-                       .RdFifo_RdEn( read_enable ),
-                       .RdFifo_Empty( read_empty ),
-                        .RdFifo_RdCnt(  ),
-                       .User_Rst( User_Rst ),
-                       .User_Clk( clk ),
-                       .Sys_Rst( User_Rst ),
-                       .Sys_Clk( clk_fast ),
-                       .D_I( D_I ),
-                       .D_O( D_O ),
-                       .D_T( D_T ),                         
-                       .RDWR_B( RDWR_B ),
-                       .CS_B( CS_B ),
-                       .INIT_B( INIT_B ),
-                        .CCLK( CCLK_int )
-                        );
-   wire       data_to_host_full;
-   reg  [7:0] data_to_host;
-   wire       data_to_fleet_empty;
-   wire [7:0] data_to_fleet;
-   reg        data_to_host_write_enable;
-   reg        data_to_fleet_read_enable;
-   assign data_to_fleet = read_data;
-   assign read_enable = data_to_fleet_read_enable;
-   assign write_enable = data_to_host_write_enable;
-   assign write_data = data_to_host;
-   assign data_to_fleet_empty = read_empty;
-   assign data_to_host_full = write_full;
-   initial data_to_fleet_read_enable = 1;
-   initial data_to_host_write_enable = 0;
-   reg  [7:0] force_reset;
-   assign rst_out = User_Rst || (force_reset!=0);
-   /// Common //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   reg send_k;
-   initial send_k = 0;
-   reg [`WORDWIDTH-1:0] data_to_host_full_word;
-   reg [7:0] count_in;
-   reg [7:0] count_out;
-   reg [49:0] out_d;
-   assign out_d_ = out_d;
-   reg [16:0] credits;
-   // fpga -> host
-   always @(posedge clk) begin
-     if (/*rst_in*/User_Rst) begin
-       count_in    <= 0;
-       count_out   <= 0;
-       force_reset <= 0;
-       credits      = 0;
-       `reset
-     end else begin
-       `cleanup
-       // fpga -> host
-       data_to_host_write_enable <= 0;
-       if (force_reset == 1) begin
-         force_reset <= 0;
-         data_to_host_write_enable <= 1;
-         credits = 0;
-         count_in  <= 0;
-         count_out <= 0;
-         `reset
-       end else if (force_reset != 0) begin
-         force_reset <= force_reset-1;
-       end else if (count_out==0 && `in_full) begin
-         `drain_in
-         data_to_host_full_word <= in_d;
-         count_out <= 8;
-       end else if (count_out!=0 && !data_to_host_full && !data_to_host_write_enable && credits!=0) begin
-         data_to_host <= { 2'b0, data_to_host_full_word[5:0] };
-         data_to_host_full_word <= (data_to_host_full_word >> 6);
-         data_to_host_write_enable <= 1;
-         count_out <= count_out-1;
-         credits = credits - 1;
-       end
-       // host -> fpga
-       data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 0;
-       if (!data_to_fleet_empty && !data_to_fleet_read_enable) begin
-         // Note: if the switch fabric refuses to accept a new item,
-         // we can get deadlocked in a state where sending a reset
-         // code (2'b11) won't have any effect.  Probably need to go
-         // back to using the break signal.
-           // command 0: data
-         if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b00 && `out_empty) begin
-           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
-           out_d <= { out_d[43:0], data_to_fleet[5:0] };
-           if (count_in==9) begin
-             count_in <= 0;
-             `fill_out
-           end else begin
-             count_in <= count_in+1;
-           end
-           // command 1: flow control credit
-         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b01) begin
-           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
-           credits = credits + data_to_fleet[5:0];
-           // command 3: reset (and echo back reset code)
-         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b11) begin
-           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
-           data_to_host <= data_to_fleet;
-           force_reset <= 255;
-         end 
-       end
-    end
-  end
-== UCF =================================================================
-## System clock pins
-NET Clkin_p            LOC = AP21 | IOSTANDARD = LVDS_25;
-NET Clkin_m            LOC = AN21 | IOSTANDARD = LVDS_25;
-NET rst_in              LOC = H4   | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
-NET clk_out             PERIOD=50MHz;
-//NET clk_out             PERIOD=100MHz;
-//NET clk_fast            PERIOD=100MHz;
-NET Clkin_p             PERIOD=100MHz;
-NET Clkin_m             PERIOD=100MHz;
-## SelectMAP interface pins
-NET D<0>               LOC = AU9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET D<1>               LOC = AV9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET D<2>               LOC = AY9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET D<3>               LOC = AW9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET D<4>               LOC = AW34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET D<5>               LOC = AY34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET D<6>               LOC = AV34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET D<7>               LOC = AU34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET RDWR_B             LOC = AR34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET CS_B               LOC = AT34 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET INIT_B             LOC = AR9  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-NET CCLK                LOC = C14  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
-#Net rst_pin LOC=E9;
-#Net rst_pin PULLUP;
-#Net rst_pin TIG;
-== Test ================================================================
-#expect 25
-#ship debug : Debug
-  set word= 25;
-  deliver;
-== Contributors =========================================================
-Adam Megacz <>
diff --git a/ships/Debug.ship.ml509 b/ships/Debug.ship.ml509
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0ae72bb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-ship: Debug
-== Ports ===========================================================
-data  in:     in
-dockless out: out
-percolate down: uart_in     1
-percolate up:   uart_out    1
-percolate up:   rst_out     1
-percolate down: rst_in      1
-percolate down: clk_pin     1
-percolate up:   clk_out     1
-== Constants ========================================================
-== TeX ==============================================================
-percolate up:   uart_rts    1
-percolate down: uart_cts    1
-This ship is used for debugging.  It has only one port, {\tt in}.
-Programmers should send debug report values to this port.  How such
-values are reported back to the programmer doing the debugging is left
-\subsection*{To Do}
-Provide an {\tt inOp} port and use opcode ports \cite{am25} to
-effectively allow multiple independent ``debug streams''
-Provide a way to programmatically read back the output of the debug
-== Fleeterpreter ====================================================
-public void service() {
-  if (box_in.dataReadyForShip())
-    ((Interpreter)getFleet()).debug(new BitVector(37).set(box_in.removeDataForShip()));
-== FleetSim ==============================================================
-== FPGA ==============================================================
-  wire break_i;
-  reg send_k;
-  initial send_k = 0;
-  reg [`WORDWIDTH-1:0] data_to_host_full_word;
-  reg [7:0] count_in;
-  reg [7:0] count_out;
-  reg [49:0] out_d;
-  assign out_d_ = out_d;
-  wire       data_to_host_full;
-  reg  [7:0] data_to_host;
-  wire       data_to_fleet_empty;
-  wire [7:0] data_to_fleet;
-  reg        data_to_host_write_enable;
-  reg        data_to_fleet_read_enable;
-  reg  [7:0] force_reset;
-  assign clk_out = clk_pin;
-  wire sio_ce;
-  wire sio_ce_x4;
-  wire break;
-  wire uart_cts;
-  assign uart_cts = 0;
-  assign rst_out = rst_in || (force_reset!=0) /* || break */;
-  // fst=3 means clock divider is 3+2=5 for a 50Mhz clock => 10Mhz
-  // using a 33Mhz clock,
-  //   33.333Mhz / 38400hz * 4 = 217.013 => 215+2,1 => 215,1
-  // using a 100Mhz clock,
-  //   100Mhz / 38400hz * 4 = 651.039 => 215+2,3 => 215,3
-  // using a 100Mhz clock, 115200baud
-  //   100Mhz / 115200hz * 4 = 217.013 => 215+2,1 => 215,1
-//  sasc_brg sasc_brg(clk, !rst_in, 215, 3, sio_ce, sio_ce_x4);
-  sasc_brg sasc_brg(clk, !rst_in, 215, 1, sio_ce, sio_ce_x4);
-  sasc_top sasc_top(clk, !rst_in,
-                    uart_in,
-                    uart_out,
-                    uart_cts,
-                    uart_rts, 
-                    sio_ce,
-                    sio_ce_x4,
-                    data_to_host,
-                    data_to_fleet,
-                    data_to_fleet_read_enable,
-                    data_to_host_write_enable,
-                    data_to_host_full,
-                    data_to_fleet_empty,
-                    break,
-                    break_i);
-   reg [16:0] credits;
-   // fpga -> host
-   always @(posedge clk) begin
-     if (rst_in /* || break */) begin
-       count_in    <= 0;
-       count_out   <= 0;
-       force_reset <= 0;
-       credits      = 0;
-       `reset
-     end else begin
-       `cleanup
-       // fpga -> host
-       data_to_host_write_enable <= 0;
-       if (force_reset == 1) begin
-         force_reset <= 0;
-         data_to_host_write_enable <= 1;
-         credits = 0;
-         count_in  <= 0;
-         count_out <= 0;
-         `reset
-       end else if (force_reset != 0) begin
-         force_reset <= force_reset-1;
-       end else if (count_out==0 && `in_full) begin
-         `drain_in
-         data_to_host_full_word <= in_d;
-         count_out <= 8;
-       end else if (count_out!=0 && !data_to_host_full && !data_to_host_write_enable && credits!=0) begin
-         data_to_host <= { 2'b0, data_to_host_full_word[5:0] };
-         data_to_host_full_word <= (data_to_host_full_word >> 6);
-         data_to_host_write_enable <= 1;
-         count_out <= count_out-1;
-         credits = credits - 1;
-       end
-       // host -> fpga
-       data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 0;
-       if (!data_to_fleet_empty && !data_to_fleet_read_enable) begin
-         // Note: if the switch fabric refuses to accept a new item,
-         // we can get deadlocked in a state where sending a reset
-         // code (2'b11) won't have any effect.  Probably need to go
-         // back to using the break signal.
-           // command 0: data
-         if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b00 && `out_empty) begin
-           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
-           out_d <= { out_d[43:0], data_to_fleet[5:0] };
-           if (count_in==9) begin
-             count_in <= 0;
-             `fill_out
-           end else begin
-             count_in <= count_in+1;
-           end
-           // command 1: flow control credit
-         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b01) begin
-           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
-           credits = credits + data_to_fleet[5:0];
-         // uncommenting this requires changing data_to_host_write_enable
-         // to a blocking assignment, and seems to cause data loss whenever
-         // more than four items are in flight.
-           // command 2: echo
-         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b10 && !data_to_host_full && !data_to_host_write_enable) begin
-           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
-           data_to_host <= data_to_fleet;
-           data_to_host_write_enable = 1;
-           // command 3: reset (and echo back reset code)
-         end else if (data_to_fleet[7:6] == 2'b11) begin
-           data_to_fleet_read_enable <= 1;
-           data_to_host <= data_to_fleet;
-           force_reset <= 255;
-         end 
-       end
-    end
-  end
-== UCF =================================================================
-Net clk_pin LOC=AH15;
-Net clk_pin  PERIOD = 10 ns HIGH 50%;  # 100Mhz
-# 33mhz clock
-#Net clk_pin LOC=AH17;
-#Net clk_pin TNM_NET = clk_pin;
-#TIMESPEC TS_clk_pin = PERIOD clk_pin 30 ns HIGH 50%;  # 33Mhz
-Net rst_pin LOC=E9;
-Net rst_pin PULLUP;
-Net rst_pin TIG;
-#Net uart_cts LOC=G6;
-#Net uart_cts IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
-#Net uart_cts TIG;
-#Net uart_rts LOC=F6;
-#Net uart_rts IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
-#Net uart_rts TIG;
-Net uart_in LOC=AG15;
-#Net uart_in IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
-Net uart_in TIG;
-Net uart_in PULLUP;
-Net uart_out LOC=AG20;
-#Net uart_out IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
-Net uart_out TIG;
-Net uart_out PULLUP;
-== Test ================================================================
-#expect 25
-#ship debug : Debug
-  set word= 25;
-  deliver;
-== Contributors =========================================================
-Adam Megacz <>